

Posts: 7

Irvine, California, US

So whats everyones secret to their super flat stomach. I work out and eat well, but I'm still not as tone as I would like to be. Its really stressful.

May 31 05 05:16 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Sorry but due to the title I thought it was due.

I use the Catholic saint diet. 

What is that you ask?

You say you want to lose ten pounds of fat. 

Well,  cut off your head.

(I said a different version of this and started a riot in my high school.  It is a joke.)

May 31 05 06:12 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

i think you need to show us and let the group decided what you should do...

May 31 05 07:05 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

There is this amazing new thing called the 'Photoshop diet'.

May 31 05 08:23 pm Link



Posts: 189

Chicago, Illinois, US

lmao, the photoshop diet cracks me up. I was looking thru this one models port the other day and she showed me this one pics she "fixed" on ps took like 6 inches off her waist. I think its like false advertisement. I have a little belly, i leave it in my pics lol

Jun 01 05 02:12 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Jenni: 
lmao, the photoshop diet cracks me up. I was looking thru this one models port the other day and she showed me this one pics she "fixed" on ps took like 6 inches off her waist. I think its like false advertisement. I have a little belly, i leave it in my pics lol

"Net Managers" are guilty of this as well...

Jun 01 05 02:25 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Dara: 
So whats everyones secret to their super flat stomach. I work out and eat well, but I'm still not as tone as I would like to be. Its really stressful. 

A lot of models have some "trouble spots"  they learn to pose in the most becoming ways that they can... Glamour models are guilty (or just skilled?) at this.  Naturally big breasted women tend to be thicker in the middle (not all of them - but a lot of them) and they do the same.

Viewing your photos, you don't look fat....

Jun 01 05 02:32 pm Link



Posts: 8

Schenectady, New York, US

Yeah I really wanna go on a so hard w/ school b/c they dont have the foods there required for diets, etc..anyone know of any good diets?

Jun 01 05 03:57 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

I have been cultivating my ONE ab for years. Some people have a six pack, I have a keg.

Jun 01 05 04:03 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Get one of these:

You will never feel pain and get results without one..

Jun 01 05 11:19 pm Link


Tarney Halle

Posts: 25

Los Angeles, California, US

Im soooo going to keep reading this thread, i want to know how everyone stays so thin.  I struggle because i socialise alot which involves drinking alot and hungover eating habits.  I started a diet two days ago, i feel like ive been starving myself for a month, im so pathetic, i love food, is like a drug, its such a bad habit for me.  ANyways, i just never know what diet to go on, theres so many, and i dont want to spend a couple of weeks on a diet that dosent work, ill still to  a diet if i know the dam thing is gonna make me lose my belly and butt. SO come on girls let us know what diets you go on and if they work : )

Jun 01 05 11:27 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Heroin works....

I mean. Eat a well-balanced meal and exercise. Yeah.

Jun 02 05 02:22 am Link



Posts: 7

Irvine, California, US

ok so this makes me feel sounds like a lot of people share my frustration...Its just so hard to eat right when you go to school...lately Ive been really tryng not to eat anything past that so hard..

Jun 02 05 10:41 am Link


Lesley Brown

Posts: 172

Marfa, Texas, US

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
Get one of these:

You will never feel pain and get results without one..

these work great!

Core Secrets is a great program.

Jun 02 05 11:04 am Link



Posts: 189

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by theda: 
Heroin works....

I mean. Eat a well-balanced meal and exercise. Yeah.

lmao, they dont call it heroine chic for nothin. lol. most of these girls are stick thin already, thats the only way they can get any thinner

Jun 02 05 11:56 am Link


lllll lllll

Posts: 39

I'm a personal trainer and I love helping people with abs.  Your stats suggest you are already pretty thin but I don't know your fitness level so I'll just be general...

Increase the intensity of your cardio to burn whatever fat you may have. People can have super toned ab muscles and you still can't see them because they have a small layer of fat over them. Do ab workouts at least twice a week (I would suggest three but two is okay if you do them really well), but never two days in a row to give muscles time to rest and repair.  Go to a bookstore and find a good book or serious fitness magazines that show ab different exercises - from beginner to advanced.  When you work out your abs, do them very slow and controlled focusing hard on proper form.  It is definitely quality over quantity and you don't need to do 500 a day to get super toned, but you need to do them until your muscles are fatigued.  You need to challenge them to grow.  Using a balance ball is helpful for some people but you can just use the floor or standing too.  Do what is comfortable to you personally.  Weight training other parts of your body, from chest to back to shoulders to legs, etc...all help you build a strong core too because they are involved with all exercises when you need to hold your body still. 

So basically, it is all about combining cardio and weight training...and eating right.  Eating "clean" is very important for a tight lots of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean protein.  Avoid processed/packaged foods and salty foods with cause bloating, and drink a TON of water every day.  I drink about a gallon but at least 8 glasses a day is more reasonable for most people.  When you drink a lot of water, you do feel more full than if you don't and you avoid eating food when you're not actually hungry, and water helps the rest of your body in so many ways too.  Eating a bunch of small meals throughout the day is much better at keeping a fast metabolism and keeping hunger at bay than just eating a few BIG meals.  There really are no secret diets or magic to great fitness - its all about an everyday lifestyle of eating right and exercising.
I go to school too and I know it can be very hard sometimes but you just have to keep your goals in mind.  If you are already eating right and exercising, you are already on the right track and just need to adjust your program to fit your body's needs more specifically. 

Jun 02 05 11:58 am Link


Aurora Bellare

Posts: 61

Newport News, Virginia, US

I'm not thin, but I'm not fat either.  I lost a LOT of weight after having a laparoscopy (surgery), and still losing weight after I weaned myself of meat.  Red meat wasn't hard, the sight of it makes me sick =\.  Since going vegetarian I've felt a lot better, and working a job that requires a good amount of moving around and lifting heavy doggies into a tub has helped with the weight loss.

I do highly reccomend bellydancing, it's fun and works the stomach and hips pretty well, in my experience.  Yoga too is great, it makes you more flexible smile

Jun 02 05 12:14 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 257

New York, New York, US

I was told abs are the only muscle you can work out everyday???

I find eating less dairy and carbs two days before a shoot helps "the bloat".

Jun 02 05 12:18 pm Link


lllll lllll

Posts: 39


I've heard people say that too but it isn't correct, abs should not be worked out everyday because they are muscles just like any other on the body.  They are made up of the same thing as muscles everywhere else, and all muscles need to rest and repair themselves after being worked hard.

If someone is working abs out everyday, then are not training them as hard as they should be in the first place.  (My personal feeling is that muscles should be relatively sore after working them out, and you shouldn't even be able to work them out the next day if you wanted to.)  I know people who do abs every day - like 100 before they go to bed or something - but it is totally unnecessary.  You can get the same results (and better) with a few times a week.  And for people who want to really develop them (to like super-defined 6 packs), doing it everyday will actually hinder their growth. :-)

I don't eat any dairy at all - I agree that it bloats big time and I generally find it unappealing in the first place!

Jun 02 05 01:01 pm Link



Posts: 189

Chicago, Illinois, US

I thought you only get bloated from dairy if youre lactose intollerant

Jun 02 05 02:12 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

I want to know if lots of sex helps...

Is it truly the best workout you can have???

Well let me clarify - good sex... not the 5 minute stuff.

Jun 02 05 02:21 pm Link


Simply Sonya

Posts: 78

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Great info Maria Cristina!  Thanks for that b/c that is exactly what I've been reading in a lot of books.  I am FINALLY starting to see my abs get some definition.  But one good point is to remember all exercises for the abs don't work the entire abs.  Some exercises are for the upper abs & some are for the lower abs.  I definitely believe in cardio, weight training & eating right (clean)!  And be patient - it'll happen!!

Jun 02 05 02:24 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 72

Mother of three.  I am not thin and don't care to be but I have to be in shape.   I dropped 27 pounds after my 2nd child. My secret, Firm Tapes, Joyce Vedral Tapes, Kathy Smith Tapes, Fitness Ball Pilates tapes,  1 gallon of water in between 6 complete small meals a day (combination of Fit for life and Firm eating plan). Lot's of fruits and veggies.  No processed foods, or beverages with processed sugar if I am on the go I take dried fruits and nuts with me. You will look marvelous.  I have to disclaim this fitness plan, it may cause pregnancy.  I know after my second child I looked so good I ended up with number three. email me if you would like specific tape titles.

Jun 02 05 03:43 pm Link


lllll lllll

Posts: 39

SS, Thank you so much!  You look awesome in your pics so you definitely know what you're doing.  You are very right about different exercises for upper/lower abs and obliques and that's why I suggested a book that shows beginner to advanced ab exercises because they are usually good at showing all of the different types and exactly what they are working.

And regarding dairy and bloating: When you really think about it, when we eat the most natural our bodies react in the most positive ways.  Dairy products are not "natural" in the sense that they come from cow's milk which is "naturally" intended for a calf (baby cow), not a human being.  We are the only species that consumes another species' milk and the only species that consumes milk into and through adulthood...and that isn't because we are smarter than other species, although we think we are.  Many people lack the enzyme lactase which is critical for the digestion of lactose (found in dairy), resulting in the gastrointestinal tract not adequately breaking down the milk sugar, leading to symptoms like bloating (and worse).  Some people have the enzyme, but the last figure I remember is that 30-50 million people in America suffer from some kind of dairy intolerance.  I think that figure speaks for itself.  There are no millions of people with apple or lettuce allergies.  If so many millions of human beings have problems with dairy, maybe we shouldn't be consuming it.  I know it is outside-the-box kind of thinking and I'm not trying to convert anyone into vegans, but there are lots of other calcium food sources out there...and alternate dairy-like foods such as those made from soy which are more natural for human beings.  :-)

Jun 02 05 03:46 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by Jenni: 
lmao, the photoshop diet cracks me up. I was looking thru this one models port the other day and she showed me this one pics she "fixed" on ps took like 6 inches off her waist. I think its like false advertisement. I have a little belly, i leave it in my pics lol

Are you serious?! So you mean to tell me I've been falling all out doing Lotte Berk, Pilates, and eating a crazy a** diet when I could just have this photoshop do it for me? Amazing...

Jun 02 05 03:51 pm Link



Posts: 189

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think the idea of being a vegan/veggitarian is appealing, but not practical for me since I hate veggies and love meat lol. I mean Im lactose intollerant and I cant even get myself to stop eating dairy lol

Jun 02 05 04:23 pm Link



Posts: 6

Los Angeles, California, US

I think editing photos is okay, but deliberately 'cutting out' inches off your body is definitely 'false advertisement'.  because of my long-time gymnastics background, i tend to be a bit more muscular than most models.  we all have parts we want to change, but that's normal. 
i gave up sodas a month ago, something that took me over 5 yrs to finally do.  i have to say i feel better and definitely feel less bloated most of the time.  2 yrs ago i gave up pasta and rice and i think that makes it easier to maintain weight as well. 

ultimately the only way to get rid of belly fat i think is just an aerobic workout getting your heart rate up, whatever it is that you like doing active!  doing 1000s of situps doesnt get rid of the fat. that's the big misnomer some people have.  it only tones what's underneath the fat.  good luck!

Jun 02 05 04:39 pm Link


Naomi Jay

Posts: 1436

New York, New York, US

WOW..I gotta stop doing my ab stuff two days in a row then! I'll jog on other day.
I gave up dairy for a year and dropped 10 lbs...hence I eat limited amounts now but still consume soy/rice products cuz I like em. Can't give up fish and chicken though.
I never eat processed foods..definetely a bloater!

MC, you should do a weekly "fit" column here and I can do a "make-up tips" one.

Jun 02 05 07:24 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

(sitting by the computer screen with his chips, and budweiser and diet Dr.pepper mix...just kidding.)

I do love my treats but I use a simple rule.

As close to alive as possible. (no freaky stuff allowed.)

The less processed anything, anywhere,  anyhow is my goal I reach for.

Sometimes canned italian tomatoes are better in the winter than something shipped from South America and frozen.

Natural Ice cream,  Black chocolate(chocolate not the one who is hot),  products without the mones in them,....

What was the original question and did I answer it?

Jun 02 05 08:26 pm Link


lllll lllll

Posts: 39

Haha, I definitely need your make-up tips! 

When I stopped eating dairy I lost a lot of weight too, and weight train like crazy to keep muscle on and am always trying to add more.  When I do cardio I melt away so I have to keep that to a limit. 

Mark's comment about eating as close to "alive" is dead on.  I am friends with a 43 year old who only eats raw fruits, vegetables and nuts (a raw foodist)...who looks like he's in his late 20s.  He has BIG muscles too, because there is plenty of protein in raw foods, and he weight trains hard.  The "fountain of youth" is really all about nutrition and exercise...

Jun 02 05 08:54 pm Link


Naomi Jay

Posts: 1436

New York, New York, US

Posted by Maria Cristina: 

Mark's comment about eating as close to "alive" is dead on.  I am friends with a 43 year old who only eats raw fruits, vegetables and nuts (a raw foodist)...who looks like he's in his late 20s. 

Can I eat a late 20 year old and look young? You said alive :-P

Jun 02 05 09:13 pm Link


lllll lllll

Posts: 39

Haha, YOU...YOU can eat anything and you'd still look young!

Jun 02 05 09:17 pm Link


lllll lllll

Posts: 39

Oh, and I made an ab fitness pic my avatar to put my money where my mouth is!  :-) 

Jun 02 05 09:51 pm Link



Posts: 7

Irvine, California, US

thanks for all the great advice maria. I am a vegetarian, but i do eat some dairy products. I never drink milk...Im all about the anything is my favorite. But I do like cheese and yogurt. I should probably stop eating it.

Jun 03 05 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 84

Toronto, Iowa, US

Posted by Desiree: 
Yeah I really wanna go on a so hard w/ school b/c they dont have the foods there required for diets, etc..anyone know of any good diets?

oki ... i just looked at you photos ... did you say FAT?? or PHAT?? coz girl... you are not fat... i dont understand what you are saying!
but if you really... really.... insist on going on a diet... its not that hard... but DONT think of starving urself!!1 thats the worst.. you have a smalll bone structure and if youll be too thin.. that wouldnt look good..
make sure you eat things with fiber especially in the morning
have a good lunch of mean or fish of your choice
(not fried nither meat with fat on it... or just dont eat the fat)
be careful on macdonalds.. and other crap like this
and dressing to a salad... coz salad can souds low on cal. but the dressing is the killer
eat in the evening but not too late not just befire you go to sleep at least 2-3 hours before
and excersise
dont compromise on every cookie.. unless it looks too good...  smile

thats it basically... alhh and dont fill ypurself till the end.. whenever you eat.. you are not suppose to have that feeling .. "OMG i cant move im so fool" thats just not really healthy..
hope i was helpfull ..

and photoshop diet... btw..
can be good but you have to realise that not every photographer would want to spend exta time to take off this extra pound... you just really to practice how to show your body in aa way you want it to look in a picture and learn to hide w.e you dont like about yourself because we all have that... even Tira Banks and Adriana Lima dont have the perfect stomachs they just know how to deal with it

Jun 04 05 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 84

Toronto, Iowa, US

Posted by Desiree: 
Yeah I really wanna go on a so hard w/ school b/c they dont have the foods there required for diets, etc..anyone know of any good diets?

oki ... i just looked at you photos ... did you say FAT?? or PHAT?? coz girl... you are not fat... i dont understand what you are saying!
but if you really... really.... insist on going on a diet... its not that hard... but DONT think of starving urself!!1 thats the worst.. you have a smalll bone structure and if youll be too thin.. that wouldnt look good..
make sure you eat things with fiber especially in the morning
have a good lunch of mean or fish of your choice
(not fried nither meat with fat on it... or just dont eat the fat)
be careful on macdonalds.. and other crap like this
and dressing to a salad... coz salad can souds low on cal. but the dressing is the killer
eat in the evening but not too late not just befire you go to sleep at least 2-3 hours before
and excersise
dont compromise on every cookie.. unless it looks too good...  smile

thats it basically... alhh and dont fill ypurself till the end.. whenever you eat.. you are not suppose to have that feeling .. "OMG i cant move im so fool" thats just not really healthy..
hope i was helpfull ..

Jun 04 05 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 84

Toronto, Iowa, US

Posted by Jenni: 
lmao, the photoshop diet cracks me up. I was looking thru this one models port the other day and she showed me this one pics she "fixed" on ps took like 6 inches off her waist. I think its like false advertisement. I have a little belly, i leave it in my pics lol

and photoshop diet... btw..
can be good but you have to realise that not every photographer would want to spend exta time to take off this extra pound... you just really to practice how to show your body in aa way you want it to look in a picture and learn to hide w.e you dont like about yourself because we all have that... even Tira Banks and Adriana Lima dont have the perfect stomachs they just know how to deal with it

Jun 04 05 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 84

Toronto, Iowa, US

wow... did i just post the same thing 3 times?

Jun 04 05 02:35 pm Link


Sarah Marie Hilker

Posts: 136

Los Angeles, California, US

I'm more worried about my love handles and my thighs.  I was thinking about getting one of those bun and thigh rollers … subid=G100
I've also had this "pooch" as my mom calls it on my lower abs.   I hope one day to get rid of all the fluff.

Jun 04 05 05:17 pm Link


edrickguerrero photography

Posts: 187

Pasadena, California, US

i need to go to the gym. and stop drinking dairy. makes me fart...hmmm, maybe i AM lactose intolerant. damn. thanks for the tips MC!

Jun 04 05 07:04 pm Link