Forums > Model Colloquy > over 50 model? are we wasting are time?



Posts: 12

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

Hello MM
Is there any hope or future for a over 50's model?  I am 56 and having fun with what I am doing right now but would like to take this to the next level and possibly get paid.  I see ports for some over 50's and they have retired already.
any comments appreciated...

Jul 12 09 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 13456

Denver, Colorado, US

Redhtz wrote:
Hello MM
Is there any hope or future for a over 50's model?  I am 56 and having fun with what I am doing right now but would like to take this to the next level and possibly get paid.  I see ports for some over 50's and they have retired already.
any comments appreciated...

There are two viable paths to getting paid as an over 50 model.  Art and Commercial.  Which are you?

Jul 12 09 01:21 pm Link



Posts: 12

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

I have been going in the Art direction.  Just knowing there is a market for over 50 is helpfull.

Jul 12 09 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 13456

Denver, Colorado, US

Redhtz wrote:
I have been going in the Art direction.  Just knowing there is a market for over 50 is helpfull.

You live in Albuquerque.  There is a large Art market there as I understand it.  Market yourself into it (artist model --- painters, sculptors, photographers).  Good luck.

Jul 12 09 01:57 pm Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

Good luck and remember expression and posing  that show variety in one's model port
really go a long way when one is pursuing the art modeling route.

Jul 12 09 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 682

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Most of the images in your port show no skin texture or tone, especially the closeup showing just nostrils and no nose.  Massive amounts of ps don't help.  Reading your profile says to me that you don't play well with others, especially the younger ones.  Just sayin

Jul 12 09 02:40 pm Link



Posts: 63

Champaign, Illinois, US

I have gotten paid for lifestyle, but no way I could make a living at it.

Jul 12 09 02:42 pm Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

Macphoto wrote:
Reading your profile says to me that you don't play well with others, especially the younger ones.  Just sayin

Agreed big_smile and that part would turn me off as a photographer...

Jul 12 09 02:42 pm Link


Lora Weaver

Posts: 3541

Alexandria, Virginia, US

I would also recommend losing the disclaimer.

Jul 12 09 02:44 pm Link


Vamp Boudoir

Posts: 11446

Florence, South Carolina, US

seeing how the baby boomers are all retired/retiring yes, there's a market for Ad work( if you don't mind your face on "Depends", "Geritol", Vitamins, etc...,)

Handbanana wrote:
I would also recommend losing the disclaimer.

+1...BAD Karma!

Jul 12 09 02:45 pm Link


Carbon Decay

Posts: 1466

Brooklyn, New York, US

if your still having fun, go for it!!!

Jul 12 09 02:46 pm Link


glamour pics

Posts: 6095

Los Angeles, California, US

Your profile gives the impression that you are nasty, quarrelsome, and troublesome and resentful.

How many potential shoots is it costing you?

Jul 12 09 02:47 pm Link


Less Than Two

Posts: 23401

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

This woman is in her 60s.

Shes brilliant.

If you're having fun, don't let physical age stop you.

Jul 12 09 02:48 pm Link


Roy Whiddon

Posts: 1666

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Another 60+ model, retired dancer and one of the best art models I know:

Definitely lose the disclaimer and keep your profile positive. Positive attitude will attract photographers and artists; negativity won't. Vent to your friends, not in your profile.

Jul 12 09 02:52 pm Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

Raelyn Monstrosity wrote:
This woman is in her 60s.

Shes brilliant.

If you're having fun, don't let physical age stop you.

Yes, Unbearable Lightness is a fantabulous model!!!

Jul 12 09 02:56 pm Link


Ray Holyer

Posts: 2000

Professional models who know the business and who have looked after themselves over a long period of time can usually find some work (maybe not enough to support themselves) in their fifties.  New models might find it hard to break into the business.

Jul 12 09 02:56 pm Link



Posts: 673

Phoenix, Arizona, US

i was completely turned off by the "Disclaimer" section of your profile. 

Decide on where there is a market for a model of your age, and post those types of photos....and keep the "attitude"/bitterness out of the profile.

There are several models your age that seem to be doing well....take a look at their profiles and are a couple examples....

Jul 12 09 02:58 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

SonoraImages wrote:
i was completely turned off by the "Disclaimer" section of your profile. 

Decide on where there is a market for a model of your age, and post those types of photos....and keep the "attitude"/bitterness out of the profile.

And it gives me the impression that the OP and her partner may be sluggos.

Jul 12 09 03:03 pm Link


Vamp Boudoir

Posts: 11446

Florence, South Carolina, US

rp_photo wrote:
And it gives me the impression that the OP and her partner may be sluggos.

I was wondering about that...I got the same impression. I mean, what does a models growth have to do with you? It sounds like you're telling them they OWE YOU and your Hubby.

Jul 12 09 03:08 pm Link


GM Photography

Posts: 6322

Olympia, Washington, US

One of my favorite models is over 50:

Maybe instead of asking "are we wasting our time?" you should ask "am I wasting my time?" (in the critique section).

Jul 12 09 03:10 pm Link


dave wright glam

Posts: 1110

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Redhtz wrote:
Hello MM
Is there any hope or future for a over 50's model?  I am 56 and having fun with what I am doing right now but would like to take this to the next level and possibly get paid.  I see ports for some over 50's and they have retired already.
any comments appreciated...

you could pose for art classes and workshops and get paid. it might not be much, but it's money. you might be able to find artists who are looking for models for private sessions, who would pay more than a class or workshop would.

Jul 12 09 03:17 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

18+ … up_id=&ua=

This lady gets around fairly well. Besides being here, I also know she was in Quebec & NOLA just in the last two months.

As others have mentioned, you might want to re-evaluate certain writings on your profile page.

Jul 12 09 03:18 pm Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

Redhtz wrote:
Hello MM
Is there any hope or future for a over 50's model?  I am 56 and having fun with what I am doing right now but would like to take this to the next level and possibly get paid.  I see ports for some over 50's and they have retired already.
any comments appreciated...

If you want a little more in depth about how you could up your portfolio ante,
post this in critique.  I know I did when I first came on here and learned from it
and what to do better to go in a direction that I liked and was realistic for me smile

Jul 12 09 03:27 pm Link



Posts: 12

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

Thank you to all that have replied.  I have read every reply and have taken your advice. 

Disclaimer is gone.  If I could retype the header " are we wasting our time to " am I wasting my time"I would but I am not able to edit the header

I do play very well with others.  I didnt mean for it to come off that way.  I let my frustrations come out regarding our photo business.  I now realize it does not have a place on my port.

Jul 12 09 03:33 pm Link



Posts: 673

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Janice Marie Foote wrote:
If you want a little more in depth about how you could up your portfolio ante,
post this in critique.

I think this was an excellent suggestion.....

Also, the profile is much improved....positive rather than negative!!!!

Jul 12 09 03:43 pm Link


Bill Mason Photography

Posts: 1856

Morristown, Vermont, US

You need to eliminate the entire first paragraph of your profile. It's too negative. It does nothing to promote yourself. It creates doubt in my mind about your abilities.

I would love to find models over 40 that don't have skin that looks like shoe leather, implants or bad tummy tucks. Plus most tend to do modeling that is totally inappropriate for their age.

Jul 12 09 03:52 pm Link



Posts: 12

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

Macphoto wrote:
Most of the images in your port show no skin texture or tone, especially the closeup showing just nostrils and no nose.  Massive amounts of ps don't help. Just sayin

I have been relooking at my pics and see what you mean by showing just nostrils and no nose.  Will work on that.
Since I do have wrinkles and sags is less PS better then more?

Jul 12 09 03:55 pm Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

Macphoto wrote:
Most of the images in your port show no skin texture or tone, especially the closeup showing just nostrils and no nose.  Massive amounts of ps don't help. Just sayin

Redhtz wrote:
I have been relooking at my pics and see what you mean by showing just nostrils and no nose.  Will work on that.
Since I do have wrinkles and sags is less PS better then more?

Just enough where you still look like yourself, and that's true for any age.

Jul 12 09 03:58 pm Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

Janice Marie Foote wrote:
If you want a little more in depth about how you could up your portfolio ante,
post this in critique.

SonoraImages wrote:
I think this was an excellent suggestion.....

Also, the profile is much improved....positive rather than negative!!!!

Yeah I used to have some over photoshopped images that were different
but not necessarily good.  I dropped them pretty quickly big_smile

Jul 12 09 03:59 pm Link


norm la coe photography

Posts: 2062

Naples, Florida, US

the oldest model i worked with was 77, and was a delight.  she had a very lived-in body, and it really didn't matter that much, because she had radiance and she had fun working.  i don't look for skin. i look for radiance and vitality.  i worked with one model for 12 years, and she was near 40 when she retired from it.  i'd be working with her today, 11 years later, if i could.  for some things, age matters.  for a lot of things, it doesn't.  so find your role, find your photographers, and go for it.  norm

Jul 12 09 04:08 pm Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 1013

San Diego, California, US

I love Janice Marie Foote portfolio.  I love her confident.  I also find confident is beautiful.  Just saying.

Jul 12 09 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 975

San Diego, California, US

Ask Click

Jul 12 09 04:13 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Anyone can model.

You are younger and better looking than me, and I don't seem to have any trouble.

Jul 12 09 04:15 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

barepixels wrote:
I love Janice Marie Foote portfolio.  I love her confident.  I also find confident is beautiful.  Just saying.

I love Janice Marie Foote too.

So much.

Jul 12 09 04:16 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
If you were an Art Director, how would you cast yourself in a movie? What roles can you play? Try doing the same thing for photos.

I'll bet I can make a good ad selling pork & beans, out of the can, sitting next to a campfire in an oil barrel, next to the train tracks in a hobo camp!

Fireflies in the campfire light!


*arm pump

Jul 12 09 04:24 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

Stan Schutze wrote:
Ask Click


Jul 12 09 04:25 pm Link



Posts: 12

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

It is very hard to be critiqued? Harder then I thought it would be!  I am rethinking a new profile and the profile will be "positive"! I do have something to offer regardless of age, wrinkles or sags.  I enjoy thinking of new ideas for a shoot and being in front of the camera making it work.

Jul 12 09 04:37 pm Link



Posts: 251

San Francisco, California, US

Redhtz wrote:
I have been going in the Art direction.  Just knowing there is a market for over 50 is helpfull.

you would work great in the artsy criteria of modeling.... i believe you should appear more natural though and don't edit any age marks or put too much make up because that's what contributes to the art, and it's beautiful

Jul 12 09 04:41 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Actress wrote:
.... i believe you should appear more natural though and don't edit any age marks or put too much make up because that's what contributes to the art, and it's beautiful

Good point.

We can not pretend to be who we are not.

It's so much easier to accept who we are, then run with it.

Jul 12 09 04:52 pm Link


Thornton Harris

Posts: 1689

San Francisco, California, US

This particular photographer is looking for 6 female models over 60 years old. Even older is better. They should look their age.

Apply here:

But you don't have to wait 4 years. 56 might be ok.

Jul 12 09 05:25 pm Link