Forums > Photography Talk > Anybody following the proposed new 2257?


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Well it seems congress is at it again.  It has only been a couple of months since the new 2257 rules were thrust upon us.  They are already being challenged in court, but no decsions have yet come down.

There is a new, much more stringent version of 18 U.S.C. 2257 being debated by the house right now. It has been attached to another child protection act.  It hasn't been considered by the senate yet and there are still hurdles to be overcome in the house, but momentum is building to tighten the regulations even more.

What distinguishes this new version from the current version are a few things, but in particular, it now applies to nearly all depictions of mere nudity.  As written, this site, for example, might well be subject to 2257 record keeping.  Analysts seem to think that mainstream Hollywood movies with limited nudity and simulated sex would be subject to the same restrictions.

It also broadens the definition of producer to include the distribution chain.  Under some interpretations, even the video store, selling a dVD, for example, would be required to keep the records as well.

Aparently some lawyers feel that, to some extent, this will add ammunition to their claims that congress is out of control and 2257 is simply crossing the line.  However, everyone seems to agree that it is impossible to know what a court would finally rule.  That is particularly true since we will have two new Supreme Court Justices who will probably move the Court more to the right than it already is.

In any event, there is an interesting article published on Ynot.  Here is the link.  Don't take it as gospel since the final draft has yet to be passed and all of this analysis is being done on preliminary releases of the new statute.

However, it is scary to think that congress does not believe that they have gone far enough.  So Tyler, are you ready to maintain copies of the ID's of every model, posted by every photographer on this site that is in some state of undress?

Here's the link: … e&sid=9763

Sep 15 05 08:44 pm Link



Posts: 321

Las Colinas, Panamá, Panama

WOW I am moving to Europe where the Germans behind the wall are more free!!!!!
They tore it down and rebuilt it here Crap when did that happen on coffee break

Sep 16 05 12:11 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Here is a bit more analysis on it... It is ALREADY OUT OF THE HOUSE AND SENT TO THE SENATE

This was also posted to another thread in the model matters section where the subject has come up.


We, myself and some colleagues in the business, have been doing an analysis of Pence's bill for two days... it was only intorduced on the 14th of September. This bill H.R. 3726 has already been passed by the house 371 - 52 and sent to the Senate. It is far far more onerous than you think.

1) The record keeping requirements of 2257 DO NOT take into account any age requirement. Thus, the records, where they are required, involve very specific record keeping on EVERY model.

2) 2257 exempted (before Pence's amendment) images of "simulated" sexually explicit content. UNLESS there was ACTUAL sexually explicit content the images were exempt from record keeping. Pence's bill does away with that distinction and includes simulated sexually explicit content as well as actual content.

3) 2257 also exempted (before Pence's amendment) images of nudity alone. Pence's bill will include within the record keeping requirements of 2257 at 2257(h), nudity ALONE as defined in 2256 (2)(A)(v)"lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person;" but which is further defined in 2256(B)"For purposes of subsection (B) [1] of this section, “sexually explicit conductâ€? means— (iii)graphic or simulated lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person;" and which is even further defined in 2256(10) "“graphicâ€?, when used with respect to a depiction of sexually explicit conduct, means that a viewer can observe any part of the genitals or pubic area of any depicted person or animal during any part of the time that the sexually explicit conduct is being depicted;"

4) Pence's bill requires that a broad range of previously exempt images be brought under the 2257 record keeping rules. The actual detailed mechanics of the rules are 28 CFR Part75. This is retrospective for 10 to 15 years and apply to images made from a certain date either 1995 or 1990. If you don't have and can't produce the REQUIRED records the images are effectively useless. Part of the required records involve keeping and being able to produce ACTUAL copies of ACTUAL MODEL ID showing their full (REAL) name; date of birth; any other name or stage name by which they have EVER been known; ect... and the kinds of ID are specified (college or work ID cards, for example, are NOT acceptable for this purpose - the ID used MUST be types that are government issued and traceable such as passports or driver's licenses). Most photographers will have model releases; some will have examined the model's ID but not kept copies of the actual ID; some will have accepted ID that is not of an approved type. Images made on this basis will probably NOT be supportable by suitable records for 2257 purposes. When images are transferred - for example between a photographer and a website - then the photographer (primary producer) is required to produce his records and furnish them to the web (or any other) publisher, distributor, exhibitor, ect. who then must establish their own records database.

5) Under 2257, and where records have previously been required, the scope of who was required to keep those records was limited. Distributors and retailers didn't have to keep or maintain copies of the records. Until the recent changes to 28 CFR Part75, in June 2005, even websites didn't have to maintain actual records - only a reference to the holder of the records. Under Pence's bill EVERYONE in the chain of production down to retail sellers / exhibitors will be required to keep a set of records INCLUDING the ID copies. Ditto for publishers... including web publishers like ModelMayhem. The same would be true, after Pence, for an art gallery; or any other distributor / exhibitor / seller with commercial interest in the images. These ID records MUST be cross referenced to such as URL's where the model's image appears; or publications, if printed; and there is a lot more to he detailed record keeping ins-and-outs in 28 CFR Part75.

6) As a result of, among other cases, US v Knox, even some clothed images (think here Calvin Kline ads) may fall foul of the 2256 definition of "graphic or simulated lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person"... Knox established that even non-nude images where the the genitals or pubic area was "defined" even though not "exposed" could be held to be sufficiently graphic and lascivious to run foul of the law. Think bikini, under ware or lingerie shots.

Make no mistake here, this Pence amendment will impact everyone in photography, publishing, distribution, web publishing, and many, many others in the chain of production, distribution and even retailing. It will affect big Hollywood studios, broadcasters, and  individual fine arts photographers. It will affect legitimate nudist publishers who were previously exempt; it will affect sex education and health publishers and websites; it will definitely affect the legitimate modelling / advertising industries where we all KNOW that 14 (or even younger) - 17 YO models are used in ways that would run foul of the 2256 definitions where previously they did not (topless or partial or implied nudity) or posing in clothed work in ways that would run foul of the definition of "graphic" and in light of the US v Knox ruling.

The only saving grace here is that at least one Congressman - Robert "Bobby" Scott of Virginia actually pointed out to the House committee that Pence's bill, as written, was inconsistent with both previous Supreme Court rulings on protected (artistic / commercial) speech and the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. The House committee dismissed his objection and passed the bill anyway. It now goes to the Senate. If passed into law there is every chance that thirty seconds after that happens someone is going to file for an injunction to prevent it from being enforced.


Sep 16 05 04:54 am Link


Julia Gerace

Posts: 1889

Monroe, Connecticut, US

o.k. - so, for those of us who are new to this, can you please put this in simpler terms?

sorry to be dense -


Sep 16 05 06:56 am Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

DragonFlyImage wrote:
WOW I am moving to Europe where the Germans behind the wall are more free!!!!!
They tore it down and rebuilt it here Crap when did that happen on coffee break

I think the move to Germany`s not a bad idea.....I`m READY to move back there!

Sep 16 05 07:32 am Link



Posts: 2398

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Thank god for Canada.  Tell you guys what, i'll house a couple of you but you have to give over some trade secrets in payment.

Sep 16 05 07:37 am Link



Posts: 268

Trenton, Michigan, US

I always thought laws were to protect the innocent. Who is this law protecting? Who wrote the bill to begin with.
And think about it. How much money is it costing the tax payer for congress to pass a law that does not serve any purpose.

Sep 16 05 07:50 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Julia Gerace wrote:
o.k. - so, for those of us who are new to this, can you please put this in simpler terms?

sorry to be dense -


Simpler terms?... these laws and the regulations that come from them are so complex that even lawyers are having fits interpreting them. Besides the text of the 2 controlling laws (18USC p:1 c:110 s:2256 and s:2257) themselves, the actual detailed regulations on the who, what, when, where and how of record keeping alone,  in 28CFR part75, run to pages and pages. What I have written above, in the long message, IS in simple and general terms and still doesn't touch on the specifics.

There is NO WAY to set out simple explanations of this mess, except to say that if you are shooting (adult) nudes or nudes of adults, or virtually anything involving children, you need to get competent legal advice... preferably from a lawyer familiar with the (above) laws and regulations governing the adult/porn industry.

You may call it ART... Pence wants it to be, and is making it to be, treated in law the same as HARD CORE PORN.


Sep 16 05 08:29 am Link


Jay Kilgore

Posts: 798

Edina, Minnesota, US

keep good records and as long as your not trying to make a buck with them (them being the photos on a website), this doesnt really pertain to you.

Sep 16 05 08:38 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

mag-jr wrote:
keep good records and as long as your not trying to make a buck with them (them being the photos on a website), this doesnt really pertain to you.

Hmmm, if you are saying take pictures and never use them for any purpose, then you are probably right. I make my living in this business.  What is the point of shooting but not being able to convert my efforts into profit?

But this has nothing to do with websites, it includes publication, even movies in the corner movie theater.

Up until now, 2257 has never been a concern to me.  My work is very benign.  I don't do anything more than Playboy style and except for the slippery slope of the meaning of the term "lacivious" I never worried much about it.

If this actually were to go through, it will affect guys like me who never danced with the adult industry.

At some point I hope this country wakes up and figures out how many of our liberties are being taken away in the name of protecting us from ourselves!

Sep 16 05 09:10 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

mag-jr wrote:
keep good records and as long as your not trying to make a buck with them (them being the photos on a website), this doesnt really pertain to you.

Not true... if they are on a website they are PUBLISHED. The commercial or non-commercial aspect doesn't matter in the least. If they are published they are subject to the record keeping requirement.

One of the Pence changes covers exactly that ground.

2257 (3) The term “producesâ€? means.. (the new language follows)

actually filming, videotaping, photographing; creating a picture, digital image, or digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being; or digitizing an image, of a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or, assembling, manufacturing, publishing, duplicating, reproducing, or reissuing a book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, or picture, or other matter intended for commercial distribution, that contains a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or, inserting on a computer site or service a digital image of, or otherwise managing the sexually explicit content, of a computer site or service that contains a visual depiction of, sexually explicit conduct';


Sep 16 05 09:47 am Link


jeff s

Posts: 282

Springfield, Massachusetts, US

mag-jr wrote:
keep good records and as long as your not trying to make a buck with them (them being the photos on a website), this doesnt really pertain to you.

This is not very accurate, anyone doing any type of nudes should know what they are terms of record keeping.  Art, porn, erotic, doesn't matter anymore.  Nudes are nudes where the government is concerned.  And it doesn't apply to just paysites, it applies to ANY site.  Even if the photographer is just showcasing his work, he can some under the scrunity of the law.

And they are right, Tyler would have to be the record keeper for EVERY nude picture on this site.  And the records have to have a physical address, not a p.o. box., can't do that anymore. 

Hope Tyler has a big warehouse.

Sep 16 05 09:59 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Up until now, 2257 has never been a concern to me.  My work is very benign.  I don't do anything more than Playboy style and except for the slippery slope of the meaning of the term "lacivious" I never worried much about it.

Never mind the use of the word "lacivious"... go back to my long message at the part marked "3)" and you see that they further use the word "graphic" and that is further defined as NUDE (ANY PART OF the genitals and pubic area)

"2256(10) "“graphicâ€?, when used with respect to a depiction of sexually explicit conduct, means that a viewer can observe any part of the genitals or pubic area of any depicted person or animal during any part of the time that the sexually explicit conduct is being depicted;"

Playboy "style" is well within that boundry as is a lot of arts figure work.

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
If this actually were to go through, it will affect guys like me who never danced with the adult industry.

Introduced on Monday the 12th of September - passed and out of the House on the 14th - and sent to the Senate who is expected to pass it. Then on the Shrub for signing into law.

It's not a matter of IF but only a matter of WHEN it becomes law.

You may never have considered yourself a pornographer but you will be one soon... or at least treated like one.


Sep 16 05 10:01 am Link


Jay Kilgore

Posts: 798

Edina, Minnesota, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Hmmm, if you are saying take pictures and never use them for any purpose, then you are probably right. I make my living in this business.  What is the point of shooting but not being able to convert my efforts into profit?

But this has nothing to do with websites, it includes publication, even movies in the corner movie theater.

Up until now, 2257 has never been a concern to me.  My work is very benign.  I don't do anything more than Playboy style and except for the slippery slope of the meaning of the term "lacivious" I never worried much about it.

If this actually were to go through, it will affect guys like me who never danced with the adult industry.

At some point I hope this country wakes up and figures out how many of our liberties are being taken away in the name of protecting us from ourselves!

Key word in the quote of me is "keep good records" If you dont have a website, your in a much better position to publish, sell and have the images as they're going from you to the buyer. If you have a website where you have a lot of affiliates, that's where the problem becomes. If you publish images on your site, you and maybe your hosting company (acording to the new rules) will have to keep the info, but again, nothing will change much from the way it should be.

People will never wake up, too many ignorant people like my mother who although sworn democrat, believes in everything GWB is doing as he has the fear factor installed so high, she purchased stock in his propaganda.

Sep 16 05 10:21 am Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

I think this is really bad for models as well.  Talk about invasion of privacy!
They're naked in photos (their own doing - no problem - nothing wrong with that) that are most likely on the web and now they have to give out their home address - LOL!!!

Sep 16 05 10:22 am Link


Jay Kilgore

Posts: 798

Edina, Minnesota, US

Yea it's a big mess. There was some concern when the new (old new) laws hit the fence as in canada, it's against the law to give out  such info. As a paysite owner, I'd never give out info to affiliates as once word got out, everyone would become one just to get their favorite talent's info.

I wonder if gov sees the stupidity in their claims?

Sep 16 05 10:28 am Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

Yeah, I always wanted to know where Jenna Jameson lives!  All I need to do is get a paysite and buy some of her content - yay!

Sep 16 05 10:39 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

I think in some ways people on this site are adding to this as a problem. This caught my eye in the link posted earlier in this thread:

“We specifically, in my bill, close a loophole that exists in federal law today that allows pornographers who produce child pornography at home with digital cameras, Polaroid cameras, or video cameras, downloaded on their home computers, to actually escape prosecution,â€? Pence said through a statement on his website. “It’s time to protect the kids, it’s time to move the Child Safety Act, and it’s time to pass the Child Pornography Prevention Act as part of it tomorrow.â€?

Now i have been doing record keeping since i started doing photos back in the early 80's. They seem to be trying to fix a problem involving the new digital age and porn by the everyday user. It also happens to effect certain sex industy's which it is suppost to do. It is too easy for people to come up with fake ID's to prove they are over 18 when they are actualy only 15 and they do porn. Years later the manufacturer is going bankrupt because everybody found out she was actualy under 18 when she did the filming (child porn). Proper ID records are to help everybody and stop people from knowingly do a film with a underaged person and falling back on "Thier ID says they are 18".
The digital age needs this real bad, its too easy for some nobody to take video or photos of your kids in adult poses and put it online. This gives the law a way to prosicute legaly without there being any "Well ...... how do we negotiate this one" attitudes.
Keep your records and you are safe.

Sep 16 05 11:33 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

As for Tyler keeping records.....He can do it all digitaly and keep it all on a DVD-RW or a few DVD-RW disks.
It is the persons responsibility to make sure Tyler has the correct info, all Tyler has to do it keep it. Digitaly is as good as having it in B&W.
Of course Tyler having the website and all he should check all the data to be sure it is all true but there are ways to check everything online. I am sure the GOV will provide the info on a site to aquire correct info also or to verify info given.

Sep 16 05 11:43 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

studio36uk wrote:

Introduced on Monday the 12th of September - passed and out of the House on the 14th - and sent to the Senate who is expected to pass it. Then on the Shrub for signing into law.

It's not a matter of IF but only a matter of WHEN it becomes law.

You may never have considered yourself a pornographer but you will be one soon... or at least treated like one.


You and I agree on this one totally.  I know it passed the house.  It may well pass the senate.  Hopefully some cooler minds will prevail, but I suspect it will be challenged instantly upon passage.

But in the end, I may start shooting bicycles and flowers.

Sep 16 05 11:51 am Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

It's time to send some congressmen and senators into retirement, folks.  November 2006.  That's the only way to get their attention.

Sep 16 05 11:57 am Link



Posts: 5295

Pacifica, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
It also broadens the definition of producer to include the distribution chain.  Under some interpretations, even the video store, selling a dVD, for example, would be required to keep the records as well.

If I have my own web site, will I need to give a copy of the documentation to the hosting company?

Sep 16 05 11:57 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

mag-jr wrote:
Key word in the quote of me is "keep good records" If you dont have a website, your in a much better position to publish, sell and have the images as they're going from you to the buyer. If you have a website where you have a lot of affiliates, that's where the problem becomes. If you publish images on your site, you and maybe your hosting company (acording to the new rules) will have to keep the info, but again, nothing will change much from the way it should be.

People will never wake up, too many ignorant people like my mother who although sworn democrat, believes in everything GWB is doing as he has the fear factor installed so high, she purchased stock in his propaganda.

If you publish your images and they fit within the definitions of 2257,(putting them on a website is publishing them), you must maintain records that comply with 18 U.S.C. 2257.  I agree with you, it is much easier if you are just operating a single website and not selling them.

Your records, however, are subject to the same scrutiny.  You are also required to have them available twenty hours per week, during normal business hours (or if you don't maintain normal hours you must register a set of twenty hours when inspectors can come in without notice and review your records.  No warning or warrant is required.

The definitions under 2257 of what qualifies is going to become much more comprehensive.  For those who sell images, even ones that are quite tame, the record keeping requirements (and the obligations to share and cross-reference records) is quite extensive.

This is no little thing, but I do agree that it is easier for those who are not in the business of selling images, who merely shoot them as a hobbyist.

Sep 16 05 12:00 pm Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

QuaeVide wrote:

If I have my own web site, will I need to give a copy of the documentation to the hosting company?

I think you would have to wait until it is passed and they give out what is expected to know that.
Inmy mind the hosting company only provides you the space, not the content. You provide the content. Most likely they will have you sign a waiver of some sort that they are not responsible as to the content you provide.
You would have to keep all the info i would think but have it readily available.

Thats my guess though, wait and see when it pass's to be sure.

Sep 16 05 12:03 pm Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

Peter Dattolo wrote:
As for Tyler keeping records.....He can do it all digitaly and keep it all on a DVD-RW or a few DVD-RW disks.
It is the persons responsibility to make sure Tyler has the correct info, all Tyler has to do it keep it. Digitaly is as good as having it in B&W.
Of course Tyler having the website and all he should check all the data to be sure it is all true but there are ways to check everything online. I am sure the GOV will provide the info on a site to aquire correct info also or to verify info given.

It (2257) states that you need to have photocopies of goverment issued ID's for every model posing nude.
So I guess every model who is posing nude will have to scan in her ID and email them to Tyler?
And any that are in photographer's ports would have to be provided by the photographer, since he/she should have received them from the model at the date of the shoot?

What a mess this is - lol!

Sep 16 05 12:04 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Peter Dattolo wrote:
As for Tyler keeping records.....He can do it all digitaly and keep it all on a DVD-RW or a few DVD-RW disks.

Sure, but he would have to have records of every model posted by every photographer for every nude or otherwise qualifying image on the site.

He will have to have the required information as to when the image was shot as well.  Finally that will have to be cross referenced to which photographer and which profile the image was posted on.

Then Tyler will have to have those records available for inspection, without notice or warning twenty hours per week, either during normal business hours or during the twenty hours he has registered with the feds.

The impact will be far greater than any of us imagines. 

Of course, Tyler could just ban nude images.

Obviously if this goes through there will be some constitutional issues to sort out.  However, I am not going to predict the outcome of those challenges.

Sep 16 05 12:11 pm Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

Bill Tracy wrote:

It (2257) states that you need to have photocopies of goverment issued ID's for every model posing nude.
So I guess every model who is posing nude will have to scan in her ID and email them to Tyler?
And any that are in photographer's ports would have to be provided by the photographer, since he/she should have received them from the model at the date of the shoot?

What a mess this is - lol!

Depends on how you look at it. GOV ID is a drivers lisence and social security card. Any gov agency requires those already for identification. Most photogs do that now i would suspect.
Yes the photog would supply them unless it is not Tyler responcibility to keep that info and that falls on the photographer. All this data will be given in advance before anything is done. This would not be something that is done the day of.

In passing this law they could very well seperate the host from the content provider. If they left it as one unit the same info would be copied over and over and over which is unnessary.
By seperating it i think it would be one person relying on another to be sure the info in accurate, but each along the way is held accountable for the info they give.

That is how i would do it anyways.

Sep 16 05 12:19 pm Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

***Post was removed***

EDIT: Guess one of the mods didnt like my post, it was removed.

Sep 16 05 12:31 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Time to clear the Clutter.

NUDE images, With no sexual conduct ARE NOT included in this bill.

Where do you get that Idea.

The Way it would read is:

(1) the term “actual sexually explicit conductâ€? means actual but not simulated conduct as defined in subparagraphs (A) through (D) of paragraph (2) of section 2256 of this title;

`(1) the term `sexually explicit conduct' has the meaning set forth in subparagraphs (A)(i) through (v) of paragraph (2) of section 2256 of this title

The Only thing this bill does is Include the Virtual Kiddie Porn industry under the Umbrella.

Nothing Else in the Bill has changed.

Here is a List of EVERY change to 2257

(1) contains one or more visual depictions made after November 1, 1990 of actual sexually explicit conduct; and
(1) contains one or more visual depictions made after November 1, 1990 of sexually explicit conduct; and

(b) Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall, with respect to every performer portrayed in a visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct—
(b) Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall, with respect to every performer portrayed in a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct—

(A) contains one or more visual depictions made after the effective date of this subsection of actual sexually explicit conduct; and
(A) contains one or more visual depictions made after the effective date of this subsection of sexually explicit conduct; and

(1) the term “actual sexually explicit conductâ€? means actual but not simulated conduct as defined in subparagraphs (A) through (D) of paragraph (2) of section 2256 of this title;
(1) the term `sexually explicit conduct' has the meaning set forth in subparagraphs (A)(i) through (v) of paragraph (2) of section 2256 of this title

(please note that (C) and (D) were already removed from 2256)

(4) the term “performerâ€? includes any person portrayed in a visual depiction engaging in, or assisting another person to engage in, actual sexually explicit conduct.
(4) the term “performerâ€? includes any person portrayed in a visual depiction engaging in, or assisting another person to engage in, sexually explicit conduct.

(3) for any person to whom subsection (a) applies knowingly to fail to comply with the provisions of subsection (e) or any regulation promulgated pursuant to that subsection; and
(3) for any person to whom subsection (a) applies knowingly to fail to comply with the provisions of subsection (e) or any regulation promulgated pursuant to that subsection;

(5) for any person to whom subsection (a) applies to refuse to permit the Attorney General or his or her delegee to conduct an inspection under subsection (c).

(h)(3) to produce, manufacture, or publish any book, magazine, periodical, film, video tape, computer generated image, digital image, or picture, or other similar matter and includes the duplication, reproduction, or reissuing of any such matter, but does not include mere distribution or any other activity which does not involve hiring, contracting for managing or otherwise arranging for the participation of the performers depicted

actually filming, videotaping, photographing; creating a picture, digital image, or digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being; or digitizing an image, of a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or, assembling, manufacturing, publishing, duplicating, reproducing, or reissuing a book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, or picture, or other matter intended for commercial distribution, that contains a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or, inserting on a computer site or service a digital image of, or otherwise managing the sexually explicit content, of a computer site or service that contains a visual depiction of, sexually explicit conduct

Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, or other matter which
Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being, or picture, or other matter which

for any person knowingly to sell or otherwise transfer, or offer for sale or transfer, any book, magazine, periodical, film, video, or other matter, produce in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce or which is intended for shipment in interstate or foreign commerce, which—
for any person knowingly to sell or otherwise transfer, or offer for sale or transfer, any book, magazine, periodical, film, video, digital image, digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being, or picture, or other matter, produce in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce or which is intended for shipment in interstate or foreign commerce, which—

That is the complete change to 2257.

It simply adds in Virtual Child Porn.
Show me where it says "Any Nudity"

Show me Anywhere where it changes the Record Keeping requirements.
Show me anywhere where it says anything is retroactive.

The record keeping requirements were established in 1990 and have not changed since then, except where noted in the last amendment to this section (the cross referencing.

As Far as Child Pornography goes, This section has not changed.....

(8) “child pornographyâ€? means any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where—
(A) the production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;
(B) such visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or
(C) such visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in sexually explicit conduct.
(9) “identifiable minorâ€?—
(A) means a person—
(I) who was a minor at the time the visual depiction was created, adapted, or modified; or
(II) whose image as a minor was used in creating, adapting, or modifying the visual depiction; and
(ii) who is recognizable as an actual person by the person’s face, likeness, or other distinguishing characteristic, such as a unique birthmark or other recognizable feature; and
(B) shall not be construed to require proof of the actual identity of the identifiable minor.
(10) “graphicâ€?, when used with respect to a depiction of sexually explicit conduct, means that a viewer can observe any part of the genitals or pubic area of any depicted person or animal during any part of the time that the sexually explicit conduct is being depicted; and
(11) the term “indistinguishableâ€? used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults.

Simply Put, The scene in Lolita, Where she is nude and simulating sex with Jeremy, is not Child Pornography because you see neither her nor his genitals or pubic area.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that "Virtual Child Porn" is legally protected because there is no compelling First Amendment argument to exclude it from the Free Speech provisions.
(such as the Exploitation of children)

This new bill is an attempt to circumvent part of that ruling.

Other Parts of the Bill:

Prevents the Defendant from recieving a copy of the Child Porn in question, provided the government gives the defense attorney and his agents and experts access to it.

Means they can not take proceeds from you for violation of the Child Porn act, and also makes it a RICO offense.

Expanded to cover Distributors as well as producers of Child Porn / Obscenity.


Adds in Producing with intent to distribute (as a new offense so to speak)
And adds Production to the penalties applied normally for transportation.

Tyler needs not change a thing
Again, This does not affect nudity.

For the actual content of the bill see:
H.R. 3726 IH
For 2256 as it is now see:
18 USC 2256
for 2257 as it is now see:
18 USC 2257

Sep 16 05 01:08 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Tyler, you sure look at everything a lot differently than everyone else.  There are some wel respected attorneys who specialize in this kind of law that disagree with you.

Did you read the article attached to the opening post?  If you disagree with their assesments, I actually would be happy to hear it, I am just curious what it is they are saying that you find incorrect?

Sep 16 05 01:18 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Tyler, you sure look at everything a lot differently than everyone else.  There are some wel respected attorneys who specialize in this kind of law that disagree with you.

Did you read the article attached to the opening post?  If you disagree with their assesments, I actually would be happy to hear it, I am just curious what it is they are saying that you find incorrect?

I am saying that my attorney, which btw is familiar with the Adult Industry, since part of our structure includes adult oriented material, Says the same thing I am saying in that Simply nudity does not make it porn.

Nowhere has the definition of what is obscene material been changed by this bill.
Nowhere has the definition of Sexually Explicit Conduct been changed in this bill.

What the bill does do is exactly what the congressman says it does.
It eliminates a loophole in the Child Pornography provisions that allowed a person with a digital camera that never made a printing of it to distribute child porn.

Since that is about to become illegal, Here is how it would work.
Child Pornographer takes 1000 pictures in digital format (digital Camera only)
He then takes the entire content of the card, and Zips and encodes it on his computer (without transferring it)
He then posts the complete file on a website.
He trades it with Child Pornographer B for 1000 photos.
They then take the card and reload it with the unencrypted unzipped person (again writing directly to the card)
Then then hook the camera to a television and view it.

That in no ways Violated the law as stated because no pornographic picture was ever truly made.

Believe me, We watch these things like a hawk.

I can show you exactly where the logical of "nudity" being covered is wrong in the argument before.

Sep 16 05 01:25 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

The changes had absolutely nothing to do with record keeping except to remove the word "Actual" from "Actual Sexually Explicit Conduct"

Here is how the new 2257 would look After the Law is put into effect.

§ 2257. Record keeping requirements

(a) Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being, or picture, or other matter which—
(1) contains one or more visual depictions made after November 1, 1990 of  sexually explicit conduct; and
(2) is produced in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, or is shipped or transported or is intended for shipment or transportation in interstate or foreign commerce;
shall create and maintain individually identifiable records pertaining to every performer portrayed in such a visual depiction.
(b) Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall, with respect to every performer portrayed in a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct—
(1) ascertain, by examination of an identification document containing such information, the performer’s name and date of birth, and require the performer to provide such other indicia of his or her identity as may be prescribed by regulations;
(2) ascertain any name, other than the performer’s present and correct name, ever used by the performer including maiden name, alias, nickname, stage, or professional name; and
(3) record in the records required by subsection (a) the information required by paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection and such other identifying information as may be prescribed by regulation.
(c) Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall maintain the records required by this section at his business premises, or at such other place as the Attorney General may by regulation prescribe and shall make such records available to the Attorney General for inspection at all reasonable times.
(1) No information or evidence obtained from records required to be created or maintained by this section shall, except as provided in this section, directly or indirectly, be used as evidence against any person with respect to any violation of law.
(2) Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not preclude the use of such information or evidence in a prosecution or other action for a violation of this chapter or chapter 71, or for a violation of any applicable provision of law with respect to the furnishing of false information.
(1) Any person to whom subsection (a) applies shall cause to be affixed to every copy of any matter described in paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of this section, in such manner and in such form as the Attorney General shall by regulations prescribe, a statement describing where the records required by this section with respect to all performers depicted in that copy of the matter may be located.
(2) If the person to whom subsection (a) of this section applies is an organization the statement required by this subsection shall include the name, title, and business address of the individual employed by such organization responsible for maintaining the records required by this section.
(f) It shall be unlawful—
(1) for any person to whom subsection (a) applies to fail to create or maintain the records as required by subsections (a) and (c) or by any regulation promulgated under this section;
(2) for any person to whom subsection (a) applies knowingly to make any false entry in or knowingly to fail to make an appropriate entry in, any record required by subsection (b) of this section or any regulation promulgated under this section;
(3) for any person to whom subsection (a) applies knowingly to fail to comply with the provisions of subsection (e) or any regulation promulgated pursuant to that subsection;
(4) for any person knowingly to sell or otherwise transfer, or offer for sale or transfer, any book, magazine, periodical, film, video, digital image, digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being, or picture, or other matter, produce in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce or which is intended for shipment in interstate or foreign commerce, which—
(A) contains one or more visual depictions made after the effective date of this subsection of sexually explicit conduct; and
(B) is produced in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, or is shipped or transported or is intended for shipment or transportation in interstate or foreign commerce;
which does not have affixed thereto, in a manner prescribed as set forth in subsection (e)(1), a statement describing where the records required by this section may be located, but such person shall have no duty to determine the accuracy of the contents of the statement or the records required to be kept and;
(5) for any person to whom subsection (a) applies to refuse to permit the Attorney General or his or her delegee to conduct an inspection under subsection (c).
(g) The Attorney General shall issue appropriate regulations to carry out this section.
(h) As used in this section—
(1) the term `sexually explicit conduct' has the meaning set forth in subparagraphs (A)(i) through (v) of paragraph (2) of section 2256 of this title;(2) “identification documentâ€? has the meaning given that term in section 1028 (d) of this title;
(3) the term “producesâ€? means actually filming, videotaping, photographing; creating a picture, digital image, or digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being; or digitizing an image, of a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or, assembling, manufacturing, publishing, duplicating, reproducing, or reissuing a book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, or picture, or other matter intended for commercial distribution, that contains a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or, inserting on a computer site or service a digital image of, or otherwise managing the sexually explicit content, of a computer site or service that contains a visual depiction of, sexually explicit conduct; and
(4) the term “performerâ€? includes any person portrayed in a visual depiction engaging in, or assisting another person to engage in, sexually explicit conduct.
(i) Whoever violates this section shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, and fined in accordance with the provisions of this title, or both. Whoever violates this section after having been convicted of a violation punishable under this section shall be imprisoned for any period of years not more than 10 years but not less than 2 years, and fined in accordance with the provisions of this title, or both.

Sep 16 05 01:37 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

"2256(10) "“graphicâ€?, when used with respect to a depiction of sexually explicit conduct, means that a viewer can observe any part of the genitals or pubic area of any depicted person or animal during any part of the time that the sexually explicit conduct is being depicted;"

This section has been previously stated to claim that Playboy Style nudes are covered.

That is a fallacy.

Read it in it's entirety.

"1. graphic�, when used with respect to a depiction of sexually explicit conduct,
This is used to define this requirement:

2256(B)"For purposes of subsection (B) [1] of this section, “sexually explicit conductâ€? means— (iii)graphic, where a viewer can observe any part of the genitals or pubic area of any depicted person or animal during any part of the time that the sexually explicit conduct is being depicted, or simulated lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person;"

2. means that a viewer can observe any part of the genitals or pubic area of any depicted person or animal during any part of the time that the sexually explicit conduct is being depicted

Lascivious - Key word here
Lascivious is used in the context of "Lewd" and in the laws on pronography is often interchanged.

Lewd and Lascivious is how the Supreme Court actually defined it.

It in no way covered straight nudity.

Sep 16 05 01:46 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

"2256(10) "“graphicâ€?, when used with respect to a depiction of sexually explicit conduct, means that a viewer can observe any part of the genitals or pubic area of any depicted person or animal during any part of the time that the sexually explicit conduct is being depicted;"

This section has been previously stated to claim that Playboy Style nudes are covered.

That is a fallacy.

Read it in it's entirety.

"1. graphic�, when used with respect to a depiction of sexually explicit conduct,
This is used to define this requirement:

2256(B)"For purposes of subsection (B) [1] of this section, “sexually explicit conductâ€? means— (iii)graphic, where a viewer can observe any part of the genitals or pubic area of any depicted person or animal during any part of the time that the sexually explicit conduct is being depicted, or simulated lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person;"

2. means that a viewer can observe any part of the genitals or pubic area of any depicted person or animal during any part of the time that the sexually explicit conduct is being depicted

Lascivious - Key word here
Lascivious is used in the context of "Lewd" and in the laws on pronography is often interchanged.

Lewd and Lascivious is how the Supreme Court actually defined it.

It in no way covered straight nudity.

Sep 16 05 01:46 pm Link


Jay Kilgore

Posts: 798

Edina, Minnesota, US

Yea Like I said earlier, I have some non nude paysites so when this went down, there were a LOT of people that sold their sites and moved south. Now that this NEW new law is coming, I think even more will get the frick out of dodge.

Here's the problem as I see it, the small guys are the ones being truly affected by this. The large guys have corp lawyers and all that good stuff and laugh at all this.The sick asses that are doing the child p*rn aren't really going to abide by this law, so it's imho a direct attack on those that produce "adult" images.

I agree, it's time to retire some of old heads who don't know any better.

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

If you publish your images and they fit within the definitions of 2257,(putting them on a website is publishing them), you must maintain records that comply with 18 U.S.C. 2257.  I agree with you, it is much easier if you are just operating a single website and not selling them.

Your records, however, are subject to the same scrutiny.  You are also required to have them available twenty hours per week, during normal business hours (or if you don't maintain normal hours you must register a set of twenty hours when inspectors can come in without notice and review your records.  No warning or warrant is required.

The definitions under 2257 of what qualifies is going to become much more comprehensive.  For those who sell images, even ones that are quite tame, the record keeping requirements (and the obligations to share and cross-reference records) is quite extensive.

This is no little thing, but I do agree that it is easier for those who are not in the business of selling images, who merely shoot them as a hobbyist.

Sep 16 05 02:03 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

QuaeVide wrote:

If I have my own web site, will I need to give a copy of the documentation to the hosting company?

ISP's / Hosting companies are exempt from record keeping as long as they have no direct control of the content of your website / web pages or domain.

You need to, however, refer to the notices part of 28 CFR Part 75 (the regulations) because the 2257 Compliance Notice is specifically called out there as to wording and typeface size as you present it on the site. It's all in the regulations.


Sep 16 05 02:23 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

mag-jr wrote:
Yea it's a big mess. There was some concern when the new (old new) laws hit the fence as in canada, it's against the law to give out  such info. As a paysite owner, I'd never give out info to affiliates as once word got out, everyone would become one just to get their favorite talent's info.

I wonder if gov sees the stupidity in their claims?

Don't worry it's against the law where I am also (UK) to process personal information to anyone outside the EU and where, like the US, there is no equivalent to the Data Protection Act. There must also be explicit permission to do so in any case from the model/talent.


Sep 16 05 02:28 pm Link



Posts: 462

Atlanta, Georgia, US

mag-jr wrote:
Yea Like I said earlier, I have some non nude paysites so when this went down, there were a LOT of people that sold their sites and moved south. Now that this NEW new law is coming, I think even more will get the frick out of dodge.

Down south..."bible belt", err.....nevermind. 

Here's the problem as I see it, the small guys are the ones being truly affected by this. The large guys have corp lawyers and all that good stuff and laugh at all this.The sick asses that are doing the child p*rn aren't really going to abide by this law, so it's imho a direct attack on those that produce "adult" images.

I agree, it's time to retire some of old heads who don't know any better.

If you aren't already familiar with the case, I'd recommend reading about Phil Harvey & the legal retaliation that he launched following the governments attempt at shutting down Adam & Eve - not only did he win, but the gov. got to foot the legal bill.  He was one of the small guys, everyone around him was being shut down & threatened for distribution of "obscene materials" [in Texas, that could consist of the dozen carrots you have in your crisper btw] - Phil had nothing to lose, they couldn't jail his wife b/c he didn't have one...and now he's pretty well set financially, puts alot of the A&E profits towards sex education in 3rd world countries.  Go figure!

Sorry, total tangent there, just have a personal thing for freedom of expression and seeing the underdog put the conservative morality driven ideologues back in their place....

Sep 16 05 02:35 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Peter Dattolo wrote:
Yes the photog would supply them unless it is not Tyler responcibility to keep that info and that falls on the photographer. All this data will be given in advance before anything is done. This would not be something that is done the day of.

In passing this law they could very well separate the host from the content provider. If they left it as one unit the same info would be copied over and over and over which is unnessary.

The ISP / HOST is exempt BUT Tyler operates a moderated + membership / subscription website, as do many others, and as such he and the mods are considered to have control of the content - thus they are responsible and subject to record keeping... as opposed to, say, Usenet where there are no moderators and the (news)site is completely open to the public to post.


Sep 16 05 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 462

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I don't suppose any MODELS are keeping tabs on this sort of thing are they?  *rolls eyes*

I can't even count the number of 'models' I've asked for ID - just as standard practice [sorry no sordid secrets here] - and gotten the "huh?" *deer in the headlights* look.  I normally make them a few extra photocopies to take with them and advise them to do some homework.  Maybe I should just start charging babysitters fees.

Likewise, when I model, I am more often that not the person who brings a photocopy of my ID with me - I've been asked for a copy of my ID a whopping ONE time.  Again, it was for general safety of all parties involved, nothing lurid about it.  Only years down the road and many shoots later did I realise I've been lucky enough to develop a working relationship with somebody who's proven not only to be one of the most creative artists I've collaborated with to date, but also one of the most respectful & intelligent people I have ever had the pleasure of working with in this industry.  Go figure.

Sep 16 05 02:56 pm Link