Forums > Critique > OK, I want to see some SERIOUS models only!



Posts: 2

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Hi, could I have your advice please ?

Jul 01 10 07:15 pm Link



Posts: 522

Vail, Colorado, US

I'll bite.

Jul 02 10 11:35 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Damianne wrote:
Would love to know what you think.

Hi Damianne,
   you're a pretty girl and have some decent work in your portfolio.  I'd say it's more lifestyle and glamour, but I also see a touch of artistic work.  I like that actually and I do like your bone structure of the face. 

It's hard to tell what you're really into from your profile...seems like you just like to shoot for the heck of it.  If I was to advise you about improvements, I'd say use your eyes a lot more for the expressions.  You certainly have eyes that are full of potential for expression.  But you'll have to learn how to control them to convey your emotions (even if fake).   I would say instead of being intense when being photographed, be much more playful and seductive (make drama) with your eyes.  If you can learn how to do that, you'll really do well I think.  If you want to learn how to, watch Tyra's fashion shows and check out how she controls her eyes...She's the best, so if you can immitate her, you'd do well. 

Anyway, if you can really show drama, it will give you least one that people percieve.  This will set you apart from the rest.

-Romel Evans

Jul 02 10 09:25 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Eva F wrote:
I'm curious...

Well, Hi Eva,
   just looked at your work.  You show some experience in your work.  I know you've been doing fashion, but at 27, it's safe to say that there's not much in way of fashion for you as far as big time agencies.  However, I think you can use your fashion skills in the glamour area which I think you're going towards anyway.

  I would say, since you have a lot of sexiness about you naturally already, I would consider taking on a conservative persona in your work.  I think that would make you even more you that mysterious / Librarian look smile.   Try experimenting in that area.  I think you'd pull it off well.  You don't have to flaunt your sexiness because it loses ground when it's over the top.   

As you know, glamour is about you rather than how your clothes look on you when you're talking fashion.  So, make sure there's a lot of eye contact and really dramatize your eyes with a lot of moodiness that looks realistic even if it's not.  It's time for you to become more of an actress now...with your experience you should do very well.

Jul 02 10 09:57 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Agatka wrote:
I would like to know

Hi Agatka,
   I actually not only see really good natural expressive eyes on you but also see a lot of potential for you to take yourself to the next level because of that.  I do like most of the images in your portfolio.  Now, I'm not into fetish as I explained at the beginning of this, but even with that, you seem to pull it off's not overdone. 

   I think you could do well in artistic, glamour, lifestyle and probably many other areas.  But you'll have to apply yourself to that and try to understand what it takes to do each genre. 

  You're portfolio says a lot about you.  In fact, you're the exact type of model I like working with because I know you're creative, have the gift of expression and beauty.  I would definitely work with you!

  I think just keep what you're doing and perhaps push to the more seductive, mysterious type which I think you're perfect for.  I wouldn't want you to ever do any mechanics that would alter the way you're doing things.  You're perfect for what you're doing.

Jul 02 10 10:11 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

jenna luxe wrote:
It's been 7 months... How do ya like me now? smile

Well, I don't remember what I told you 7 months ago and don't feel like looking but I like what you say in your profile about rip attention off to yourself.  However, I see one thing you're not doing to get that strong attention.  You're not using your eyes to form your expressions.  YOU MUST do that to get the attention.  Right now the eyes are dead and there's really not much to the face.  Don't get me wrong...You're pretty and have a lot of potential, but I think you need to work on your expressiveness and be more edgy in that wise.  Try to be more dramatic in yoru eyes to create the expressions.  Leave the bottom of your fact mostly intact but let the eyes do most of the work.  Form you're lips according to the eyes.  If you're being seductive, make sure your lips follow the order of your eyes. 

As you can see, it's not really that much you have to do to be mroe viewable.  Just add drama to your whole being and avoid being a statue.  Make sure that your wardrobe, hair and makeup compliment whatever the concept you're going for.  Example:  if you're going to do the construction worker, make sure your make up is a bit dirty, you have a stressed out look to you and let your skin gleam with some lotion to give it that sweaty look.  I hope you can see where I'm going with this.

Jul 02 10 10:20 pm Link



Posts: 40

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Any feedback for me please?

Jul 03 10 05:26 am Link



Posts: 123

Los Angeles, California, US

me please?

Jul 03 10 07:48 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Edward Price wrote:

Hi Edward.  I believe you have the proper looks for the editorial/high fashion work.  You will have to get better images though.  The lighting on the images is pretty bad.  Also make sure you have a lot of unique images from multiple shoots.

Jul 03 10 05:53 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Grace M wrote:
Obviously just kidding

I know you are smile...but really, you're probably close to being right on majority anyway. 
Anyway, You look great in B/W. Your skin and hair color are perfect for it.  You're smart enough to know what works well for you.  I like the selection of images in your portfolio and feel that you're perfect for glamour and art. 

Although your posing is good, it could improve over time and especially if you get more dramatic with your expressiveness combined with it. 

I think you know you're already sexy and don't try to overdo it, which would actually harm you, so you're doing as I say to many, which is lean to the conservative side of sexiness (and no nudity). 

Keep working the artistic angle.  I think you'll do quite well in it.  Find right photographers that are into the B/W photography...probably the older guys...the younger ones are mostly into the color and don't have the patience to work the B/W lighting (what can I say...the age of video games has hurt them).

Jul 03 10 06:02 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Hopeton wrote:
I am very inetested in knowing where to market myself also

Hi Hopeton,
  You have the right looks but you're at the age where male models are done with the big time you're only hope is local work, which I think you already do, right?  I would keep working what you're doing and keep the contacts in tune with your availability.  I'm sure you'll find work, just have to work harder than say an 18 year old guy. 

As far as your modeling, I would say, get away from the feminine poses and get some good wardrobe that is more on the formal or evening wear. That would more closely match your age bracket also. 

Learn how to do the masculine poses from Tyson.  I think he's the best as far as male models are concerned.

Jul 03 10 06:08 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

marissa charles wrote:
Hey! have always liked your stuff, so I value your critique.

Hi Marissa,
    Thank you for the very nice compliment.  I really like your portfolio because it has good variety in it and clearly shows you to be a commercial grade model, which means you could be making a lot of money smile
   Your biggest asset is clearly a gorgeous smile...which is exactly what commercial work requires.  You have beautiful eyes along with that, so if you can control the eye muscles well, you could create very nice expressions.
  As far as your portfolio, I would say that the top and bottom rows could be replaced when you get more good images...because the middle ones are so much better in general.  Color imaged definitely suite you stick with the more saturated ones that explode with color.

Jul 03 10 06:14 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Amber Gaines wrote:
give it to me straight, hard and dirty.

OK I will smile
Amber, you're images are a bit trashy as you know.  Really you don't offer much quality (yet) as far as your work is concerned.  I would hope that you get a hold of yourself and do some really good (Non-nude) work.  Anyone can go and take their clothes off and just act crazy, right?   It takes a lot of work and preparation to stand out in the crowd.   The work that you've done so far is dime a dozen here.  If you're really serious about your modeling, you should go back to the drawing board and rethink the direction you want to go. I hope you do.

Jul 03 10 06:24 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Britt H. wrote:
yes please!

Hi Britt,
   you have nice looks, but I don't see much in there that tells me you're a model.  Perhaps in the MM terms you may be considered a model...but I just see you with dead looking eyes, no personallity, posing or expressing yourself.
The images I see, although not terrible, are not going to propel you into a career in modeling.

  Look back on the advices here already given.  You need a lot of work in as far as basic skills. 

  I had a difficult time looking at your images also, as MM is as usual having it's problems.

  I believe though you can improve, after you've worked on your skills.  Also, I think you need a change with the hair.  You can substitute wigs, which gives you more flexibillity, but right now you look too plain.

Jul 04 10 10:42 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Ciara Short wrote:
me please!

Hi Ciara,
   I'm sorry, but you don't fit the serious type model.  I mean read your bio from a 3rd person perspective.  You sound like you could take it or leave it.  You're pretty and have potential, but just a few headshots or portraits aren't going to get you there. 

  You get what you put into it, so if what I see in your portfolio is all you can do after being in MM for a whole year, I'd say you need to rethink the whole thing. 

  Learn the basic skills for starters and then find the right photographers that will lend their time for you and I don't mean GWCs.

Jul 04 10 10:48 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

ElizaMaria wrote:
Me please smile

Hi Eliza,
   You have some good images on your port, but they all blend in and kind of look the same.  The reason is that the attitude you're giving off is kind of boring.  There's no spark or life in them.  Same basic expression and dead eyes. 
  Learn what expressions work best on you and try to create natural looking expressions for every mood.

Jul 04 10 10:51 pm Link


Darious Watson

Posts: 130

Fort Bliss, Texas, US

I would like 2 know!! Have at it!

Jul 05 10 02:04 am Link


Rose M

Posts: 428

Denver, Colorado, US

Jul 05 10 03:19 am Link


Scarlett Fox

Posts: 21

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hey, Id loove to hear what you think ! smile

Jul 05 10 05:07 am Link


Maja Stina

Posts: 3622

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Hi there. I'm interested in becoming a fetish/alternative model, but not JUST that. I'd like to come up with some thought-provoking images (not of a sexual nature in any way). Things that relate to issues I've experienced in my life, such as suicide, depression, mental illness, discrimination, religion, war and others. Those are more important to me than fetish modeling.

Thanks very much!

Jul 05 10 06:38 am Link



Posts: 10

Saint Charles, Missouri, US

HI! I LOVE your work! Check out my port...what do I need to work on to get on your level?

Jul 05 10 07:29 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Kayla Barrett wrote:
I think most people who give critiques do not want to be "mean", but I think you can be constructive without being mean.
So anything you say will be taken to heart smile

Hi Kayla,
   I like your looks, hair and physique.   I think you do have good potential for commercial work because you're young, and photograph well.
  I do have some comments about some of your images that you may want to think about.  Your posing needs some work first of all.  Unless you're planning to do just glamour work, stop pushing your butt or chest out in the images.  That is not very fashion/commercial worthy...instead it's considered more sexy which is in the glamour area.   

Watch how you pose your feet.  Your main image has your right foot turned in a very unnatural way and it doesn't complement you very well.  Also watch the kind of shoes you wear.  The ones I see you with look almost too big for you and look awkward in the pictures. 
I really like your swimsuit that's an area you could be good in...along with promotional type work.
Anyway, if I were to direct you in the right direction, I'd say learn all the poses and (very important) expressions needed for commercial work and see if you could enter that market.  The pay is very well and you don't have to be 5-9 or taller to be looked at.

Jul 07 10 02:06 pm Link



Posts: 306

San Francisco, California, US

Would love a critique. Trying to up my marketability.

Jul 07 10 02:10 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

James Hixson wrote:
That would be great

Hi james,
   if you weren't 27, I would have said hurry up and get to the nearest NY agency where I'm sure you'd find a high fashion job.  Who knows, it maybe still possible to do that, but I think you have all the makings of a model that they would certainly look at.  I'd still try it anyway...the worst thing they can say is no, right?  If that doesn't work out, i'm sure, if you haven't yet, you will find plenty of local work.

  You have very good editorial looks to you.  I think you should add some very masculine type images to your collection, but it's if you don't, I don't think it would hurt you.  In fact, I'd say make an appointment and walk into an agency now with your work samples and see if they can do anything for you.

Jul 07 10 02:11 pm Link


Hoi Hoi

Posts: 30

Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Me! I'm young, so I have plenty of time to improve myself! Tell me please.

Jul 07 10 02:14 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Erin Scime wrote:
appreciate the feedback...I've updated my port if you could review that that would be great smile

Hi Erin,
   I didn't see much new in there.  I thought I critiqued you on what you have there now.  But you look fine for the fashionwork, just keep working on improvements and variety (very important).

Jul 07 10 02:16 pm Link


Kelly Lenahan

Posts: 128

San Diego, California, US

Have at it! I think I am lacking diversity, your opinion is appreciated.
Thank you!

Jul 07 10 02:20 pm Link



Posts: 988

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

It would help to know what pictures bring down my port and any other advice I can take. smile

Jul 07 10 02:46 pm Link


Ashley Canright

Posts: 48

Houston, Texas, US


I would love to hear what you think of my port: What you like, dislike, what I need improvement on, etc. I've been modeling for about 5 months now.

Thanks a lot!

--Ashley Nicole

Jul 07 10 04:50 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

ElizaMaria wrote:
Me please smile

Hi Eliza,
    first of all, I have to say that you would be best for either glamour or swimsuite type modeling...I say swimsuite because you have such dark tans in the images.  I say glamour because you're the more sexy type girl.  Since you're only 5-7, I'd say fashion is out for you unless you try Wilhelmina.

I do think you need to work on expressing yourself better and learn how to pose right.  Right now I see only a serious looking expression and that's it. The posing is more sexy than in any way fashion like.  If you wanted fashion you'd need to be more angular.

Jul 10 10 08:25 pm Link



Posts: 5464

Anaheim, California, US

I'm a new model so my port is not strong at all...but I would love to get some feedback to help me enhance my port. Any suggestions?? =P

Jul 10 10 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 690

Omaha, Nebraska, US

I've got some new photos since the first time I got a critique from you.  Just wanna know if I've improved some.  Thanks!

Jul 11 10 11:44 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

JessicaTodd wrote:
if you get a chance, I'd love to hear your opinion.

Hi Jessica,
   It's getting very tiring to say the same thing to everyone, although you have nice features, you look lifeless in the images.  The same expression, lack of energy and basically doing the same things that 20K other models here do. 
   When you decide to model and look at others to see what they're doing, don't just look at your average dime a dozen models here.  Look at the ones that either have a lot of comments and especially a lot of listings.  Although that may have a lot to do with the photographer, the model still takes a lot of credit.  Forget the models that are just pretty and don't do much.  Look for the ones that bring something with them to the shoot beside their looks.
   Anyway, I think the other thing you have to do is find a great photographer.  For one thing the first image of your "Other" album makes your thigh too big and your pose is quite awkward. The photographer should have at least told you that it didn't look too complimentary of you.  As far as the other images go, you're basically showing your might have been something at a street corner photography studio, but here, it just blends in with the're invisible.
   Do something with your need to work on expressing yourself and learning how to pose and by all means find a good photographer.

Jul 13 10 04:10 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Ali Nelson wrote:
I would REALLY like to know what you think.  Thanks!!

Hi Ali,
  To tell you what I think of you, I'll summarize by saying: "I sure wish you lived around here".  As far as proper expressiveness goes, I don't know if you already know or not, but you do have it.  It's in the eyes baby, and you have the eyes expressing very well. 
  My only regret is that you're already 24.  I wish you were 16-18.  I'd be certain that you'd find work out there in the major markets.  You're not completely out though because I think you might have a chance with a company such as Wilhelmina for commercial work(the better paid models), but you should act quickly.
  I really believe you would do great also, that is if you wanted to, doing glamour work because you have the subtle sexiness to you.  So I truly see a lot of possiblilities for you...I'd even say with some good posing, you might even be able to do fine arts work....because your skin and hair color would lend themselves well in black and white work.
  Having praised you so much, the only thing I could tell you to improve on is the posing.  Work on doing effective poses for full length and 3/4 length shots.  The closer the camera is to your face, the more you'll benefit because of your expressive eyes.  But you need all the different lengths to have a well rounded portfolio, and the further away the camera is from you, the more you need to be polished at your posing.

Jul 13 10 04:59 pm Link



Posts: 10

London, England, United Kingdom

hey darling.
tell me what u think abt my port... i`ve been soft fashion but would like to high end fashion, so tell me what you think.

kez  xxx

Jul 13 10 05:03 pm Link



Posts: 33

Arlington, Texas, US

Given the fact that you have a lot of experience in the photography industry, I'd def. like to hear your personal opinion.
  Relatively new at this. Not all that content with most of my shots so far.
  Which ones do you think I should leave up or take off? I'm trying to target the best ones so I can actually strive in this career, and not seem like a joke.

Jul 13 10 11:45 pm Link


Chantaille Elise

Posts: 543

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Love to hear your advice.

Jul 14 10 06:06 am Link



Posts: 12

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

After having a look at your portfolio I'd love your feedback on mine. I especially like the 4th picture with the motorcycle - the rays of light coming down drew me to it. There's also a blonde model on the last page of your portfolio with her hair everywhere, I just think its a really beautiful shot.
I'm fairly new to the modelling world & am looking for critique from a pair of fresh eyes I guess. So would like to know what you think & would like to be told straight if you don't like my work so far.
If you could send me a tag or PM to let me know if you reply please?

Jul 14 10 06:58 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

KaTrina_W wrote:

Hi Katrina,
    What I see in your portfolio is of just a normal person who has been photographed either on vacation or doing things.  There's no modeling in there at all.  What is the difference between a model and your everyday person?  Well, I know after looking at some of the portfolios here, you can't tell sometimes, but there are the poses, the unusual attire, the expressions, the x-factor, the hair, the makeup.   I don't see anything in your work that says that.  I'd say go back to the drawing board, get rid of all you have and start over.

Jul 17 10 06:02 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Nichole Hopkins wrote:
I hope I wasnt skipped sad

you're on page 58.

Jul 17 10 06:05 pm Link