Forums > Model Colloquy > What's up with "Models" not responding to Castings



Posts: 4254

Los Angeles, California, US

Rick Sieminski Photo wrote:
Apparently this has ruffled someone's feathers, and offended someone, and was this was considered a "Rant".  I was just looking for honest opinions. I am sorry, I didn't mean it to come across as a "Rant", and anyone who knows me, or has ever worked with me, knows that I'm always super polite, and a nice guy.  I have learned that this is a pretty sensitive area of discussion, and will probably avoid such topics in the future.

Rick Sieminski Photo wrote:
Thanks for everyone's input, and advice.  Agree, disagree, good, bad, etc. it all helps.

Hey Rick, sounds like you've been taking some of the advice to heart and I appreciate that you're not lashing out in return (not that there's anything to last out at, but you'd be surprised at how some others have responded in the past).

Make some adjustments to your casting if you wish, and hopefully your rate of interest will increase smile

May 08 14 10:32 pm Link



Posts: 194

New York, New York, US

CHAD ALAN wrote:

Rick Sieminski Photo wrote:
Apparently this has ruffled someone's feathers, and offended someone, and was this was considered a "Rant".  I was just looking for honest opinions. I am sorry, I didn't mean it to come across as a "Rant", and anyone who knows me, or has ever worked with me, knows that I'm always super polite, and a nice guy.  I have learned that this is a pretty sensitive area of discussion, and will probably avoid such topics in the future.

Hey Rick, sounds like you've been taking some of the advice to heart and I appreciate that you're not lashing out in return (not that there's anything to last out at, but you'd be surprised at how some others have responded in the past).

Make some adjustments to your casting if you wish, and hopefully your rate of interest will increase smile


Good luck OP!

May 08 14 10:49 pm Link



Posts: 1493

Saint Joseph, Missouri, US

I rarely use castings anymore but I did use them the first year or so when I didn't know anyone.
I have a business background and so I looked at the casting that were already up, checked how many responses each had gotten and tried to figure out why some casting would get 40 responses and the next one had zero.

The successful ones all had some things in common.
1.  The casting sounded friendly and professional.  They gave specifics of what the model could expect to shoot., where they were shooting and for how long
2.  They usually involved a team that had more members than just photographer and model.
Photographers who turn out awesome work have a line of people wanting to work with them that includes, models, stylists, hair, makeup designers etc.
So the castings almost always have owner or more of the other creatives involved.

Besides castings do a search in your area for models that fit the look.  Message 5-10 of them and see what happens.

Offer something.  Why not hit a couple of thrift stores and have a few wardrobe pieces to help pull the look together rather than expecting the model to do that on her own dime.

May 08 14 10:59 pm Link



Posts: 4254

Los Angeles, California, US

KeithDewey3 wrote:
I rarely use castings anymore but I did use them the first year or so when I didn't know anyone.
I have a business background and so I looked at the casting that were already up, checked how many responses each had gotten and tried to figure out why some casting would get 40 responses and the next one had zero.

The successful ones all had some things in common.
1.  The casting sounded friendly and professional.  They gave specifics of what the model could expect to shoot., where they were shooting and for how long
2.  They usually involved a team that had more members than just photographer and model.
Photographers who turn out awesome work have a line of people wanting to work with them that includes, models, stylists, hair, makeup designers etc.
So the castings almost always have owner or more of the other creatives involved.

Besides castings do a search in your area for models that fit the look.  Message 5-10 of them and see what happens.

Offer something.  Why not hit a couple of thrift stores and have a few wardrobe pieces to help pull the look together rather than expecting the model to do that on her own dime.

Good advice here!

May 08 14 11:21 pm Link


J Haggerty

Posts: 1315

Augusta, Georgia, US

KeithDewey3 gave excellent advice!

I know you may not want to front money on clothing you'll probably never use again but it does help to get interest in a concept that many might not have wardrobe readily available. I'm not sure how popular the cowgirl fashion is in Florida but it definitely is out in NYC and went out in SC while I was living there pretty quickly.
You might pick something up at the thrift store then sell it back or exchange it for new items - ask the owner if they're willing to get in on something like that if you were to promote their store with the image.

May 09 14 12:53 pm Link


L o n d o n F o g

Posts: 7497

London, England, United Kingdom

Time and time this comes up from across the pond, must be a US thing as I've never experienced this here!

May 09 14 01:14 pm Link


Filles de Pin-up

Posts: 3218

Wichita, Kansas, US

Head over to the critique forum and ask for feedback.

May 09 14 01:17 pm Link



Posts: 343

Portland, Oregon, US

Hi there! 

For the record, I don't think you sound arrogant at all.  And you have been gracious and humble in your responses.  That's cool.

Here is the deal.  I check out the casting calls on a regular basis, and every once in a while I respond to one.  Usually it offers something I can't get for myself.  It might be a photographer I respect, who is submitting to a magazine AND he is providing wardrobe, hair, and makeup.  Basically, the more work he puts into it, the more likely I am to be open to responding. 

Here is a TF that I did recently.  The photographer arranged to work with a master florist to make head pieces, the gowns were brought in by a local designer, and a makeup artist was also brought in.  All of this was done as a collaboration.  As in, nobody got paid, but as the production grew, so did the value for ALL of us.  Here is the end result...

Here is my advice to you.  Get more people involved, make connections with makeup artist, hair stylists, and boutique owners.  Did you know that the smaller boutiques will let you 'pull' items??  You have to put about %20 down and then you get it back when you bring the items back!  Show owners love this because they want to be credited on social media where people can find the clothing. 

PM me if you want more advice.  I'm actually very good at this smile

May 09 14 07:07 pm Link


David Stone Imaging

Posts: 1032

Seattle, Washington, US

It appears you are dealing with a vacuum of TF models in the Sarasota area.  You have to reach out to a 50 mile radius to find even 6 TF models.  Here are the numbers from the MM browse feature.

25           251            0
50           562            6
100        2567           38

While several posts are suggesting their critique/opinion about your photography would help, there isn't anything that can help this lack of available TF models.

You need a Plan B that addresses the problem!!!

May 10 14 01:50 am Link


Natural Body Photo

Posts: 311

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Don't give up.  I know as for myself, Model Mayhem is hot or cold:  I will get no bites for a few weeks and then a lot of interest all at once.  So Model Mayhem really is too valuable to cut loose.  To keep things steady as I need them to be, I have learned to use several sources for models; you mentioned FB, consider also just approaching potential models directly. 
Best of luck!

May 10 14 02:40 am Link



Posts: 629

Newcastle, Limerick, Ireland

Sarah Lynn Modeling wrote:
For models, when responding to a casting or a photographer, the profile photo is your first impression. 

Just a suggestion--but I would change your profile image.  The profile image you have is so-so.  Based on your profile photo, I was surprised that when I clicked on your portfolio I saw some stunning, well-done shots.  And if the models you're contacting are younger, female models, you may want to change your profile pic to one of your photos that is of a young, female model.  Then models would be more likely to think, "Wow, that's a great photo, I want to look like that.  I'm going to learn more about this photographer."

I think this is a major part of your problem. Take the advice given and see what happens. If you like, put your profile pic in your port, for the models to see what you look like.

May 10 14 03:28 am Link



Posts: 5236

Dearborn, Michigan, US

I would suggest finding meet and greets and possibly well-run group shoots in your area (if they exist there). These can both be a really good way to meet models and to chat with other photographers about models they have had good experiences with. Most of the people who attend these events, in my experience, are pretty social and open, so they aren't clammed up about models they enjoy working with.

May 12 14 08:59 am Link


Peach Jones

Posts: 6906

Champaign, Illinois, US

Rick Sieminski Photo wrote:
I have really had zero luck with MM, as far as Casting Calls, or direct PM's of "Models" for TF, portfolio building shoots.  I look at their portfolio here on MM, if I've scouted them, and many have IPhone Portfolio images, or worse.  Essentially, all my shoots have been from personal contacts, or FB.  Nothing here generates any leads?  Maybe it's my area.  In my experience, a model will sometimes reply, and then either break communication w/o a trace, or no-show.  Is this where the industry is at right now?

I honestly think it is just a MM thing. Don't know why, but it seems to be. I find 80-90% of my contacts....even those that approach me first and "have to shoot with me"......either fade away, flake, or break off contact.

That's why I rarely shoot with MM models anymore. Just not worth the aggravation

May 12 14 09:13 am Link


- StudioD Productions -

Posts: 273

Langley, British Columbia, Canada

In my humble opinion - Take it or leave it.

Quit searching out the selfie shot, model portfolio's.
My experience tells me that they are happy with them and aren't *in need* of a shoot unless it's a paid gig.

Unless their profile explicitly shows interest in TF's, they're getting want they want out of MM...

WTS, I've never placed a CC. I've either searched out my models or they've searched me out, so I really can't help ya there. But me thinks there has been some sound advice in some of the replies.

Cheers Man!
And good luck...

May 12 14 09:48 am Link



Posts: 3656

New York, New York, US

Maybe no one likes your work?

May 12 14 12:12 pm Link


HO Photo

Posts: 575

Los Angeles, California, US

Rick Sieminski Photo wrote:
Well they might not like my work, but I would suspect not (Take a look).  Not everyone likes the same things though.  Some like rock-n-roll, and some like country, although I do show a lot of diversity.  If I've scouted them, through the filters on the search form, I've narrowed them down by genre, location, compensation, etc. and looked at their IPhone portfolio, so the offer should be on target.  Maybe, just maybe they cannot tell a great image from an Instagram one?

Maybe it's your area.

May 12 14 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 64

Paramus, New Jersey, US

I know the "models that don't respond" topic has been done a thousand times but what about models that don't even open their messages.  I have 8 messages out over the last 4 weeks offering a paying gig, all unread.    Not one model has opened the message even though they've been active on their accounts.

Jul 05 14 08:57 pm Link


Alabaster Crowley

Posts: 8283

Tucson, Arizona, US

CreativeWorld wrote:
I know the "models that don't respond" topic has been done a thousand times but what about models that don't even open their messages.  I have 8 messages out over the last 4 weeks offering a paying gig, all unread.    Not one model has opened the message even though they've been active on their accounts.

They probably read them through their email, and decide from there if it's worth responding to. It leaves the message "unread."

Jul 05 14 09:00 pm Link


David Stone Imaging

Posts: 1032

Seattle, Washington, US

David Stone Imaging wrote:
It appears you are dealing with a vacuum of TF models in the Sarasota area.  You have to reach out to a 50 mile radius to find even 6 TF models.  Here are the numbers from the MM browse feature.

25           251            0
50           562            6
100        2567           38

While several posts are suggesting their critique/opinion about your photography would help, there isn't anything that can help this lack of available TF models.

You need a Plan B that addresses the problem!!!

Just reposting what I wrote above.  And to speculate that maybe no one likes OP's work is unfounded when there aren't any TF models around to not like it.

And if you are now offering a paid gig...put PAID SHOOT in the subject line of your PM.  And keep the PM as short as possible.  It will likely be read on a cell phone.

Jul 05 14 10:54 pm Link


Bare Essential Photos

Posts: 3605

Upland, California, US

Rick Sieminski Photo wrote:
I have really had zero luck with MM, as far as Casting Calls, or direct PM's of "Models" for TF, portfolio building shoots.  I look at their portfolio here on MM, if I've scouted them, and many have IPhone Portfolio images, or worse.  Essentially, all my shoots have been from personal contacts, or FB.  Nothing here generates any leads?  Maybe it's my area.  In my experience, a model will sometimes reply, and then either break communication w/o a trace, or no-show.  Is this where the industry is at right now?

There are many photographers, including myself, having a difficult time hooking up with models for shoots, whether using PMs or casting calls. It's my understanding that some photographers have more success using Craig's List. You may want to consider that. It's been rather discouraging here.

I must admit, you may want to change your avatar. Avatars, much like book covers, are intended to catch other's attention to get them view your portfolio and see what you're about.

Jul 05 14 11:12 pm Link


Bare Essential Photos

Posts: 3605

Upland, California, US

Peach Jones wrote:

I honestly think it is just a MM thing. Don't know why, but it seems to be. I find 80-90% of my contacts....even those that approach me first and "have to shoot with me"......either fade away, flake, or break off contact.

Yes, I'm experiencing the same : (

Jul 05 14 11:15 pm Link


Aaron Pawlak

Posts: 2850

New York, New York, US

they want paid.
You have to approach the offer of TF in such a way that
they will feel it will end up benefiting them financially.

either that or

Nobody is going to jump to do a non-paying commercial looking shoot.

...I looked back at my port and counted.
6 of 11 shoots were TF. All TF models were found on MM.
It can be done.

Jul 05 14 11:30 pm Link



Posts: 879

New York, New York, US

You pm models they see your message they do this

i know those feels

Jul 05 14 11:35 pm Link



Posts: 1668

Chicago, Illinois, US

NicoleNudes wrote:

Let me really real and honest with you here. RE: I have big expensive equipment. Models DON'T CARE.

I honestly don't give a rat's ass if the camera you're using is $100 or $10,000. That's NOT important. It's what you can actually do with said camera.

You're coming off in this thread as very arrogant. At least that was my first impression.

Like others have said before me: Maybe you think your stuff rocks - other people might not.

Obviously the models who had selfies in their portfolios didn't think that your work was better than their selfies or else they would have responded.

Nicole, this is a vicious attack. Models like you should use common sense.

Jul 05 14 11:50 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

HarryL wrote:

Nicole, this is a vicious attack. Models like you should use common sense.

Vicious? More like on point.

Jul 06 14 12:07 am Link


Amul La La

Posts: 885

London, England, United Kingdom

Rick Sieminski Photo wrote:
I have really had zero luck with MM, as far as Casting Calls, or direct PM's of "Models" for TF, portfolio building shoots.  I look at their portfolio here on MM, if I've scouted them, and many have IPhone Portfolio images, or worse.  Essentially, all my shoots have been from personal contacts, or FB.  Nothing here generates any leads?  Maybe it's my area.  In my experience, a model will sometimes reply, and then either break communication w/o a trace, or no-show.  Is this where the industry is at right now?

The world is your oyster.

Jul 06 14 03:05 am Link



Posts: 631

Worcester, England, United Kingdom

Sometimes a person's work will be exceptional but too far from the prevailing aesthetic to be recognised as such, but mostly a simple rule applies: if you are really good, models will line up to work with you. If you suck, or are simply mediocre, then they will mostly ignore you.
People waste lots of time on why this,  why that, where am I going wrong, when all they need to do is realise they are not good enough to have models seriously interested in shooting with them (and the same goes for models who have trouble getting photographers interested).

Jul 06 14 03:35 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

Ana Lancova wrote:
I love what you said Looknsee Photography. As a new model i often feel intimidated thinking about attending castings; especially considering i am so short and new to modeling. I love it when people contact me. It means that i do not have to feel as though i have to be better than all the other models there. If they contact me that means that they are interested in my look.

Well I took a peak at your port and you are all sorts of awesomeness smile

Yes, you bring up a valid point. New models often lack the confidence to "compete" in a casting call. I prefer contacting a model directly.

OP, sometimes models with just cell pics in their port only started a MM profile so they can brag to their friends that they are a model. It is far better to contact a model who shows she had at least a couple shoots. They would probably be more serious.

Jul 06 14 03:38 am Link


Eyes Wide Shut Images

Posts: 20

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Pay your models and you might get someone to shoot, models have to eat and pay bills.

Jul 06 14 03:56 am Link


David Stone Imaging

Posts: 1032

Seattle, Washington, US

Shutter Photographics wrote:
Pay your models and you might get someone to shoot, models have to eat and pay bills.


And buying all that gear is something you did for yourself.  All of us photographers have done it for ourselves. It's how we progress in the art.  And if there was any validity to the thinking that models should appreciate our investment...then they would all be lined up in altruistic fashion begging all of us to photograph them.

Jul 06 14 04:15 am Link


Herman Surkis

Posts: 10856

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Jeff Fiore wrote:

Well I took a peak at your port and you are all sorts of awesomeness smile

Yes, you bring up a valid point. New models often lack the confidence to "compete" in a casting call. I prefer contacting a model directly.

OP, sometimes models with just cell pics in their port only started a MM profile so they can brag to their friends that they are a model. It is far better to contact a model who shows she had at least a couple shoots. They would probably be more serious.


I seem to have better luck contacting models for TF who normally do paid only.

My recent casting bombed.
My contacting directly worked.
And this is also true for MUA, stylists etc. I need an MUA. Many here are crying the blues that they cannot even get trade, much less work. But no response. Thankfully a couple of the models do kick ass makeup as well, so they are covered.

It seems that 'casting' on MM has died.
Does anybody even look?

Jul 06 14 01:07 pm Link


GCobb Photography

Posts: 15898

Southaven, Mississippi, US

You need to target models who are genuinely interested in modeling or need pictures for something.  Not all models read casting calls.  I've had models contact me and when I asked them what their specific need was on what direction they wanted to go with the shoot....crickets.  That required too much thought.

Try changing your approach.  If you go into too much detail you can lose people.

Jul 06 14 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 15973

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Rick Sieminski Photo wrote:
Is this where the industry is at right now?


MM is not the industry.

Jul 06 14 01:21 pm Link


r T p

Posts: 3511

Los Angeles, California, US

Rick Sieminski Photo wrote:
What's up with "Models" not responding to Castings

ey dont know how to use MM good

Jul 06 14 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 15973

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

r T p wrote:

ey dont know how to use MM good

Sounds like a line from Zoolander.

'Who Can't Read Good and Want to Do Other Stuff Good Too'.

Jul 06 14 02:22 pm Link


r T p

Posts: 3511

Los Angeles, California, US

WIP wrote:
Sounds like a line from Zoolander.

'Who Can't Read Good and Want to Do Other Stuff Good Too'.

dont see that TV show

Jul 06 14 02:35 pm Link



Posts: 2353

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Edit your portfolio to attract what you seek. Six similar images from the same shoot, nearly the same moment, gives the impression that you aren't certain about your vision.

Jul 06 14 02:43 pm Link


RunNGun Photography

Posts: 19

Syracuse, New York, US

Rick Sieminski Photo wrote:
I have really had zero luck with MM, as far as Casting Calls, or direct PM's of "Models" for TF, portfolio building shoots.  I look at their portfolio here on MM, if I've scouted them, and many have IPhone Portfolio images, or worse.  Essentially, all my shoots have been from personal contacts, or FB.  Nothing here generates any leads?  Maybe it's my area.  In my experience, a model will sometimes reply, and then either break communication w/o a trace, or no-show.  Is this where the industry is at right now?

I've been in the exact same boat as you. That seems to be a huge thing here.
I'll have models contact me hoping to shoot almost weekly. Then they either drop off the face of the earth after few weeks, flake out on shoots or tell me that they've now decided that they charge.

Jul 06 14 02:45 pm Link


Filles de Pin-up

Posts: 3218

Wichita, Kansas, US

Some wisdom I have gleaned over a few years.

Unlike photographers, most models aren't willing to work for free. Some will do trades occasionally, but most aren't interested in doing that many trades. How many images of herself does a model need? A handful of quality portraits a year?

A model doesn't need lots of fancy pictures to get paid assignments. A few mediocre snapshots, and she has a portfolio. She might miss out on a trade shoot, but who cares if people are offering her paid assignments.

Some models hope to make it big, but if they don't and no one offers them $100+/hr they give up and go away.

How much you spent on gear has no influence at all and a lot of models really could care less. How much you are going to spend on them, now that matters. Some would be impressed if you were doing something exotic like wet plate collodion. Otherwise, any DSLR will probably do.

I pretty much accept that doing trades means not shooting that often.

If you are fabulous and famous like Ken Marcus, then models will line up around the corner for a chance to do a trade. Otherwise YMMV.

For anything more you will have to head over to the critique forum and ask for feedback.

Jul 06 14 04:36 pm Link


Vampman Studios

Posts: 364

Chicago, Illinois, US

It might be your concepts. Models like out of the box concepts because it would benefit their portfolio. They're bombarded with basic "pose in clothes or bikinis or nude" propositions all the time, but, say, dressing up as an iconic character from a movie (like Gozer from Ghostbusters or an Oompah Loompah from the original Willy Wonka movie) would definitely stand out.

Jul 06 14 05:25 pm Link