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Forums > General Industry > Why do some photographers insist on no escorts???


Addie Juniper

Posts: 147

Atlanta, Georgia, US

This account is closed.

Feb 02 06 12:38 am Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Nope, can't explain it. Both times my models brought an escort, it went off without a hitch, and sometimes they even helped.

I can see it not working in some cases, but for the most part, I think some photographers have a bigger ego than is needed.

Just don't book with them. They aren't the only ones around.

Feb 02 06 12:42 am Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

It is kind of a hard place to be. I always let the models bring escorts but sometimes they are a distraction. The best shoots are the second and third and fourth on so on. When it is just me and the model they actually prefer to be alone with me and I like it that way as well. It seems like we get a better flow going and we learn each other better and somehow we just work better that way. It is all about trust I guess.

Feb 02 06 12:42 am Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

Because some escorts can be/are real jerks! I will not tell someone no escorts allowed. However, I do let them know the escort is not to interfere or the session is over. They will be expected to help hold lights and reflectors as needed and be a "gopher" in general...

Feb 02 06 12:43 am Link


Rick Edwards

Posts: 6185

Wilmington, Delaware, US

If they won't let you bring a chaperone and you don't feel comfortable without one, move on, you'll find photographers who don't mind.  I figure if the model feels comfortable, the shoot will go better.  I've had moms, husbands, boyfriend, girlfriends (for guys and girls), and I've never had an issue.

Feb 02 06 12:43 am Link


Justin Huang

Posts: 1308

Irvine, California, US

Ya, I definitely wouldn't go unenscorted if I was a female model.  It's just too risky.  Don't be discouraged by photographers who are turning you down for things like that.


Feb 02 06 12:44 am Link


Naomi Vida

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

You should always be able to bring an escort on the first shoot with a photographer if you don't know them ahead of time. If they don't I wouldn't work with them.

Feb 02 06 12:45 am Link


Naomi Vida

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

You should always be able to bring an escort on the first shoot with a photographer if you don't know them ahead of time. If they don't I wouldn't work with them.

Feb 02 06 12:45 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

models and escorts. 50/50 split i certainly allow it on my shoots, but 50 percent of the time escort is either looney tunes or a major distraction, if that turns out to be the case i reshoot the same model after the 1st shoot without the escort and put it down to running costs.

Feb 02 06 12:46 am Link


Addie Juniper

Posts: 147

Atlanta, Georgia, US

This account is closed.

Feb 02 06 12:52 am Link


Adam Chilson

Posts: 350

Hesperia, California, US

I actually encourage models to bring someone they feel comfortable with, especially on first time shoots. Never had an issue with escorts/companions. Generally makes things more relaxed, and I often draft escorts into helping out smile

Feb 02 06 12:55 am Link


luke walker

Posts: 12

Binghamton, New York, US

i don't really visit this site all that much, once in a while, and only have a couple posts.... but came on here and this post caught my eye and i had to respond.

i never understood what "models" are referring too when they say they need an escort.  if it ever happens to me, which it has twice, i knew it wasnt the type of person i was interested in working with.  i mean why would she need to be fearful or fear for her safety?  should she bring an escort to jiffy lube?  how about to get her taxes done?  what is that all about?  that kind of thinking is the scary thing to me.

when i do work with models its usually from an agency, and they arent bringing escorts.  however i realize a lot of people are on this site just to get some free photos and take a shot at a dream, which i think is great, however if you really feel that a photo studio is so sketchy that you have to be fearful going into it.... then why the heck are you even talking with them in the first place? 

shell out a couple bills and go to a place where you aren't fearful of..... whatever it is your fearful of and need "protection" from.

Feb 02 06 12:56 am Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Addie Juniper wrote:
I'm sick of having to turn down shoot offers due to some photographers not allowing me to bring someone. I simply don't go to shoots alone. It's not safe.  They say my escort will be a "distraction", but he's not. He just sits and reads a book and is there for my safety. Some say it "gets in the way of their art" or fear that my escort will "try to be the director". These are all very annoying claims! Can someone explain to me why photographers insist on being alone with me?

the only problems we've had, over the years, have been with "escorts."

Sometimes, even, it's a liability thing.

But, the only time we've ever had to call the police, or have someone forcibly evicted, was with the escorts.

aka Bodyartist

Feb 02 06 12:57 am Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

I've never had a problem with an escort, and sometimes actually encourage models to bring one on a first shoot.  But then I'm pretty self-confident and it's unusual for people to give me grief, at a photo shoot or in life in general.  Some photographers haven't been that lucky, and it's true that with young boyfriends there is always the risk of jealousy related drama.  Still, while I prefer that models bring a friend, sometimes you've got to take whoever is willing to go, I understand that.

That said, there are several reasons some photographers say no escorts.  Some are more valid than others:

1.  They're accustomed to commercial shoots where sets are already crowded with mua's, stylists, assistants, art directors, etc., and where escorts really aren't  welcome... but that's the real world, not the web model world;

2.  They're control freaks;

3.  They've had an escort steal or break something in the past;

4.  They're easily distracted;

5.  They're afraid it will be harder to talk you out of your clothes if you have backup (not true, several times in my shoots it's been the escorts idea to get naked)

I'm probably forgetting a few, but that's a range of possibilities to start.  Like I said, I don't really understand it because it's just never been a problem.

Feb 02 06 12:58 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Addie Juniper wrote:
well there is a guy who wants to consider me for an erotic photography book. his 1st one was a phenomenon and he could make me famous and it would be a wonderful thing. but he wont let my escort ever be there for the shoot. it sucks having to turn that down.

I’d have to say that would be a huge warning flag in my book.

I recommend you not shoot with them as well as mention to all the local models you know that this photographer wouldn’t let you be escorted to your shoot with him.

Why should you sacrifice your feeling of safety for 15 minutes of fame?

This sounds a lot like the bullies that try and tell the models after she’s there that it is a topless shoot and try to make them take it off.
Tell your friends and ask them to tell others, it’s giving the good photographers a bad name.

Feb 02 06 12:59 am Link


Open Mind Media

Posts: 2

Los Angeles, California, US

It's a valid question.  You can't imagine, though, how bad some escorts are.  And although in your case you say your escort is fine, the models who bring terrible escorts also tell photographers that their escort will be 'fine'.

There really are escorts who talk incessantly through a shoot, or keep making 'suggestions', or distract the model, or leer at the additional models, or ask the photographer questions when the photographer's trying to direct the models, or the escort helps the model drag her cigarette break out to 20 minutes... Etc etc

Photographers who say "no escorts" are usually people who had horrific experiences with previous escorts until finally they decided they would never trust a model again.

But I still agree with others here who say, if someone won't let you bring an escort, don't go.


P.S. I've had some shoots where escorts were terrible, but I still allow escorts anyway, since it's more important to have an industry where models feel they can bring escorts.  A few frustrating shoots is the price I'll pay.

Feb 02 06 12:59 am Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Addie Juniper wrote:
well there is a guy who wants to consider me for an erotic photography book. his 1st one was a phenomenon and he could make me famous and it would be a wonderful thing. but he wont let my escort ever be there for the shoot. it sucks having to turn that down.

If you feel so strongly you need an escort, why are you modeling?

Just a serious, honest, and up front question.

But, it's also your choice.  The photographer has made his, or hers, and you need to respect *their* working preferences and environment as well.

aka Bodyartist

Feb 02 06 12:59 am Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

I’d have to say that would be a huge warning flag in my book.

I recommend you not shoot with them as well as mention to all the local models you know that this photographer wouldn’t let you be escorted to your shoot with him.

Why should you sacrifice your feeling of safety for 15 minutes of fame?

This sounds a lot like the bullies that try and tell the models after she’s there that it is a topless shoot and try to make them take it off.
Tell your friends and ask them to tell others, it’s giving the good photographers a bad name.

Why do people say things like this?

You don't criticize a model who has to bring an escort, and increase the number of people at a shoot, or perhaps bring someone who is not approrpriate -- OR who makes other models feel uncomfortable.

Those are the ground rules for the shoot.  If you don't like them, don't play, but to call the photographer name, and try to soil their reputation is uncalled for, and perhaps even illegal. 

It's your choice which assignments to take or not.  The OP seems to want the photographer to make an exception for them.  The photographer is obviously successful, published, and that is why the OP wants to work with them.  It seems this OP is trying to manipulate the system for her own ends.

There are two sides to everything.  This is not an "unknown" photographer, or some come on. 

aka Bodyartist

Feb 02 06 01:04 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

I shoot mayby 50% of the time in a crowed club in Seattle and am used to people standing around. I can shoot under almost any conditions and enjoy it.

There are five or so images in my portfolio were shot at that club with people watching, go look at Vienna Le Rouge in the blue and white outfits. Those were shot about two months apart.

Feb 02 06 01:04 am Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Addie Juniper wrote:
well there is a guy who wants to consider me for an erotic photography book. his 1st one was a phenomenon and he could make me famous and it would be a wonderful thing. but he wont let my escort ever be there for the shoot. it sucks having to turn that down.

Hrm does his profile read like this:

"I am now looking for new models for my next major erotic book projects. I prefer models who have never or rarely been photographed nude who are interested in discovering & seeing their eroticism in elegant photographs."

Feb 02 06 01:04 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Bodyartist wrote:

  Why do people say things like this?

You don't criticize a model who has to bring an escort, and increase the number of people at a shoot, or perhaps bring someone who is not approrpriate -- OR who makes other models feel uncomfortable.

aka Bodyartist

Where did I criticize?

Feb 02 06 01:06 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

They are extraneous to the process.

If you dont want to be alone with the photographer- dont- hire a MUA/ Hair/ Wardrobe.

If you dont know the photographer or dont trust him/her- do your homework, check refs, meet ahead of time

So- there is really no upside to having one there other than your comfort level.

Now lets look at the downside:

People act differently around escorts, especially loved ones.  You are in your safety net- so you aren't willing to to trust the photographer's vision/ coaching/ direction.  Models have a tendency to look at their escorts between snaps- even if just for subconscious approval.  Escorts can be a distraction- ask questions/ make noise/ start directing/ etc.  Photographers need to build up a repoir with their model in a shoot- having an escort that can inhibit that process.  One of the things that makes an image special is expression- its pure magic.  It doesnt come from a fake pose 2 seconds after your looking away to see what your escort is doing.  It comes from the give and take, repoir, and trust between photographer and subject.  Anything else is a lucky shot.

So- for me- the downside outweighs the upside.

So- my policy- if I am in any way paying: my time, my mua, my ideas, etc- NO- No escorts.  I wont risk my time on a bad bet.  Only 2 of the escort bringing models have made it to my port- the rest- have all been a waste.

If the model is paying for the shoot- I will give her my advice and explain why.  If she or he still chooses to have an escort there- its fine with me.


Feb 02 06 01:07 am Link


Eric Foltz

Posts: 432

Lake Forest, California, US

I've never not allowed an escort, but I have a had some pretty disruptive ones.

Usually the biggest issue is when it is someone that simply inhibits the model from letting go and really modeling because she is embarrassed in front of the person.

The really interesting thing to me is that all of the models that have wanted me to shoot nudes or glamour stuff have always shown up alone.

Eric Foltz

Feb 02 06 01:14 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Ford Escort?

Feb 02 06 01:14 am Link



Posts: 121

Tampa, Florida, US

Model and photographer should communicate prior to shoot. Discuss what will be done at shoot and how. Know what wardrobe to bring unless you are a top model who has a full crew to assist him/her. BTW if you are a top of the line photographer you will have  MUA,hairdresser, wardrobe person, assistants etc. on location or studio so if you do not want a escort on set,  intentions must not be kosher. Models if you get bad vibes from photographer cancel your shoot cause you will be wasting your time and photographers. Both indiviuals must feel comfortable with each other.

Feb 02 06 01:14 am Link


Naomi Vida

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

I've never had a problem bringing an escort, they've always stayed out of the way of the photographer. Also I think it helps to have someone there that you are comfortable with. It will show in the photographs if you are comfortable or not.

Feb 02 06 01:17 am Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Because they are affraid of your tattooed boyfriend who can bench press a house jumping them while you steel their equipment and car and that all their family will find is their naked, dead body by the road with a hot-pink pump sticking out of their skull.

That, and unprofessionalism.

Some escorts are scarier than photographers.

Feb 02 06 01:17 am Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I never allow escort at my shoots #1 reason is because everyone involved is working. My shoots are 4-5 hour which includes hair and make-up. I need the model to be at her best and if she feels she needs a escort for protection then we should not be working together. I have had many ppl ask to be in studio when I am shooting but in reality if you don't need to be here then you won't. I have several other reasons but I'll stick to this one.

BTW it is foolish to pass up the chance to work with a good well known photographer because you can't bring an escort.

Feb 02 06 01:18 am Link


Rick Reynolds

Posts: 73

Los Angeles, California, US

It really just depends on the escort.  I have no problem on having an escort except when he or she begins to interfere with some of my direction.  I have a few assistants as it stands most of the time so I dont think that Models feel uncomfortable.  Sometimes I think that some models feel as though it is going to bring them calm knowing that someone is there for their protection,  I feel that the rhythem between client and photographer is of the upmost important especially when he or she is spending their money to recieve their product.  The Key to the relationship is Professionalism on both sides.  I keep someone around just in case of sticky fingers......It works both way...I've had a few cases where I wish that someone was there to witness the behavior of some of my clients(:

Feb 02 06 01:18 am Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

David Moyle wrote:
Because they are affraid of your tattooed boyfriend who can bench press a house jumping them while you steel their equipment and car and that all their family will find is their naked, dead body by the road with a hot-pink pump sticking out of their skull.

That, and unprofessionalism.

Some escorts are scarier than photographers.


Someone *NEEDED* to say that!

Thank you.

aka Bodyartist
(staying out of the direct fire for once)

Feb 02 06 01:21 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

The first time I photograph a model, I ask her to bring an escort. It relaxes a model not worrying about safety.

After we work together it is no longer necessary.

Bossy Moms and jealous boyfriends are a problem: hint bring your gay friend!

Feb 02 06 01:22 am Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I've always allowed friends to come with the model and have only had one time where the model seemed to concerned about what the friend thought than concentrating on the shoot it's self.

Feb 02 06 01:23 am Link


Naomi Vida

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

It is different when working with a well known photographer of course who has many references. But shooting with someone you are not completely familiar with, especially off of a modeling site could be dangerous without an escort.

Feb 02 06 01:24 am Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Naomi Nekro wrote:
It is different when working with a well known photographer of course who has many references. But shooting with someone you are not completely familiar with, especially off of a modeling site could be dangerous without an escort.

then don't work with the "web based photographers". Plenty of photographer that do fine art fashion, commercial in ever city. Just open your yellow pages and start shooting ( and paying for their time )

models have asked me for references but that is information I refuse to give out ie e-mail address, phone #  etc....

Feb 02 06 01:28 am Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Hmm I always allow models I shoot to bring an escort. I even encourage them to do so, but every model I have shot comes alone anyways. Guess because Im a female they feel I'm ok and safe. WHich is true lol
but i usually have a make up artist and hair stylist tere to. So its just not me and model.

However, there are ways around that if a photographer insists on not letting you have an escort around which are:

1. You can get a few references from previous models he's shot with.
2. Meet the photographer before the shoot say at a coffee joint or something for a quick pre meet.

That way you can get a good or bad vibe before shooting.
If neither of those can be provided then something is definately fishy and it's not in your best interest to go shoot with this person.

Feb 02 06 01:29 am Link


Rick Reynolds

Posts: 73

Los Angeles, California, US

Doe's this apply to Male Models and Female Photographer?.....Hmmm I think that a Female photographer might find it somewhat awkward to shoot her male subject with A unfamiliar Wondering Female running about in her studio.  If this job is that threatning just Call 911, Im sure the Man in Blue would love to come and sit in on one of your photoshoots......Stay away from unlisted business's that your find threatning.....

Feb 02 06 01:29 am Link


Naomi Vida

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US


then don't work with the "web based photographers". Plenty of photographer that do fine art fashion, commercial in ever city. Just open your yellow pages and start shooting ( and paying for their time )

i'm not sure about her, but i know i don't shoot fine art, fashion, or commerical.

Feb 02 06 01:29 am Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

If the shoot will be a major production and there will be a team of people doing all kinds of things then they say "no escorts" to keep the number of people down.

If it's just you and the photographer then I have no explanation... I have nothing to hide so I welcome all chaperones/escorts.

Addie Juniper wrote:
I'm sick of having to turn down shoot offers due to some photographers not allowing me to bring someone. I simply don't go to shoots alone. It's not safe.  They say my escort will be a "distraction", but he's not. He just sits and reads a book and is there for my safety. Some say it "gets in the way of their art" or fear that my escort will "try to be the director". These are all very annoying claims! Can someone explain to me why photographers insist on being alone with me?

Feb 02 06 01:33 am Link


Addie Juniper

Posts: 147

Atlanta, Georgia, US

This account is closed.

Feb 02 06 01:39 am Link


Addie Juniper

Posts: 147

Atlanta, Georgia, US

This account is closed.

Feb 02 06 01:44 am Link