Forums > Model Colloquy > No, it's YOU disappointing ME



Posts: 153

Vienna, Wien, Austria

CarlingtonKid Studios wrote:
For all the guys that are "hurt" or who feel "betrayed" by your sweety looking like she's getting nasty for some stranger's camera. . . go buy your own and join the game! smile It's fun, it's a HUGE ego boost to see young models do whatever you tell them for money, and when you finally wake-up from the AMAZING adrenaline rush you get from posting a stranger naked online you'll see for yourself that. . . .

IT'S JUST A NAKED BODY and you've got nothing at the end of a shoot more than any other joe-blow who jumps online and downloads a bunch of FREE nude pics. . .

Rock on girl! We need more GIRLS convincing models to strip for our cameras! We'll just look like a bunch of creeps without you!

thats was i was talking about, thanks.

the main difference between artisc nudes done for the sole purose of creating a beautiful and meaningful art or horny pics to boost egos, showoff and making a quick buck.
one you see hang framed on a wall in a living room, the other over your sons bed with some clinex next to it.

No reason to be prude, everyone loves naked girls, porn, erotic, people just should call things by name.

May 10 08 05:05 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Evelyn Zi wrote:
Well said OP.  Not too long ago I took a hiatus from modeling because my boyfriend who was my escort for all my shoots suddenly decided my implied nude shoots were "making him uncomfortable".  Funny thing is, he was the one who encouraged me to just go ahead and shoot implied.  I remember asking him if it bothered him and he would say "not at all, I think it's hot". Anywho, after about 3 implied shoots, he went to him best friend and told him I was taking "nude" photos and his friend's response was "Drop that hoe" talk about major backstabbing from the one person I trusted most and almost married.  His awesome best friend then went to my boyfriends family and told them I was modeling and his family decided that I am a person with no self-respect.  My bf's sister even asked my bf to see my MM and when she saw it she said it was so disgusting she didn't ever want to eat.  I'm sure many other things were said but it is absolutely pathetic how closed minded people can be. Just remember that for every person that hates you there are many more who do really care for you.

Fucking weak, man.  I can understand not liking something, or not understanding something, but wow.  I'm sorry to hear that.

May 10 08 05:41 pm Link



Posts: 16

Tacoma, Washington, US

Below I have included two announcements that I broadcast that speak to this 'very issue'.  It is illuminating to hear your 'poignant perspective' on this 'pervasive issue'.  It cuts much deeper than most of us will ever understand or realize:

Hello Model, I need U to pay attention to this message.  You're getting mixed signals from people in your 'inner circle' and now you're just confused about what to do next.  Rewind to the first conversation U had with U...!

Dilemma defined:  When you know what you really want to do, but you are afraid of what they might think if you do it.  They 'define you', they 'influence you' and yes, they 'control you'.  There really is no need for 'U' now...!

May 10 08 05:56 pm Link



Posts: 16

Tacoma, Washington, US

Kittonz wrote:
*sigh* Hello , I'm one of the 'weak' girls.

My fiance is very insecure and can't handle me a lot of the time. Used to be very bad when I first met him. He kept suggesting I wear mens clothing so that I had no form. I can pretty much only wear t-shirts. No hint of cleavage. I can never wear a bikini. I can't wear shorts too often because he doesn't feel comfortable with me showing any skin whatsoever. And he has a problem with heels.

It really breaks my heart because I don't feel like I can be my own person. And no matter how much he says he's getting used to it, it just doesn't seem like enough.

It feels really hopeless, but I care for him so much I have to compromise. Don't really have a choice. *sigh*

The 'pain of submission'.  Though your tears may flow; to 'what journey' shall they end?  To what river shall they infuse?  To what lake shall they replenish?  To what ocean shall they submerge?  Your journey shall be endless and your tears will never be enough...?

May 10 08 06:07 pm Link


Brian Morris Photography

Posts: 20901

Los Angeles, California, US

Daniela Victoria  wrote:
That shouldn't be the case.

I wanna start a movement.

Fuck close minded assholes who think their opinions are the only ones that matter.

Is that too long of a title?

It sounds like it has rubbed off on you,when you speak in such a negative way. It just wears a different mask thats all.

May 10 08 06:11 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Randis wrote:
I understand your point but doing something outside the norm part of this way is to bear the concequences, thats is normal.

Wow- that must suck that you feel there are consequences to expressing yourself. Sucky world that you choose to live in. And yes, that's your choice- and it isn't mine.

Randis wrote:
What you do is pushing it on others, simple as that.

I'm pushing it on others? Are you fucking serious? I don't run up to people and show them my nude work- how about their beliefs that they are pushing on me? How about that?

Randis wrote:
It is pretty normal that part of the society is treating you this way, you have to leave with that.

It's normal that people are afraid of skin? Well then I'm glad I'm not normal.

Randis wrote:
Now of course its not super fair as basically you dont do something bad at least not from your point of view but it technically works like taking drugs, you take em but your family is the one who is suffering.

Taking drugs is the same as taking gorgeous naked pictures? Ok...seriously- I feel bad about this world that you choose to live in.

Randis wrote:
Dont put your fault on others, instead grow a thick skin and live with it.

How about they grow a thick skin and live with the fact that if they can't deal with it and want to judge me, then they can live their lives without me?

It's called acceptance and not judging. You seem to think that it's perfectly acceptable- and fine- if you can live with that, then do it- but I think that's pathetic and weak.

And I'm neither.

May 11 08 09:32 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Digital Soup wrote:

It sounds like it has rubbed off on you,when you speak in such a negative way. It just wears a different mask thats all.

Dude- there is no one in my life that doesn't accept me. You know why? Because I took them out of my life, and I'm better for it.

I'm lucky to have very supportive friends. I'm not negative about this at all- in fact, I'm liberated. No one in my life judging me for making art? It's a cool way to live.

May 11 08 09:36 am Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

As someone who has worked with a number for non-models who have posed nude for the first time,(as well as models)  I can say that most have expressed they had previously felt constrained by other people's perceptions and most all told me they felt a sense of relief and freedom once they were able to let this go.  Often, I can actually see this transformation about 20 or 30 minutes or so into a first nude shoot. 

Working with models who have never modeled nude before can have it's risks and I've had one or two shoots that were total flops,  but one thing I've learned it that it isn't all about the final images.   Working with someone who is stepping out of their comfort zone, but in the end feels so much better for it, has rewards that will never be measured by the marketability of the images from that shoot.

Last Wednesday I had such as shoot with someone who has never modeled before.  Prior to the shoot, she had told me she was feeling very constrained by people around her, and wanted to do this both to provide images as a gift for her husband and for her self-esteem.   Just yesterday after getting my images she sent an e-mail saying:  "Wow...Thank you so much, you have no idea how great this is..."  Clearly, making the decision to step outside the norms that constrain one can have its rewards.

However, just walking away from those who don't agree isn't always so easy.    In some cases this may mean being disowned by family & friends or loosing a job.   These are decisions one can't take lightly and should be weighed carefully.  For some, it may not be the right decision. However, I do have the greatest respect for people who can walk their own path and do what they feel is right or is in their heart regardless of what other people around them feel.

May 11 08 10:15 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 53

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Trevor Snyder wrote:

Sadly, you will always be in the minority thinking this way.

Not really, I think she has an awesome point of view! The world needs more people like her!

May 11 08 10:19 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

its nice to have the support of our close people, my wife hated when i started this almost 2 years ago but now she really respects the images i make.......

May 11 08 10:28 am Link


Eric Burton

Posts: 430

Joliet, Illinois, US

I agree with you about those closed minded people. Glad you aren't like that. You have time to do any porno work?

May 11 08 10:35 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108



May 12 08 10:05 am Link



Posts: 153

Vienna, Wien, Austria

Daniela Victoria

Not gonna reply the silly things you wrote, i thought your would be more mature but with the years you quickly will learn that you are simply NOT the center of the universe and "living with others people opinions" is not weak as you say its part of the life.
No one need to accept what you do, no one need to love you without a reason, no one owns you respect unless you earn it and that you can not do with whining.

Weak are those who run around and whine on public forums my dear, strong people simply dont give a shit.
I understand that you feel rebellious by dropping some cloths on public medias and now need some positive feedback to overcome your issues, just do not loose the grip to reality.

lol, you almost sounds as i were the one with the problem, do not mistake it, i don't give a shit what you do with your life, your issues are of no interest to me.
i said it before and i said it again, i have no problems with nude, i can look at your boobs, they look nice and there is no hate here. Its your attitude i dislike.

Well never mind, i wasted words on someone who can not even understand their meaning.

May 12 08 10:39 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Randis wrote:
Daniela Victoria

Not gonna reply the silly things you wrote, i thought your would be more mature but with the years you quickly will learn that you are simply NOT the center of the universe and "living with others people opinions" is not weak as you say its part of the life.
No one need to accept what you do, no one need to love you without a reason, no one owns you respect unless you earn it and that you can not do with whining.

Weak are those who run around and whine on public forums my dear, strong people simply dont give a shit.
I understand that you feel rebellious by dropping some cloths on public medias and now need some positive feedback to overcome your issues, just do not loose the grip to reality.

lol, you almost sounds as i were the one with the problem, do not mistake it, i don't give a shit what you do with your life, your issues are of no interest to me.
i said it before and i said it again, i have no problems with nude, i can look at your boobs, they look nice and there is no hate here. Its your attitude i dislike.

Well never mind, i wasted words on someone who can not even understand their meaning.

What the fuck is your problem? This is a motivational and uplifting thread- it's there to show that you don't have to deal with people that put you down and judge you. It's there to show that you can be strong and that you don't have to accept people putting you down for the life you choose to lead.

You are weak. You have accepted it. Anyone that lets others put them down just because they want to take pictures of *gasp* skin is weak and needs support.

You think what I say is silly, yet you seem to be in the minority- I feel bad for you.

And I understand what you said- I get that you allow others to judge you- it's really awful- but whatever- you choose to lead your life that way. It's you that don't understand- no one is whining on a public forum- go back and read all of the pages of people that thanked me for saying this. I am not whining to gain respect- I have plenty of that, thanks.

Don't sit there and be an ass because you think it's OK for others to judge people- it's not OK and that's what this thread is about. You don't have to put up with it- no one has to. That's what this thread is about.

You are the lost one here. Not me.

May 12 08 10:46 am Link



Posts: 153

Vienna, Wien, Austria

Daniela Victoria  wrote:
What the fuck is your problem? This is a motivational and uplifting thread- it's there to show that you don't have to deal with people that put you down and judge you. It's there to show that you can be strong and that you don't have to accept people putting you down for the life you choose to lead.

You are weak. You have accepted it. Anyone that lets others put them down just because they want to take pictures of *gasp* skin is weak and needs support.

You think what I say is silly, yet you seem to be in the minority- I feel bad for you.

And I understand what you said- I get that you allow others to judge you- it's really awful- but whatever- you choose to lead your life that way. It's you that don't understand- no one is whining on a public forum- go back and read all of the pages of people that thanked me for saying this. I am not whining to gain respect- I have plenty of that, thanks.

Don't sit there and be an ass because you think it's OK for others to judge people- it's not OK and that's what this thread is about. You don't have to put up with it- no one has to. That's what this thread is about.

You are the lost one here. Not me.

lol, u make less sense with every post.
Now having your boobs in playboy means not you are immune to others judgments, everyone has the right to judge others, its called personal opinion and living with that means accepting that others have an opinion without whining about it. And that you call weak?

There is seriously something wrong with your paradigm, very distorted view of reality.
actually you are judging me here now all the time and getting personal but NO ONE else can judge you?

if no one can judge other people where the fuck this world will end up???
lol do u even know what u say there?

May 12 08 11:00 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Randis wrote:
lol, u make less sense with every post.
Now having your boobs in playboy means not you are immune to others judgments, everyone has the right to judge others, its called personal opinion and living with that means accepting that others have an opinion without whining about it. And that you call weak?

There is seriously something wrong with your paradigm, very distorted view of reality.
actually you are judging me here now all the time and getting personal but NO ONE else can judge you?

if no one can judge other people where the fuck this world will end up???
lol do u even know what u say there?

I love when people type in text.

you not "u"

It shows how angry and frustrated they are....

I'm sorry about the world you choose to live in- be well and I hope one day you will see that no one has the right to judge others, and perhaps you'll lead a better and stronger life.

Best of luck.

May 12 08 11:02 am Link



Posts: 153

Vienna, Wien, Austria

Daniela Victoria  wrote:
I love when people type in text.

you not "u"

It shows how angry and frustrated they are....

I'm sorry about the world you choose to live in- be well and I hope one day you will see that no one has the right to judge others, and perhaps you'll lead a better and stronger life.

Best of luck.

lol, it just shows how much importance i give to your issue here.
Look, i am having a break here and killing time, its amusing.
I am not frustrated, why should i be?
You are the frustrated one, you whine about your personal problems on a public forum, not me.
i do not have such problems and issues, i am perfectly happy with my life, career and so on.

you don't need to be sorry for the worlds i live in, its the same world you live it, there is no spacial world outside your head than this one we are all living in.
Now before i make you repeat yourself the 5th time take a min and think about what you are saying here.

I know they always shout line in movies like " hey ha you can not judge me, bla"
its just a word really.

- people should not judge you by your looks, right? correct, right! bingo, ding ding ding

- people should not judge you by your actions? different story here. No one can be that much switzerland.
can not judge a terrorrist for bombing right> can not judge an actor for bad acting huh? can not judge a singer by a great performance? Can not judge you?
No one can have an opinion about you?

and what about that weak thing?

you think i am an ass (whoops u judge me now) but i dont give a shit, why? coy i dont give a shit about others oppinions about me, i live with it.

that makes me weak?


You whine coz some family members or strangers don't accept you getting nude or make jokes about you. makes you what? strong? lol

one last thing.

did i ever mentioned that i think it is wrong that you take nudes?
Did i judge you for taking nudes?
i don't think so.
did i get personal?

so, whats your problem?

May 12 08 11:24 am Link


Brian Baybo

Posts: 1417

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

It amazes me the people who "don't give a shit" have so muccchhhh to say

May 12 08 11:31 am Link



Posts: 153

Vienna, Wien, Austria

you are easy to amaze

May 12 08 11:36 am Link


Brian Baybo

Posts: 1417

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

Randis wrote:
you are easy to amaze


May 12 08 11:37 am Link


Brian Morris Photography

Posts: 20901

Los Angeles, California, US

Daniela Victoria  wrote:

Dude- there is no one in my life that doesn't accept me. You know why? Because I took them out of my life, and I'm better for it.

I'm lucky to have very supportive friends. I'm not negative about this at all- in fact, I'm liberated. No one in my life judging me for making art? It's a cool way to live.

I respect you and your new found power, Just don't let it go to your head.  I am just saying that it kinda looks Not beautiful to smash and bash about IT!

May 12 08 11:45 am Link



Posts: 532

London, England, United Kingdom

Jeeeezzzz what is going on here.... last time I checked in here, there were people playing nice and thanking Vitoria. No more mister nice guy/girl any more huh? I say to each their own. Do and think what you want not what others want you to do or think. I think thats what Victoria was getting at. Lets all be happy and hold hands big_smile

May 12 08 11:55 am Link


Imagez - Toronto

Posts: 504

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tiffany x wrote:

All I do is going to school and taking care of my baby.But they are still looking for pictures on internet then they find me and tell me I am whore:-(.

It's still NONE of their business.

May 12 08 11:55 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Brian Baybo wrote:
It amazes me the people who "don't give a shit" have so muccchhhh to say

LOL- that's what I was thinking wink

May 12 08 12:15 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Digital Soup wrote:

I respect you and your new found power, Just don't let it go to your head.  I am just saying that it kinda looks Not beautiful to smash and bash about IT!

I don't get it....

It's not about it going to my head- it's a freeing feeling to take people out of your life who are just trying to bring you down!

May 12 08 12:16 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Erlinda wrote:
Jeeeezzzz what is going on here.... last time I checked in here, there were people playing nice and thanking Vitoria. No more mister nice guy/girl any more huh? I say to each their own. Do and think what you want not what others want you to do or think. I think thats what Victoria was getting at. Lets all be happy and hold hands big_smile


It's sad that some people feel the need to attack a post that is supportive of the art people on here create.

May 12 08 12:17 pm Link


Sibyl Nin has retired

Posts: 857

Brooklyn, New York, US

Randis wrote:
if no one can judge other people where the fuck this world will end up???
lol do u even know what u say there?

A better world without prejudice maybe?how nice would that be!! smile
"he who is without sin, pick up the first stone..."
you don't have a "right" to judge's more of a personal choice to do so....I don't see it written down in the bill of rights as something bestowed on you as an American. Just sayin'...

May 12 08 12:34 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Randis wrote:
if no one can judge other people where the fuck this world will end up???

Sibyl Nin  wrote:
A better world without prejudice maybe?how nice would that be!! smile

That would be nice. Randis doesn't think so LOL.

May 12 08 12:49 pm Link



Posts: 153

Vienna, Wien, Austria

Daniela Victoria  wrote:

That would be nice. Randis doesn't think so LOL.

lololol hihihih now prejudice would be if i say u are very simple minded.
or a 26 years old girl seeks attention online with whining and busting with her playboyshooting.

of course that would be wrong...

so i just stick with silly.

May 12 08 12:54 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Randis wrote:

lololol hihihih now prejudice would be if i say u are very simple minded.
or a 26 years old girl seeks attention online with whining and busting with her playboyshooting.

of course that would be wrong...

so i just stick with silly.

As bad as I feel for you, I'm going to CAM this if you keep hijacking my thread. Please refrain. Thanks.

May 12 08 01:01 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US


"Judging people is good.  It keeps those uppity folk in line."


May 12 08 01:08 pm Link



Posts: 153

Vienna, Wien, Austria

Daniela Victoria  wrote:
As bad as I feel for you, I'm going to CAM this if you keep hijacking my thread. Please refrain. Thanks.

its a public forum dear

May 12 08 01:14 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Randis wrote:

its a public forum dear

(19) THREAD HIJACKING: Don't do it! Off topic posts should be limited whenever possible.  Repeated or egregious violations may get you brigged.

The Rules.  Read them.

May 12 08 01:18 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Randis wrote:

its a public forum dear

Please follow the rules.

May 12 08 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 153

Vienna, Wien, Austria

MelissaLynnette LaDiva wrote:

(19) THREAD HIJACKING: Don't do it! Off topic posts should be limited whenever possible.  Repeated or egregious violations may get you brigged.

The Rules.  Read them.

i am not off topic. you just have to accept that no everyone has the same opinion as you. its called a discussion and it was all fine till you started to get personal and used foul language all over. every one can read it in your posts.

May 12 08 01:22 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Randis wrote:

i am not off topic. you just have to accept that no everyone has the same opinion as you. its called a discussion and it was all fine till you started to get personal and used foul language all over. every one can read it in your posts.

You do I'm not D, right?  And of course everyone doesn't have the same opinion.  But just like people don't want to accept the fact that I, or D, pose nude, we don't have to accept their negative bullshit in our lives.  And, uh, the foul language?  Not a sign of being upset.  Just the way some people talk. wink

May 12 08 01:28 pm Link



Posts: 153

Vienna, Wien, Austria

Daniela Victoria  wrote:
Wow- that must suck that you feel there are consequences to expressing yourself. Sucky world that you choose to live in.
Are you fucking serious?
What the fuck is your problem?
You are weak. You have accepted it.

Please follow the rules.

(3) No personal attacks: There's no need.  This isn't a schoolyard.  Except for "yo mama" insults.  Those are allowed.

May 12 08 01:29 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Randis wrote:

i am not off topic. you just have to accept that no everyone has the same opinion as you. its called a discussion and it was all fine till you started to get personal and used foul language all over. every one can read it in your posts.

Well you are hijacking this with backhanded personal attacks. I'll just let the MODs decide since you would rather fill this thread with nasty and uncalled for remarks.


May 12 08 01:31 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Randis wrote:

Daniela Victoria  wrote:
Wow- that must suck that you feel there are consequences to expressing yourself. Sucky world that you choose to live in.
Are you fucking serious?
What the fuck is your problem?
You are weak. You have accepted it.

Please follow the rules.

(3) No personal attacks: There's no need.  This isn't a schoolyard.  Except for "yo mama" insults.  Those are allowed.

LOL- this thread is exactly about how people are weak when they let others judge themselves and helping them...and supporting them.

I feel so bad for you..

May 12 08 01:32 pm Link


Kristen Jeanne

Posts: 5770

Pinardville, New Hampshire, US

Another great thread ruined.


May 12 08 01:33 pm Link