Forums > Model Colloquy > Changes to USC 2257 - This affects ALL nudity online



Posts: 9122

Posted by KM: 
I dont know, its just that Im sick of seeing 10 year olds acting slutty and boys commenting with words they shouldnt even use... dear america then wonders why we have 12 yr olds getting abortion! sick. Lets think about others for once.

That's the fault of mainstream media, schools, and parents – in reverse order.

Jul 01 05 02:01 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 
I didn't bother with simulation, or simulated as a keyword,

My concern is that a simple bondage image like the one in my port could be interpreted as simulated sadistic or masochistic abuse.

Jul 01 05 02:05 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

Posted by marksora: 
It is all based upon what the COMMUNITY thinks is engaged, sexually, explicit, conduct.  Check your local Supreme Court ruling.

LOL. I read all kinds of stuff when I'm taking a No. 2. I don't just "sit" there, stew and ponder life's glorious mysteries.

Well, in fairness, that's because Bush isn't a member of congrss. he hasn't voted against it either. He can't.

McReynolds in 2008?

I know you meant to reply to Anthony instead of Joe, but No. 2 sometimes makes me think of Bush too...

Jul 01 05 02:08 am Link


Anthony Citrano

Posts: 245

Venice, California, US

Posted by theda: 
Well, in fairness, that's because Bush isn't a member of congrss. he hasn't voted against it either. He can't.

Therein, my point.  smile

Setting aside my personal views on Bush, it smacks of ignorance to blame a sitting president for legislation that was passed by Congress 15 years ago.

Jul 01 05 09:10 am Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by David Klein: 
don't blame me... i voted for Kerry...

thank you Bush Justice Department for staying off The People's backs

I was thinkin the exact same thing.

Jul 01 05 10:02 am Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

There has been a lot of discussion of these regs on other (non-photography) sites.  It appears that simple nudity is probably not an issue, although there is some ambiguity about, for example,  explicit display of genitalia.

What's frightening about this is that it does not regulate content per se; it regulates record keeping.  It's an end run, they can bust somebody because they didn't keep all the right paperwork including proof of age while pretending it's not about the subject matter.  Of course they'll go after whoever offends them or is reported by the neighbors.  Plus it's an administrative action, they just issue a fine.  As scary as it is, you've got to admire the creativity of the approach.

Jul 01 05 10:16 am Link


Anthony Citrano

Posts: 245

Venice, California, US

Posted by Shayuma: 

Posted by David Klein: 
don't blame me... i voted for Kerry...

thank you Bush Justice Department for staying off The People's backs

I was thinkin the exact same thing.


Jul 01 05 10:27 am Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

Is there a lawyer in the house to make real sence of this???
I guess I'll be taking one more frame with the models, ID and mugshot...
Hey if I make all my signed release forms into pdf's and create a paperless office, will I still get into trouble if I ever get "audited"?

Jul 01 05 11:49 am Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Posted by Hartsoe: 
Hi there!
Just wanted to add, that this law only counts for computer/server in US territory.

So if you want to be save - get a european server and feel free to post as much nudity as you want... and jumpstart european economy ;o)

Cheaper servers can be found elsehere - africa, mexico, canada, etc

the euro and pound is nasty against the dollar

Jul 01 05 11:55 am Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Posted by KM von Seidl: 

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

How are sites like MM and OMP affected?

This is an extremely poorly written and in my mind overbroad law. 

Ditto. Its very general and can be construed and twisted to various uses.

Jul 01 05 11:59 am Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 
I didn't bother with simulation, or simulated as a keyword,

My concern is that a simple bondage image like the one in my port could be interpreted as simulated sadistic or masochistic abuse.

Thats a MAJOR concern for me too - big deal if I have a gag in ...or Im holding a riding crop...dont jail me for it just because there isnt propperly documented ID!

Jul 01 05 12:01 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by KM von Seidl: 
The largest initial problem will likely be the chilling effect it will have upon those not engaging in child pornography

Then the way to fight back is to not let the effect "chill" you and encourage others to do likewise. For example, I took the "must be 18 or over" disclaimer off of my gallery a few years ago, because I concluded that none of my nudes were any worse than anything else minors are exposed to in art museums. They can't touch me. Even if "they" did try anything, that's OK - I've been looking for something fun to do with the rest of my life and becoming an ACLU test case for the Supreme Court could be kinda cool.

The way to fight back against this kind of stuff is to stare blankly at "them" and say, "how does this apply to my material?" NOT to start taking defensive steps. Taking any action on their agenda gives them a degree of control over you that you do not want to give them. When you start to play their game you are implicitly admitting that they have a degree of control over you. Just laugh and walk away.

The ripple of fear is going to be pretty significant for those who are secondary providers .i.e those who manage/distribute content.

Which is exactly why we need to step on scaremongering postings where people run around going "the sky is falling the sky is falling." Keep an eye on the situation, yes, but be realistic and don't fear the idiots. They'll die of old age and a new generation (that grew up on the Internet with access to porn from age 6 on) will be taking power in aother 40-50 years. Take a chill pill, drag your feet, support the 1st amendment by forcing them to explain how their attempts to restrain your speech is justified, smile, nod, and wait them out.


Jul 01 05 12:03 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by KM von Seidl: 
AND DON't FORGET, this all is just a test balloon for what DOJ really wants which is "Mandatory Data Retention," which basically means that  ALL ISPS will have to keep files on everything that people using their services are doing online--as in your emails, chatlogs, websites you visited, etc.   I'm not kidding, this was floated by the neofascists at DOJ this year

This is going to be a huge problem for them. I won't say "don't worry about it" but there are already people in the know who are moving to ensure that if the government starts collecting this kind of data, since it contains data pertaining to minors, personal details (identity theft), credit card data, etc, that the government will have to deal with all of its own regulations regarding data handling. There isn't a single branch of the DOJ that is capable of complying with audit and retention requirements for personal data - and it'd take them years to get there. What'll happen is that DOJ will collect some of this data and it'll get penetrated by hackers and flooded to the Internet. Then DOJ will be F-ed. Government computer security is a joke and before they can do anything useful with their audit/retention requirements they'll need to fix that or the first big helping of eggs is going right in their face.

Want to be a hero? Go work for DOJ. Be a mole for the resistance. Become a whistle-blower, when/if you find them doing something wrong, or mishandling citizens' data take it to Sy Hersh at the New York Times and blow the doors off 'em. What's great is that if you're a whistle-blower, they can't even fire you.


Jul 01 05 12:35 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Hartsoe: 
Just wanted to add, that this law only counts for computer/server in US territory.
So if you want to be save - get a european server and feel free to post as much nudity as you want... and jumpstart european economy ;o)

Sorry, Hartsoe - that is conspiracy.

Knowing and recognizing a law exists, to the point where you deliberately try to get around it, really, really puts you in a weak position if you ever wind up in court. It's better to tackle things head on and let 'em try their hardest.

Most photographers have heard about what happened to Jock Sturges. He was harrassed by the feds and never even charged. Lawsuits from the financial damages and reputation harm are going to make a lot of lawyers (and hopefully Jock) some big $$ by the time it's all said and done. And you can be pretty sure that some careers at FBI have been sidelined (they never fire anyone for incompetence at FBI but they reassign them to hunt for Al Quaeda in a bowling alley in Botswana or something) - folks in the DOJ are just cowardly territorial bureaucrats like most .GOVvies - they're not going to risk their careers unless they think they're going to win.

The American Way to deal with this kind of crap is to stand tall and say "BRING IT ON." And let the chips fall where they may.


Jul 01 05 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 121

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by KM: 
I dont know, its just that Im sick of seeing 10 year olds acting slutty and boys commenting with words they shouldnt even use... dear america then wonders why we have 12 yr olds getting abortion! sick. Lets think about others for once.

That's the fault of mainstream media, schools, and parents – in reverse order.

Yes influenced, but you dont see porn in schools, media or in parents home exposed for all to see like on the internet. In fact statistics show that about 80% of teens between 10-17 from '00-'04 saw porn on the internet for the first time and more than 2/3rds of those that sneak back to look at some more images, go to the internet as the ultimate source. I lost the link to the page that had the statistics but we all know that 'porn' in anyway is way out of hand on the internet.

Jul 01 05 10:08 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by KM: 

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by KM: 
I dont know, its just that Im sick of seeing 10 year olds acting slutty and boys commenting with words they shouldnt even use... dear america then wonders why we have 12 yr olds getting abortion! sick. Lets think about others for once.

That's the fault of mainstream media, schools, and parents – in reverse order.

Yes influenced, but you dont see porn in schools, media or in parents home exposed for all to see like on the internet. In fact statistics show that about 80% of teens between 10-17 from '00-'04 saw porn on the internet for the first time and more than 2/3rds of those that sneak back to look at some more images, go to the internet as the ultimate source. I lost the link to the page that had the statistics but we all know that 'porn' in anyway is way out of hand on the internet.

2257 has to do with keeping kids out of being in porn not with being sure kids don't surf the net for it.  the only way to ensure that kids don't have access to sexual materials is to ban it completely, and that might be something they do in Iran but I'd rather think that we haven't reached that point yet in the US.

As far as girls acting slutty, I agree with one of the other posters that you should point your sights on mass consumerism that  targets children and adolescents.  And boys have always used bad words.  They're just different ones now then they were in the 50's 60's 70's or whatever nostalgic era you gravitate towards.

Jul 02 05 01:36 am Link


Silly Camera Man

Posts: 984

Atlanta, Georgia, US

would this include naked animals? or should we begin dressing the animals too before we shoot 'em?
if so its gonna be a real b*tch getting  that 9 ft gator in a dress or pair of jeans

Jul 02 05 07:05 pm Link



Posts: 33

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by KM von Seidl: 
The term SEXUALLY EXPLICIT used in U.S.C. 2257 is actually defined in Title 18, Part I, Chapter 110, SS 2256, it reads:

2) “sexually explicit conductâ€? means actual or simulated—
(A) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex;
(B) bestiality;
(C) masturbation;
(D) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or
(E) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person;

You can see that simulated is sufficiently actionable, and penetration is not a necessary component to bring one under scrutiny.  There are any number of artists (not pornographers) on this site who contain these sort of images and themes (lovemaking, masturbation, SM).

The SM bit means that any fetishy photo probably counts if there's any sort of ropework involved.

Jul 03 05 12:32 am Link



Posts: 33

Seattle, Washington, US

It's the dissemination of the models personal information and forcing the records to be available 20 hours a week in case someone from the DOJ decides to stop by that bothers me.  That's impossible for most mom and pop adult sites to do (I mean, what, they can't go on vacation without telling the DOJ?)  Also, the ID information for the model has to be cross referenced to every single image url on the site that he or she appears in.  For sites with tens of thousands of images, this is pretty impossible.

I don't think this will stop child porn at all since sites with that sort of content are rarely hosted in the US.  What it WILL do is harass the legitimate adult industry.

Jul 03 05 12:32 am Link



Posts: 2566

Hastings, England, United Kingdom

Here in the UK we had a law just passed last May2004. That no one could take or have in his possesion any photograph of a minor under the age of 18 if she was naked or topless. Now fine most will agree we have to protect minors and I do. However, the age of consent in the UK is 16. In other words  a guy can marry a girl at 16 ger her pregnant but if he takes topless pics of her on honeymoon or photographs of the birth of their child he can be charged and end up on the sex offenders list for life, and that for photographing his own wife in private. Now how is that for responsible lawnmakers!!!

Jul 03 05 07:02 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

So no more naked baby pictures?

Jul 03 05 08:27 pm Link


Silly Camera Man

Posts: 984

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Posted by jmc: 
Here in the UK we had a law just passed last May2004. That no one could take or have in his possesion any photograph of a minor under the age of 18 if she was naked or topless. Now fine most will agree we have to protect minors and I do. However, the age of consent in the UK is 16. In other words  a guy can marry a girl at 16 ger her pregnant but if he takes topless pics of her on honeymoon or photographs of the birth of their child he can be charged and end up on the sex offenders list for life, and that for photographing his own wife in private. Now how is that for responsible lawnmakers!!!

hmm i am wondering, a few years back Keira Knightley was topless in a UK movie "The Hole" and she was like 15 or 16- owning that film will get ya put on the list as well?

** another thought - also those pics i  was sent by some freinds of me mooning a mess of folks when i was like 14 or so, i got those laying around somewhere, technically here in the U.S. could i go to jail for having those?

Jul 05 05 06:28 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Time to clean up the thread again.
First, The content types have NOT changed!
What was Porn before is still porn, What was non-porn is still non-porn!

What has changed.
1. Creators of content must have 2 valid forms of ID.
..a. If the model /actress is of US origin, or the filming / photography happened in the United States, then at least one of the forms must be a US Document. (no more using Romanian documentation that my kid could forge on his etch-a-sketch!)

2. Anyone that recieves the above material, and redistributes it, Whether it is online, in magazines, in movies etc... Must retain the Same Copy of that documentation. (Gone is the loop hole that allowed Mike's Fly by Night comapny to produce porn, put the disclaimer in, fold, and Bob's shop be covered because, Mike had the documentation.)

3. Anyone that is a producer, or distributor (called a secondary producer) must now Cross-reference all images with the documentation. (get a good DB)

4. The inspectors no longer need to wait for a warrant to enter your premises and search your records. They have the right to enter during normal business hours to inspect, without warning, all records pertaining to the law. (Gone is the ability to hold off the inspectors while they go get a warrant, and the child pornographer disappears or destroys or alters records.)

..a. You must maintain a minimum of a 20 hour per week availability for the inspectors, even if you do not work 20 hours in a normal week. (gone is the loop hole that allows a business to operate from 12:30 am to 1:00 am to keep the inspectors out. You must now have 20 hours of a normal work week available to them)

Who does this really affect?
Not many people.
Legitimate producers of Porn have been doing all this for ages now.

It is the fly by night porn companies that get nailed, and mostly because they accept child porn, claiming immunity because they are not custodians of the documents, and they were under the impression that they were legit. etc..etc..

Jul 05 05 06:49 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
2. Anyone that recieves the above material, and redistributes it, Whether it is online, in magazines, in movies etc... Must retain the Same Copy of that documentation. (Gone is the loop hole that allowed Mike's Fly by Night comapny to produce porn, put the disclaimer in, fold, and Bob's shop be covered because, Mike had the documentation.)

If that's the case, wouldn't that mean any adult book store or video store be required to maintain proof of age for all performers appearing in anything they stock? Seems a wee bit insane.

Unless this section is being misinterprated, that sounds like ti effects a whole lot of people.

Jul 05 05 09:29 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Ty Simone: 
2. Anyone that recieves the above material, and redistributes it, Whether it is online, in magazines, in movies etc... Must retain the Same Copy of that documentation. (Gone is the loop hole that allowed Mike's Fly by Night comapny to produce porn, put the disclaimer in, fold, and Bob's shop be covered because, Mike had the documentation.)

If that's the case, wouldn't that mean any adult book store or video store be required to maintain proof of age for all performers appearing in anything they stock? Seems a wee bit insane.

Unless this section is being misinterprated, that sounds like ti effects a whole lot of people.

The way it is worded, it would seem that way, But, A store is not a redistributor, It is a seller.
During the discussion points, That was actually brought up as a vague statement, and was amended to exclude the seller of the material, Unless they were also the producer of said Material.

To clarify it, and use the terms that were used in the law, It is "Secondary Producers" that must maintain the same record as Producers.

An Example would be if I photographed You for Hustler (not that I have a contract with Hustler or anything, It is purely an example) Not only would I have to keep the records, But In order for Hustler to then put them in their Mag, they would need a copy too. However, The store selling them does not.

Hope that clarifies it.

My apologies for the vagueness.

Jul 05 05 09:55 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

It somehwat clarifies it, but I'm still unsure exacttly what qualifies as a secondary producer.

Jul 05 05 10:09 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by theda: 
It somehwat clarifies it, but I'm still unsure exacttly what qualifies as a secondary producer.

A secondary producer would be anyone that takes an original work, and then compiles it into a new work.

I will find the actual talking points for you on this, and post them.

Jul 05 05 10:12 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Could not Find the Talking points yet, But here is the Legal Definition:

(a) Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, or other matter which—
(1) contains one or more visual depictions made after November 1, 1990 of actual sexually explicit conduct; and
(2) is produced in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, or is shipped or transported or is intended for shipment or transportation in interstate or foreign commerce;
shall create and maintain individually identifiable records pertaining to every performer portrayed in such a visual depiction.

Also, Earlier, Someone Mentioned and Keyed on SIMULATED material.

Simulated Material IS NOT covered by this section.

(h) As used in this section—
(1) the term “actual sexually explicit conductâ€? means actual but not simulated conduct as defined in subparagraphs (A) through (D) of paragraph (2) of section 2256 of this title;
(2) “identification documentâ€? has the meaning given that term in section 1028 (d) of this title;
(3) the term “producesâ€? means to produce, manufacture, or publish any book, magazine, periodical, film, video tape or other similar matter and includes the duplication, reproduction, or reissuing of any such matter, but does not include mere distribution or any other activity which does not involve hiring, contracting for managing, or otherwise arranging for the participation of the performers depicted; and
(4) the term “performerâ€? includes any person portrayed in a visual depiction engaging in, or assisting another person to engage in, actual sexually explicit conduct.

Note Websites Are not immuned, but ISP's are.

Jul 05 05 10:23 am Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

Talk to a Lawyer..Plain and simple. If some guy from the DOJ gets a woody after seeing a nipple from your picture ..guess what ? He can come after you and do an inspection of your records. Not everyone looks at your work as art. The laws are there for one reason..To clean up the internet. They made it so you and I will read the law diferently. That way they can always find a way to charge you.. Keep your records in good shape and hope for the best.


Jul 13 05 07:35 pm Link


Brent Shafer

Posts: 38

Dallas, Texas, US

Sorry to put more bad news into this.

From what I heard being discussed is the interpretation of  the "duplicate" or "reproduce" wording. This is not only referring to downloading images to your computer but to "just" viewing the web pages !!!! 

And if the web site is out of state you are "transporting" images and that federal.

This sucks.

Jul 13 05 07:56 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Brent S: 
Sorry to put more bad news into this.

From what I heard being discussed is the interpretation of  the "duplicate" or "reproduce" wording. This is not only referring to downloading images to your computer but to "just" viewing the web pages !!!! 

And if the web site is out of state you are "transporting" images and that federal.

This sucks.

That sounds a wee bit insane, even for the US government. I wouldn't worry.

Jul 14 05 01:14 am Link


Anthony Citrano

Posts: 245

Venice, California, US

Posted by That Look Photo: 
The laws are there for one reason..To clean up the internet.

That's not why they were written at all.  As I mentioned earlier in the thread, 2257 was written and passed around 20 years ago - before the Internet had any mass market acceptance and well before it had any images.

Jul 14 05 09:14 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

To cut a fine point of the law and the regulations, here, re: the recordkeeping and labelling requirements:

If you only deal with NN [non-nude] ADULT models - you are EXEMPT

If you deal in ADULT full nudity (described in 2256(2)(E) but >not< in 2257(h)(1)) however lascivious and explicit, and as I read this even with such as spreads and showing pink but without actual masturbation; toe sucking; tits out; cameltoes; nude wrestling; bloody rag; pee; shaving and showing... the lot... and it is important that some of these "acts" are not described, or even hinted at, in 2256 or 2257 but they are certainly NOT sexual intercourse; masturbation; sadistic or masochistic abuse; or bestiality which are specifically listed. - you are EXEMPT

If that tongue or toy or finger doesn't "quite" touch those "lips" - you are EXEMPT

If you deal in simulated acts between ADULTS but not real ones - you are EXEMPT

IF, however, you are using a model under 18 then the full weight of section 2256 (NOT 2257) falls on you including the lascivious nudity element (2256 (3)(E))... and the fact that something is merely "simulated" will also get you busted. Since US v Knox there are SERIOUS problems even with some non-nude images of U-18's. In Knox the courts held that covered nudity (e.g. a crotch shot but with panties on - if it is of someone U-18) that would otherwise, if nude, be covered by 2256 (2)(E) is now effectively covered.


Jul 14 05 03:35 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by studio36uk: 
To cut a fine point of the law and the regulations, here, re: the recordkeeping and labelling requirements:

If you only deal with NN [non-nude] ADULT models - you are EXEMPT

If you deal in ADULT full nudity (described in 2256(2)(E) but >not< in 2257(h)(1)) however lascivious and explicit, and as I read this even with such as spreads and showing pink but without actual masturbation; toe sucking; tits out; cameltoes; nude wrestling; bloody rag; pee; shaving and showing... the lot... and it is important that some of these "acts" are not described, or even hinted at, in 2256 or 2257 but they are certainly NOT sexual intercourse; masturbation; sadistic or masochistic abuse; or bestiality which are specifically listed. - you are EXEMPT

If that tongue or toy or finger doesn't "quite" touch those "lips" - you are EXEMPT

If you deal in simulated acts between ADULTS but not real ones - you are EXEMPT

IF, however, you are using a model under 18 then the full weight of section 2256 (NOT 2257) falls on you including the lascivious nudity element (2256 (3)(E))... and the fact that something is merely "simulated" will also get you busted. Since US v Knox there are SERIOUS problems even with some non-nude images of U-18's. In Knox the courts held that covered nudity (e.g. a crotch shot but with panties on - if it is of someone U-18) that would otherwise, if nude, be covered by 2256 (2)(E) is now effectively covered.


Correct On the Non-nude Sexual images.
But that is still being decided in the courts.
Also note that simulate porn, Regardless of age, where no real person is used, is completely Immuned. (ie 100% computer graphics, like anime, which has been known to depict 14 year old girls having sex.)

Jul 14 05 05:11 pm Link



Posts: 403

Kingwood, West Virginia, US

Posted by GWC: 
That appears to apply to "explicit content" which is not the same as "nudity" - right??


That is my understanding too. The new rules only pertain to hardcore content.

Jul 14 05 06:51 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

You see that pear in my icon? It's exempt! Even though it looks like...... ummm, let's see....... like a



Jul 16 05 08:29 pm Link


David Holloway

Posts: 713

Liberty Lake, Washington, US

Posted by Marcus J. Ranum: 

Posted by Hartsoe: 
Just wanted to add, that this law only counts for computer/server in US territory.
So if you want to be save - get a european server and feel free to post as much nudity as you want... and jumpstart european economy ;o)

Sorry, Hartsoe - that is conspiracy.

Knowing and recognizing a law exists, to the point where you deliberately try to get around it, really, really puts you in a weak position if you ever wind up in court. It's better to tackle things head on and let 'em try their hardest.

Most photographers have heard about what happened to Jock Sturges. He was harrassed by the feds and never even charged. Lawsuits from the financial damages and reputation harm are going to make a lot of lawyers (and hopefully Jock) some big $$ by the time it's all said and done. And you can be pretty sure that some careers at FBI have been sidelined (they never fire anyone for incompetence at FBI but they reassign them to hunt for Al Quaeda in a bowling alley in Botswana or something) - folks in the DOJ are just cowardly territorial bureaucrats like most .GOVvies - they're not going to risk their careers unless they think they're going to win.

The American Way to deal with this kind of crap is to stand tall and say "BRING IT ON." And let the chips fall where they may.


Your WRONG!!! They promote you first then re-assign

Jul 16 05 11:18 pm Link