Forums > Model Colloquy > METROSEXUAL



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Okay, I've always made fun of guys getting manicures and facials....and whatever else stuff metrosexuals get done.  I know some male models who of course constantly have that stuff done.  Not me!  I'm refurbishing at '61 Tbird, played football through college, have been in the Navy and in war, and on my birthday in February, something horrible happened to me:

The girls in one of my offices decided that for my birthday, they would give me a spa package that includes a facial, manicure, hot rock massage (whatever the hell that is....sounds painful!) and God knows what else.  This is at the Grand Spa in Dallas which apparently is very expensive and very reputable.  Here's the catch:

I have to use it by the end of July or it expires?  So here are the options and here's what I'm thinking because I really care for the people working for me, and it is a generous gift....

I get all this done, go through the pain and embarrasment of my buddies ragging on me for the rest of my life.

I don't have it done.....(I need advice from the women here..), do you think the girls would notice?  Already one has asked me if I've had it done.

I run my car into a semi and get myself disfigured horribly, and maybe they would take pity on me, thereby allowing this thing to expire.

I'm telling you....this thing is really getting to me!  Why would they spend all that money on something they know will put me in such a confusing state?  Am I overreacting here?  Hey, I do a great job with my fingernails using the scissors of a swiss army knife, and soap works great on my face. 

I need help I'm tellin' you! 

Jul 13 05 07:46 pm Link


Andre Knudsen

Posts: 206


I say go for it. Most likely you will love it and you can tell your buddies about the experience before they get a chance to get to you.

Everybody loves to be pampered.

Jul 13 05 07:58 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

Jul 13 05 08:00 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

You really should post more often.

Jul 13 05 08:05 pm Link



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

Sorry Alyssa, I appreciate the advice however:

Masculinity, manicures, and facials don't go together.  Nor does primping.  Maybe I should just go back to Iraq and dodge some bullets.  This is getting ridiculous.

Jul 13 05 08:11 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

You really should post more often.

*blushes profusely*

Aw, shucks.

And Jim, please tell me you're not one of those guys who cleans his ears with his keys.

Jul 13 05 08:20 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

One hot stone massage done by a cute and limber therapist and you'll be going back weekly.  Tell your buds to go f*ck themselves...

Jul 13 05 08:25 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Posted by jimblast: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

Sorry Alyssa, I appreciate the advice however:

Masculinity, manicures, and facials don't go together.  Nor does primping.  Maybe I should just go back to Iraq and dodge some bullets.  This is getting ridiculous.

With all due respect Jim, but masculinity isn't about toting a weapon, barking orders or droping bombs. It's a state of mind. If you're comfortable with who you are, then let your buds have their fun. It takes a stronger man, person, to do something to please another even though it gives them the willies, then to shot someone..

  Sometimes you just have to suck it up and take your nasty medicine, in order to make another happy..  Your buds laughter will last a short time, the pleasure you give your co-workers that gave you the gift, will have a lifetime of meaning to them...

   So soldier, the ladies gave you an order, are you going to disobey??

Jul 13 05 08:37 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
And Jim, please tell me you're not one of those guys who cleans his ears with his keys. 

I have an uncle who does that... cuts his nails with a pocket knife... actually most of my older male relatives do that.

I love this:

from Alyssa Lovelle's profile: 
"Additionally: nudity is fine, but no porn, fur or leather."

Jul 13 05 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 

Posted by jimblast: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

Sorry Alyssa, I appreciate the advice however:

Masculinity, manicures, and facials don't go together.  Nor does primping.  Maybe I should just go back to Iraq and dodge some bullets.  This is getting ridiculous.

With all due respect Jim, but masculinity isn't about toting a weapon, barking orders or droping bombs. It's a state of mind. If you're comfortable with who you are, then let your buds have their fun. It takes a stronger man, person, to do something to please another even though it gives them the willies, then to shot someone..

  Sometimes you just have to suck it up and take your nasty medicine, in order to make another happy..  Your buds laughter will last a short time, the pleasure you give your co-workers that gave you the gift, will have a lifetime of meaning to them...

   So soldier, the ladies gave you an order, are you going to disobey??

Well Wolf....that's certainly a different take on it.  I certainly don't want to let these girls down, but me....will probably be about as enjoyable as pulling teeth!  So you are giving me sage and sound advice and I truly appreciate it. 

Alyssa....nope, clean my ears with a Qtip. 

Ched, I'm telling you, I'm not using the blade, I'm using those little sharp scissors and you'd be amazed at how well they work!  It beats biting your nails! 

By the way, isn't a facial like....painful?  Isn't that where they pop zits and rip out blackheads?  I can't believe I'm friggin' asking all this stuff!  LOL!

Jul 13 05 09:59 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by jimblast: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

Sorry Alyssa, I appreciate the advice however:

Masculinity, manicures, and facials don't go together.  Nor does primping.  Maybe I should just go back to Iraq and dodge some bullets.  This is getting ridiculous.

You have a strange set of values if you'd rather get shot at then appear faggy.

Although I do find it strange that such a masculine dude as yourself is really worried about what his guy buddies think.


Jul 13 05 10:00 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by KM von Seidl: 

Posted by jimblast: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

Sorry Alyssa, I appreciate the advice however:

Masculinity, manicures, and facials don't go together.  Nor does primping.  Maybe I should just go back to Iraq and dodge some bullets.  This is getting ridiculous.

You have a strange set of values if you'd rather get shot at then appear faggy.

Although I do find it strange that such a masculine dude as yourself is really worried about what his guy buddies think.


Some of the biggest sinners sit at the front of the church!

Jul 13 05 10:04 pm Link



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by KM von Seidl: 

Posted by jimblast: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

Sorry Alyssa, I appreciate the advice however:

Masculinity, manicures, and facials don't go together.  Nor does primping.  Maybe I should just go back to Iraq and dodge some bullets.  This is getting ridiculous.

You have a strange set of values if you'd rather get shot at then appear faggy.

Although I do find it strange that such a masculine dude as yourself is really worried about what his guy buddies think.


Some of the biggest sinners sit at the front of the church!

Interesting concept KM....guess the one thing I've never had questioned by people who know me would be my values.  'Faggy'....isn't that a little politically incorrect?  I don't recall using that term.  I think from being shot at, it might be okay to make light of the situation....but questioning values over that?  Hmmm....might be a little harsh.

Dream....that might totally depend on what those sinners might be doing in front of that church.  I'm curious, have you ever had a facial or manicure?  Turn that bible face down when you answer!  LOL!

Jul 13 05 10:11 pm Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


A couple of years ago a magazine sent me to Destin and Pensacola to do a travel story. I had to write the piece and take the photos. I was put in a luxury gated resort community in Destin and was given the choice of either a massage or a pedicure. I was too embarrased to get the massage so I opted for the pedicure. When the day arrived for this I was most nervous. I was asked to sit down at a special seat that looked like a barber's chair. It was then that I noticed the place was full of women. How they talked (in spite of me being there) would make any jock talk at the locker room seem like nothing. It was lots of fun and the best part was that I felt great upon leaving. My advice to you is get that pedicure! It feels like a luxury that you should never not have.

Jul 13 05 10:12 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

It is true...the more you act like a metrosexual, the more you get to surround yourself with those wonderful creatures...women!
So, if you want to be surrounded by women telling their sexual secrets all over the place, go the spa and pretend you are doing it for some James Bondish spy assignment.

Jul 13 05 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

Just do it.

Need a reason? Professional research. What do models do to get ready for a shoot? Waxing? Pediure? Manicure? They're not as painless - or inexpensive - as they sound. Consider it professional research - empathize with models. Being educated and experienced is a benefit in any field (navy or photographery). smile

Jul 13 05 11:42 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 

Posted by jimblast: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

Sorry Alyssa, I appreciate the advice however:

Masculinity, manicures, and facials don't go together.  Nor does primping.  Maybe I should just go back to Iraq and dodge some bullets.  This is getting ridiculous.

With all due respect Jim, but masculinity isn't about toting a weapon, barking orders or droping bombs. It's a state of mind. If you're comfortable with who you are, then let your buds have their fun. It takes a stronger man, person, to do something to please another even though it gives them the willies, then to shot someone..

  Sometimes you just have to suck it up and take your nasty medicine, in order to make another happy..  Your buds laughter will last a short time, the pleasure you give your co-workers that gave you the gift, will have a lifetime of meaning to them...

   So soldier, the ladies gave you an order, are you going to disobey??

Keith, you are hilarious! I agree with you. Jim, don't get so worked up about this. It's apparent that you've given this deep consideration (to start a thread regarding it) and all of the "Me Tarzan You Jane" in the world is not going to stop you from secretly wanting to be taken care of.  You could be an infantry drill sergeant and still love a massage.  Let us know how it went!

Jul 13 05 11:44 pm Link


Angie Rae

Posts: 99

Lawton, Iowa, US

Haha, let me tell you that most women don't understand the "male philosophy", lol, but I know they really put alot of thought into the gift they gave you. Just tell the guys that there were 3 scantily clad massage therapists, rubbing hot oil on your naked bod. They'd go for it...hehe, men believe in anything, not matter how far-fetched...that is sexual. Everybody will be happy, and you don't have to worry about the guys ragging on you for going to a spa. I bet you, they'll want a shot at it...hehe! Good luck hottie!

Jul 13 05 11:46 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US


Don't listen to those knuckledragging bonehead friends of yours!

I love going to the spa, steam sauna, jaccuzzi, bodyscrub, one hour shiatsu massage... it's the only time that I really can focus totally on myself, it's healthy and relaxing.

Masculinity... well... I am a martial artist for over 30 years, mountain climber, technical scuba diver and many more activities. I warm up in partial range benchpress with about 320lbs and do a static hold of over 600lbs for 20 seconds in bench.

With all that... I still can appreciate the finer things in life, and bodywork is extremely stress lowering!

Let's focus not on metrosexuals for a moment, just consider that even the samurai, who were trained in bushido, the way of the warrior, were required to study and practice disciplines such as ikebana (flower arrangements - explain that one to your buddies), sho-do (calligraphy) and cha-do (tea ceremony)... and they got massaged regularily (shiatsu) and did sauna as well.

So... if your troglodyte friends open their mouths... just tell those guys that you are just following the way of the samurai.


Jul 13 05 11:49 pm Link


Angie Rae

Posts: 99

Lawton, Iowa, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 
I warm up in partial range benchpress with about 320lbs and do a static hold of over 600lbs for 20 seconds in bench.

Dang, wanna go out sometime?..wink!

Jul 13 05 11:53 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Angie Rae: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 
I warm up in partial range benchpress with about 320lbs and do a static hold of over 600lbs for 20 seconds in bench.

Dang, wanna go out sometime?..wink! 


Jul 13 05 11:56 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

It's true, you know. Getting a facial is basically equivilant to butt sex.

Jul 14 05 12:48 am Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Theda it sounds like you may have been a Balanchine dancer.

Jul 14 05 12:51 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by alexwh: 
Theda it sounds like you may have been a Balanchine dancer.

Why do you insist on posting things I have to look up?

Jul 14 05 12:56 am Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I don't think Theda will have to look this one up.

Jul 14 05 12:58 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by alexwh: 
I don't think Theda will have to look this one up. 

Lowercase t in theda. :-P

Jul 14 05 01:00 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by alexwh: 
I don't think Theda will have to look this one up. 

He's right, though. I'm enough of a stereotypically elderly gay man to know who George Balanchine was, but not enough to have been one of his dancers.

Jul 14 05 01:05 am Link


William Herbert

Posts: 408

Bryan, Ohio, US

You know..why not get pampered a little bit. Maybe you will decide you like having some of that stuff done. Restoring a 61 T bird gonna take some finesse. Why not on yourself?

Jul 14 05 01:07 am Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

theda and Xtreme I suggest you look up Toni Bentley and find out about her book The Surrender. It's a thin volume you can read in one night. It's rather good. In was given very good reviews and lots of propaganda by the NY Times. She now reviews some dance for the paper.

Jul 14 05 01:09 am Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Posted by jimblast: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

Sorry Alyssa, I appreciate the advice however:

Masculinity, manicures, and facials don't go together.  Nor does primping.  Maybe I should just go back to Iraq and dodge some bullets.  This is getting ridiculous.

Awwwwwwwwwww Jim honey pieeeeee...

My married brother...a VERY gorgeous manly man just returned from Iraq and his poor feet and hands were in TERRIBLE and painful condition...(chapped, calloused, and cracking in spots) I am sure you can relate. And yes he dodged his share of bullets.

I got him the SAME package. At first he FREAKED just like you.
"I am NOT going to be seen in a Pepto-Bismol pink frou-frou place with a pink dish towel to cover all my finer parts, while some shemale or whish puts his/her/its soft hands on my body."
((rolling my eyes))

Then he clapped eyes on our Vietnam vet (razor blade eating
daddy) smooth hands, face, and feet...Daddy got the same package from us girls for his birthday.

My brother VERY reluctantly went and he came home feeling like a MILLION bucks and he was warmly welcomed by awesome professionals and he did not see one pink frou frou in the entire place.

The hot lava rock massage is wonderfully will feel more relaxed than I can explain and it is NOT the LEAST bit painful.

Sooooooooo sugahhhhhhhhhh pie...GO for it!


Jul 14 05 01:11 am Link



Posts: 9122

"You open your ass and you open your mind and you open your heart."
Toni Bentley

Go for it jimblast!

Jul 14 05 01:12 am Link


William Herbert

Posts: 408

Bryan, Ohio, US

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

I couldn't agree more. Well said. The non bathed, non groomed look so popular with the "skater" Is so worn out.

What is wrong with taking some personal pride?

How much confidence would George Washington inspired in his men by looking like a street bum?

Metrosexuals are ......are just men who have their nose up a woman's behind too much.  I don't think you have that problem.

Jul 14 05 01:19 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

To put a bit of a different perspective on things, I've long made fun of people who get all worked up about baseball, but the first time I was offered free tickets to Yankee Stadium, I jumped at the chance.  As it turned out, I had a good time, despite how overpriced the beer and hot dogs were.

Just do it.  It's free, right?

Jul 14 05 01:28 am Link


William Herbert

Posts: 408

Bryan, Ohio, US

The last I Ohio being a photographer or anything "artsy fartsy" is less than masculine.

I guess you are in trouble...........

Jul 14 05 01:35 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by William Herbert: 
The last I Ohio being a photographer or anything "artsy fartsy" is less than masculine.

I guess you are in trouble...........

Christian Slater told me that in Ohio drinking mineral water meant you were gay. It must be true.

Jul 14 05 01:51 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by theda: 
Christian Slater told me that in Ohio drinking mineral water meant you were gay. It must be true.

Actually he said, "This is Ohio. If you don't have a brewski in your hand, you might as well be wearing a dress."

This thread reminds me why I have almost no male friends.

Most straight males only know how to be "guys" but they have no clue how to be men.

"Men" do things to please women. "Guys" and "queers" do things to please other males.

Jul 14 05 01:59 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 

Actually he said, "This is Ohio. If you don't have a brewski in your hand, you might as well be wearing a dress."

Well yes, but he was explaining the presence of mineral water in the big bag of ghey. I inferred.

Jul 14 05 02:20 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by jimblast: 

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by KM von Seidl: 

Posted by jimblast: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Honey, if your masculinity is so frail that a manicure is going to turn you into a preening fag, the reaction of your buddies (who, if they were your real buddies, would leave you alone) is the least of your worries.

Personally, I'd LOVE it if my guy would primp a bit more. Or at least shave more than once a week. The stubble makes kissing him painful.

I say, use the gift cert and be happy!

Sorry Alyssa, I appreciate the advice however:

Masculinity, manicures, and facials don't go together.  Nor does primping.  Maybe I should just go back to Iraq and dodge some bullets.  This is getting ridiculous.

You have a strange set of values if you'd rather get shot at then appear faggy.

Although I do find it strange that such a masculine dude as yourself is really worried about what his guy buddies think.


Some of the biggest sinners sit at the front of the church!

Interesting concept KM....guess the one thing I've never had questioned by people who know me would be my values.  'Faggy'....isn't that a little politically incorrect?  I don't recall using that term.  I think from being shot at, it might be okay to make light of the situation....but questioning values over that?  Hmmm....might be a little harsh.

If you are so solid in your values, why the hell are you worried about what your guy buddies will think?  And yes, I used the word faggy because if you cut with the crap, that sounds to me to be your big worry...hell, you said it yourself, Masculinity, manicures, and facials don't go together.  Nor does primping.  Maybe I should just go back to Iraq and dodge some bullets.    

Quite frankly I have no idea why a straight male would be upset at the concept of spending a day having women touch, massage and pamper them---it seems to me like that would be a nice thing.  And it's not like the pass is for a day of having your body hair being waxed off.

But if it's so upsetting to you, why not give your gift away to some guy or girl who would actually enjoy it.  Maybe some mother of 12 or something like that.....

Jul 14 05 02:21 am Link



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 

Posted by theda: 
Christian Slater told me that in Ohio drinking mineral water meant you were gay. It must be true.

Actually he said, "This is Ohio. If you don't have a brewski in your hand, you might as well be wearing a dress."

This thread reminds me why I have almost no male friends.

Most straight males only know how to be "guys" but they have no clue how to be men.

"Men" do things to please women. "Guys" and "queers" do things to please other males.

I'm going to have to take issue with that statement completely.  Men do things to please others, including men, women, children, those less fortunate, and family. 

I'm very heterosexual, and without getting into a topic of discussion concerning gays or gay behaviour, I don't think that they would love their friends, families, children, women and associates any less.  Contrary to traditional belief, I don't think people are gay by choice.  I also don't think anyone being gay would go to hell.  That being said, a gay male might get a facial or pedicure to please another guy, not so much a woman....then again, I don't pretend to know the motives there. 

I would do this to please the women in my office.  It isn't something I'm wanting to do, and yeah, if my buddies found out about it, of course they would rag's what regular guys do.  In reading all the advice (which I'm thankful for), who knows, I might like it, but then again, I'd feel like a fish out of water.

Just because regular guys have great disdain for metrosexuals, it doesn't mean they aren't good people.  I'm sure the WWII generation for the most part didn't get wrapped up in getting nails done or facials, but I wouldn't ever call those heroes simple people. 

I think what's missing here is what we every day guys consider as a metrosexual would be someone not doing these things for someone else, right or wrong, we feel they're doing it for themselves.  What I'm proposing is doing this because I know a lot of thought went into this gift, and they weren't playing a practical joke.  There's a story behind it which I won't get into, but it was a heartfelt gift. 

I'm not thrilled at this prospect, but I'm inclined to do it because those women worked their asses off to build something that we all believed in with my business.  They know how I am about stuff like this, but they feel it would be good for me.  Pretty much any time I've gone to them for advice in personal relationships, they've typically been right on target. 

Regardless, as I've said before, I truly appreciate the advice and I'm going to go ahead and do it.  I'll let you guys know the outcome.  In terms of my buddies, some of which I've served with, others through business, and others I've grown up with, I hate to say this, but if they didn't rag me....I'd think something was wrong.  Regular guys aren't glamorous, but these guys are dependable and would do anything for people. 

If you have a problem with my complaining....feel free to direct your comments toward me, but my close friends (like anyone else who has them) are our most precious commodity.

Anyway, bottom line, I'll set it up and follow through, and will let you know the outcome if you're still interested at that point.  It's just for someone whose never even entertained the thought of this, it's very unfamiliar.  It's why I asked you all about it.

Jul 14 05 02:47 am Link



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Posted by KM von Seidl:

If you are so solid in your values, why the hell are you worried about what your guy buddies will think?  And yes, I used the word faggy because if you cut with the crap, that sounds to me to be your big worry...hell, you said it yourself, Masculinity, manicures, and facials don't go together.  Nor does primping.  Maybe I should just go back to Iraq and dodge some bullets.    

Quite frankly I have no idea why a straight male would be upset at the concept of spending a day having women touch, massage and pamper them---it seems to me like that would be a nice thing.  And it's not like the pass is for a day of having your body hair being waxed off.

But if it's so upsetting to you, why not give your gift away to some guy or girl who would actually enjoy it.  Maybe some mother of 12 or something like that.....

KM...unfortunately as I was posting, you happened to write and post this response at what I can only suppose was at the same time.  I think my prior post will answer your questions for you.

I'm going to add that a straight male could constitute either your basic sports loving, hard working American guy who busts it everyday to feed his family, or it could also constitute a metrosexual. 

Now most guys I know, who don't have a lot of free time, would prefer doing something else.  Pampering to us is watching a football or baseball game, or going fishing, or napping in a hammock after mowing the lawn.  It has nothing to do with women grooming us. 

In terms of giving it away to a needy woman, believe me I do a tremendous amount of charity work.  If a woman with twelve children were in need, I would buy her groceries as opposed to getting her a facial? 

Regardless, I believe I answered your comments in my previous post, and although I appreciate your response and candor, I think you're off base in your assessment.  Hopefully, the above comments shed a little light on the matter. 

Jul 14 05 02:52 am Link