Forums > General Industry > model-photographers


Solstyce Cal

Posts: 17

Northampton, Massachusetts, US

There's many of us who lead the double life of model and photographer.  We all know the benefits of being on both sides of the lens but there are many challenges as well.  The politics involved are bizarre (aren't all politics bizzare?) and a whole range of things can get confusing.

For example:
+ Who to pose for - Keeping your options open while not getting taken advantage of by competition. 
+ Marketing - I love it when people tell me that I'm hot and they're referring to a photograph that I took of someone else.  How to decipher the 2 aspects of one's career is interesting.
+ More work - Keeping a calendar, keeping track of all of the photos, creating and filing paperwork... it's a balancing act.  I want a secretary.
+ Dynamics - The politics of the modeling world and the photography world differ in some ways, when they cross-over you have to be really careful.

What are some ways that you work with these sorts of things?  What else have you run in to?

May 07 05 05:46 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

The photo of Rachel..she is a model that turned photographer and aas gone on to photograph everyone from Kid Rock to other Michigan celebrities.

May 07 05 05:54 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

models always tell me i should be a model because i know how to work it.  too bad i'm fat.

May 07 05 06:06 am Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Every photographer, fat and ugly or not, should spend some time in front of the camera working with another photographer, just for the experience.  I do believe it gives us a better appreciation for what we ask of the girls who model for us.

We shouldn't ask the models who we work with to do anything we're not willing to do ourselves.  ;->

May 07 05 06:54 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

In the past, I've had various models express interest in learning photography.  Those have always been welcome to start as assistant and then progress up to borrowing some of my equipment.  One, who assisted for me for about 2 years, now shoots most the Austin bands in town and has pretty much moved full time from modeling into shooting. 

I think it's good for a model to, even if they don't want to be a photographer, learn the other side of the camera.  This helps build an understanding that can provide better modeling when they're back on the other side.

May 07 05 07:36 am Link



Posts: 20

London, England, United Kingdom

I was a digital artist before i got into modelling - and then once I was modelling thought that taking up photography would help my digital art - it's mainly for my creaitive outlet than anything else but I do metal bands art work too so I frequently find the 2 or even 3 cross over.

The only real problem I have is when I get a great creative idea do I give it to a model for me to capture or keep it for myself!

Thats just my thoughts on it..

May 07 05 10:19 am Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

The only thing a photogrpaher / model shoudl not do is try to critique the style or ways of the photogrpaher they are working with.... and not to edit the photos you get back from that photogrpaher...

Every photogrpaher has their own style - as a photogrpaher model - do the same thing I do as a photographer - just watch and see - then steall the good ideas and throw out the bad ones - add it to your arsenal of techniques for different situations.

May 07 05 10:54 am Link


Solstyce Cal

Posts: 17

Northampton, Massachusetts, US

Posted by Aperture Photographics: 
Every photographer, fat and ugly or not, should spend some time in front of the camera working with another photographer, just for the experience.  I do believe it gives us a better appreciation for what we ask of the girls who model for us.

We shouldn't ask the models who we work with to do anything we're not willing to do ourselves.  ;->

I totally agree!  I never ask my models to do anything I've haven't done...

May 07 05 02:39 pm Link


Solstyce Cal

Posts: 17

Northampton, Massachusetts, US

Posted by Lucifera: 
I was a digital artist before i got into modelling - and then once I was modelling thought that taking up photography would help my digital art - it's mainly for my creaitive outlet than anything else but I do metal bands art work too so I frequently find the 2 or even 3 cross over.

The only real problem I have is when I get a great creative idea do I give it to a model for me to capture or keep it for myself!

Thats just my thoughts on it..

I've been into both art and modeling since... forever it seems.  I started both as a child and finally found photography as an adolescent.  I've been working with several different mediums for quite some time and the cross over is just... intense sometimes, fun but intense.

In terms of ideas, I'm extremely selective about which ideas I give out and to whom. While any concepts can be shot very differently by many photographers, I'm still very careful about who I let in on my concepts.  The hard part is keeping my mouth shut when I come up with something good lol.  I get excited and I wanna tell all but I've learned that there are many who may take advantage of that.

May 07 05 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 33

Columbus, Ohio, US

I am both. I didnt do one and then decide to do the other though. I developed them seprately. Only recently have I brought them together. For the most part though they stay seprate. They each have thier own accounts on sites like mm, they each have thier own website, they each have thier own emails. The only time it crosses over is for multi-shoots. I figure if I am driveing far I should get as much as possible done, so I always try to add to both portfolios. Although I do tend to get more "you're hot" comments on my modeling accounts and more "thats awesome" on my photographer accounts.

I don't find the work load to be too much. I use my outlook calender and put everything in it from photoshoots (either side) to dental appts.... I have two folders on my computer, one is "my art" one is "photographers". The "my art" has photos I have taken (as well as drawings etc) with a people folder that has folders in it with the models name. The "photographers" has photos of me in folders labled under the photogs name. As far as tangible paperwork I have 3 folders, blank releases, models I have worked with, and photographers. Each with the respective releases in them. The CD's I get from photogs are rather randomly strewn about, sitting on various shelves in my work space, but after I have the ones I like on my computer I really don't use the CD any more.....

Posted by Brent Burzycki:  .... and not to edit the photos you get back from that photogrpaher........

I always ask before I edit. Most don't have a problem with it since they know I will do a good job. One even gave me joint copyright. And if a photog were to ever not like the way I did it I would take it down.

May 07 05 03:01 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45291

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Aperture Photographics: 
Every photographer, fat and ugly or not, should spend some time in front of the camera working with another photographer, just for the experience.  I do believe it gives us a better appreciation for what we ask of the girls who model for us.

We shouldn't ask the models who we work with to do anything we're not willing to do ourselves.  ;->

Now that is the one thing I agree with you more than anything else we have agreed or disagreed with!  I've even said those exact same words "I'm not going to ask you to do anything I wouldn't do ... only you'll look much better at it!" as I actually do poses or try out props showing the model what I am wanting.  Since I started out as a theater and music student, it helps! Only problem is I can't stand pictures of myself! LOL

May 07 05 03:10 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45291

San Juan Bautista, California, US

One of the commercial and fashion photographers I admire is Nancy Brown. She started out as a professional model before becomeing a pro photog. Check her site at

May 07 05 03:12 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

I love to model. I want to do it a lot more. I just need to find photographers who think I'm hot enough to want to shoot pictures of me. Which is hard. So I must be less-hot than I think I am.


I LOVE working with models who are photographers because they usually do have a better understanding of technical things and it is often helpful to a shoot.

Of course, I've also known models who "think" they can shoot and they really should leave the camera alone. And by the same token, some photographers should stay BEHIND the lens ... like me apparently! (smirk)

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
One of the commercial and fashion photographers I admire is Nancy Brown. She started out as a professional model before becomeing a pro photog. Check her site at 

Nice stuff. I agree - she's really good.

May 07 05 05:20 pm Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 

Posted by Aperture Photographics: 
Every photographer, fat and ugly or not, should spend some time in front of the camera working with another photographer, just for the experience.  I do believe it gives us a better appreciation for what we ask of the girls who model for us.

We shouldn't ask the models who we work with to do anything we're not willing to do ourselves.  ;->

Now that is the one thing I agree with you more than anything else we have agreed or disagreed with!  I've even said those exact same words "I'm not going to ask you to do anything I wouldn't do ... only you'll look much better at it!" as I actually do poses or try out props showing the model what I am wanting.  Since I started out as a theater and music student, it helps! Only problem is I can't stand pictures of myself! LOL 

Thanks Patrick.  On occasion I've run into other photographers who have that double standard, where it's OK for them to ask a girl to do something that he wouldn't do  himself or herself.  A pet peeve, I must admit.

On the things we agree or disagree on......I have to admit that sometimes I push a point just to get some reaction and a discussion going (see previous discussions on sleeping with models, for example).  Yeah, sometimes I can be a shit disturber! 

May 07 05 05:26 pm Link


Valerie Rose

Posts: 129

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

It has been good for me, I have more work... and a lot of good networking cus of doing photography and modeling. I think being a photographer makes me a better model, it is hard to explain.

May 07 05 08:32 pm Link