
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jan 27, 2017
Depends on Assignment
Shoot Nudes:
Dec 12, 2010
5' 6"
114 lbs
Skin Color:
See More Details
Eye Color:
Hair Length:
Hair Color:

Lists (17)

Amazing outfits

8 Photos

beautiful nudes

21 Photos

Bendy - how is that even possible?

0 Photos

Great poses

5 Photos

Images I would love to recreate

28 Photos

Interesting Concepts

22 Photos

I really want to be painted like this

4 Photos

Like the pose

1 Photos

Look at the hair

4 Photos


6 Photos

Make-up Ideas

7 Photos

Ooh i like this

42 Photos

Overseas photographers I'd love to visit one day

1 Photos

People to work with if I travel

1 Photos

Pictures of me

0 Photos

Striking head shots

22 Photos


18 Photos
See Less

About Me


I've just created a facebook like page. This is me:

Thanks for viewing my profile, I do hope you like what you see. Please note, I don't check MM that regularly now (every couple of weeks). I will check in and get back to people who contact me through here, but if you would like to get a quick reply from me please contact me on Purple Port. I love this site but it's mainly USA whereas that is mainly UK,

I actually live in Hitchin (Hertfordshire), I have stated London as my location as Hitchin is a very small town and it is less than a half hour into Kings Cross so I can easily travel to the city.

I’m Robyn and have been modelling since 2010 (with a slight break for most of 2013 to plan a wedding – man that was stressful). I am interested in pretty much anything: I’m a chameleon by nature stretching from Goth to hippie to 60s to corporate to massive exhibitionist with an aversion to clothes in my normal life and would like a diverse port to reflect this, the more weird and wonderful the concept the better.

I love artistic nudes, not so keen on glamour style shots (but if you’re good enough, never say never) however I do like to try and ensure about 50% clothed shoots or more often shoots that combine clothed and nude looks so that I have images that I can show friends and the family and also because focusing on one genera of modelling would become boring. I’ve always been naturally slim but have recently (Oct 2013) joined a gym so am in the process of also becoming more toned and flexible, which I believe will benefit my future work.

I’m a satellite engineer by day (currently working on a mission to study the Sun) and only have access to the internet through my phone, so don’t expect me to reply to comments/messages etc between the hours of 8am and 6:30pm UK time. I will reply to all messages, but due to this and other commitments (I play for a pool team Mondays and Wednesdays) it can sometimes take me a couple of days to do so.

So what I want out of this?
Primarily to meet creative and artistic people and to create images that can be classed as art. As a side, I would love for my work to convince just one girl that she doesn’t need that boob job she thinks she does (this is something I feel strongly about). If I can make a bit of money/get some free clothes than that would be a bonus (but this is a hobby not my job so the vast majority of the time I am interested in TF).

What am I like to work with?
I’m enthusiastic reliable and hard-working, I can follow direction well but can also pose on my own oh and I talk a lot but can shut-up when I need to. I can do my own makeup and simple hair styling but I do appreciate an MUA if one is available as I feel that properly done hair and makeup can really lift an image. I don’t drive but am very proficient at public transport and if you want to do a shoot in a remote location, my husband is normally happy to drive me and drop me off (he won’t hang around).

Head hair:
My hair is currently just below my shoulders and bright red.

Body Hair:
I currently have a neatly maintained "landing strip" due primarily to the fact that the hubby likes it. I can shave it off if you can justify why being completely hairless is necessary for the concept you have in mind, but I would rather not.

Piercings etc:
I have 6 piercings in my right ear (scaffold bar, conch, rook and two lobes). All of these can be removed except for the rook, well that can be but it is a bitch to put back in so as above I will if a justifiable cause can be given but I would rather not

I have 4 piercings in my left ear (tragus and three lobes) . The tragus is really hard to get in and out.

I have my tongue pierced. This is generally not noticeable (unless I want it to be) and can easily be removed.

I have no tattoos or other modifications

This is a hobby so I am very much interested in TF offers as much as paid work. If you want to work with me on a paid basis, please mention how much you would be happy to pay as I’m still working on being comfortable with suggesting my own rates.

I now have a MM facebook profile (which I pretty much never check), so do feel free to FR me there but don’t expect it to be updated often.

Friend Requests:
Fly by friend requests will be rejected 90% of the time.

Wedding Video:
Okay this has nothing to do with modelling and is purely here as gloating but our wedding video is featured on the videotographer's website. They are all us except one. In the long video, the section starting at 29 minutes is hilarious.

So I guess that’s about it. Do get in contact.
Robyn xx

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Credit Notes

I would recommend everyone on the lists below.

Photographers I have worked with (most recent first):
bu Eoghan #1529901
Terry Slater #372960
Harry Issac Photograph #1382401 x4
MarkJames #302314
Daniel Clements #1255912
pierreg photographies #115393
The Tog Brian Harris #2203490
Cyanimages #102893
D4 Photography #727969 x2
Inkamera #1508357
Aoxomedia #729450

MUAs I have worked with (most recent first)
AmandaEllisMUA #2618799
Maud Liegeois #2335021