Forums > General Industry > Approaching Approach



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I believe I've come up with a good way to approach potential llamas who I meet in random situations (at a club, party, etc).

I'm going to make up a new set of business cards with my photography information, and a special web URL that points to a web site that simply and clearly outlines that I'm a photographer, you got the card because I like your look, if you're a llama or are interested in llamaing here's what I do, here are some examples, etc. If you're offended or simply not interested, I apologize for taking two minutes of your time and you can throw the card away with a clear conscience.

That way, I can give them a card and not have to say, "Hey, you're hot, wanna be a llama, honest, I'm not a perv!"

Make sense? Sounds like a reasonable idea?

What else would you say on the web site?

May 05 05 08:32 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Sounds like a pretty good idea to me, though I would get rid of the "two minutes" part, sounds a little condescending.

May 05 05 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

i found that having both business cards and a web site or online portfolio has made a significant difference in successfully obtaining models...

in addition to that, i USED to carry a small( 8x10 photo album sized), print portfolio around with worked...but was too bulky and became tattered after, i have a flash presentation on my ibook that features my pics and take it everywhere i go(restaurants, coffee houses, parties, etc.)...judging from the response it has gotten by both pro and amateur models alike, it's working...

it's obviously relevant to your budget and available resources...

May 05 05 08:40 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I have a book that I keep in my car, just in case. And I have a web site, but I'm thinking a separate site just for this idea, with only my best 2 or 3 images of each genre, and a way to get in touch. That's it.

May 05 05 08:41 pm Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ok, now how do you get the card to stay in their hands long enough for them to check out the website? Some of the people I've approached do check out my site but never book a shoot, others don't take the offer to photograph them seriously. My best way of getting new clients is by word of mouth.
You have to put your self in the potential llamas shoes. I'm sure many women would proceed with caution if a stranger would suddenly ask them to llama out of the blue. I chat with the person for a bit, not telling them that I am a photographer. Then as I leave I slip them a card and ask them to check out my website and see if loads up properly on their computer. This, hopefully, will at least lead them to look at the site and decide from there.

May 05 05 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I got plenty of word-of-mouth.

This is a solution solely for those instances where I see someone I don't know, I don't know anyone who knows them, but I want to approach them.

I think this is best, considering the number of times a cold approach immediately brands me a perv or someone trying to pick them up.

Say hello, smile, give card, excuse self, go away.

They can chase me down if they want...

May 05 05 08:44 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

While I can see your point in theory and agree it's a good idea, I don't think it is practical in reality.

If you have a good, professional website, it speaks for itself. You don't need a separate page saying, "Look. See. I really, really AM a photographer."

If she suspects that you are some wacko, she won't go look at the site no matter WHAT you have written on your business card. She's throwing it on the ground the second you walk around the corner.

If she is interested in shooting, she'll look at the site and see it's real. I don't think you need a "special page" or a "special card" for that.

May 05 05 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by Rich Mohr: 
Ok, now how do you get the card to stay in their hands long enough for them to check out the website? Some of the people I've approached do check out my site but never book a shoot, others don't take the offer to photograph them seriously. My best way of getting new clients is by word of mouth.
You have to put your self in the potential llamas shoes. I'm sure many women would proceed with caution if a stranger would suddenly ask them to llama out of the blue. I chat with the person for a bit, not telling them that I am a photographer. Then as I leave I slip them a card and ask them to check out my website and see if loads up properly on their computer. This, hopefully, will at least lead them to look at the site and decide from there.

word of mouth is BY FAR the BEST way to get llamas...but you have to work with girls FIRST, before you can get their referal...

i think biz cards, online and print portfolios are all good ways to start...referals are just the icing on the cake of gettin' llamas...

i've also found that regardless of where or how you approach llamas, some girls just aren't interested...

and i guess i left out the part where i introduce myself, tell them what i do and how i am interested in photographing them BEFORE i give 'em the

May 05 05 08:48 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

My two cents are that I have yet to book a model via handing out a card.  Models look at the card- some act like they are genuinely interested (I have decent cards).  Some even act excited- then nothing.  I try to make the cards appropriate to where I am at.  I dont hand out cards to non models.  If Im at a car show or something it will use cards featuring that look.  If it's a glamour or adult oriented event- the card reflects that (I use different cards).  It could be that many of the models are more focused on promotional work than actually in front of a camera- who knows.  My best bets have been at a photoday, via a model manager, or online.

Good luck with the cards- Id be interested in hearing their effectiveness.

May 05 05 08:49 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by Jose- 
My two cents are that I have yet to book a llama via handing out a card.  llamas look at the card- some act like they are genuinely interested (I have decent cards).  Some even act excited- then nothing.  I try to make the cards appropriate to where I am at.  I dont hand out cards to non llamas.  If Im at a car show or something it will use cards featuring that look.  If it's a glamour or adult oriented event- the card reflects that (I use different cards).  It could be that many of the llamas are more focused on promotional work than actually in front of a camera- who knows.  My best bets have been at a photoday, via a llama manager, or online.

Good luck with the cards- Id be interested in hearing their effectiveness.

i've had MORE success with them, than without them...

May 05 05 08:51 pm Link


David Holloway

Posts: 713

Liberty Lake, Washington, US

The one thing I do when I hand out my business card and explain that I am a photographer is tell the potential llama that I do not want your number and you don't even have to tell me your name if you are interested check out my online portfolio and contact me through the site. I usually get alot of questions instead of a brush off and have booked a few shoots as a result.


May 05 05 08:55 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by David Holloway: 
The one thing I do when I hand out my business card and explain that I am a photographer is tell the potential llama that I do not want your number and you don't even have to tell me your name if you are interested check out my online portfolio and contact me through the site. I usually get alot of questions instead of a brush off and have booked a few shoots as a result.


See David, I totally agree with you.  I always mention that I'm a photographer.  I dont even approach non llamas, etc.  I always wear my ring and am genuinely not interested in dating (e.g. I already have to deal with one woman, any married man knows that's far more than one man wants to put up with).

I think the main difference is when I hand out a card it says- Im looking for you.  Thats a natural turn off (even for us photographers some times).  If we meet at a more neutral place where we are both looking to work, maybe that's why more success online, at a photoday, or via a llama manager?

May 05 05 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by Jose- 

See David, I totally agree with you.  I always mention that I'm a photographer.  I dont even approach non llamas, etc.  I always wear my ring and am genuinely not interested in dating (e.g. I already have to deal with one woman, any married man knows that's far more than one man wants to put up with).

I think the main difference is when I hand out a card it says- Im looking for you.  Thats a natural turn off (even for us photographers some times).  If we meet at a more neutral place where we are both looking to work, maybe that's why more success online, at a photoday, or via a llama manager?

unfortunately, not everyone is privy to such resources...especially when one's starting out...

work shops, business cards, portfolios, etc. are all beneficial resources...i think it's all about how you apply them TO YOUR APPROACH that matters most...

the "hi, my name is chapa and i'm a photographer...blah, blah, blah introduction...then hand out business card" approach may seem mundane and a sure-miss to some...but it's worked for me...

May 05 05 09:15 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
I believe I've come up with a good way to approach potential llamas who I meet in random situations (at a club, party, etc).

Do it and watch your business grow.  I have business cards for 3 different occasions, yet they are all related to photography and have a link to my work.

I'm a promoter for the biggest nightclubs Southern California and girls are always looking for someone to make them look hotter than they already are.  They love attention and what better way to bring the attention to them eh?

Also, watch your fanclub and the haters to increase ten fold.  lol

May 05 05 09:20 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Congrats gents on the success with cards- seriously.  I was just sharing my experience.

I do hope to emulate your good luck with the cards- thats why Im still use em.


May 05 05 09:23 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Do it and watch your business grow.  I have business cards for 3 different occasions, yet they are all related to photography and have a link to my work.

I'm a promoter for the biggest nightclubs Southern California and girls are always looking for someone to make them look hotter than they already are.  They love attention and what better way to bring the attention to them eh?

Also, watch your fanclub and the haters to increase ten fold.  lol

he ehehehe...yeah, i'm SURELY not gonna give a potential wedding client the card with the half nekkid girl on

May 05 05 09:25 pm Link



Posts: 34

Orlando, Florida, US

For those of you with business cards, I think it's a great thing. And I think you're doing it right by introducing yourself and the sort of photography you're into shooting.

If I'm walking down the road and a guy hands me a card, I generally look up the site, but tend not to get in contact with the person unless I see an excellent portfolio and something that I would like to do. Many of these "photographers" are just creepy GWCs and have low grade nude photos (ie: naked girl on bed with bad lighting and makeup). It is helpful to me to know what I am about to see on their site, or at least one type of photo that I will see, before I actually go to the site. I find that if the photographer is truly interested, he or she will take some time out to explain to me what they're focusing on and how or why I will benefit their work and vice versa.

I absolutely applaud the idea of carrying a mini port with you (although that seems slightly burdensome). Even better is the point & click powerpoint.

May 05 05 09:27 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by chapa: 
he ehehehe...yeah, i'm SURELY not gonna give a potential wedding client the card with the half nekkid girl on

God I hate weddings.  I don't promote wedding photography.  I book weddings through word of mouth.  lol

May 05 05 09:28 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by Jose- 
Congrats gents on the success with cards- seriously.  I was just sharing my experience.

I do hope to emulate your good luck with the cards- thats why Im still use em.


maybe it's just your approach? or the girls you're approaching?
also, i tend to play the law of averages...the more i hand out, the better the chances are that SOMEONE is gonna call me back...right???

and mr. visual mindscapes has the right idea...about the clubs...
did i mention i've worked on and off in a piercing shop for three years? most of the girls who go into piercing and tattoo shops are exhibitionists to begin with...WHO you approach helps...

May 05 05 09:28 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by chapa: 
he ehehehe...yeah, i'm SURELY not gonna give a potential wedding client the card with the half nekkid girl on

God I hate weddings.  I don't promote wedding photography.  I book weddings through word of mouth.  lol

i try and avoid them at ALL costs...ALL of my worst experiences being a photographer have come from weddings...blah...

May 05 05 09:30 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by chapa: 
the more i hand out, the better the chances are that SOMEONE is gonna call me back...right???

I pass out business cards like spam email.  lol

May 05 05 09:31 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

I pass out business cards like spam email.  lol

So you hand female llamas a card asking if they are looking for "natural male enhancement" or if they wanna refinance their home?  hehehe

May 05 05 09:35 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Jose- 
So you hand female llamas a card asking if they are looking for "natural male enhancement" or if they wanna refinance their home?  hehehe

It's more like, you have just won a free photoshoot! lol

May 05 05 09:36 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

It's more like, you have just won a free photoshoot!  lol


May 05 05 09:37 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by chapa: 

To be more specific...

It's more like mass spam mail.

There will be a group of chicks.  One is really hot.  That's the one you go after. 

Email subject:  You have just won a free photoshoot!

Then charge her friends.

May 05 05 09:39 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by chapa: 

To be more specific...

It's more like mass spam mail.

There will be a group of chicks.  One is really hot.  That's the one you go after. 

Email subject:  You have just won a free photoshoot!

Then charge her friends.

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!

May 05 05 09:47 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
You don't need a separate page saying, "Look. See. I really, really AM a photographer."

But, you added a testimonials page on your site because...

May 05 05 09:52 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 

But, you added a testimonials page on your site because...

A valid question. I have a testimonials page for potential llamas who want to check my references.

Chris wanted to make a page "that simply and clearly outlines that I'm a photographer, you got the card because I like your look."

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think he needs a separate webpage to explain why he approached a girl or explaining the purposes of his business card. Seems redundant to me. Seems self-explanatory if she takes the card and they talk for 2 minutes.


May 05 05 10:35 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

No, because sometimes we don't get that 2-minute talk. A noisy club, someone who takes it and moves on, someone who gets it from a friend ("hey, you're a photographer? My friend really should be a llama. You got a card?")

So having a page that explains, very simply who I am and what I do, tends to eliminate any problems.

Plus, it lets me make a good first impression before they click on my portfolio and happen to look at a fetish shot first before realizing that I do lots of styles, some that they might like.

May 05 05 11:31 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
someone who gets it from a friend ("hey, you're a photographer? My friend really should be a model. You got a card?")

So having a page that explains, very simply who I am and what I do, tends to eliminate any problems.

Well, that's not how you phrased it in the initial post.

When you give that situation as an example, then, yes, the idea sounds much better and makes a lot of sense.

In that case, I say go for it.

May 05 05 11:51 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

You mean the bop them on the head, throw em in the trunk then shoot em approach hasn't worked for you guys?

I must say there is no one right way to skin a cat. (Though why anyone would want to skin a cat I'll never know). My greatest success comes from newspaper and magazine ads. This way they come looking for ME. Not the other way around. And you might be surprised how few photographers use that approach.

Sites like these can be difficult as there are so many llamas and photographers listed it could get hectic for both llamas and photogs. So the newspaper ads seem to work really well. ESPECIALLY college newspapers right before the holidays.

May 06 05 04:25 pm Link



Posts: 23

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

The key is to have someone else talk you up to a potential model and then downplay the situation.  Pretend like you're indifferent, that way it doesn't seem like you're hitting on them or something like that.  It works even better if your friend is a girl.  When your friend makes the introduction just give her a card and tell her a little bit about yourself.  Often times they won't call you back but that's juts how the numbers go.  I usually don't try to get their number unless I sense they are genuinely interested.  Email is usually even better than phone number because it is less threatening.

May 06 05 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by DJ Foothill: 
You mean the bop them on the head, throw em in the trunk then shoot em approach hasn't worked for you guys?

I must say there is no one right way to skin a cat. (Though why anyone would want to skin a cat I'll never know). My greatest success comes from newspaper and magazine ads. This way they come looking for ME. Not the other way around. And you might be surprised how few photographers use that approach.

Sites like these can be difficult as there are so many models and photographers listed it could get hectic for both models and photogs. So the newspaper ads seem to work really well. ESPECIALLY college newspapers right before the holidays.

i use ads...with ads, you run the risk of attracting crackheads looking for fast bread and washed up strippers giving it one last go at the "easy" jack...but, you also get the girls(both experienced and inexperienced) who ARE looking for photographers...

i think a good mixture of all of the above works, and is especially subject to certain situations...

May 06 05 05:12 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

If i can get them to look at my book im in like Flint..
Im always out of buisnees cards anyway..
My book goes to the grocery store with me..
When im Shopping (:--

May 06 05 05:28 pm Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Posted by Hugh  Jorgen: 
If i can get them to look at my book im in like Flint..
Im always out of buisnees cards anyway..
My book goes to the grocery store with me..
When im Shopping (:--

Lol ... that's my babe! Except he's usually too busy being famous to go shopping wink Truth is girls never throw away his business cards! No matter where we are...beaches, bars, grocery stores...whatevah he can handle it.

May 07 05 12:49 am Link