
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jan 07, 2023
Very Experienced
Time for Print
Mar 25, 2007

Lists (1)

Aurora's Little List of Images that Inspire

142 Photos
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About Me

My name is Aurora, and I am a fine art portrait photographer, working on several long-term projects that I occasionally need additional models for.

FYI...If I've Messaged You...and You Didn't Respond...See Below!  smile

I prefer not to spam people here on Model I  keep a list of who I've messaged...and whether or not they respond.  If they don't--I assume that they consider my message "spam", and I place them on a "Do Not Contact" list...and never intentionally contact them again.

Not trying to be mean...just trying to avoid bugging people.  If you think you're on the list--and don't want to be there--just message me, letting me know.  My long distance mind-reading skills aren't all that great. wink

Visions Project
Open Ended - When Inspiration Strikes, and Time Permits

The first project I'm looking for models for, is an ongoing exploration of fantasy, pre-Raphaelite and Victorian classicism inspired images.  The end results often look more like paintings, or frescos, than photographs, are usually in costume, and are heavily influenced by painters like Waterhouse, Godward, Alma-Tadema, Burne-Jones and Lord Leighton.

For this project, I am looking for very young women with very fair skin, a look of innocence and sweetness, high cheekbones, large eyes, and long hair--the longer, the better.  Body type is not as important as facial type--but since many of my costumes are vintage, and quite small, small and delicate builds are ideal.  A timeless look is a must--if you look too modern, you simply won't work for this project!  (And if your hair is obviously dyed, while it's possible that I'll still want to work with you--it's not terribly likely.  Nothing wrong with dying your hair, but for this project, I need a very natural look--and bleached blonde is pretty, but not usually natural looking--nor is harsh black, wine red, obvious streaks, blue, pink, green, etc.  I don't care if your hair IS dyed--as long as it looks like you were born with that color.  wink)

Women of the Bible
Open Ended - As Inspiration Strikes, and Time Permits

The second of my long-term projects, is based on famous (and not so famous) women or scenes in the Bible.  For this project I am looking for women with more of an ethnic look--not necessarily mid-Eastern or Jewish--but with stronger features, large, expressive eyes, fuller lips, either dark or fair skin, suggestive of mid-Eastern or Jewish ethnicity--and long dark hair--most especially hair with waves or curls.

What's In It For You?
I offer TFCD for these projects.  I'll send specifics of what my current offer is after your initial contact.  (I'm not being intentionally secretive--but the number of images I offer today might not be what I offer three months from now...and if I am not looking for models until three months from now, I don't want you assuming you get today's offer.  I do not, however, provide a CD with all the shots from a shoot, except under rare circumstances.  smile)

Oh, and I feed you during the shoot--snacks, if it's short, lunch, if it's a long one.  smile

Please note that at the moment, I only offer TF shoots.  I do not offer kit fees or travel costs, unless you are equally willing to pitch in for studio rental, wear and tear on my equipment, electricity, costumes, sets, props, makeup and food.

Since that would likely cost almost as much, if not more than an equivalent paid session with me, I like to keep it simple--we trade time and services--not money.  wink

Where Will The Shoots Be Held?
At the moment, all shoots are in my studio (8 miles north of Pittsburgh), so the working conditions are comfortable, and include a dressing room, background music, and light refreshments.  :-)

Also Looking For...
I am also particularly interested in working with makeup artists, set designers or costumers who are skilled at creating vintage and period looks, and interested in long-term collaborations/relationships.    (My costumer has moved away!  hmm)  Anime costumers and period recreators, as well as actors with access to costume-y pieces are also welcome--you get pretty pictures of your costumes, and I get pretty pictures for my portfolio.

Please bear in mind that for these projects, I am searching for very particular looks--so if I don't choose to work with you on one of them, it's not because I don't think you're attractive (I assure you, I most likely do--I rarely see someone I don't find attractive in one way or another!), it's because you aren't the particular physical type I need for that project.  Since my time is limited, and I am contacted by more prospective models than I can possibly work with, even if I really WANT to work with you, I may not be able to fit you in.  (I am not trying to drum up paying customers on this site, but if you're really dying to work with me, and I can't fit you in for TFCD, or haven't contacted you yet, you always have the option of contacting me as a client.  Clients ALWAYS take precedence over TFCD work!  smile)

Also--and this is important!--I don't do edgy.  Period.  If you're looking at my work and thinking it would be cool to work with me and do something dark and grim with insane looking women in period clothes, or something fraught with deep meanings about the decay of society and the way it objectifies women--I'm not your girl. 

Nor do I do "in-your-face" sexy.  If you want to do images that involve you eating fruit in a thinly veiled sexual metaphor, making suggestive faces or showing off your thong, belly ring and your amazingly long legs--again, I'm the wrong photographer for you.  I'm sure you're very hot and have a lovely body--but I don't find that particularly interesting, artistically.  Fortunately, there are plenty of excellent photographers here who do find this artistically satisfying or fiscally rewarding, so you should have plenty of other professionals to choose from.  smile 

My work is about innocence.  And timelessness.  Grace.  Sweetness.  In a world that's full of loud noises and ugliness and in-your-face commercialism, with bad news everywhere you turn, my work is about small, gentle, quiet things--about the beauty that is hiding just around the corner.  I like to tell stories with my images--but not dramatic stories--just quiet, gentle ones.  Even when I'm not doing costumed work--when I'm doing "street clothes"--the message is the same.  So just be clear on what your interests are in modeling--and whether or not what I'm doing is really something that you WANT to be doing, before asking to work with me!  smile

Can I Bring A Friend?/Safety Considerations
Over 18 Models - I always suggest my over-18 models  bring a friend with them, to either your initial meeting or a first shoot--particularly in a situation like this, where you don't know me already!  You don't have to...but it's a good idea, for your own comfort.  If you're worried that I'm an axe murderer, or have unsavory intentions, you'll be stiff and uncomfortable in front of the camera, and it'll take longer for us to start getting useful shots.  wink 

Also...If you look like you might be close to 18, I'll ask that you provide some ID--and will photograph you, holding the ID.

Under 18 Models - If you are under 18, you MUST have a parent or guardian with you at all times--no exceptions.  A good friend--even an adult, is not an acceptable substitute--it needs to be a parent or guardian who can legally sign a model release for you.

Are You Accessible By Public Transportation/Is There Parking?
Yes, I am accessible by bus (19L and 14)...and there is also a parking lot behind my studio.

So...if you're interested--send me a note, mentioning which (if any) of my projects interest you, and why you want to work with me!  Do not be discouraged if I don't get back to you immediately...I often "save everything up" for weekends, and am often very behind in responding--but I do try to respond to everyone who contacts me, eventually, whether I think we can work together or not!  :-)

Looking forward to hearing from you!  :-)


I prefer to connect with people via email, after initial notes are exchanged on MM, and all correspondence once you are cast in a shoot will be via email--not MM. 

When I provide you with my email address, please make sure your email account knows it's not spam!  Yahoo's spam filters, are particularly aggressive, and unless specifically told my email's okay, it'll mark it as spam.  Gmail, on the other hand, doesn't have a problem with it--so if you have multiple accounts, using a non-Yahoo account might be easiest.  smile

Verified Credits (3)

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"Aurora is literally the best photographer I've worked with. Her vision is amazing, her direction is phenomenal & you are guaranteed to get great images. Hoping to work with her again soon!" Read less

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Credit Notes


MyBigHairDay -
Daphne Damage -
Laura Evans -
AmyLyn -
chavirisimo -

Hair Stylists

MyBigHairDay -
chavirisimo -
NikkiMasci -

Wardrobe, Accessories, Styling

Jen Parrish/Parrish Relics -


Ashli Smith -
Shawndy Lee -
Daphne Damage -
Jennifer  Lytwynec -
Lara Jay -
Dr33na -
Judith Kalaora -
Tweety -
SeenaLee -
RikkiLynn -
sweetmelissa -
AmyLyn -
Josalynn Lark -
JessNicole93 -
juliannaszabolcs -
Marta Rymer -
Dari Lomax -
Ashlee Holloway -
Josalynn Lark -
Kaidan -
TiffanyKaitlin -