Forums > Photography Talk > Ever approached a coworker about posing/modeling?


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I have this self imposed rule against approaching female coworkers about posing for me or about suggesting they should get into modeling ever since I did it once years ago and the girl seemed very uncomfortable around me after that. She was really shy.

However, once I am nolonger working there, they are fair game.

  I was wondering if any of you ever approach coworkers about doing posing/modeling for you or getting into the industry in general.

I recently became laid off from my job where most of the wait staff was absolutely gorgeous college girls here in the college town I live in. So, after that I talked to a couple of the ones I had really wanted to do some photographs of and they loved the idea. I plan on working with them soon and asking them to help me with the other girls by giving them business cards to hand out. I really have never worked at a place where literally every female there was beautiful. I think I may have hit a jack pot and may have discovered at least one or two actual future models.

Jan 04 06 12:22 am Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Yep, about 15 years ago.  That was before my workplace imposed "don't even think about it" rules.  Worked out fine - she was stoked to be asked and made some decent pictures.  Then she married another guy from work, they quit and moved to Alaska.  I don't think that last part was relevent.


Jan 04 06 12:26 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28700

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I shot some photos of my boss when I was working for US Cellular. She was smokin' hot! But it was rather awkward at times when she had to reprimand me for something and I would respond, "Well, yeah! But I've seen you naked!"

I would show you some of the photos, but I made a promise to her that I would never release the photos. And my word is golden. But, man OH man! She was HOT!

My co-workers all knew I shot with her, and they all begged and begged me to show them the photos. I just told them they would have to get them from her.

The best way to get co-workers to shoot with you and NOT get in trouble. Get one of your male co-workers to assist you on a shoot. They'll return to work and brag about how cool it was.. and tell all the ladies for you that you were very professional. Word will spread like wildfire, and next thing you know the hotties will be asking YOU.

This is how I got the shoot with my boss.

Jan 04 06 12:26 am Link


Rick Edwards

Posts: 6185

Wilmington, Delaware, US

6 of them over the last 10 years
they loved my work
but I work in the arts

Jan 04 06 12:34 am Link



Posts: 1353

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

John Jebbia wrote:
I shot some photos of my boss when I was working for US Cellular. She was smokin' hot! But it was rather awkward at times when she had to reprimand me for something and I would respond, "Well, yeah! But I've seen you naked!"

I would show you some of the photos, but I made a promise to her that I would never release the photos. And my word is golden. But, man OH man! She was HOT!

My co-workers all knew I shot with her, and they all begged and begged me to show them the photos. I just told them they would have to get them from her.

The best way to get co-workers to shoot with you and NOT get in trouble. Get one of your male co-workers to assist you on a shoot. They'll return to work and brag about how cool it was.. and tell all the ladies for you that you were very professional. Word will spread like wildfire, and next thing you know the hotties will be asking YOU.

This is how I got the shoot with my boss.

You also got your lesbian friend to assist on a shoot... with me...

Jan 04 06 12:35 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28700

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Brandy wrote:
You also got your lesbian friend to assist on a shoot... with me...

That was the one that talked my boss into shooting with me. She was sorta like a male co-worker..

Jan 04 06 12:36 am Link



Posts: 1353

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

John Jebbia wrote:

That was the one that talked my boss into shooting with me. She was sorta like a male co-worker..

Yeah, I think she was a little more male than female.

Jan 04 06 12:38 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Rick Edwards wrote:
6 of them over the last 10 years
they loved my work
but I work in the arts

I do art as well. But I do not have any of it on here because I do not feel that is what the site is geared toward.

Jan 04 06 12:39 am Link


Rick Edwards

Posts: 6185

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

I do art as well. But I do not have any of it on here because I do not feel that is what the site is geared toward.

yeah, I have most glam kinda stuff here
but I mean I literally work in the arts
theater, to be exact

Jan 04 06 12:46 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Rick Edwards wrote:

yeah, I have most glam kinda stuff here
but I mean I literally work in the arts
theater, to be exact

Ah ,ok. That is different than art photography,lol. There are some really beautiful theater majors here.

Jan 04 06 12:48 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

"most of the wait staff was absolutely gorgeous college girls"

So, where is this place you worked? I'm hungry.

Jan 04 06 12:54 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Chip Morton wrote:
"most of the wait staff was absolutely gorgeous college girls"

So, where is this place you worked? I'm hungry.

A nice restaurant in Davis, California

Jan 04 06 01:13 am Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Oh, I thought you meant asking a co-worker as in another photographer to model. I have this thing for photographing photographers. Only did it once. It was fun.
I think I also curiously started to gravitate towards some photographers' work (like a few here on MM) so much so that I would consider being the clay they mold into a photograph. (now wondering if I would make good clay...)

Jan 04 06 01:28 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Would have gotten me fired on the spot.

Jan 04 06 03:04 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

lll wrote:
Would have gotten me fired on the spot.

That was why I never asked someone who was a coworker, until I or she was nolonger an employee there after the one time I chanced it. I was never sure of the policies but I never did it beyond the first time because it hit me that I could possibly be fired for sexual harassment.

Jan 04 06 03:06 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

just once, and she turned  out to be one of the hottest models i ever shot with, i asked her  to model for me  after one of us left the business, as it turned out guy we were working for was a  total scumbag, we left the same day ,shot the next, hottest dec 7th theres ever been  in my memory, WOW.  now i just employ me, and i aint asking.--post a shot in the port tomorrow, look for it.

Jan 04 06 03:17 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I'm self-unemployed, so I have no coworkers to ask... sad

Jan 04 06 03:20 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
I'm self-unemployed, so I have no coworkers to ask... sad

Yea, I am working on that smile
I have made it a goal to have my photography as my sole income by years end so I do not have to have a full time job. Having to have a full time job, sometimes with a schedule that changes sometimes daily, is what has kept that from happening .

Jan 04 06 03:23 am Link



Posts: 457

San Diego, California, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I have this self imposed rule against approaching female coworkers about posing for me or about suggesting they should get into modeling ever since I did it once years ago and the girl seemed very uncomfortable around me after that. She was really shy.

However, once I am nolonger working there, they are fair game.

  I was wondering if any of you ever approach coworkers about doing posing/modeling for you or getting into the industry in general.

I recently became laid off from my job where most of the wait staff was absolutely gorgeous college girls here in the college town I live in. So, after that I talked to a couple of the ones I had really wanted to do some photographs of and they loved the idea. I plan on working with them soon and asking them to help me with the other girls by giving them business cards to hand out. I really have never worked at a place where literally every female there was beautiful. I think I may have hit a jack pot and may have discovered at least one or two actual future models.

Yes and no....  back in 'the day', when I used to tend bar, I worked at a number of clubs, bars, restaurants, etc... this was also when I was more or less getting started with my photograph, and also pretty much before Al Gore invented the internet, so there weren't sites like this around to netwok on!

So, most of my subjects came from both co-workers and customers.  Only once was there ever a situation where some said they'd been made uncomfortable by my bringing it up, and that was much later after there were other 'issues' flying about that made me skeptical of the claim at that time, although it may have been genuine.

Anyway, I now work as a Test Engineer at a MAJOR hi-tech company, whose name most people would know, so needless to say, the work environment is quite a bit different.  I certainly wouldn't openly hand out my portfolio for people to check out, depending on who might walk by.  Not only that, it's not nearly as target-rich an environment, either, so it's not as big an issue!  lol

Nevertheless, I HAVE photographed two, no three, of my co-workers in the six years I've been here, and how I've handled it is mentioning the fact that I'm a photographer in a roundabout fashion, seeing their reaction, and then letting them know what sort of photography I do, and then they've ended up letting me know "If you ever happen to need a model...", so it becomes their idea.

So yeah, it's ABSOLUTELY important that I DON'T go trolling for models up and down the aisles of the office, but if it's handled properly, it can still get done. 

In the restaurant situation, I'd think it'd be pretty easy these days.  In what capacity did you work there?  If you were a manager, then yeah, that would definitely be some thin ice you'd be treading.  But if I was still tending bar, I'd get first one or two using the subtle, roundabout method above, and then I'd let word of mouth bring the rest around!

Jan 04 06 03:24 am Link


Michael Gundelach

Posts: 763

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

I had one of my co-workers model for me... Since I am in the air force it's quite difficult and it might get easily taken as sexual harrasment (due to the nature of my pics). Anyway - the above stated case happened after an envolving friendship and a few "dates" outside the military.

I would never ask while wearing uniform though, which is kind of sad. There's a beautiful looking woman here on post. Already know her name and everything, but it's kind of difficult to approach her since she works in another unit. Another thing is: She's a PFC and I am MSGT - so it's out of the question to ask her while on duty...

Jan 04 06 03:26 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Thomas Oed wrote:
and how I've handled it is mentioning the fact that I'm a photographer in a roundabout fashion, seeing their reaction, and then letting them know what sort of photography I do, and then they've ended up letting me know "If you ever happen to need a model...", so it becomes their idea.

That is exactly how I handled it with both  situations, the one where the girl ended up acting as though she was uncomfortable around me after that and the one that  actually did turn into a shoot and that girl was never uncomfortable at all after I talked with her about it. She ,too was the" well if you ever need a model, ive been wanting to" types.But she knew she was a hottie and knew she had a great shape. She is now a aerobics instructor at a local health club.She is the Black/Asian girl with the afro in my portfolio.

Jan 04 06 03:30 am Link



Posts: 457

San Diego, California, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

That is exactly how I handled it with both  situations, the one where the girl ended up acting as though she was uncomfortable around me after that and the one that  actually did turn into a shoot and that girl was never uncomfortable at all after I talked with her about it. She ,too was the" well if you ever need a model, ive been wanting to" types.But she knew she was a hottie and knew she had a great shape. She is now a aerobics instructor at a local health club.She is the Black/Asian girl with the afro in my portfolio.

Yeah, she's a hot one... sure looks fit!

Jan 04 06 03:56 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Thomas Oed wrote:

Yeah, she's a hot one... sure looks fit!

-sings- shes a brick..... houssssse

Jan 04 06 04:08 am Link


John Paul

Posts: 937

Schenectady, New York, US

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea!


Jan 04 06 06:33 am Link


MS Photo Chicago

Posts: 387

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think this depends on where you work. At service job in restaurant or bar enviornment it's probably OK because of the workers are in college or trying to do something else like acting, modeling, etc. In professional corporate enviornment, it's probably a bad idea to approach people about photography but where I work everyone knows what I do and has seen my work. When we do have contests and we can get a gift card anywhere my boss has gotten them from Calumet for me when I win.


Jan 04 06 06:44 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

Well if you ever tried that at the post office you could expect a sexual harassment case filed on your butt but quick.  No thanks.  Not going to ever happen.

But I did have one lady ask me to shoot with her so we did.  I gave her some shots and the first thing she did was take them to work and show them off.  I think she was just showing off her big boobs so EVERYBODY could see them.  It was interesting but that was 15 yeas ago.  bs

Jan 04 06 06:49 am Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

I have, but never suggested glamour or any type of nudity when I asked. I shot with one co-worker, but after she left the company. I asked another and she agreed, but we never arranged the shoot before I left the company. Both women used to work for me, so I had to be very careful, even though it was a pretty free-wheeling place and I never, ever suggested nudity or anything close to it.

Jan 04 06 07:40 am Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

I worked with colleagues at the Grand Hotel in Nuremberg, Germany back in 1995/96 (all the women there KNEW that I photographed Retro fashion etc.)

I used to photograph Flight Attendant's *stewardesses* (TWA/PAN-AM, NORTHWEST and DELTA) at TIA  when I worked there back in the late 1990`s

I had no problem`s asking colleagues at former jobs to model for me 75% of the time they worked with me and I produced some of my best works before with "the girl next door"

I just had a jam during my 2005 Texas Shootout with a $350,000  Lamborghini
(the scheduled model was sick and hospitalized that morning) so I was working with another model, who was at that time working at her normal day job and I had noticed that one of her managers working that morning was quite attractive and had "the look" and I just walked up to her and said, "how would you like to wear a custom made 1960`s dress, gogo boots and model with a $350,000 Lamborghini this afternoon?"

Needless to say she agreed...............

I think she was even BETTER than the model I had booked for this shoot, so one model`s loss is another`s gain for sure

Jan 04 06 08:00 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:
I worked with colleagues at the Grand Hotel in Nuremberg, Germany back in 1995/96 (all the women there KNEW that I photographed Retro fashion etc.)

I used to photograph Flight Attendant's *stewardesses* (TWA/PAN-AM, NORTHWEST and DELTA) at TIA  when I worked there back in the late 1990`s

I had no problem`s asking colleagues at former jobs to model for me 75% of the time they worked with me and I produced some of my best works before with "the girl next door"

I just had a jam during my 2005 Texas Shootout with a $350,000  Lamborghini
(the scheduled model was sick and hospitalized that morning) so I was working with another model, who was at that time working at her normal day job and I had noticed that one of her managers working that morning was quite attractive and had "the look" and I just walked up to her and said, "how would you like to wear a custom made 1960`s dress, gogo boots and model with a $350,000 Lamborghini this afternoon?"

Needless to say she agreed...............

I think she was even BETTER than the model I had booked for this shoot, so one model`s loss is another`s gain for sure

I would have no problem asking a coworker in germany either. The US is much different. As for your Lamborgini, I have access to a few of what are basically flying cars right here in town at the manufacturers warehouse. They are jet like cars,selling for about a mill each. Only thing is they want to approve all outfits used in the shoots. which pretty much leaves out anything sexy and futuristic according to the way they are talkin.

Jan 04 06 08:05 am Link


David Born

Posts: 1167

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

My boss asked me to take headshots of his kid so that he could get into acting.  He kept flaking and finally I took him into the studio and shot a couple rolls. He never chose which prints to enlarge, never reimbursed me for the film as he said he would, he also borrowed a tie last year and never gave it back. lol

I'd ask a coworker, but with my reputation (5 secretaries in 1 year) it seems they already get ran off rather easily. haha

Jan 04 06 11:50 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

John Paul wrote:
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea!

I lost not one, but TWO jobs over me shooting co-workers.
First girl got insanely jealous of the other coworkers and got me fired (after she quit and called corperate, threatening to sue. They fired me, her boss AND the GM who stuck up for us).

Second girl, her boss (who eventually became my boss) wanted to see the pics I did of her, I told him to ask her, and of course she wasn't showing shit. A week later he got me fired for "fratenizing with a co-worker."

After that, I became a photog full time until I moved here. I don't even think twice about shooting them now. Maybe having ONS's, but no pics. lol

Jan 04 06 12:33 pm Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

There are a couple of girls at the day job I wouldn't mind asking, but seeing as how they all get jealous of one another over nothing already, and I'm in management, I won't bother with it.

Anyway, I prefer girls with modeling experience, even for a TFP shoot.

Jan 04 06 02:14 pm Link


Brian Brant

Posts: 123

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

Mainly how I got started, took classes in college, used a couple girls I worked with to model.   Now when I have a  project i'm trying to develop I discuss what looks I'm going for with one and she gives me pointers. Started taking pictures of coworkers, they got passed around work and then more come up to me wanting me to do more.  Think it really helped, got two wedding jobs and when someone has a kid they want photos done.  No complaints yet, mainly give some money and copies for modeling, now one coworker is going to school for makeup and hair so I use her so she can build a portfolio.

Jan 04 06 04:23 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

shikatoi wrote:
My boss asked me to take headshots of his kid so that he could get into acting.  He kept flaking and finally I took him into the studio and shot a couple rolls. He never chose which prints to enlarge, never reimbursed me for the film as he said he would, he also borrowed a tie last year and never gave it back. lol

There`s another good reason to stay self employed..........

Jan 04 06 04:26 pm Link


John Paul

Posts: 937

Schenectady, New York, US

Monsante Bey wrote:

I lost not one, but TWO jobs over me shooting co-workers.
First girl got insanely jealous of the other coworkers and got me fired (after she quit and called corperate, threatening to sue. They fired me, her boss AND the GM who stuck up for us).

Second girl, her boss (who eventually became my boss) wanted to see the pics I did of her, I told him to ask her, and of course she wasn't showing shit. A week later he got me fired for "fratenizing with a co-worker."

After that, I became a photog full time until I moved here. I don't even think twice about shooting them now. Maybe having ONS's, but no pics. lol

Wow... that's pretty nuts! 

  I don't envey you man.,.

   I asked a secretary of the company I worked for before I really had a clue as to what I was doing in photography...(still learning,..but, know..)...and I was pretty open and upfront about what my intentions were,...but the owner didn't think too much of that,..and I was asked to stop talking to her......stop seeing her......stop sitting by her at lunch too.. It was total BS,...but they just were a little paranoid,...and didn't want anything bad happening there....well,...nothing ever did... after I quit, I shot with her like 4 times after, plus I shot her wedding too..  However, I have heard of many photog's stories, much like your's...and so I have learned first hand just how people can completely not understand the situation... So,...word to the wise... look elsewhere!



Jan 04 06 05:17 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

I work in the engineering business, so beautiful women are not exactly tripping all over each other!

There are few that I have notced, however, and I have come up with a plan:

My company is photographer-friendly, and encourages photographing company events and posting them on the file server. We have several opportunities each year, ranging from pool parties to formal dinners.

My strategy is to go into a "stroll and shoot" mode and try for some flattering headshots of the likely candidates. Who knows, some of those shots could get a little diffuse glow, etc.!

I will then gauge for positive reactions after posting, and see what happens after that...

Jan 04 06 05:36 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

I've done it twice. The first time was with this Hispanic cutie that I worked with. She said that she had done some modeling before, and I suggested that we do some shooting together one weekend. Well, we talked to a co-worker who owned a farm, and went there to shoot for the day. Had some really nice pics, and could've been better, had the co-worker's son stayed in the house. LOL

We did some head shots later on, and they turned out great!

Another co-worker and I shot about 2 years ago. She was mainly shooting fashion/casual, and we had a pretty good shoot.

I don't know/see of a lot of hot women at my job, and I'm REAL careful about who I approach.

Jan 04 06 05:56 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I had a coworker talk me into pics long before I knew what I was doing. I gave her some prints and guess what she did!! Yep took them to work to show off. Well she got fired and I had to talk to the directors about it. I wasn't willing to say anything so they left me alone. I have have been requested to do others but have not.

Jan 04 06 08:11 pm Link


Joe Paul Studios

Posts: 358

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

JenniferMaria wrote:
so much so that I would consider being the clay they mold into a photograph. (now wondering if I would make good clay...)

You would make great clay. And I would love to be your potter's wheel.

Jan 04 06 08:19 pm Link


Angelo Lorenzo

Posts: 365

Simi Valley, California, US

One of my coworkers actually asked me to shoot her. She had gotten a shirt from her friends clothing line and in exchange he wanted pictures of her modeling it for his site. Aparently she just got lazy about it and we never did the shoot. Thats pretty much the extent of that.

As long as you're friends with the person I dont see why it would be a big deal.

Jan 04 06 08:51 pm Link