Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Bush Better Student Than Kerry


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

So even while he was a drunk, Bush was smarter than Kerry...  hmm wonder how the liberals will spin this...
Bush is smarter!

As long as we are on the subject of Bush, take a look at this site... it cracks me up.
A little monkey business


Jun 12 05 03:32 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

LOL.  Quite a few of the highly ranked jocks in my highschool were "better" students than my fellow honors classmates.  Why?  Because the teachers knew better than to give them bad grades.

I'm sure if I came from the Bush family that I would have been a Valedictorian.  What a joke.

All it took was watching Bush vs. Kerry in the debates to see who was "smarter".  Unless blinking blanky and smirking are somehow direct manifestations of intelligence, it wasn't Bush. wink

Jun 12 05 03:51 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Well, to see how liberals are going to spin this one, quoting from the article you posted..

"Kerry wasn't exactly the worst student at Yale and one of the reasons his grades suffered was that he was involved in more extracurricular activities than seem humanly possible — from flying to debating"

edit: sure, Bush was involved in extracurricular drinking, etc

And also, "The records show that Kerry averaged a 76 grade his first three years at Yale, while Bush averaged a 77"

One point...whoppy doo! LOL. haha

Jun 12 05 04:19 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
And also, "The records show that Kerry averaged a 76 grade his first three years at Yale, while Bush averaged a 77"

One point...whoppy doo! LOL. haha

Hey one point is hard to come by for a drunk... give the man some credit. You ever take a test hung over? Wonder how well he would have done if he was sober?

That one point shows that Kerry is not the intellect that he was reported to be.

From the article:
"The records show that Kerry averaged a 76 grade his first three years at Yale, while Bush averaged a 77. So they were both C students. Kerry improved by his senior year, with an 81, while Bush studied under a non-numerical grading system. The point is that the contrasting picture the media presented of both men is pure myth."


Jun 12 05 05:25 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Josie Nutter: 
All it took was watching Bush vs. Kerry in the debates to see who was "smarter".  Unless blinking blanky and smirking are somehow direct manifestations of intelligence, it wasn't Bush. wink

I listened to the debates on the radio then I watched them. Bush came off the winner on substance when listening to them. Kerry came off the winner on style when watching them.

Kerry is a much better liar than Bush, and better public speaker. Besides the proof is in the grades, Bush is smarter. :-)


Jun 12 05 05:34 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Mike Cummings: 
Bush is smarter. :-)

What a cunning little prankster Mr. Bush is... he TOTALLY fooled me!

Jun 12 05 05:43 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
One point...whoppy doo! LOL. haha

I always thought it was whopptie doo!  Or is whoppy doo a west coast thing?


Jun 12 05 05:48 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by Angel Tara: 
One point...whoppy doo! LOL. haha

I always thought it was whopptie doo!  Or is whoppy doo a west coast thing?


I thought it was Scooby Doo...


Jun 12 05 05:50 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Posted by Mike Cummings: 
Bush is smarter. :-)

What a cunning little prankster Mr. Bush is... he TOTALLY fooled me!

If he ever tells you to pull his finger... DON'T.


Jun 12 05 05:51 pm Link


Robb Radford

Posts: 7911

Margate, Florida, US

I can't believe this discussion is going on here!

A. Bush won so people need to stop crying about it.

B. The Democrates put up a bad choice to run against the Republicans bad choice. Another year of a choice of the lesser of 2 evils.

C. There were 5 types of people voting in the elections
   1. Those for Bush
   2. Those for Bush because he is the Republican
   3. Those for Kerry because he is the Democrate
   4. Those for Kerry because he is NOT Bush
   5. Those who voted outside the 2 big parties because they both suck.
Very few people voted for Kerry because he was Kerry.

D. We will never have a good leader in this country because those who are good leaders are not into being politicians. It's kind of like those who can run an industry those who can't run for office. Those running for office are nothing but really good BSer's. Will it ever change?

Jun 12 05 05:52 pm Link


William Herbert

Posts: 408

Bryan, Ohio, US

Posted by Josie Nutter: 
LOL.  Quite a few of the highly ranked jocks in my highschool were "better" students than my fellow honors classmates.  Why?  Because the teachers knew better than to give them bad grades.

I'm sure if I came from the Bush family that I would have been a Valedictorian.  What a joke.

All it took was watching Bush vs. Kerry in the debates to see who was "smarter".  Unless blinking blanky and smirking are somehow direct manifestations of intelligence, it wasn't Bush. wink

I think Kerry came off looking very good in those debates. I think what digs into the skin about Bush is the fact he has conviction! People have NO respect for anyone like that anymore. Bush is not always the most talented public speaker or debater.  I don't agree with all of his views but given the same election over and over again Bush gets my vote. That is why he won.

Sorry after"President Waffler" There is not much of a chance of a Democrat getting my vote in the future. Alot of people who call themselves Democrats these days are sorry excuses for one.

Jun 12 05 05:58 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

I think Kerry came off looking very good in those debates. I think what digs into the skin about Bush is the fact he has conviction! People have NO respect for anyone like that anymore. Bush is not always the most talented public speaker or debater.  I don't agree with all of his views but given the same election over and over again Bush gets my vote. That is why he won.

Sorry after"President Waffler" There is not much of a chance of a Democrat getting my vote in the future. Alot of people who call themselves Democrats these days are sorry excuses for one.

I know this is gonna be like tossing a match in a puddle of gas, but here goes...

  So conviction is admirable even in the face of evidence that points to the contrary??  When the then Secretary of State Colin Powell thought the idea of going to war was wrong and incorrect, remember this was a guy who had been there, this twit says full steam ahead.. This with the knowledge that the "real" war to be fought in Afganhastan (yea i know I spelled that wrong, sorry didn't go to Yale..), was far from over, he spreads troops thin by shipping them to Iraq. Guess we didn't learn from Hitler's mistakes. Lest we not forget that reservists and such that should have been getting out were told no way 'cause we don't have enough people..
  And on the home front, tax breaks for those who least need them while various social programs and even Homeland Security were taking cuts. Social programs like No Child Left Behind; sorry, alot got left behind..

Kerry may not have been the answer, but he certainly wasn't the disease that King George II has turned out to be..  Or as I believe the Sun stated on their cover, "How could 25 million people be so stupid??"

Jun 12 05 06:18 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 

I think Kerry came off looking very good in those debates. I think what digs into the skin about Bush is the fact he has conviction! People have NO respect for anyone like that anymore. Bush is not always the most talented public speaker or debater.  I don't agree with all of his views but given the same election over and over again Bush gets my vote. That is why he won.

Sorry after"President Waffler" There is not much of a chance of a Democrat getting my vote in the future. Alot of people who call themselves Democrats these days are sorry excuses for one.

I know this is gonna be like tossing a match in a puddle of gas, but here goes...

  So conviction is admirable even in the face of evidence that points to the contrary??  When the then Secretary of State Colin Powell thought the idea of going to war was wrong and incorrect, remember this was a guy who had been there, this twit says full steam ahead.. This with the knowledge that the "real" war to be fought in Afganhastan (yea i know I spelled that wrong, sorry didn't go to Yale..), was far from over, he spreads troops thin by shipping them to Iraq. Guess we didn't learn from Hitler's mistakes. Lest we not forget that reservists and such that should have been getting out were told no way 'cause we don't have enough people..
  And on the home front, tax breaks for those who least need them while various social programs and even Homeland Security were taking cuts. Social programs like No Child Left Behind; sorry, alot got left behind..

Kerry may not have been the answer, but he certainly wasn't the disease that King George II has turned out to be..  Or as I believe the Sun stated on their cover, "How could 25 million people be so stupid??"

I don't want to fuel the fire either... so I have to say only ONE thing to you Keith:

      W O R D !

Jun 12 05 06:26 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17824

El Segundo, California, US

Posted by Robb Radford: 
A. Bush won so people need to stop crying about it.

Yup. Bush took the vote with more people voting FOR him than for any other presidential candidate in history.

On the other hand, Bush also took the vote with more people voting AGAINST him than against any other presidential candidate in history, too.

Posted by Robb Radford:
C. There were 5 types of people voting in the elections
   1. Those for Bush
   2. Those for Bush because he is the Republican
   3. Those for Kerry because he is the Democrate
   4. Those for Kerry because he is NOT Bush
   5. Those who voted outside the 2 big parties because they both suck.
Very few people voted for Kerry because he was Kerry.

Not from what most polls said, but no matter, you ignored a number of other categories[list]

[*]Those who voted "against" Kerry. (There's a difference in intent, if not in results between being against X and being for 'not-X')
[*]Those who voted "against" Bush. (See above)
[*]Those who voted FOR Bush because they thought he was a better choice, if not perhaps a great one.
[*]Those who voted FOR Kerry because they thought he was a better choice if not perhaps a great one.[/list]
The last two might be subsumed in your 1,2,3,and/or 4, but they're not quite the same.

Posted by Robb Radford:
D. We will never have a good leader in this country because those who are good leaders are not into being politicians. It's kind of like those who can run an industry those who can't run for office. Those running for office are nothing but really good BSer's. Will it ever change?

That's seems a touch cynical, and I'm usually pretty cynical myself. Not the overall issue, but the 'never' part.

The annoying thing is that the "real" job for most politicians is "getting elected", not "doing a good job once elected". Which leads to the major parties choosing candidates they feel are likely to win, not by how well or poorly they are likely to do in office.

Jun 12 05 07:16 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 
  I know this is gonna be like tossing a match in a puddle of gas, but here goes...

  So conviction is admirable even in the face of evidence that points to the contrary??  When the then Secretary of State Colin Powell thought the idea of going to war was wrong and incorrect, remember this was a guy who had been there, this twit says full steam ahead.. This with the knowledge that the "real" war to be fought in Afganhastan (yea i know I spelled that wrong, sorry didn't go to Yale..), was far from over, he spreads troops thin by shipping them to Iraq. Guess we didn't learn from Hitler's mistakes. Lest we not forget that reservists and such that should have been getting out were told no way 'cause we don't have enough people..

Sorry to inform you but the reserves are doing what they were created to do. Contrary to the myth we are not spread that thin.

  And on the home front, tax breaks for those who least need them while various social programs and even Homeland Security were taking cuts. Social programs like No Child Left Behind; sorry, alot got left behind..

I guess you are not in the upper tax bracket. Please explain to me why someone that makes more money is punished for it? Where is the fairness in that? Wouldn't a flat or consumption tax be better?

Kerry may not have been the answer, but he certainly wasn't the disease that King George II has turned out to be..  Or as I believe the Sun stated on their cover, "How could 25 million people be so stupid??"

Kerry's disease is worse. I would rather deal with someone that I disagree with than someone that changes his tune at the drop of a hat.


Jun 12 05 07:43 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 

I think Kerry came off looking very good in those debates. I think what digs into the skin about Bush is the fact he has conviction! People have NO respect for anyone like that anymore. Bush is not always the most talented public speaker or debater.  I don't agree with all of his views but given the same election over and over again Bush gets my vote. That is why he won.

Sorry after"President Waffler" There is not much of a chance of a Democrat getting my vote in the future. Alot of people who call themselves Democrats these days are sorry excuses for one.

I know this is gonna be like tossing a match in a puddle of gas, but here goes...

  So conviction is admirable even in the face of evidence that points to the contrary??  When the then Secretary of State Colin Powell thought the idea of going to war was wrong and incorrect, remember this was a guy who had been there, this twit says full steam ahead.. This with the knowledge that the "real" war to be fought in Afganhastan (yea i know I spelled that wrong, sorry didn't go to Yale..), was far from over, he spreads troops thin by shipping them to Iraq. Guess we didn't learn from Hitler's mistakes. Lest we not forget that reservists and such that should have been getting out were told no way 'cause we don't have enough people..
  And on the home front, tax breaks for those who least need them while various social programs and even Homeland Security were taking cuts. Social programs like No Child Left Behind; sorry, alot got left behind..

Kerry may not have been the answer, but he certainly wasn't the disease that King George II has turned out to be..  Or as I believe the Sun stated on their cover, "How could 25 million people be so stupid??"

I don't want to fuel the fire either... so I have to say only ONE thing to you Keith:

      W O R D !

Udo, I'm sure the answer is in front of my face, but I'm not certain what you mean by "WORD"..  I know you're german so if the word was Hitler, no disrespect was meant to you or any other germans. I've traveled to to Germany many times as it is one of my favorite countries and have a number of friends there, too..  Not to mention the fine beers and wines.

Mein entschuldigen Sie sich, wenn ich Sie beleidigte.

Jun 12 05 07:56 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

I don't want to fuel the fire either... so I have to say only ONE thing to you Keith:

      W O R D !

Udo, I'm sure the answer is in front of my face, but I'm not certain what you mean by "WORD".. 

Hahahaa... Keith... Keith... Keith... you are not down with 'da lingo bro! ;-)

Maybe I am shooting too much urban street wear and for African-American magazines (or being a judge at the Hip Hop Bunny Contest in NY) ...

I meant that I totally agree with what you wrote... LOL

Jun 12 05 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by Robb Radford: 
I can't believe this discussion is going on here!

A. Bush won so people need to stop crying about it.

B. The Democrates put up a bad choice to run against the Republicans bad choice. Another year of a choice of the lesser of 2 evils.

C. There were 5 types of people voting in the elections
   1. Those for Bush
   2. Those for Bush because he is the Republican
   3. Those for Kerry because he is the Democrate
   4. Those for Kerry because he is NOT Bush
   5. Those who voted outside the 2 big parties because they both suck.
Very few people voted for Kerry because he was Kerry.

D. We will never have a good leader in this country because those who are good leaders are not into being politicians. It's kind of like those who can run an industry those who can't run for office. Those running for office are nothing but really good BSer's. Will it ever change?

You need to add something to your list of 1-5 Rob.

6. People who voted for Kerry, but miraculousy their touch screens said they voted for BUSH!

There was also a very large group of people who didn't even get to vote! Alot of people (in minority areas) got turned away at the polls.

I'm so embarassed to live in Ohio...oh whoa is me.

Jun 12 05 08:09 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Shayuma: 

6. People who voted for Kerry, but miraculousy their touch screens said they voted for BUSH!

Or votes that weren't clear were AUTOMATICALLY counted towards Bush.

Jun 12 05 08:12 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by Mike Cummings: 

Posted by Angel Tara: 
And also, "The records show that Kerry averaged a 76 grade his first three years at Yale, while Bush averaged a 77"

One point...whoppy doo! LOL. haha

Hey one point is hard to come by for a drunk... give the man some credit. You ever take a test hung over? Wonder how well he would have done if he was sober?

That one point shows that Kerry is not the intellect that he was reported to be.

From the article:
"The records show that Kerry averaged a 76 grade his first three years at Yale, while Bush averaged a 77. So they were both C students. Kerry improved by his senior year, with an 81, while Bush studied under a non-numerical grading system. The point is that the contrasting picture the media presented of both men is pure myth."


yes but did you miss the part that Kerry's grades may have been better but was involved in perhaps TOO many other activities?

Jun 12 05 08:16 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Posted by Mike Cummings: 

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 
  I know this is gonna be like tossing a match in a puddle of gas, but here goes...

  So conviction is admirable even in the face of evidence that points to the contrary??  When the then Secretary of State Colin Powell thought the idea of going to war was wrong and incorrect, remember this was a guy who had been there, this twit says full steam ahead.. This with the knowledge that the "real" war to be fought in Afganhastan (yea i know I spelled that wrong, sorry didn't go to Yale..), was far from over, he spreads troops thin by shipping them to Iraq. Guess we didn't learn from Hitler's mistakes. Lest we not forget that reservists and such that should have been getting out were told no way 'cause we don't have enough people..

Sorry to inform you but the reserves are doing what they were created to do. Contrary to the myth we are not spread that thin.

  And on the home front, tax breaks for those who least need them while various social programs and even Homeland Security were taking cuts. Social programs like No Child Left Behind; sorry, alot got left behind..

I guess you are not in the upper tax bracket. Please explain to me why someone that makes more money is punished for it? Where is the fairness in that? Wouldn't a flat or consumption tax be better?

Kerry may not have been the answer, but he certainly wasn't the disease that King George II has turned out to be..  Or as I believe the Sun stated on their cover, "How could 25 million people be so stupid??"

Kerry's disease is worse. I would rather deal with someone that I disagree with than someone that changes his tune at the drop of a hat.


Having spoken with people that are actually serving in Afganhistan and Iraq, something neither you nor I are doing, they tell of a different story than what the Feds want told. I'm more incline to believe those that are there, then those trying to look good from poor decisions. As I said, Powell served in that area and was clearly against any action in Iraq, yet this admin, many of whom sherked their military duty, were gung ho to start this war. I think he had a better grasp of the REAL situation than Bush, Cheney or Rumsfeld.

You are correct, I'm not apart of the upper bracket. But when there is a situation that requires large quantities of funding, you don't cut your income. The Reagan years clearly proved that the trickle down effect does not work. And tell me, Bush wants to privatize Social Security because it's gonna be bankrupt very shortly according to him. The simple solution is to cease the idiotic system that ceases SS taxation on income above $90K. In essence, another tax cut as anyone earning above that figure doesn't pay what those below do percentage wise. How secure would SS be if that tax was collected on ALL income??
And yep, a flat or consumption tax would be fairer; but get the upper income folks to vote that into law.. They won't because in the longhaul they will pay more. As it is, the current cuts that have assisted in creating this deficit, will be paid by the lowest income  earners. How, most likey in the form of government cuts to various programs. Then those earners will have to pay out of their pockets or do with out.

As for dealing with someone you disagree with, that's fine. However, when that someone continues on a course of action that is wrong, evidence is there that it is wrong and will have long term negative effects, that disease is far greater. At least the person who may change their mind is at least listening to other options; the only option with George is his way or his way..

Jun 12 05 08:17 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by Angel Tara: 
One point...whoppy doo! LOL. haha

I always thought it was whopptie doo!  Or is whoppy doo a west coast thing?


Wouldn't know honey, I'm midwest, not west coast

Jun 12 05 08:17 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by Robb Radford: 
I can't believe this discussion is going on here!

A. Bush won so people need to stop crying about it.

B. The Democrates put up a bad choice to run against the Republicans bad choice. Another year of a choice of the lesser of 2 evils.

C. There were 5 types of people voting in the elections
   1. Those for Bush
   2. Those for Bush because he is the Republican
   3. Those for Kerry because he is the Democrate
   4. Those for Kerry because he is NOT Bush
   5. Those who voted outside the 2 big parties because they both suck.
Very few people voted for Kerry because he was Kerry.

D. We will never have a good leader in this country because those who are good leaders are not into being politicians. It's kind of like those who can run an industry those who can't run for office. Those running for office are nothing but really good BSer's. Will it ever change?

I will admit voting for Kerry because he is not Bush. Lesser of two evils I suppose.

Jun 12 05 08:19 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

I don't want to fuel the fire either... so I have to say only ONE thing to you Keith:

      W O R D !

Udo, I'm sure the answer is in front of my face, but I'm not certain what you mean by "WORD".. 

Hahahaa... Keith... Keith... Keith... you are not down with 'da lingo bro! ;-)

Maybe I am shooting too much urban street wear and for African-American magazines (or being a judge at the Hip Hop Bunny Contest in NY) ...

I meant that I totally agree with what you wrote... LOL

That's what I thought you meant Udo..  Need that UP in there!!  WORD UP!!   Gotta forgive me, I'm in the south so I be a little slow... Not to mention blonde!!!   :-)

  For that, the next round of Hefe weizen is on me!!!!


Jun 12 05 08:20 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 
Need that UP in there!!  WORD UP!!   Gotta forgive me, I'm in the south so I be a little slow... Not to mention blonde!!!   :-)

  For that, the next round of Hefe weizen is on me!!!!

See... in NY, we don't have time for "Word Up!"... we cut it short and just say "Word!"...

Yeah... Hefeweizen would be good...

Prost, auf dein Wohl!"

Jun 12 05 08:23 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by Mike Cummings: 

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 
  I know this is gonna be like tossing a match in a puddle of gas, but here goes...

  So conviction is admirable even in the face of evidence that points to the contrary??  When the then Secretary of State Colin Powell thought the idea of going to war was wrong and incorrect, remember this was a guy who had been there, this twit says full steam ahead.. This with the knowledge that the "real" war to be fought in Afganhastan (yea i know I spelled that wrong, sorry didn't go to Yale..), was far from over, he spreads troops thin by shipping them to Iraq. Guess we didn't learn from Hitler's mistakes. Lest we not forget that reservists and such that should have been getting out were told no way 'cause we don't have enough people..

Sorry to inform you but the reserves are doing what they were created to do. Contrary to the myth we are not spread that thin.

  And on the home front, tax breaks for those who least need them while various social programs and even Homeland Security were taking cuts. Social programs like No Child Left Behind; sorry, alot got left behind..

I guess you are not in the upper tax bracket. Please explain to me why someone that makes more money is punished for it? Where is the fairness in that? Wouldn't a flat or consumption tax be better?

Kerry may not have been the answer, but he certainly wasn't the disease that King George II has turned out to be..  Or as I believe the Sun stated on their cover, "How could 25 million people be so stupid??"

Kerry's disease is worse. I would rather deal with someone that I disagree with than someone that changes his tune at the drop of a hat.


MYTH we are not spread thin??? How do you know this? What is your affiliation with the military?

My husband was involved with that crap. We had MORE civilians on base working because the troops where shipped here and there. The army, marines and navy are implementing new programs to ship troops from one specialty/branch to other shorthanded branches. The only branch that is not suffering is the airforce, and it is because it is the most popular branch in terms of retention. I know this because my husband can not go back into the airforce because they are not accepting prior service, but the army, navy and marines are trying to break down the door. The airforce is the only branch with decent retention.

LOL...don't get me started! I lived this life that many people only speculate about

Oh, and about the reserves...not all reserves were created for that. Some reserves are only suppose to be activated within the US borders. So going over there is OUTSIDE of their contract. My husband worked side by side with many of these men. They arent just "created for that"

Jun 12 05 08:25 pm Link


Robb Radford

Posts: 7911

Margate, Florida, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Posted by Shayuma: 

6. People who voted for Kerry, but miraculousy their touch screens said they voted for BUSH!

Or votes that weren't clear were AUTOMATICALLY counted towards Bush.

Though there is always voter fraud on both sides of the fence nothing as major as the above had any legs to stand on. Lot's of claims are made after elections and this election was one of the most watched elections for voter fraud in the history of the United States.

Problem is both parties have problems and are out of touch from the majority of the country. One is way to far ont he right the other is way to far to the left. The majority is left in the middle with no real choice. Kerry was a horrible choice and the democrates had an easy chance to retake the Whitehouse. Now we have a bunch of Liberals running around crying about losing and how stupid the rest of America is for making a choice when the real fact is that their party let them down by selecting a bad candidate.

One day one of the 2 parties will wise up and realize what the majority wants but the bigger problem is that the majority of America has been fooled into believing that if they don't vote for 1 of the 2 big parties that they are wasting there vote.

Jun 12 05 08:52 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 

I will admit voting for Kerry because he is not Bush. Lesser of two evils I suppose.

Jun 12 05 08:56 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

OMG Dan you just made me nauseas lol

Jun 12 05 09:02 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

"Bush Better Student Than Kerry"

Well, isn't that an excellent example of damning with faint praise?

Personally, I prefer the guy I can't trust to the guy I trust to fuck up. I figure my odds are better.

Jun 12 05 09:33 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by Robb Radford: 

Kerry was a horrible choice and the democrates had an easy chance to retake the Whitehouse. Now we have a bunch of Liberals running around crying about losing and how stupid the rest of America is for making a choice when the real fact is that their party let them down by selecting a bad candidate.

I agree with that!

Jun 12 05 09:39 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by Dan Hood: 

Posted by Angel Tara: 

I will admit voting for Kerry because he is not Bush. Lesser of two evils I suppose.

Haha Dan, Okay how about I simply cannot stand Bush and I think he is the antichrist? LOL

Am I the only one who sees the horns on his head when he's on tv?

He's down right stupid and listening to him talk irks the hell out of me. And after all these years, he couldn't have learned something about public speaking...about how to get it right and do a good job???


Jun 12 05 09:44 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
-Douglas Adams

Jun 12 05 09:55 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Posted by Robb Radford: 

Kerry was a horrible choice and the democrates had an easy chance to retake the Whitehouse. Now we have a bunch of Liberals running around crying about losing and how stupid the rest of America is for making a choice when the real fact is that their party let them down by selecting a bad candidate.

Ya I agree with that somewhat. I think most people who voted in the primary were trying to second guess who had electability and not who they personally liked. Whenever people play political consultant they invariably choose a poor candidate.

Jun 12 05 10:13 pm Link


Ink Studios Imagery

Posts: 8

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 

Posted by Mike Cummings: 

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 
  I know this is gonna be like tossing a match in a puddle of gas, but here goes...

  So conviction is admirable even in the face of evidence that points to the contrary??  When the then Secretary of State Colin Powell thought the idea of going to war was wrong and incorrect, remember this was a guy who had been there, this twit says full steam ahead.. This with the knowledge that the "real" war to be fought in Afganhastan (yea i know I spelled that wrong, sorry didn't go to Yale..), was far from over, he spreads troops thin by shipping them to Iraq. Guess we didn't learn from Hitler's mistakes. Lest we not forget that reservists and such that should have been getting out were told no way 'cause we don't have enough people..

Sorry to inform you but the reserves are doing what they were created to do. Contrary to the myth we are not spread that thin.

  And on the home front, tax breaks for those who least need them while various social programs and even Homeland Security were taking cuts. Social programs like No Child Left Behind; sorry, alot got left behind..

I guess you are not in the upper tax bracket. Please explain to me why someone that makes more money is punished for it? Where is the fairness in that? Wouldn't a flat or consumption tax be better?

Kerry may not have been the answer, but he certainly wasn't the disease that King George II has turned out to be..  Or as I believe the Sun stated on their cover, "How could 25 million people be so stupid??"

Kerry's disease is worse. I would rather deal with someone that I disagree with than someone that changes his tune at the drop of a hat.


MYTH we are not spread thin??? How do you know this? What is your affiliation with the military?

My husband was involved with that crap. We had MORE civilians on base working because the troops where shipped here and there. The army, marines and navy are implementing new programs to ship troops from one specialty/branch to other shorthanded branches. The only branch that is not suffering is the airforce, and it is because it is the most popular branch in terms of retention. I know this because my husband can not go back into the airforce because they are not accepting prior service, but the army, navy and marines are trying to break down the door. The airforce is the only branch with decent retention.

LOL...don't get me started! I lived this life that many people only speculate about

Oh, and about the reserves...not all reserves were created for that. Some reserves are only suppose to be activated within the US borders. So going over there is OUTSIDE of their contract. My husband worked side by side with many of these men. They arent just "created for that"

Uhh..............I spent 10 yrs in the military and Been in Active duty Army (gulf war I).....Reserves.....and National Guard, your point about some reserves being only within borders is mistated.......The National Guard is our homeland force......Just thought I needed to clarify your thought..
I can't believe this topic is here and probably should stay quiet, but I can't ........I hate to say this but many of the quotes I see here are missing factual evidence and only are quoting what has been heard in the media or read.  Big challenge there is that you have to remember that the media has their own agenda as well. So, you truly only have half the story (if that)  Think again folks.....I voted Bush becuase he tells you exactly what he is going to do and sticks with it.  Having a leader that can't remember what he said last week is very scary....not to mention no other accomplishments in government (worthy of talk) for almost 20 yrs.
Regardless folks,  we have a lot of politicians on both sides of the fence that aren't doing squat.  They sit there and make more money than you and I (with special savings accounts) and aren't accomplishing a thing for us.  YOu really need to take a good hard look at any party you are in and really judge what has been done.  Healthcare has been a huge issue for the last 25 yrs folks. Nothing yet has been proposed (of quality) or done by either party.  No I am not a green party person. I am a conservative, but am tired of those on Capital Hill making Big BANK and not doing what we have Voted them in for" or better yet "HIRED" them.  It is time to fire some of these lounge lizards with fat wallets.


Jun 12 05 10:15 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Posted by Brian Diaz: 
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
-Douglas Adams

I think that says it all!!    And Dan, that was WAY too freakin' funny!!  Thanks for the laugh...  :-)

  And for a guy (George) that is suppose to be so damn smart, why does he think that a father and 2 sons equals 3 generations??  Dear George, while on stage with dad and Jeb ( Florida's dingbat ), commented how wonderful it was to have 3 generations of Bushes all together...  I'm no math or geneology wiz, but a father and 2 sons is only 2 generations...  Must be government math...


Jun 12 05 10:19 pm Link


Ink Studios Imagery

Posts: 8

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Posted by Shayuma: 

Posted by Robb Radford: 
I can't believe this discussion is going on here!

A. Bush won so people need to stop crying about it.

B. The Democrates put up a bad choice to run against the Republicans bad choice. Another year of a choice of the lesser of 2 evils.

C. There were 5 types of people voting in the elections
   1. Those for Bush
   2. Those for Bush because he is the Republican
   3. Those for Kerry because he is the Democrate
   4. Those for Kerry because he is NOT Bush
   5. Those who voted outside the 2 big parties because they both suck.
Very few people voted for Kerry because he was Kerry.

D. We will never have a good leader in this country because those who are good leaders are not into being politicians. It's kind of like those who can run an industry those who can't run for office. Those running for office are nothing but really good BSer's. Will it ever change?

You need to add something to your list of 1-5 Rob.

6. People who voted for Kerry, but miraculousy their touch screens said they voted for BUSH!

There was also a very large group of people who didn't even get to vote! Alot of people (in minority areas) got turned away at the polls.

I'm so embarassed to live in Ohio...oh whoa is me.

Shayuma, Please don't go there.  Did you actually witness the miraculous screen flip?.......I doubt it, there are so many lies told about these things.

  I am pretty sure if we dug hard enough, we could find voter fraud from either party. But I highly doubt that either party is that organized at the top to have every county in the US planned out for voter fraud. 

However,  I actually did witness actual voter fraud this year by a democratic women trying to vote for 4 homeless people.  She was arressted afterwards.

Jun 12 05 10:22 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by DigitalXposure: 

Posted by Shayuma: 

Posted by Robb Radford: 
I can't believe this discussion is going on here!

A. Bush won so people need to stop crying about it.

B. The Democrates put up a bad choice to run against the Republicans bad choice. Another year of a choice of the lesser of 2 evils.

C. There were 5 types of people voting in the elections
   1. Those for Bush
   2. Those for Bush because he is the Republican
   3. Those for Kerry because he is the Democrate
   4. Those for Kerry because he is NOT Bush
   5. Those who voted outside the 2 big parties because they both suck.
Very few people voted for Kerry because he was Kerry.

D. We will never have a good leader in this country because those who are good leaders are not into being politicians. It's kind of like those who can run an industry those who can't run for office. Those running for office are nothing but really good BSer's. Will it ever change?

You need to add something to your list of 1-5 Rob.

6. People who voted for Kerry, but miraculousy their touch screens said they voted for BUSH!

There was also a very large group of people who didn't even get to vote! Alot of people (in minority areas) got turned away at the polls.

I'm so embarassed to live in Ohio...oh whoa is me.

Shayuma, Please don't go there.  Did you actually witness the miraculous screen flip?.......I doubt it, there are so many lies told about these things.

  I am pretty sure if we dug hard enough, we could find voter fraud from either party. But I highly doubt that either party is that organized at the top to have every county in the US planned out for voter fraud. 

However,  I actually did witness actual voter fraud this year by a democratic women trying to vote for 4 homeless people.  She was arressted afterwards. 

Listen...actually I DID WITNESS IT. I heard people complaining. I also witnessed people getting turned away at the door! They almost didn't let ME VOTE! Dont be offended by what I have said ok got your man so hopefully 2008 will be time for the much needed turnaround HILLARY 2008 *smiles*

Jun 12 05 10:29 pm Link


Ink Studios Imagery

Posts: 8

Kansas City, Missouri, US

No Offense Taken Shayuma, I hope you weren't offended by my post either.
I just know that many of these stories are made up and over blown.  I know this first hand by two friends that  are politicians and just happen to be democrats.  One was actually part of clintons administration and told me of several strategic things that they leaked to the media and all had 1/4 truth to them.  He basically told me that all political parties do this...........hmmmmm

Jun 12 05 10:36 pm Link



Posts: 11

Statesboro, Georgia, US

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders, that is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.” -Hermann Goering (Nazi planner)

Jun 12 05 10:36 pm Link