Forums > Model Colloquy > Changes to USC 2257 - This affects ALL nudity online


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

There are some major changes coming, and you need to brace yourself!

Places you can read about this changes at...
and here:

A direct quote from a site (thanks to a friend / isadora for pulling this out  for me)

Part of the relevant section reads:

(2) A secondary producer is any person who produces, assembles,
manufactures, publishes, duplicates, reproduces, or reissues a book,
magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digitally- or computer-
manipulated image, picture, or other matter intended for commercial
distribution that contains a visual depiction of an actual human being
engaged in actual sexually explicit conduct, or who inserts on a
computer site or service a digital image of, or otherwise manages the
sexually explicit content of a computer site or service that contains a
visual depiction of an actual human being engaged in actual sexually
explicit conduct, including any person who enters into a contract,
agreement, or conspiracy to do any of the foregoing.

Addition added July 01 - for all those people who are throwing fits because I dared assume that photos of nudes were affected by this..... chill out. My word, I have never seen so many people happy to jump all over anothers person case...just because Im trying to help inform folks. Geez.

I am not a lawyer, I posted what I understood.

Jun 29 05 06:49 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

That appears to apply to "explicit content" which is not the same as "nudity" - right??


Jun 29 05 06:53 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

From what I've seen, any nudity online...the rules are so generic that everyone who shows so much as a nipple are scrambling to make certain they cant get tagged by this.

Jun 29 05 06:55 pm Link


Jessika Rae

Posts: 113

Akron, Ohio, US

So what are we to do??!  I mean, is this law going to go in affect and anyone caught will get in trouble?  Just how severe and nitpicky are they going..  Shit this is wrong!!  I mean I'm flabbergasted, and I don't really know what to say but - holy cow what a shit storm this will cause...............


Jun 29 05 07:00 pm Link


David Klein

Posts: 207

Brooklyn, New York, US

don't blame me... i voted for Kerry...

thank you Bush Justice Department for staying off The People's backs

Jun 29 05 07:07 pm Link


Jessika Rae

Posts: 113

Akron, Ohio, US

Posted by David Klein: 
don't blame me... i voted for Kerry...

Same here David, and to think it came down to us Ohioans... It's pretty sad and I was very upset when Kerry didn't become president... Pffft..

Jun 29 05 07:08 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Hollywood, Alabama, US

it's the sexually explicit part that's completely up for interpretation.
It's the kind of guesswork that makes Howard Stern go crazy as well.
We should all just shoot flowers--he he.

Jun 29 05 07:11 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Posted by Lady Atropos: 
From what I've seen, any nudity online...the rules are so generic that everyone who shows so much as a nipple are scrambling to make certain they cant get tagged by this.

Showing a nipple is not sexually explicit. Geeze, people.

They can come after me for all my TFP shots with nipples in 'em when they pry my camera from my cold, dead fingers! Sheeesh - don't run scared from a bunch of farting old men in Washington, DC. There's not a court in the US that would convict you unless it's explicit sexual activity - or they'd have to shut down the museums and take the topless statues of Lady Justice off the Department of Justice building in DC.

Get a grip and stop scaremongering. Do you really give a sh*t about this? Then state your intention to fight to the death if someone tries to take down your erotic art. And mean it.

They can have my nipples when they pry them from my, uhm, uh. - OK let's not go there.


Jun 29 05 07:13 pm Link


Rick Edwards

Posts: 6185

Wilmington, Delaware, US

there was even a quote from a photographers lawyer on a previous thread about this
basically he said no worries
calm down
ah the sky is falling

Jun 29 05 07:24 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

well - long story short.....its all pretty aloof and seems like something easily manipulated to anothers ends in terms of defining it as a law

Jun 29 05 09:19 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Lady Atropos: 
From what I've seen, any nudity online...the rules are so generic that everyone who shows so much as a nipple are scrambling to make certain they cant get tagged by this.

From what you've seen? Who mean someone's been prosecuted for nudity?

The law only applies to sexually explicit material. Nudity is not sexually explicit.

As GWC said, stop scaremongering.

Jun 29 05 10:26 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Actually the idiots who are doing this say it is to protect minors so I have no doubt that any site depicting nudity will be at risk. If this law goes into play I can see many people losing what they have and the hardest hit will be smaller model owned sites instead of the large companies who do better record keeping. Hey whether you look at Playboy or watch Vivid video, porn is porn. Yes, some is hard core and some if soft core but this law will affect any site with nude images, period! You can't have it one way and not the other because it makes no sense, well this witch hunt makes no sense but I like others didn't vote for that dick in office!

Jun 29 05 10:46 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

The largest initial problem will likely be the chilling effect it will have upon those not engaging in child pornography( the group that this law was enacted to prohibit.   )   The ripple of fear is going to be pretty significant for those who are secondary providers .i.e those who manage/distribute content.   No one is really sure yet how broadly this will be interpreted, what is likely (especially given who is in office) that certain groups will be targeted as both test cases for judicial review/analysis, and to further scare/silence those involved in anything remotely sexual on the internet.

Jun 29 05 10:48 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Im really glad this is going into affect, again about child porn... BUT most child porn sites/servers that host those sites..are NOT in the usa but are hosted in countries that have no laws to protect minors, or they do have laws..but are just not it wont make much an impact

Jun 29 05 11:21 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

Photo tech rules from most processing facilities is (such as Eckerds or Quatum, etc.):

We can develop pictures of naked people if in the picture it is one naked person not touching themself anywhere (not even sexually).

If it's more than one person, or more than one naked person in the image, and they're not touching themselves or anyone else, then it still might be ok.

But we can't develop pictures of a naked person touching themself. And we can't develop pictures of a naked person being touched by anyone. And we can't develop pictures of more than on naked person touching themself or someone else.

Naked minors and children are almost definite no-nos - unless it's obviously just a parent photographing junior running around in a diaper.

Do these photos still get processed? Sure.

What does this have to do with the new internet rule? Maybe nothing, but I'm hoping it gives some context / clarification.

Jun 30 05 12:45 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by Sara Green: 

Naked minors and children are almost definite no-nos - unless it's obviously just a parent photographing junior running around in a diaper.

Do these photos still get processed? Sure.

What does this have to do with the new internet rule? Maybe nothing, but I'm hoping it gives some context / clarification.

Yes, but unfortunately there have been cases were photos of naked junior, taken by Mom have been turned into local authorities.

I don't know, what it seems to me is that we're an uptight society that has a hard time differentiating between consentual vs. non-consentual  sexuality.

The fact that these regulations were clarified and will be enforced by the same asshole that interpreted the law to say that torture is okay, tells me that there is going to be a witch hunt in a few months.

Jun 30 05 01:56 am Link


Michael Gundelach

Posts: 763

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Hi there!
Just wanted to add, that this law only counts for computer/server in US territory.

So if you want to be save - get a european server and feel free to post as much nudity as you want... and jumpstart european economy ;o)

Jun 30 05 02:04 am Link



Posts: 9122

How are sites like MM and OMP affected?

Jun 30 05 02:05 am Link



Posts: 276

Tampa, Florida, US

2 cents worth of info.

1. If your NOT INSERTING things where the sun don't shine or Spreading.

then you are doing nothing wrong.

2. If you are Inserting things where the sun don't shine. or Spreading.

MAKE sure you have 2 FORMS of ID on the Model (s) HOLDING them next to the face.  And KEEP the HARD PRINTED model releases and copy of the ID's and you have nothing to worry about.

And THE MODEL RELEASE NEED to be REAL NAMES. Not stage names.  And make sure you have a folder ready if you get a notice of inspection. And bee ba daa beeeb  thats all folks.


as I wrote in an earlyer post on this subject. Put them in a Burn proof box JUST IN CASE. If you ever lost your model releases I'd Dump the photos. FAST.  without ID's who knows KNOW is..

Thats the whole point of the law. The real porn industry is not even the least bit worried about this law. They learned their lesson from tracy lords.

I do not shoot porn but this is sin city and I know people who do.  ID ID ID ID ID ID  simple.

Jun 30 05 02:15 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Interesting,  Mark's dog takes notes  and checks all the HD of all who have responded to check.

Jun 30 05 02:18 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Lady Atropos: 
Yup...if you shoot nude, or pose nude, or have a website with nudity on it..this affects YOU!



(2) A secondary producer is any person who produces, assembles, manufactures, publishes, duplicates, reproduces, or reissues a book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digitally- or computer-manipulated image, picture, or other matter intended for commercial distribution that contains a visual depiction of an actual human being engaged in actual sexually explicit conduct (TRANSLATION: FUCKING OR PLAYING WITH DILDOS), or who inserts on a computer site or service a digital image of, or otherwise manages the sexually explicit content (TRANSLATION: FUCKING OR PLAYING WITH DILDOS) of a computer site or service that contains a visual depiction of an actual human being engaged in actual sexually explicit conduct (TRANSLATION: FUCKING OR PLAYING WITH DILDOS), including any person who enters into a contract, agreement, or conspiracy to do any of the foregoing.

Now, what part of FUCKING OR PLAYING WITH DILDOS don't any of you understand? Geezo. Nudes IS NOT sexually explicit conduct.

Keywords: engaged, sexually, explicit, conduct

They are talking about the action verb. In other words, FUCKING.

Jun 30 05 02:20 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

It is all based upon what the COMMUNITY thinks is engaged, sexually, explicit, conduct.  Check your local Supreme Court ruling.

Jun 30 05 02:23 am Link



Posts: 276

Tampa, Florida, US

Posted by Sara Green: 
Photo tech rules from most processing facilities is (such as Eckerds or Quatum, etc.):

Naked minors and children are almost definite no-nos - unless it's obviously just a parent photographing junior running around in a diaper.

Do these photos still get processed? Sure.

I am sure you process naked baby pics as well.  a diaper is Not naked.

What does this have to do with the new internet rule? Maybe nothing, but I'm hoping it gives some context / clarification.

Technically speaking in a court of law. If some DA really pushed this I bet this could be considered Manafacture of child pronagraphy.  And after they are printed, and the Mom or dad GAVE a copy of said photo to another family member. Again the Distrabution act Could be enforced.

I know this sounds stupid but think about it.

What is this world coming to.  ''Welcome to the NEW WORLD ORDER." GWB Sr  "I did not have sex with that women."  BC  "This is a war on terrorisim" GWB jr.   Guess who that is ? 

Now a days if any one is half smart Don't shoot minors. Unless they have clothes ON.  I don't need a MINOR having a clothing MALFUNCTION during a shoot. Hence I don't shoot them.

Jun 30 05 02:35 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

I have heard worse.   

(heard on NPR or read in NY times not hearsay)

Jun 30 05 02:43 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

The term SEXUALLY EXPLICIT used in U.S.C. 2257 is actually defined in Title 18, Part I, Chapter 110, SS 2256, it reads:

2) “sexually explicit conductâ€? means actual or simulated—
(A) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex;
(B) bestiality;
(C) masturbation;
(D) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or
(E) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person;

You can see that simulated is sufficiently actionable, and penetration is not a necessary component to bring one under scrutiny.  There are any number of artists (not pornographers) on this site who contain these sort of images and themes (lovemaking, masturbation, SM).

Jun 30 05 02:50 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

All politics is Local.

Jun 30 05 02:52 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by marksora: 
It is all based upon what the COMMUNITY thinks is engaged, sexually, explicit, conduct.  Check your local Supreme Court ruling.

LOL. I read all kinds of stuff when I'm taking a No. 2. I don't just "sit" there, stew and ponder life's glorious mysteries.

Jun 30 05 03:16 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Keywords: engaged, sexually, explicit, conduct

simulated is one important keyword to consider...

Jun 30 05 03:48 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

How are sites like MM and OMP affected?

This is an extremely poorly written and in my mind overbroad law. 

It will affect anyone construed as a primary or secondary provider...

I think most interesting will be to see what it does to the blogosphere (which has a whole set of legal issues anyways).

Hosting companies and ISPs that can't "reasonably manage" the content are exempt.

That being said, internet services like Yahoo Groups are probably won't be exempt because technically speaking Yahoo has control, Yahoo can delete any group or disable attachment features.

Who knows how this can affect Google since images are hosted on its servers and how that is interpreted is anyone's guess.

Jun 30 05 03:49 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Keywords: engaged, sexually, explicit, conduct

simulated is one important keyword to consider...

yeah, the term sexually explicit is defined in a section 2256 immediately prceeding 2257.   Again, in my mind it's pretty broad.  and UNLIKE what previous posters said, about you only have to worry about penetration or actual fucking is incorrect. 

AND DON't FORGET, this all is just a test balloon for what DOJ really wants which is "Mandatory Data Retention," which basically means that  ALL ISPS will have to keep files on everything that people using their services are doing online--as in your emails, chatlogs, websites you visited, etc.   I'm not kidding, this was floated by the neofascists at DOJ this year: … 48649.html

Jun 30 05 03:53 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by latex-fashions: 

MAKE sure you have 2 FORMS of ID on the Model (s) HOLDING them next to the face.  And KEEP the HARD PRINTED model releases and copy of the ID's and you have nothing to worry about.

And THE MODEL RELEASE NEED to be REAL NAMES. Not stage names.  And make sure you have a folder ready if you get a notice of inspection. And bee ba daa beeeb  thats all folks.

I do not shoot porn but this is sin city and I know people who do.  ID ID ID ID ID ID  simple.

This raises an important point for images that are destined to go beyond a single photographer's hands.  Everyone in the affected distribution chain is expected to keep the required records...that means that the models pix ID, actual name and home address will be not only on a signed release in someone's burnproof box, but if the image has been distributed, in a manner that comes under 2257, then THOSE people will have models info as well.   

Given the 80 page discourse about the need for escorts to ensure model safety, I'm not really sure what folks are feeling about this kind of information being accessible to lots of people of unknown reputation.

Jun 30 05 06:23 am Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US


It seems to me that these laws don't affect models in any way. Am I right? If not could someone tell me how it affects models?

Jun 30 05 10:11 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by Leila: 

It seems to me that these laws don't affect models in any way. Am I right? If not could someone tell me how it affects models?

Your real name, pix ID and home address will, if you doing work that requires such proof under 2257, reside with every primary and secondary producer of such materials.    In otherwords, if you are working for a client or photographer, they will of course have access to such info.  If the photographer, under terms of your release, sells the images to appear as content for (for instance) WOMEN WITH RED HAIR, website, that webmaster will have your personal info.  If that provider (under terms of release with the photographer) sells the content, then that person (or distribution chain) has your private info as well.

It's the kind of law which might offer at best, minimal protection of minors, but really opens up the possibility of of all sorts of ugliness when model's addresses become quasi-public.   

Of course, if you only work with photographers who never plan on publishing their work, then you have not much to worry about.

Jun 30 05 10:24 am Link



Posts: 121

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

dont hate me but I voted for Bush and Im glad they are getting this law out because if will help but obviously this isnt about just naked people, its about sexual conduct. I think that porn is just too much out there and probably will be but its important to keep it where it belongs - the oficial sites that wont let minors through.
I dont know, its just that Im sick of seeing 10 year olds acting slutty and boys commenting with words they shouldnt even use... dear america then wonders why we have 12 yr olds getting abortion! sick. Lets think about others for once.

Jun 30 05 07:44 pm Link


Anthony Citrano

Posts: 245

Venice, California, US

Posted by Lady Atropos: 
Yup...if you shoot nude, or pose nude, or have a website with nudity on it..this affects YOU!

No, it doesn't.  It covers sexually explicit conduct.  This law was passed almost 20 years ago.  The only changes are to interpretive actions and rulings of DOJ that says the web is publishing, too.  Portions of this law have been adjudicated as unconstitutional, and any prosecution under the remaining provisions would likely end up before a liberal court, again. 

So, the odds of the DOJ prosecuting a photographer doing nudes under this statute are precisely zero.

Instead of signing online petitions, which no one will read, if you really care about this, call your Congressional delegates.  What few vertebrates remaining in Congress can change the law whenever they want.

Jun 30 05 10:40 pm Link


Anthony Citrano

Posts: 245

Venice, California, US

Posted by ( ANT ) Mgaphoto: 
Actually the idiots who are doing this say it is to protect minors so I have no doubt that any site depicting nudity will be at risk. If this law goes into play I can see many people losing what they have

It went "into play" in 1989.  Did these things happen?

The only change is that DOJ is saying the web is considered published media, too.  Do any of you disagree with that?

P.S. - nudity is not porn.

Jun 30 05 10:42 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17824

El Segundo, California, US

One interesting "side-effect" of enthusiastic enforcement of the law would be that sloppy bookkeeping by a legitimate "adult" business could lead to a child pornography charge.

This may be what the creators of the law intended, of course.

Jun 30 05 10:47 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by KM von Seidl: 

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Keywords: engaged, sexually, explicit, conduct

simulated is one important keyword to consider...

yeah, the term sexually explicit is defined in a section 2256 immediately prceeding 2257.   Again, in my mind it's pretty broad.  and UNLIKE what previous posters said, about you only have to worry about penetration or actual fucking is incorrect. 

AND DON't FORGET, this all is just a test balloon for what DOJ really wants which is "Mandatory Data Retention," which basically means that  ALL ISPS will have to keep files on everything that people using their services are doing online--as in your emails, chatlogs, websites you visited, etc.   I'm not kidding, this was floated by the neofascists at DOJ this year: … 48649.html

I didn't bother with simulation, or simulated as a keyword, because the idea behind it is to make the viewer think a couple is knockin da boots. If it makes one believe that's what's happening, then, for all intensive purposes, it's happening. Thus, it falls into the "sexually explicit" category. Implied, or not.

But, the modifed wording the law, if you can all just stop a moment to think about it, makes it easier for Law Enforcement to investigate and if necessary, indict those who break the existing law. That's all this change really is -- to get rid of the roadblocks in the past that prevented them from acting swiftly on an investigation of child pornography and endangerment, pedophilia, bestiality, etc.

Jun 30 05 10:47 pm Link


Anthony Citrano

Posts: 245

Venice, California, US

Posted by David Klein: 
don't blame me... i voted for Kerry...

Senator Kerry has voted in support of 18 USC 2257 a lot more times than the number Bush has: zero.

Jun 30 05 10:59 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by marksora: 
It is all based upon what the COMMUNITY thinks is engaged, sexually, explicit, conduct.  Check your local Supreme Court ruling.

LOL. I read all kinds of stuff when I'm taking a No. 2. I don't just "sit" there, stew and ponder life's glorious mysteries.

Well, in fairness, that's because Bush isn't a member of congrss. he hasn't voted against it either. He can't.

McReynolds in 2008?

Jul 01 05 12:25 am Link