Forums > General Industry > Redefining professional



Posts: 9

Chicago, Illinois, US

Maybe this has just been my experiences, but I've done some thinking about responses from quite a few different people and companies who claim to be professional.  E-mails with massive grammical errors and misspellings, suggesting something after I had declared not to do it, and unclear details.  Sorry to be vauge, but I don't want to point any fingers.

How these people present themselves through their actions/words doesn't leave me believing they really are professional and I'm not sure what to think.

Sure, no ones perfect - heck I may even have some misspellings in this post, but come on. At least ACT the part. Don't call yourself professional unless you intend to act as such. Am I really expecting too much?

Thank you - I just really wanted to get that off my chest.

May 09 05 10:22 am Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

This is true and seen all the time.... I bet alot of it is caused by never getting a reply to emails - thus why take alot of time to write it up nice if it is not responded too..

And this is also why I make inquireies short and sweet...

" Please take a moment to look at my work - if you like what you see then pelase contact me..."

This gives the model complete control on weather she contacts me and I know based on her contacing me she has looked at my work and must sort of like it...

To give you an idea - lets take OMP for example - 100 requests our probably nets 4-5 real responses and then maybe 2 shoots..

May 09 05 10:26 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

A professional is someone who has intense knowledge of their business.  They understand business and market themselves properly (i.e., down to spelling and grammar).  They have objectives (which may or may not be financial) and they meet those objectives.  While they may inspire distaste from those at a lower level, they have the respect, and credentials, in the industry that they are a part of.

Should really have nothing to do with making money... although if the above is how one behaves, then making money generally follows.

May 09 05 10:30 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Rei: 
Sure, no ones perfect - heck I may even have some misspellings in this post, but come on. At least ACT the part. Don't call yourself professional unless you intend to act as such. Am I really expecting too much?

I argee wtih you ceomlptley. Poplee who cna't slpel are fukcnig mornos. Tehy sohlud all be soht pnoit bnlak in the fcae. And celalry tehy cna't posislby be preofsosainl.

Then again, if misspellings are something that bother you so much that you don't want to work with them, that's cool. I can see where you're coming from. Drives me batty when people misuse words. Like "to" and "too" and "two" ... "there" and "their" and "they're" ... "your" and "you're" - ugh. I hear ya.

When models do that, I'm thinking, "Uh, oh. Airhead. Wrote 'sole' instead of 'soul' - she's a nitwit."

May 09 05 10:35 am Link


Logan Seh

Posts: 93

Lansing, Michigan, US

I fully admit I can't speel for sh**...
though I don't classify myself as a professional either and don't solicit models

But yes anyone that is trying to market themselves, should definately have someone with good grammar and spelling skills proof them, if they are lacking in those areas

May 09 05 10:41 am Link



Posts: 9

Chicago, Illinois, US

I am not trying to call anyone who can not spell dumb or unknowledgable.  I'm just trying to touch on how someone presents themselves.

May 09 05 10:46 am Link