Forums > Photography Talk > Fetish photography questions... yes fetish topic



Posts: 1020

San Francisco, California, US

actually, i meant 'yes another fetish topic' but it got cut off :-p


i'm actually looking for information. i'm not a photographer though!

to explain, i'm running a discussion tomorrow during a fetish photography workshop. what i'm interested in knowing, is from your point of view, say you were interested in shooting fetish, what kinds of questions would you ask, if you had very little, or no experience at all?

I will be at the workshop with 2 other models as well. basically i'm also offering up my opinions and experience of working in this area for over a decade now in the US, Canada, and all over Europe. I don't profess to know much at all about photography (except what it is that *I* find appealling and knowing how to express it). but what i CAN do is tell the audience my viewpoints and takes on the subject while giving them 3 great models to shoot after the discussion.

basically, what i'm looking for are talking points to guide this 1.5 to 2 hour forum. and not being a photographer, i'd like to know what you would want to know and what your concerns would be (if you were to have any interest on the subject). any suggustions?

Sep 16 05 03:03 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Hi Kumi,


What is fetish?  Does the dictionary definition suffice or is it a cultural thing that one must be into to understand?

What does a model expect the images to do?  Excite, show her off, decorate a book?

Can I presume that fetish models who do bondage don't mind being handled?  Can I make any other assumptions about fetish models as opposed to the smiling blond girls I usually shoot? 

Does it require an understanding of fetish or some inside information to make good fetish photographs?

Isn't rubber all hot and slippery (or sticky) after awhile?

Does this stuff turn you on or is it a style statement?


Sep 16 05 03:37 pm Link



Posts: 1020

San Francisco, California, US

of course the definition is where i will start
only instead of giving the definition, i think instead i will ask the people attending the workshop what THEY think it is.
it's different for everyone so instead of imposing my ideas on them, i figured i'd be able to ask them what they think of when they hear the word or attempt to put the theme into their work.

(this way i can also more easily split them into the 3 shooting groups)
if 4 guys have a thing for feet n stockings, well hell, i'll make sure they're shooting a girl that'll cater to that!

Sep 16 05 03:52 pm Link


Don Spiro

Posts: 194

Astoria, New York, US

A photographer having little or no experience shooting fetish or other materials could not learn to be an artist from one shoot.

I am in the reverse situation, I am teaching a class on pin up modeling for models. I don't expect them to all be pefect models, but I can teach the nuts and bolts of the before and after.

So if I were to be in your position, I might do that. Discuss how to find a model, what questions a model might ask, how to hire stylists, how much to pay/be paid, and (very important!), photoreleases. Maybe even discuss options of distribution and exhibition (websites, magazines, calendars) and how to treat a model professionally (be polite, show up on time, etc).

Hope this helps.


Sep 16 05 03:53 pm Link



Posts: 1020

San Francisco, California, US

well i can't teach them how to be an artist - or a successful one - as i mentioned above.

i can give them some of my background though.

the studio also has classes on nudes, and bondage too.
but i requested that there be no bondage whatsoever.

there is someone there that's co-hosting with me that is a photographer though. so i'm not in this alone!

though discussing releases/rights might be interesting.

but what i do want to do is make it a fetish-centric workshop with information that wont be available in all the other workshops too.



Sep 16 05 08:49 pm Link



Posts: 56

Lauderhill, Florida, US

The idea of the workshop is for photographers to learn more about fetish photography if they know little or nothing about it?

You as a model are offering your experiences in doing fetish shoots.


What types of personalities will they encounter for fetish shoots. Most fetish models are nothing like mainstream ones.

How much direction will they need to give.

How much do those types of shoots cost them?

What will they use the content for?

Will they be stereotyped for being fetish photographers?

Do they need to supply the attire and makeup?

How much interaction is allowed during a fetish shoot?

How many looks should they go for during the shoot?

Can they get a fetish model to try a fetish she is not used to?

Sep 16 05 09:02 pm Link



Posts: 1020

San Francisco, California, US

oh wow. some of those are neat...

like the personalities question. (tho in the end, it's still a job - a model working with a photographer - and hopefully, in a professional athmosphere).

but then it also opens up into a different area too which i may go into...
different cultures handle shoots (fetish and otherwise) in varying manners.

i also like the question on stereotyping.
honestly, i find placing a label on oneself as a fetish photographer in the end is a disservice. it pigeon-holes the photographer into a category and doesnt even allow for them to receive credit as a photographer pure and simple.
but it's not a bad thing necessarily, but limiting if one wants to do more.

attire and makeup is always a good thing to cover.
most models dont have the wardrobe i have ! ;-)

Sep 17 05 12:13 am Link


Arturo J

Posts: 126

Fremont, California, US

I'd have found this an interesting workshop if only to
understand the genre a bit better. I've got the photo-end
covered but I'll admit to not having "fetish-photo" experience
and prefer a primer of sorts. Good luck on the workshop, Kumi:-)

Sep 17 05 12:46 am Link


Geoff H

Posts: 26

South Holland, Illinois, US

kumi wrote:
If 4 guys have a thing for feet n stockings, well hell, I'll make sure they're shooting a girl that'll cater to that!

Stockings?  Did someone say stockings?  That's music to my ears!

Anyway, there is one thing I have to mention as far as the word FETISH goes.

Some people think automatically when they hear the word FETISH, they automatically think BONDAGE.

Let me be very loud and clear on this-  NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO and NO.

That is absolutely not the case.  And no, I don't do bondage shoots.  I'm not against it, just not my thing.

Those who love a woman's legs (and very proudly, I'm one of them), that's a FETISH. 

Those who like a woman's lips- that's a FETISH.

Those who like rubber and leather clothing on people- that's a FETISH.

Those who like muscles- that's a FETISH.

Those who who have an urge to dress up like Darth Vader (for what reason, I surely don't know)-that's a FETISH.

And yes, bondage is a FETISH.

But fetish does not mean bondage.  Got it?  Good.

I hope that helps.

Oh yeah, Koooo-meeeee- If you did not know by now, one of those sexy stocking  pix from our shoot last month is now up on my page here, sweetheart. 

Have fun lecturing.

Sep 17 05 12:59 am Link