Forums > General Industry > Our two most active threads right now are about . . .


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

hooking up (dating/ sleeping together) and drinking during a shoot.

What ever happened to taking pictures?  Do I hear an echo in this room?  Am I all alone here?


May 05 05 11:13 pm Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Jose- 
hooking up (dating/ sleeping together) and drinking during a shoot.

What ever happened to taking pictures?  Do I hear an echo in this room?  Am I all alone here?


I don't think you'll be seeing me having anything to say on those particular threads.

I have no aspirations to sleep with llamas and I confine my drinking to something with dinner.

May 05 05 11:17 pm Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I made my point rather quickly in one of the threads, don't see a need for my input on the other... I'd rather be taking pictures as well.

May 05 05 11:21 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45291

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Awww ... you guys don't like sex drugs and rock & roll? Sometimes the greatest pictures come from it!  Well, I guess I feel that way because I'm a very bad boy! LOL

May 05 05 11:27 pm Link


Dudley Watson

Posts: 1737

Roseburg, Oregon, US

Hey, just chalk this up to a slow night.  We'll get back on track when the sun pops out again.

May 05 05 11:31 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

jose-come up with a more interesting thread...i'm up for

for the record, even though both threads seemed to have struck a tabooed nerve with the "professional" photographers of our world and have obviously incriminated those of us who are "unprofessional", in all fairness to both the proprietors of said threads, they're VERY legitimate concerns that DO share relevance to our common interest...

May 05 05 11:33 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Jose- 

What ever happened to taking pictures?  Do I hear an echo in this room?  Am I all alone here?


That would be the "photography discussion" forum.  This is the "general discussion" forum, hence the general discussion.

May 05 05 11:35 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Guys- Im not trying to be the censor police here.  Sorry. I was just hoping to preempt the next thread "When your crack needles get dull during a shoot- do you borrow from your llama?"

Smile- its late.

May 05 05 11:41 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by Jose- 
Guys- Im not trying to be the censor police here.  Sorry. I was just hoping to preempt the next thread "When your crack needles get dull during a shoot- do you borrow from your llama?"

Smile- its late.

seriously, do it!!!!

one time, there was this one llama who showed up to a shoot  BEYOND cracked out!!! she even went as far as to steal a car to GET TO THE SHOOT!!!

true story...i think...

May 05 05 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by chapa: 
one time, there was this one llama who showed up to a shoot  BEYOND cracked out!!! she even went as far as to steal a car to GET TO THE SHOOT!!!

true story...i think...

Well, at least she didn't no-show.

May 06 05 12:11 am Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by theda: 

Well, at least she didn't no-show.


coincidentally, i was just checking out your page...are you tracking me???? smile

May 06 05 12:12 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Ah the all wonderous Internet.  :-)

May 06 05 09:28 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

[b]Posted by Austin llamas

May 06 05 10:42 am Link


House of DL

Posts: 523

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The major point is - everyone is chatting with each other - getting to know each other and hopefully helping each other! The topics are mainly for fun and something to stir it up abit and get the chat going!

Just love this site for that!

May 06 05 11:49 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

I try to inject topics I think  I want to know about more than the image or taking of pictures. I rather educate than drink, but after 10pm on a Saturday night.......drink. As for pretty girls, I have two teenage daughters that's all I can handle.

May 06 05 11:52 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
Yep, Never happens outside of the internet world....

Exactly.  Can you imagine sitting around with clients or potential clients and discussing whether or not you like to take the llamas to bed after a shoot or not?  LOL

May 06 05 11:53 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

[b]Posted by Austin llamas

May 06 05 11:57 am Link


CD Knight

Posts: 117

New York, New York, US

Jose welcome to the world of the internet's just what happens when you put misfits together that would have never ever met besides through the internet.  If I had a nickel for every fucked up llama, agent, and photographer I have encountered in the last few years since the net came to life.....I would be sitting pretty right now on top of Trump Towers here in NYC......and you know what's not going to change anytime soon.....sad to say but true.


May 06 05 11:59 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
Funny you should mention that? Seems to be the topic of conversation still after a casting session....
"Gee Bob, You see the one with the knockers out to here, we should have her back for the casting couch session."

Perhaps... but then again, I don't think they'd put that into writing and pin it onto their front door.

May 06 05 12:08 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

[b]Posted by Austin llamas

May 06 05 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
So you are saying, because we are honest here, compared to those not on the net, that we are worse somehow?

If you soil your unders, do you pull them out for display in public?  Why not?  That is just being honest. 

Another day of going up and down with you isn't going to do a lot, except perhaps if you have an ego.

Let it rest.

May 06 05 12:24 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

[b]Posted by Austin llamas

May 06 05 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 633

Milltown, Wisconsin, US

I think posts like this one Rock !

Not being the type to wallow in self-seriousness and pontificate upon others with some kind of pseudo-intellectual moralistic high ground perch.....

I encourage other cool topics to be discussed of any nature that pops into your heads and you wish to express by typing here... 

sure hope this thread doesnt disintegrate into more boring, condescending clap trap about what is "professional"...  or even more boring and irrelevant.. "what is art"...

Lets hear more drinkin and hookin up stories ! wahooooo smile~~

Happy Holidays..


May 06 05 12:54 pm Link


Michael Barrett

Posts: 1149

Upland, California, US

Being the honest person that I am...look we're all human and there have been times when I'll think, well maybe this one time. But then I think of the ramifications and don't.

Even recently, an 18 yr old llama made advances and boy was I tempted!!!

But something a mentor told me, you have to remember that llamas are still women. In the sense of a woman scorned?!?!? 

Even it develops into a healthy relationship, what happens if/when that dies?? What if she bad mouths you on the various llamaing site? Your through! Her word against yours? Who will win?

May 06 05 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Posted by MikeyBoy43: 
I think posts like this one Rock !

Not being the type to wallow in self-seriousness and pontificate upon others with some kind of pseudo-intellectual moralistic high ground perch.....

I encourage other cool topics to be discussed of any nature that pops into your heads and you wish to express by typing here... 

sure hope this thread doesnt disintegrate into more boring, condescending clap trap about what is "professional"...  or even more boring and irrelevant.. "what is art"...

Lets hear more drinkin and hookin up stories ! wahooooo smile~~

Happy Holidays..


amen!!!! i think some people are REALLY missing the point here...i'm not sure what the big deal is, considering that these forums were created BY us FOR us...if you don't like the topic or have nothing productive to contribute to a certain thread, then for pete's, god's and OUR sake, move on...otherwise, offer your two cents, get your fifteen minutes and let the next guy(or girl) have their take...

on the surface, "hookin' up" with llamas/photographers and "drinking" at photo shoots probably aren't good ideas...but i'd like to think that we're much more than that...if we're able to responsibly manage ourselves in said situation, then good for us...if we can't, then maybe we should consider the alternatives...but the topics themselves were legitimate concerns and warranted trustworthy responses, based on our accounts, opinions and the like...

May 06 05 01:46 pm Link