Forums > Model Colloquy > Pregnant Models and Their Physical Problems


Angie Anarchy

Posts: 75

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

I was hoping to come across some other models who are pregnant or who have been in the past. Basically, I just wanted to discuss some issues, like what to do about stretch marks, sagging breasts, etc.
You know...all the not-so-great things about motherhood, especially when you're a model.
I'd love to hear some feedback on this.

Lillith De'Sire

Nov 08 05 07:27 pm Link


No name

Posts: 116

Chicago, Illinois, US

Well, let me offer a ray of sunshine and hope here : )  Pregnancy (2x's) made my bod even better than before I had babies!!!!!!!!!!  Finally I have curves and my bone structure changed slightly and I feel far more womanly than ever before. Sure, stretch marks and sagging boobs are a real fear but honestly, giving birth to your wonderful miracle and any "war-wounds" you end up with are SO WORTH it!  Everything's fixable my can shed the pounds, you can have the stretch marks lasered (if you desire) and you can have your breasts repaired to their pre-baby state if it bothers you that much.  I was lucky to dodge the stretch marks (it's hereditary) and I breastfed both babies which helped burn calories and the baby weight melted off!  Embrace this amazing phase of your life!  Take time to pamper yourself and be a queen!  This is an amazing journey....spiritually, physically and emotionally. I wish you the best these 9 months have to offer. Don't beat youself up over "what could happen"....just take care of YOU and thoroughly enjoy this magical time!

Best of luck to you and congratulations!

btw, I was a mother before I became a model.


Nov 08 05 07:42 pm Link


Angie Anarchy

Posts: 75

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Thanks a bunch!
Yeah, even if my body goes all to pieces its no big deal as long as i have my precious baby. I'm just worried because I was a curvy girl before the pregnancy. I guess I'm just paranoid because of all the "you'll never model again!" crap I've been told.

Nov 08 05 09:43 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Lillith DeSire wrote:
Thanks a bunch!
Yeah, even if my body goes all to pieces its no big deal as long as i have my precious baby. I'm just worried because I was a curvy girl before the pregnancy. I guess I'm just paranoid because of all the "you'll never model again!" crap I've been told.

Key word "crap"
I've worked with models who, if they hadn't told me themselves, I would have never considered as mothers because of their bodies.  I hope I am as lucky as they are, but as stated by a model, it is all about treasuring the moment.  Congratulations!

Nov 08 05 10:14 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

I was lucky. I lost the 25 pounds I gained less than 2 months after birth. I started modeling again around that time. I now have more curves and I have been told I look better than ever. I didnt have stretch marks or sagging boobs. None of that. I had the postives of it. Like I said I am lucky.

I documented my pregnancy month by month. Some of it is some of my best work. Bask in its glory because the "little person" is worth all 9 months of carrying him/her. smile

Nov 08 05 10:28 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

JenniferMaria wrote:

Key word "crap"
I've worked with models who, if they hadn't told me themselves, I would have never considered as mothers because of their bodies.  I hope I am as lucky as they are, but as stated by a model, it is all about treasuring the moment.  Congratulations!

Yep what he said.

Nov 08 05 10:30 pm Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

I swear by the cocoa butter...not a single stretch mark....A few extra curves- but My daughter is now 2 and I wouldn't change it for the world-

Nov 09 05 03:54 pm Link