Forums > General Industry > TFP/TFCD...redefined...


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

I recently invested a nice chunk of change into lights and materials for my studio.

I've hired a make upartist as a company emplloyee.
We are also building sets fo revery shoot we book.

This said, I am putting out quite a bit of cash for one simple reason.


This said, I am redefning, my stance on TFP/TFCD..

From now on it's TFP- Time for Publishing..

I f I take the time to buld a set and pay a make up artist there will no longer be a free flowing, two way contract such as TFp as they are practiced now. (in general as I am sure this is no new idea)

From now on, if I approach a model for TFP, the concept is already in stone. And the shoot will be for the purpose of being published or sold.

The models will be able to use the images in their portfolio only. Minus the actual images chosen for submission.

What this means is the model will get some awesome shots and a chance to be published......AND ...Paid should the project sell.

What this also means is that there wont be 5 hair and clothing changes on a shoot.

I usually shoot three sets as I reconfigure during the shoot. And I have clothing style for each set change in mind.

We now shoot with a purpose that is business minded as well as driven by the heart of an artist
I feel, should I maintain this as our style of working, we will propel ourselves forward as a company.That is my hope anyway...


May 10 05 12:48 am Link



Posts: 4978

New York, New York, US


all the more power to u and  full speed ahead, damn the torpedos (yes I Know i butchered the line;-)

I love concepts and photographers who have a definite idea of what they want to do and for what

Good luck

May 10 05 12:57 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

It's reasonable. Why shouldn't you go into a shoot will specific goals in mind?

May 10 05 01:23 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Er... so you mean you will be TESTING.

May 10 05 09:06 am Link


Vico Mejia

Posts: 3

Adrian, Georgia, US

I totally agree, if I decide to release said photographs to anyone, it will be one, for profit, or to a decision that I get to make. My model release fairly clearly states that the photographs are mine. I tend to be pretty open with how I allow a model to use certain photographs after the shoots, but that ultimately is my decision at said time.

May 10 05 09:17 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

I do that most of the time.. I don't really shoot tests.. I just shoot editorials all the time.. and then send them out ..

I thought, that, that was normal.. I didnt think it was redefining anything... =\

May 10 05 10:10 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Um Vance, I shoot like that all the time...
It is one of the reasons I would never pay a model for my artwork.

I shoot for the purpose of artwork, it usually take me anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes for all the shots, depending on how many ideas I have come up with before the shoot.

I may do 3-4 extra poses just because I might think of something later, but in general, I have never gone over an hour for my artwork stuff.

when a model says x amount an hour, 3 hour minimum, I am think it is 6x the rate I should be paying! :-)

May 10 05 10:14 am Link


John Paul

Posts: 937

Schenectady, New York, US

  I'm only doing TFT.... that is, Time For Time... the model buys the images she or he wants to use for promotional materials which are intended to bring in PAID work why not?.....Why not charge for my low res, hard copy prints, or for comp cards...??  And if we can find a buyer for those images,! Let us make money with them..  :-)

  One more thing,... I don't want to work with "internet only" model any more... they just can't grasp the concept of paying for professional services any more... they have become used to  getting everything for free......and you can't make any money giving away everything all the time..


May 10 05 10:17 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Terrible idea. If all the "internet photographers" start to shoot like "commercial photographers," the competition will become overwhelming!

And what will happen to all the poor internet models who rely on photographers to "pay expenses" to fly them to shoots?

No. No. Don't start testing like a real photographer. You'll mess up the whole system. Just pay models out of your own pocket and give everything away for free. Why break with the traditions that are 7 years old by changing your shooting habits to a tradition that is 60 years old?

Yeah. Stay new. Fresh. Innovative. Cutting-edge.

I have a list of girls who would love for you to pay their airfare.

May 10 05 10:37 am Link


Tim Rogers

Posts: 21

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I have to chime in and agree.....

We are all in a business that works hand in hand....we should be working together to create images that serve a purpose....

I think that the problem comes in when that purpose is not clear. Like if the purpose it to enhance the models portfolio then there is no problem with there being a cost associated....if it is for the purpose of selling to a client then the model can get paid when the image sells....

Hey...I am not opposed to paying the model upfront for her time...but then unless there is an unreal request for the use of the image the transaction should be complete at the shoot....(not sure what the rules is here)

Anyway....I just don't understand the TFP animal....and how misused it is.....


May 10 05 10:42 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
Um Vance, I shoot like that all the time...
It is one of the reasons I would never pay a model for my artwork.

I shoot for the purpose of artwork, it usually take me anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes for all the shots, depending on how many ideas I have come up with before the shoot.

I may do 3-4 extra poses just because I might think of something later, but in general, I have never gone over an hour for my artwork stuff.

when a model says x amount an hour, 3 hour minimum, I am think it is 6x the rate I should be paying! :-)

May 10 05 11:23 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

This is what I was saying..If you read my original post..I said I knew it wasnt a new idea...I am redefinig how "I" do things within the company I own and run.

Paying models for shoots is still viable...However, I really no longer see the need to do so unless it is for a major in house commercial project.

Again, I am redefining my attitude towartds is an animal with many faces...


May 10 05 11:26 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 
Er... so you mean you will be TESTING.

That doesn't sound like any testing I know. It sounds like spec.  When "real" "photographers" tell me they want to test, I don't expect to sign a release. I do expect that from amatuers trying to sound impressive by calling a TFp "test."

May 10 05 11:30 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 
Er... so you mean you will be TESTING.

That doesn't sound like any testing I know. It sounds like spec.  When "real" "photographers" tell me they want to test, I don't expect to sign a release. I do expect that from amatuers trying to sound impressive by calling a TFp "test."

I've been testing models for a client the past two weeks for potential use in a catalog in Grand Caymen.  We narrowed it down to about a dozen potentials from nearly 400 submissions.  Two will be selected.  Of course they don't sign a release - models signing full releases in TFP are not doing the brightest thing in the world either, IMHO.  What can I say, I'm an amateur trying to sound impressive, LOL.

May 10 05 11:38 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

But you're not planning to publish those test images. I think Vance means that he is going to try to sell those images, so they're the finished product.

May 10 05 11:48 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by theda: 
But you're not planning to publish those test images. I think Vance means that he is going to try to sell those images, so they're the finished product.

Let me say this...

Test, TFP..blah blah blah...
I shoot for one reason and one reason only..TO BE PUBLISHED..TO SELL...To Market...

My idea of a "test" are those shots I do to test my lights..

Every one will sign a release, in which it states, I maintain the rights to the photos. All, of the photos I take from now on will be fo submission purposes. PERIOD.. I am not simply shooting for fun anymore..

There are plenty of models that want to shoot with a solid production company. Knowing they will get great shots and potential pay. That is a true and fair trade off. My pictures will not simply sit on a hard drive or on an internet site.

Should I decide to produce an in house project..such as a calendar or promotion, then and only then will I pay models.

Outside of that, we are a photgraphy studio with pretty damn good rates.

The whole TFP thing no longer servess a purpose in my new business plan.

I shoot for final product and then market that product.

Like I said befoe..I now see it as Time For Publishing.

One last note.. testing to me is this....
I have a project I am going to shoot.. I have models come in for a test shoot.. this means I wam checking them out.. looking for good energy, looks, poise...

I am "testing" the talent to see if they fit what I am looking for... A face to face as it were..


Have a great day...

Thaks for the feedback..I see this will always be a great topic for discussion.


May 10 05 01:11 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I always put an addendum in my copyright releases, that I give the model and put on the CD, that the model only has the right to use the images for self promotion (internet sites, ZED cards,) that they do not have the right to use them for commercial uses (poster, mugs, coffee table books.)
Hee-hee---like a model would put out a coffee table book and not tell me, sometimes I get too surreal for my own good.
I also have the model sign a release to the make-up artist so that he/she can also use the images for self promotion,


May 10 05 01:30 pm Link


John Paul

Posts: 937

Schenectady, New York, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
Terrible idea. If all the "internet photographers" start to shoot like "commercial photographers," the competition will become overwhelming!

And what will happen to all the poor internet models who rely on photographers to "pay expenses" to fly them to shoots?

No. No. Don't start testing like a real photographer. You'll mess up the whole system. Just pay models out of your own pocket and give everything away for free. Why break with the traditions that are 7 years old by changing your shooting habits to a tradition that is 60 years old?

Yeah. Stay new. Fresh. Innovative. Cutting-edge.

I have a list of girls who would love for you to pay their airfare.

ROFLMAO!!!!  :-)  :-)


May 10 05 01:48 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Your mission statement sounds okay to me, but you might want to word it a little more...diplomatically.  I know that when a model I'm interested in tries to come on strong with what they will and what they won't do it just turns me I would think that models would feel the same way.  I do know of a few photographers who have some hard core profiles [no names please] but they're already pretty well established in their fields.

I don't disagree with a word you said...just be careful how you say it.

May 10 05 02:11 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by Melvin Moten Jr: 
Your mission statement sounds okay to me, but you might want to word it a little more...diplomatically.  I know that when a model I'm interested in tries to come on strong with what they will and what they won't do it just turns me I would think that models would feel the same way.  I do know of a few photographers who have some hard core profiles [no names please] but they're already pretty well established in their fields.

I don't disagree with a word you said...just be careful how you say it.

Careful how I say what..please elaborate....I dont see any statements I made to be less than honest and tactful.


May 10 05 02:56 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

I started doing everything you said during the summer of last year.  Only 4 months and it started getting really expensive.  lol spent too much and wasn't making enough.  Stopped trying so hard on getting published and worked more on promoting myself.

May 11 05 01:23 am Link


Jon Scott Visual

Posts: 1529

Think that's crazy?

I know shooters in the fitness industry that not only pay the models a decent rate (average of $75 an hour) but give them ALL of the images produced, as well!

"Gee, can I purty-please pay you for the privilege of populating your paysite so that you can make EVEN MORE money from my images????"

I call them "schmotographers."

Try breaking into THAT field with the business model that the rest of the world uses...

May 11 05 01:58 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
I started doing everything you said during the summer of last year.  Only 4 months and it started getting really expensive.  lol spent too much and wasn't making enough.  Stopped trying so hard on getting published and worked more on promoting myself.

I'm not quite sure where you were spending your money..but here is my appraoch..

If I am not paying models to come in and shoot, I can use that money for promoting. In the mean time, I shoot for final product. these images are submitted for possible publication. Now on the flip side of that, I also use the images for promotion.

So it is a win win situation for all. The model and myself.

Let's face it, this business is saturated. Anybody can show up for a shoot. I've paid models for shoots that I would'nd hire them for. I was just ignorant to the game.

We do, shoot things for in house projects to be sold. I pay models for those shoots so I own them out right from the start.

As far as submissions go, I like to use new talent..unpaid..knowing they are getting exsposure from a reputible company.

Again, we are more than a photography studio, we are a Video and Film production my avenues of approach are a tad broader then the typical photography studio.


May 11 05 01:55 pm Link