Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Rivera will get fired by FOX NEWS for that!


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45198

San Juan Bautista, California, US

eyetoeye-Images wrote:

During last weeks coverage of Katrina CNN at least had the balls to ask tough questions I think Aaron Brown is a brilliant journalist and CNN should be proud to have him....I also have known Aaron personally for over 20 years....Larry King on the other  is worthless.

The only thing that those at Fox had the balls to do was to cover more of bushes a$$ and blame it on everyone else including the poor and the sick for not being able to get out of town......but that is called conservitive compassion which is what bush says he is.

WOW! You know Aaron Brown! I think he is great ... him and Tim Russert both are great! Larry King and Nancy Grace are ratings whores.

Sep 06 05 04:58 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45198

San Juan Bautista, California, US

DreamPretty? wrote:

They don't have one person in charge? They might have well sent them to the Mojave desert! You're telling me they sent everyone somewhere where no one could help them? No supplies, no nothing? What kinda plan is that? I can't believe I'm still hearing this.

Dream, it is true that there was NO ONE in charge. The police were out gunned. It was on FOX NEWS of all places that I heard that the dome was locked up and that the people could not leave once they entered. It is mind blowiing to think that they were hearded in to this place to suffer and many died.  All due to poor planning. It does make me angry, but the only priority is to get them all help. There will be time for finger pointing and the political arguements later ... and you better believe it's going to happen!

Sep 06 05 05:06 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45198

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Calley wrote:
Jesus, you people drive me crazy.  How much are you getting done by criticizing what everybody else is doing wrong?  What the hell are you getting done?  At least those people are trying!  Maybe they are wrong, but who the hell are you to say so?  Why don't you shut your computers off, and go to your kitchen, and take all the food in your house, put it in a box and bring it to the red cross.  Do something useful.  There is no easy fix to this, its going to be hard.  Mistakes will be made...our country and government has never had to deal with something like this.  We know how to deal with attacks like 9/11.  We've never had to deal with this before.  And everything is not the governments fault!  Sick people aren't getting medicine because people are breaking into hospitals and stealing the medicine.  Geraldo said to let all the people in the Superdome go.  Where will they go?  It'd be chaos.  What's better, having 10,000 people each in 2 places with some in between or having 30-40,000 people spanning the entire state unaccounted for?  That's all I have to say.

There have been 560 times that the Federal governement has declared a State of Emergency in our Nation since 1995. All but only 2 of those were NOT natural disasters, with the 2 being 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing ... both terrorists acts.  Now witch agency is most likely to need money? FEMA gets about 150 milllion per State while Homeland Securlty gets 1.5 BILLION per State.  You think that is logical?

Sep 06 05 05:12 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 181

Holiday, Florida, US

I just want to chime in here that I was out yesterday and talking to a retired military person about all this and he said, "yup, it is freaky that the national gaurd is up there getting LIVE TARGET practice in NO right now", so let's ask this shall we??? Did he mean specifically that they are getting live target practice on the looters and people who were running amuck, or basically anyone they are locking in and who are already dying anyways so lets just have a practice drill? I still question why civilians who are starving and drowning are shooting at the NG and ARMY and PO's in the area who are supposedly bringing in supplies and fixing the damaged structures of the levee.

Left or right, there are things that just aren't adding up here. And FOX news being the one who usually backs up the pres and the gov officials is blasting them now and trying to tell the public that what the officials are saying is BS because here we are in the middle of it and there are people here that are SCREWED and NO ONE is helping. That is not typical of FOX IMO........

I am not there, I dont' know, I have to rely on the NPR and FOX and CNN and the couple of people I KNOW who ARE there volunteering and helping out for my information.  I wih I did know because I am really starting to question the saftey of this country in the hands of the people who run it at this time. This whole thing is devastating.


Sep 06 05 06:23 am Link