Forums > General Industry > Models please act professionally and responsibly.


Thayer Photographic

Posts: 345

Kentwood, Michigan, US

I am really getting sick of models who don't respond to my job offers.

This is the most irresponsible and unprofessional behavior I have ever seen.

A model gets an offer for a PAYING shoot, and she doesn't respond, she doesn't say "not interested" or "no thanks" they just DON"T RESPOND AT ALL!!!

I am personally getting sick and tired of the models here and at other sites who refuse to respond, and I think we as photographers need to form a network whereby a model gets black listed for too many no replies.

C'mon, if you want to be a professional model you have to act professional. 

That means, check your mail at EVERY site you're a member of EVERY DAY! And respond to the job offers you receive.

If you arent interested, just say no!  it's not that hard.


May 07 05 01:04 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Michael Thayer: 
I am really getting sick of models who don't respond to my job offers.

Welcome to the world of Internet Modeling & Photography.

Enjoy your stay.

May 07 05 01:09 pm Link


Thayer Photographic

Posts: 345

Kentwood, Michigan, US

Gee thanks...

ummm just wondering... did you have your sarsacOmeter turned up on that post?

Not all the models are bad, just about 50%... and it's those 50% that make it so frustrating.

You see beautiful girl, you have open date in mind, send her an offer... and...  nothing.

wait a week... you see that the mail is marked as read.  so you wait some more...

Still nothing...


May 07 05 01:16 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Michael Thayer: 
Gee thanks...

ummm just wondering... did you have your sarsacOmeter turned up on that post?

Not all the models are bad, just about 50%... and it's those 50% that make it so frustrating.

First - No, my sarcasm wasn't turned up. That was actually very low by my standards.

Second - 50% are good and 50% are frustrating? Then you're fine! Stop being a "glass half empty" guy and be happy for the positive 50%!


Seriously, don't sweat it. I see by your work that you are very new and just starting out. It's not easy in the beginning. The more work you do and the better you get, you'll have models seeking YOU out. But it takes time, dedication and patience to reach that point. Stick with it.

May 07 05 01:41 pm Link


Sibyl Nin has retired

Posts: 857

Brooklyn, New York, US

Posted by Michael Thayer: 
I am really getting sick of models who don't respond to my job offers.

This is the most irresponsible and unprofessional behavior I have ever seen.

A model gets an offer for a PAYING shoot, and she doesn't respond, she doesn't say "not interested" or "no thanks" they just DON"T RESPOND AT ALL!!!

I am personally getting sick and tired of the models here and at other sites who refuse to respond, and I think we as photographers need to form a network whereby a model gets black listed for too many no replies.

C'mon, if you want to be a professional model you have to act professional. 

That means, check your mail at EVERY site you're a member of EVERY DAY! And respond to the job offers you receive.

If you arent interested, just say no!  it's not that hard.


Check your email on EVERY site you post on..EVERY day? do you know how many sites an average net model has pics on?? I lost count  of mine... but I know it's way over 20..You can't really expect a model to sit and visit all 20+sites's impossible unless you don't have a day job. I always try to respond with a decline or an approval once a week when checking my  emails.

Than again I take this seriously..according to most photographers on this site..most models don't. If they read it and didn't respond..I think it's safe to assume it's a no to your offer. Although it's a fucked up way to do decline an shouldn't get  you upset...just shrug it off..this biz is full of flakes...It's not worth the stress...

May 07 05 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Just a bit of a internet in general warning..

#1 - Most people do not even know how to get email

#2 - In this world of spam and filters and viruses etc.. many never even recieve the email you send.

#3 - AOL - Need I say more

Just do not assume people do not get back to you and this is why I like to contact people by phone.. harder to lie to you on the phone..

Also I have multiple email accts with different URL's to help with if the email from one server or location is being blocked by the ISP or the user themselves...

May 07 05 02:00 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45290

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Seriously Michael, it's nothing worth getting your blood pressure up over. Most of the photographers and models on these listing websites are doing this as a hobby or semi-professional. Also you have to account for e-mail getting lost. I've had problems with losing e-mails on this site!

Hopefully you get enough replies that the ones that don't are not missed. Let it go!

May 07 05 02:04 pm Link


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Yeah Id say your MUCH better off if they dont reply.
Would you really want to work with a model that's "doing it for the money?" Or would you rather have someone whose seriously been dreaming about it all their life?
I would much rather want to pay someone who has that element of passion.

Check every single email? That's nut bub.
I am probably listed on 7 or 8, & I only really pay attention of 3 or 4, & thats alot if you have other things going, like school, or Day/night jobs or something.

May 07 05 02:11 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 

Posted by Michael Thayer: 
Gee thanks...
Ummm just wondering... did you have your sarsacOmeter turned up on that post?

Seriously, don't sweat it. I see by your work that you are very new and just starting out. It's not easy in the beginning. The more work you do and the better you get, you'll have models seeking YOU out. But it takes time, dedication and patience to reach that point. Stick with it.

Eric's right on about this aspect of Internet modeling and Photography. It goes from feast to famine. It's the dry spell and this being a new site that's probably getting a lot of us a little stir crazy. Lol. ...hence the posts about crack pipes and what not *g*

May 07 05 03:25 pm Link


David Holloway

Posts: 713

Liberty Lake, Washington, US

If I don't hear from a model after about a week then I assume she is not interested and try and find another model that is interested.. Although, I think it's unprofessional to not respond to an email I never let it get to me and I add that model to my list of people I do not want to work with and leave it at that.

Don't let it get to you and if any paid jobs come up definately think of the models who have responded to you.

Keep those shutters going,

May 07 05 03:49 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Posted by Michael Thayer: 
I am really getting sick of models who don't respond to my job offers.

This is the most irresponsible and unprofessional behavior I have ever seen.

A model gets an offer for a PAYING shoot, and she doesn't respond, she doesn't say "not interested" or "no thanks" they just DON"T RESPOND AT ALL!!!

''I am personally getting sick and tired of the models hre and at other sites who refuse to respond, and I think we as photographers need to form a network whereby a model gets black listed for too many no replies.

C'mon, if you want to be a professional model you have to act professional. 

That means, check your mail at EVERY site you're a member of EVERY DAY! And respond to the job offers you receive.

If you arent interested, just say no!  it's not that hard.


unprof goes to  whole new level with you!

if THAT is the "MOST UNPROF" you have ever seen...???
u truly truly haven't lived!!

just not being there??

someone needs to at least mess me about with awkward e-mail or dumbness or rescheduling or whatever
actually they'd have to be really out or order
before I start telling the world they aren't fit to do their job!!!

blimey luv
cant i go on  vacation without getting blacklisted!!!

ps i usually answer but it might be several days

and if two attempts get no rsponse shes either not bothering with YOU or didnt get the mails
and not BOTHERING with some one person isnt actualy a crime....

May 07 05 05:23 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

Are we going to have a different "models should act professionally" discussion daily? Yes, we have determined that models and photographers should act with a sense of professionalism. We have also determined many do not. Besides that, sh*t happens. There are emails I haven't recieved from this site, as well as from every other modeling site I've been on. Illness, vacations, and real life happen. It sucks, but that's the nature of the beast.

May 07 05 05:34 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Jeri: 
Are we going to have a different "models should act professionally" discussion daily? 

It does seem to be topic on most forums... all the time.  Perhaps models can start a message thread to discuss the issues THEY have with unprofessional photographers. 

While stuck in traffic the other day, this crossed my mind and I jotted down some of the bad "characters" of TFP that models I know have told me about.  It's at this link:

May 07 05 06:09 pm Link


Thayer Photographic

Posts: 345

Kentwood, Michigan, US

Here's a question then,

If a message sent from this site shows up in my sent box as being read, it means that the model read it right?

I can deal with lost emails, crap happens especially with the aforementioned aol and various spam filters, however I'm talking about mail right here on this site, not off of it.

I have a model 20 minutes from my home, who will not respond to me, she's read all the mail i've sent, but will not say yes, no or F off.


May 07 05 06:17 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45290

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Michael Thayer: 
Here's a question then,

If a message sent from this site shows up in my sent box as being read, it means that the model read it right?

I can deal with lost emails, crap happens especially with the aforementioned aol and various spam filters, however I'm talking about mail right here on this site, not off of it.

I have a model 20 minutes from my home, who will not respond to me, she's read all the mail i've sent, but will not say yes, no or F off.


Sorry to hear that, but think of it this way ... unless you don't have another potential model to work with near you ... get over it! Move on! Find another model! Why waste time worrying about models that don't reply when the ones who do are going to be more eager to work with you.

There are plenty of photographers who don't reply back too! It's not just a model thing. So unless you just have to have that model, and no one can replace her?  Well, there surely must be some other models you can work with. As I said before, think of it as their loss and move on! You feel better about it!

May 07 05 06:25 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by Michael Thayer: 
Here's a question then,

If a message sent from this site shows up in my sent box as being read, it means that the model read it right?

I can deal with lost emails, crap happens especially with the aforementioned aol and various spam filters, however I'm talking about mail right here on this site, not off of it.

I have a model 20 minutes from my home, who will not respond to me, she's read all the mail i've sent, but will not say yes, no or F off.



I know it may be frustrating and I can totally relate with ya.  The best approach is to not put too much of your heart into these emails and whether they get returned or not.  These are models.  I know there are some models who are articulate, intelligent, responsible, etc.  Though Im sure these qualities are needed more and more for successful models- you probably are just picking out a model based on their looks. 

No offense to the beautiful people- but a professional ethic and manner is not a requirement to being beautiful or even listing yourself as a model (MALE or FEMALE).  These aren't CEOs and doctors your dealing with.  They are models.

Of the models I worked with- some are among the sharpest people I know- others wouldn't even last one day in my corporate day job.

Bottom line is thanks to the internet- even in Indiana- you can just move on and know that the flaky model did ya a favor in not responding. 

I even get models who email me after we work together- ask for pics- I send them a proof sheet image in email asking which they like (in otherwords- Im willing to edit and print and send to them on my dime even if I paid to work with them- b/c Im being courteous) and they dont return my email.  Thats when I say- only a model!

To the models who said- "well, Im listed in 20 sites and I cant keep up with all of them."  Then dont list yourself on 20 sites.  Learn to use the feature that sends your personal email a copy when someone messages you through the site, etc.  If you dont respond to a mail from most photographers- chances are you already lost the job to another model.  There are so many great models out there.

May 07 05 09:09 pm Link


Sibyl Nin has retired

Posts: 857

Brooklyn, New York, US

"To the models who said- "well, Im listed in 20 sites and I cant keep up with all of them."  Then dont list yourself on 20 sites.  "Learn to use the feature that sends your personal email a copy when someone messages you through the site, etc." (

May 07 05 09:33 pm Link



Posts: 1

New York, New York, US

young models can learn tons from sibyl. love what you had to say girl.   next, the reason some girls do not answer is, they are fake profiles, or they think your work stinks

May 07 05 09:44 pm Link


Sibyl Nin has retired

Posts: 857

Brooklyn, New York, US

young models can learn tons from sibyl. love what you had to say girl.   next, the reason some girls do not answer is, they are fake profiles, or they think your work stinks

Thank you! I totally didn't even think about true, good bloody point!!

May 07 05 09:46 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Wish there was one model within 20 minites from my house (:--

Wishing is good! (:--

May 07 05 09:48 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by sibyl: 
"To the models who said- "well, Im listed in 20 sites and I cant keep up with all of them."  Then dont list yourself on 20 sites.  "Learn to use the feature that sends your personal email a copy when someone messages you through the site, etc." (

May 07 05 10:00 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

...the reason some girls do not answer is ... or they think your work stinks

Re if they dont answer b/c they think your work stinks, totally.  Which is why my advice still stands- forget em and move on.

May 07 05 10:03 pm Link


Sibyl Nin has retired

Posts: 857

Brooklyn, New York, US

Posted by Jose- 

Posted by sibyl: 
"To the models who said- "well, Im listed in 20 sites and I cant keep up with all of them."  Then dont list yourself on 20 sites.  "Learn to use the feature that sends your personal email a copy when someone messages you through the site, etc." (

May 07 05 10:04 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by sibyl: 
ok well..glad that was cleared up! and yes that does suck big donkey dick..when people completely flake about emails...but you're better off than no?who would want to work with people like that anyhow?

Im in complete agreement with ya, there!

May 07 05 10:07 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by QUESTNMARC GRFX:, the reason some girls do not answer is, they are fake profiles, or they think your work stinks

AH HAH! I *knew* I wasn't the only one who suspected that. Thanks for bringing that up Q! Sounds like a juicy piece for another top level post. Fake profiles and profiles managed by Internet Managers. AH HAH! heheheheh. This shit is getting juicier by the minute. LOL

May 07 05 10:07 pm Link


Madame Jynx

Posts: 89

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Ok, so I just have to speak up.  It's not just models.  Photographers can be just as bad if not worse.  Especialy the ones who don't remember emailing you 2 weeks previously and you saying no.  Even worse, in my oppinion, is people who use instant messanger to try to get work.  It's one thing if they have invited you to contact them in that manner, but please!  It's not only unprofessional and annoying but can easily lead to harrasment.

May 08 05 08:44 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Some people (both models AND photographs) just won't bother answering if they're not interested. I wouldn't call it unprofessional; I'd call it garden variety rudeness.

But face it: it's going to happen. People are going to ignore your emails. It's hardly the greatest aggravation you'll face trying to deal with models or photographers. Take a deep, cleansing breath and move on.

A lot of other models will ignore emails that ask them to do work they specifically state they never do and others will ignore emails that are too vague.  If you want to increase your response rate, read the model's profile before contacting her and make sure you're not asking something outside of his/her stated limits. Do not send out vague, boiler plate, spam.

Personally, I try to respond to every email that appears to be from a real person directed to me specifically. I do not answer inquiries that are obviously spam.

May 08 05 05:43 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by theda: 
Some people (both models AND photographs) just won't bother answering if they're not interested. I wouldn't call it unprofessional; I'd call it garden variety rudeness.

But face it: it's going to happen. People are going to ignore your emails. It's hardly the greatest aggravation you'll face trying to deal with models or photographers. Take a deep, cleansing breath and move on.

A lot of other models will ignore emails that ask them to do work they specifically state they never do and others will ignore emails that are too vague.  If you want to increase your response rate, read the model's profile before contacting her and make sure you're not asking something outside of his/her stated limits. Do not send out vague, boiler plate, spam.

Personally, I try to respond to every email that appears to be from a real person directed to me specifically. I do not answer inquiries that are obviously spam. 


May 08 05 05:51 pm Link