Forums > Photography Talk > Hasselblad Lunar made in Sweden???


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

Full review hear: … eview.html

The Lunar will be out in about 10 days.. but made in Sweden... really.

Are there not some rules about substantial country of origin.

Nothing against Made in Japan. It does not get much better than made in Japan.

At least when Hasselblad re branded the X-pan it still said made in japan.

May 26 13 03:56 pm Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

On another note while Hasselblad is busy pimping up the Nex
Carl Zeiss is actually working on a product to make the Nex
more of a luxury camera. A set of lenses for the NEX and for the Fuji X-mount.

May 26 13 04:20 pm Link


Robb Mann

Posts: 12327

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Early Lunar pre-views have not been kind. … ts-finish/

How this camera does anything positive for Hasselblad is lost on me.

May 26 13 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 13456

Denver, Colorado, US

I think that there would be a very interesting harvard business case study written about both Hassy and Leica.  Two revered brands owned by small companies both under threat and a set of stretegic management decisions needed.  One seems to have been successful.  One seems comical.

A brand centric strategic marketing case would be a terrific read.

May 27 13 04:09 am Link


Robb Mann

Posts: 12327

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Hey look! Someone made a kit to convert a Nikon D5200 into a lunar look-alike!!!

[disclaimer] I truly hate the Lunar camera. I hate the way Hassey originally marketed the camera ("uncompromised quality"), the weak and cheaply executed product 'design', etc, etc. Hassy is currently owned by a venture-capital firm, and they obviously know nothing about photography. The icing on the cake is that the NEX-7 guts in this abomination will have been super ceded by the upgraded NEX-7n by the time the Lunar ships. The Lunar is nothing more than a oversized camera condom wrapped around a NEX-7, thus making a compact and light camera heavy and bulky -and negating any benefit of a mirror less camera. [/rant].

May 27 13 04:15 am Link



Posts: 1801

London, England, United Kingdom

Digitoxin wrote:
I think that there would be a very interesting harvard business case study written about both Hassy and Leica.  Two revered brands owned by small companies both under threat and a set of stretegic management decisions needed.  One seems to have been successful.  One seems comical.

A brand centric strategic marketing case would be a terrific read.

I agree. I think it is a case of hassy totally misunderstanding the world of luxury branding and products but leica learning fast and executing it very well. Hassy dumping the V series was equally a totally stupid move, killing off the icon and link to the hassy legacy. This is exactly why I am sure leica I am will never dump the rangefinder.

A great read on this: The Luxury Strategy: Break the Rules of Marketing to Build Luxury Brands

May 27 13 04:54 am Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18916

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

Country of origin is determined where the majority of the value is added.

For example the majority of the parts for a Leica M6 were made in Portugal and shipped to Germany. The only thing done in Germany was the build and assembly of the rangefinder unit and final assembly and Leica said that was 51% of the value so it was made in Germany. I would guess Hassy is doing whatever creative math is needed to get the result it wants

May 27 13 06:27 am Link



Posts: 3436

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

I sincerely hope it won't be made in Japan!

Swedish manufacturing can't feed a larger market, so either it will be a luxury item or it will be made in huge amounts in China.

And it's about time Zeiss came up with a digital Icon equivalent! Just fingers crossed it won't be an APS-C...

May 27 13 07:01 am Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

The made in Sweden label on the Lunar makes one wonder about the made in Sweden label on the Hasselblad H system.

May 27 13 11:09 am Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

R.EYE.R wrote:
I sincerely hope it won't be made in Japan!

Swedish manufacturing can't feed a larger market, so either it will be a luxury item or it will be made in huge amounts in China.

And it's about time Zeiss came up with a digital Icon equivalent! Just fingers crossed it won't be an APS-C...

If it were not so damn ugly I think that someone in China would come up with a knockoff shell to pimp up your own Nex7 and do it for pennies... would be usefull for thoise fancy dress parties

May 27 13 11:12 am Link


Vector One Photography

Posts: 3722

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

They had to do something with the factory in Sweden.

I bet Victor is turning in his grave...............

May 27 13 11:24 am Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

liddellphoto wrote:
I agree. I think it is a case of hassy totally misunderstanding the world of luxury branding and products but leica learning fast and executing it very well.


It apears that Hasselblad management has no idea of the Luxury world.
First problem is they think that their brand has some sort of broad value.
Outside of pro photography and serious enthusiasts it has virtually no recognition.
There past special edition Ferrari version only worked because of the Ferrari name.

Leica on the other hand understands luxury quite well and it's special luxury editions
had far more depth to them.

Just look at the Hermes edition of the Leica M.

Jean-Louis Dumas the Founder and Artistic director of Hermes had been an avid and skilled photographer for many years with a passion for his Leica. This led him to aproach Leica about making a special edition together that would be sold in a limited edition series with a beautiful book of photography by Jean-Louis Dumas
himself. A very elegant and subtle redesign of the body. A different matt silver finish.

The non special edition Leica equivalent costs about $30,000.
The Hermes special edition with the redesign of the body and lenses $50,000.
Whiole that my apear to be a very large markup it is of more substantial value than the Hasselblad plastic steampunk junk.

A dealer can credibly endorse the Hermes edition in that it's construction is state of the art and it comes with the design of a high fashion icon and Jean-Louis Dumas' eye through his Leica with images from his travel and the history of his family.

In comparison how is a dealer going to endorse the Hasselblad Lunar when the customer will soon find out it is pimped out NEX 7...... either because the plastic junk falls off or the customer bumps into a NEX 7 enthusiast.....

It looks like Hasselblad is going to try to sell this through places like Harrods and Selfridges. I think legitimate camera stores wil not be too comfortable carrying this product, especially if they have Sonys on the shelf a few feet away.

May 27 13 12:46 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

I can't imagine that this kind of thing wouldn't erode the credibility of the Hasselblad brand, progressively impacting the adoption/sales of their H systems.

May 27 13 01:01 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Fred Greissing wrote:
It apears that Hasselblad management has no idea of the Luxury world.
First problem is they think that their brand has some sort of broad value.
Outside of pro photography and serious enthusiasts it has virtually no recognition.
There past special edition Ferrari version only worked because of the Ferrari name.

Leica on the other hand understands luxury quite well and it's special luxury editions
had far more depth to them.

Just look at the Hermes edition of the Leica M.

+1. Well said.

I'm sure many will criticize that Leica product by its very existence. But, cmon, if we're talking luxury edition...THAT is how you do it. White Gloves and all. That is breathtaking.

Hassy seems lost and floundering with each new offering in this category.

May 27 13 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 3664

Newport News, Virginia, US

The only "lunar" Hasselblad I will ever own (and do).

Just remember, Ford had a half decade of crappy designs, culminating in the "Think" and a crappy looking version of the "Taurus", they either had a stern talking to their design team or fired them, but they have done a much better job since then.

So maybe Hassy has a crappy design team right now, they might get better (although in this case I wouldn't bet on it).

May 27 13 01:47 pm Link


Jason Haven

Posts: 38381

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I don't understand the Lunar.

It's not even the body that bothers me; the NEX is a good base, imo. But Hasselblad needs to release some lenses, instead of slapping Sony kit lenses on the thing. NEX bodies are plenty capable, as are their sensors, but the glass... oi.

May 27 13 01:53 pm Link



Posts: 3436

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Fred Greissing wrote:

If it were not so damn ugly I think that someone in China would come up with a knockoff shell to pimp up your own Nex7 and do it for pennies... would be usefull for thoise fancy dress parties

Isn't it?!
First thoughts when I saw the announcement from Photokina were "What were they smoking?" and "Where can I get some of it?"

May 27 13 05:03 pm Link


Jim McSmith

Posts: 794

Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Hasselblad need to concentrate on digital backs and forget this monstrosity.

May 27 13 06:40 pm Link


Alien LiFe

Posts: 934

San Jose, California, US

Fred Greissing wrote:
On another note while Hasselblad is busy pimping up the Nex
Carl Zeiss is actually working on a product to make the Nex
more of a luxury camera. A set of lenses for the NEX and for the Fuji X-mount.

Hmm ... those lenses are awesome looking ... wink
Now let see if they are really a 'match in heaven' with Fuji X series body ... I might trade my Nikon system for it ... wink

May 27 13 06:51 pm Link


Dan Howell

Posts: 3579

Kerhonkson, New York, US

ASYLUM - Photo wrote:
I don't understand the Lunar.

It's not even the body that bothers me; the NEX is a good base, imo. But Hasselblad needs to release some lenses, instead of slapping Sony kit lenses on the thing. NEX bodies are plenty capable, as are their sensors, but the glass... oi.

guess you missed this: … -x-cameras

May 27 13 06:56 pm Link



Posts: 3436

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Actually, so far best alternative for NEX glass was to slap widely available Contax-G Zeiss lenses on them.

May 27 13 07:36 pm Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

Jim McSmith wrote:
Hasselblad need to concentrate on digital backs and forget this monstrosity.

They are having trouble with that to.

The new H5D new feature list:

    More accurate focusing with True Focus II ( but still one focusing point and still only detects angle change not axial movement)
    New Immediate Focus Confirm (100% magnification in review mode with one click)
    New print ready Jpeg files ( now also saves jpegs... didn't before )
    New compressed multi-shot RAW files for faster and smoother workflow ( only with multi shot backs so does not apply to the normal backs)
    New Camera Configurator ( fancy name for a menu)
    Larger and more ergonomic buttons
    Larger, easier to read display style
    Updated Graphics User Interface
    More programmable buttons
    New and improved weather sealing
    New and faster processors implementing Hasselblad Image Processing Architecture( but jpegs are only 1/4 res)

Same sensors as the H4D. No ISo improvent no dynamic range improvement
Still no vertical grip
Still only firewire
No way to use wireless

Did get a nice new paint job.

May 28 13 12:36 am Link


Robb Mann

Posts: 12327

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Fred Greissing wrote:

Full review hear: … eview.html

The Lunar will be out in about 10 days.. but made in Sweden... really.

Are there not some rules about substantial country of origin.

Nothing against Made in Japan. It does not get much better than made in Japan.

At least when Hasselblad re branded the X-pan it still said made in japan.

Funny thing is I'm sure the battery door is made in Japan, or China. Still, full retail of a Nex-7 with kit lens is $1100. Lunar is what, about $5k? So the leather camera skin and wooden battery grip are 'adding' nearly $4k in value? Oh, i forgot the two plastic-looking Titanium buttons, those are likely $500 apeice.

So yea, most of the total 'value' of the camera is added in Sweden.

May 28 13 02:44 am Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

Robb Mann wrote:
Funny thing is I'm sure the battery door is made in Japan, or China. Still, full retail of a Nex-7 with kit lens is $1100. Lunar is what, about $5k? So the leather camera skin and wooden battery grip are 'adding' nearly $4k in value? Oh, i forgot the two plastic-looking Titanium buttons, those are likely $500 apeice.

So yea, most of the total 'value' of the camera is added in Sweden.

I guess it all depends on the term "substantial".

Hasselblad has been an assembler for many years.

They could not get electronic V system right and needed Fuji on the other side of the world to be able to make the H system. Hasselblad never made the lenses of the V system or the H system.

No substantial improvements in the Hasselblad H system so you won't see Hasselblad turn profitable thanks to the H system. The Lunar is a feeble attempt
to turn Hasselblad profitable. Sadly it looks like it won't work.

The real problem for MF manufactures is the diminishing IQ difference between
high end 35mm DSLRs and MF DSLRs.

Here is an example.

These are two crops form a Nikon d800 and a Hasselblad H4D40 … 4261;image

There really is no difference.

The real differences are price and usability.


D800 and 90mm macro $ 3,700

Hasselblad 40MP and 120mm macro $25,000

That is a $21,300 difference.

That's just too much of a difference.

What is worse is the used market.

The value of used MF gear, especially recent top of the line gear is not good.
Resale loss is much higher than with recent popular 35mm DSLR gear.
Lenses in particular.

See this thread... … ic=78229.0

May 28 13 11:28 am Link


Robb Mann

Posts: 12327

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Didn't Hassy drop most of their pricing 25% a few weeks after the D800 shipped?

Most MF cameras use imaging chips designed and built by Kodak, or whoever bought Kodak's chip business. These CCD chips are at least 2 generations behind state of the art sensors being used by Nikon and Fuji. Worse yet, scales of economy are agsinst MF chips ever being profitable. The larger the chip, the fewer csn be made per wafer, and the more they coat per chip. MF chips need a much longer production cycle to turn a profit, yet the chips technologically age at the same rate as crop or full frame chips. Doomed. MF is doomed. At least as a consumer product.

May 28 13 06:42 pm Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

Sensors are made by Truesense (ex Kodak) and Dalsa (part of Teledyne... a defense contractor).

Sensors are fundamentally the same as last generation sensors.

The sensors are developed for various purposes and one of them being photography.

Phase one now uses Dalsa chips. they are chips that are adapted for proffesional photography applications, however most of the applications of Dalsa chips are in other fields. Dalsa no longer lists pro photography as one of the applications of it's sensors.
F pretty much has to work with what they get from the two vendors. This explains the strange sensor sizes and why a 6x6 sensor did not exist for the HAsselblad V system.

Sensor yields are not bad because they undergo "calibration" to correct for artifacts.
MAny phase one users have issues with lines and tiles showing if calibration needs to be redone.

May 28 13 10:19 pm Link



Posts: 3436

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Kodak's sensors are resolving beautifully at lower ISOs, but perform fairly poorly from 400 and up. Or has it been addressed by now?

May 28 13 10:22 pm Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

They are behind in both Dynamic range and high ISO.

Phase one does OK with what they peddle as Sensor+ that is really no more than downresing the file. By downresing the file noise is better, but dynamic range remains lower, both at base ISO and higher ISO.

Some graphs

May 28 13 10:48 pm Link



Posts: 3436

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Their EOS and F-mount camera was rather a good performer, as well as their Leica S2 sensor (speaking of dynamic range), though it's been some time ago.

Oh well, another expensive failure coming up hmm

May 28 13 11:13 pm Link


Robb Mann

Posts: 12327

Baltimore, Maryland, US

R.EYE.R wrote:
Kodak's sensors are resolving beautifully at lower ISOs, but perform fairly poorly from 400 and up. Or has it been addressed by now?

I worked extensively with Kodaks 16mp full frame sensor. It was total crap above above 200 iso.

May 29 13 04:40 pm Link


Art Silva

Posts: 10064

Santa Barbara, California, US

Fred Greissing wrote:
On another note while Hasselblad is busy pimping up the Nex
Carl Zeiss is actually working on a product to make the Nex
more of a luxury camera. A set of lenses for the NEX and for the Fuji X-mount.

Alien LiFe wrote:
Hmm ... those lenses are awesome looking ... wink
Now let see if they are really a 'match in heaven' with Fuji X series body ... I might trade my Nikon system for it ... wink

I'm in the midst of switching my Nikon DSLR system to the Fuji X series and the new Carl Zeiss are looking attractive. Don't know if I'll be able to afford it after I get the M glass I want but who knows in a year's time.

May 29 13 09:55 pm Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

Hasselblad has a posh Launch Party at Willoughby's camera store in NY.

The Lunar is now available on their website: … rchSize=12

$ 6,995

This is funny:

Carbon fiber lens hood
Anti dust microfiber camera, accessories, and lens satchels
High gloss black wooden display box with drawers

and.... wait for it....
18-55mm Hasselblad Lunar Lens with aluminum lens cap.

Carbon fiber lens hood... Aluminum lens cap.... but on a plastic lens...

Launch party also in London at St. Martin's Lane Hotel

Jun 02 13 08:04 pm Link



Posts: 1218

Orlando, Florida, US

Cool.....a Sony Nex with twice the pixels for ten times the price!

Jun 02 13 08:44 pm Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

Same pixel count, but six times the price.

Jun 02 13 11:33 pm Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

While Hasselblad is "pooping outside the toilet bowl" dicking around with the Lunar another company is doing something very right to add to the Sony Nex.

Carl Zeiss Touit series lenses for Nex and Fuji X

Extrordinary lenses. Elegant design.

Jun 02 13 11:35 pm Link



Posts: 39248

Portland, Oregon, US

Longwatcher wrote:
The only "lunar" Hasselblad I will ever own (and do).

Just remember, Ford had a half decade of crappy designs, culminating in the "Think" and a crappy looking version of the "Taurus", they either had a stern talking to their design team or fired them, but they have done a much better job since then.

So maybe Hassy has a crappy design team right now, they might get better (although in this case I wouldn't bet on it).

THAT is the SEXIEST thing I have ever seen on this site.

OH... my... GOD...   yikes

*blushes*   do you let people touch it?  yikes

Jun 02 13 11:40 pm Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

The idiotic marketing bullshit is remarkable.

Here is what the Hasselblad USA CEO had to say:

MH: Lunar is manufactured using only the finest components inside and out. The optics and imaging engine on the Lunar camera are second to none; we would not put our name on anything less than the finest camera in the world. Sure, we could have made a better “retro” camera...better than the rest and out-playing the competition. But we decided that the real challenge would be to create an entirely new genre of cameras. Before Lunar there was no “luxury camera.” And creating a luxury product is many-faceted—part design, part experience, part providence, and of course, part materials and craftsmanship.

He babbles on ...

There is a soul history with this brand, just as there is a soul history with many other iconic, family-begun mature brands—Bentley, Ferrari, Dior, Hermes and the like.

Before Lunar there was no “luxury camera......
Rather silly that he would mention Hermes, I guess he missed the Leica/Hermes that I think would more than qualify as a Luxury camera, but also a magnificent design:

Jun 03 13 12:17 am Link



Posts: 1803

Fredericksburg, Virginia, US

Fred Greissing wrote:
Hasselblad has a posh Launch Party at Willoughby's camera store in NY.

The Lunar is now available on their website: … rchSize=12

$ 6,995

This is funny:

Carbon fiber lens hood... Aluminum lens cap.... but on a plastic lens...

Launch party also in London at St. Martin's Lane Hotel

Wonder how the release of the Hasselblad Lunar is going to effect Leica M (240) sales. After all for same price as a plan old M body, you get this beautiful luxury camera plus an assume zoom.

Jun 03 13 04:27 am Link



Posts: 3664

Newport News, Virginia, US

DougBPhoto wrote:

THAT is the SEXIEST thing I have ever seen on this site.

OH... my... GOD...   yikes

*blushes*   do you let people touch it?  yikes

And I may let them pet it, but I keep it in my hand so it doesn't get loose. smile
Favorite part is it is serial #00002 (#1 is reported to be in the Hassy Museum)
Long story how I got it, but all legitimate.

Jun 03 13 11:56 am Link


Robb Mann

Posts: 12327

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Mcary wrote:

Wonder how the release of the Hasselblad Lunar is going to effect Leica M (240) sales. After all for same price as a plan old M body, you get this beautiful luxury camera plus an assume zoom.

I suspect used prices of thr NEX-7 will double or tripple. After all, same IQ as the Lunar in a lighter and more compact body. Small and light has been the goal of mirrorless cameras since inception. The lunar is the first mirrorless camera to eschew this parigidm.

Jun 03 13 05:50 pm Link