
Model Mayhem #:
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Jun 07, 2016
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Dec 07, 2015

About Me

Ralph W. Lambrecht was born and educated in Germany. His interest in photography started when he was no more than seven years old and saw a B&W image emerging in the developer of his father’s darkroom fort he first time. His first camera was an East-German 1923 Box camera handed down from his grandmother, followed by a post--WWII 6x6 range finder from his father.
As a young adult, Ralph emigrated with his wife and two children to the United States, where he worked and earned a Masters Degree in Manufacturing Engineering at Lawrence Technological University in Michigan. While living in the US his interest in photography grew slowly into a passion, when he met accomplished photographers such as Howard Bond, Phil Davis and other Ansel Adams’ students, who taught him the basics of fine-art printing and the Zone System. Further photographic education followed, including a workshop with master printer John Sexton in California, which ended with an unforgettable visit to Ansel Adams’ darkroom.
His choice of equipment has become more sophisticated since the days of the box camera, and now includes sophisticated digital and analog equipment from 35mm to large format for his fine-art photography, but monochrome imaging remains his preferred medium. To him, an attractive presentation of the image is just as important as the photography itself. Consequently, he performs all printing,mounting, matting and framing to archival gallery and museum standards by himself. Since 1999, he is an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society and a Graduate Image Scientist since 2007. His work has been exhibited internationally from private galleries in the USA to the London Salon of Photography and is now permanently represented by Gallery East in Florida of which he became a coop owner in 2014 get more of an insight into the commercial side of visual art.
Ralph has been involved in adult education for over 25 years. As a photographic author, he has written for major photographic magazines, including Camera & Darkroom, Black & White Photography, Photo Techniques, Fine Art Printer and View Camera magazine. He is a regular on FotoTV and several photographic internet forums, and has contributed to a number of book projects, including Schwarzweiß Fotografie Digital and the fourth edition of The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography.
Way Beyond MonochromeEd1&2 was his major project, coauthored with Chris Woodhouse. It quickly earned a reputation of potentially being the ‘final’ word in analog monochrome imaging. He has since turned his attention fully to digital photography and enjoys combining the creativity of digital tools with the experience gained during 50 years of darkroom work. He is convinced that many of the darkroom techniques are fully applicable to digital post processing and proves it in this new book.

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If you are interested in my work(book)please google for'Way Beyond Monochrome'