
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jun 02, 2024
Apr 19, 2011

About Me

2023 has shot by!! I’m still shooting hoping to capture that one transformational image. Want to collaborate in my quest for perfection? Send me a message!!

I’m a husband, grandfather, father, brother, track and field coach, musician, potter, reciter of silly poetry and once and awhile I shoot photos. I’m a shoot for fun, amateur, self taught photographer. I learned the basics from my older brother on an old Asahi Pentax he bought while serving in the military. I shoot car photos; Lots of car photos, for a local car dealership for the last 11 years. Outdoors, in all kinds of weather. It’s given me a wealth of experience. I can rapidly adapt to just about any condition. I don’t have a studio. I’m well acquainted with our local area, and shoot in some very scenic locales.
If any of this interests you and you would like to collaborate with me, send me a message right here. I’ll get back to you promptly!!

Traveling models...just a word. I’d love to shoot with all of you. But....lots of times, I just cannot afford your hourly rates. I know you’re on the road to make money. Can we negotiate a rate where you can cover your expenses without driving me into bankruptcy??

Finally, my portfolio contains a lot of photos of Brianne Blu mm#2647335. She’s been my muse since I started. Please give her some love!!