Forums > General Industry > Art show -- pay or tfp?



Posts: 34

Orlando, Florida, US

Question: I am doing a fine art shoot for a photographer/ I have met only once (but her portfolio is great). She requested that I work with her this coming Saturday, yet she neglected to tell me anything about pay or prints/cd. When I inquired, she seemed to completely ignore my question. She has not contacted me since Monday. What do you guys think? Should I go to her studio completely unaware of my compensation or if I even receive compensation? Should I ask upfront when I get there? This has never happened to me before, so I'm rather dreading confrontation of any sort.

May 05 05 11:09 am Link


Joi Carey

Posts: 551

Phoenix, Arizona, US

you should definitely figure our your compensation with her prior to going to the studio.
Your time is just as valuable as hers smile

May 05 05 11:12 am Link


Ascending Phoenix

Posts: 418

Lexington, Kentucky, US it should be.Communication is KEy to ANY shoot clothed,More so with Nudes

She encourage an ESCORT.If suspect

My 2 cents

May 05 05 11:14 am Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by agonybliss: 
you should definitely figure our your compensation with her prior to going to the studio.
Your time is just as valuable as hers smile


Your time is just as valuable as hers smile

That's exactly what makes TFP work!

But, one should never do anyting unless all the aspects of the deal are understood ... by both sides. If the photographer won't deal with it up front, things aren't going to get better after the shoot. Perhaps the best route would be to ring up the photog and let them know until all the quid-pro-quos are agreed there won't be any shooting. I would think you have a right to know what you're getting for what you're doing.

May 05 05 11:53 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I'd be very wary of a photographer that refused to answer a basic question like that. In my experience, that meant "TFP, but I won't ever give you the pictures."

I would not confirm a shoot until all terms were agreed upon.

May 05 05 02:08 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted By theda:
I'd be very wary of a photographer that refused to answer a basic
question like that. In my experience, that meant "TFP, but I won't ever
give you the pictures."

I would not confirm a shoot until all terms were agreed upon.

Once again, I agree with the Great And Powerful Theda.

I once had a model email me a bunch of questions and I answered them all one-by-one. She was so impressed that she said, "Wow! You're going to be a huge success in this industry simply because you take the time to actually answer questions."

If a model avoids my questions, I lose interest. Shows she's flakey and doesn't pay attention.

If a photographer avoids your questions, you should lose interest too.

You want to be a professional, it begins by only working with those who possess some professionalism.

May 05 05 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 34

Orlando, Florida, US

Thank you, all.

I was going to show up at her studio ready for the shoot and perhaps my timid little inquiry, ha. But after reading your replies, I thought better of it. You're right... my time is as valuable as hers. I ought to know what I am being compensated with.

My phone call failed to reach her, but I did leave a voice mail. I also sent a quick little email in case she didn't receive that. I hate to seem pesky, but I would like to know if I am being compensated -- keep me from doing something that does not benefit me (and although I probably would anyway, I'm trying to establish a nice portfolio or even a small bit of money). Hopefully she will respond to me before tomorrow. I'm afraid of not showing up and getting a bad reputation... therefore, either way, I'll probably show.

May 05 05 09:41 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by Mandy: 
Thank you, all.

I was going to show up at her studio ready for the shoot and perhaps my timid little inquiry, ha. But after reading your replies, I thought better of it. You're right... my time is as valuable as hers. I ought to know what I am being compensated with.

My phone call failed to reach her, but I did leave a voice mail. I also sent a quick little email in case she didn't receive that. I hate to seem pesky, but I would like to know if I am being compensated -- keep me from doing something that does not benefit me (and although I probably would anyway, I'm trying to establish a nice portfolio or even a small bit of money). Hopefully she will respond to me before tomorrow. I'm afraid of not showing up and getting a bad reputation... therefore, either way, I'll probably show.

No No Mandy, stick to your guns.  She has to respond.  I always respond to stuff like that.  If your worried about your rep- why not send her a quick little followup saying something like:

"Hello- Im really looking forward to our shoot.  I just wanted to reforward you my last email as I havent yet seen your reply.  I just want to make sure we have these things worked out ahead of time so we can both get the best out of the shoot.  If I dont hear back from ya, unfortunately, I wont be able to make the shoot and we may have to reschedule or something.  Anyway, look forward to hearing from ya!"

That way if she doesnt reply- you dont show- and she cant really say anything.

May 05 05 09:47 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
Once again, I agree with the Great And Powerful Theda.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

May 06 05 12:44 am Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

Regardless of whether you are being paid or are doing it TFP, the photographer certainly should make that clear up front. If they can't be bothered to answer your question either by phone or email, then I wouldn't be bothered to go to the shoot.

Just so you know, most of the time when photographers are doing art projects, they are probably going to want to do it TFP, unless they've got money to burn. There is no real money in gallery showings. They gallery usually gets half (you can't blame them -- have you seen what they pay for rent?). I have to pay for the prints, mats and frames. After all that, I get whats left... if it sells. So until I get famous, I have no budget for paying models for artistic shoots, just commercial shoots. But at least I am honest and up front about it.

May 07 05 01:00 am Link



Posts: 34

Orlando, Florida, US

Posted by Scott Aitken: 

Just so you know, most of the time when photographers are doing art projects, they are probably going to want to do it TFP, unless they've got money to burn. There is no real money in gallery showings. They gallery usually gets half (you can't blame them -- have you seen what they pay for rent?). I have to pay for the prints, mats and frames. After all that, I get whats left... if it sells. So until I get famous, I have no budget for paying models for artistic shoots, just commercial shoots. But at least I am honest and up front about it.

Scott, thanks. I figured as much, and wouldn't have minded either way (was actually looking forward to nice images for portfolio instead of money). I'll keep that in mind if this ever comes up again.

May 07 05 11:34 am Link