Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > Latex styling abroad: how to approach designers?


Estefania Silva

Posts: 17

Lisbon, Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Portugal

Although it might seem easy for most to find a latex designer in your country, Portugal has seen none in quite some years.

During quite some time I just bought latex pieces from designers, used it and then sold it second hand. I lost a great amount of money doing this: from crazy shipping costs to having to sell the outfits for half the price, I saw myself loosing around 80 to 100 dollars per outfit.

As I don't use the same outfit twice so I was thinking: what other options do I have?

Any advices?

Thank you!

Mar 06 15 11:10 am Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3896

Germantown, Maryland, US

As a photographer, I can use the same pieces 2 or 3 times with different models, and different accessories. Then I typically sell  on MM Marketplace or I've had good luck here:

hope this helps you .

Mar 06 15 03:29 pm Link