Forums > General Industry > Model Badmouthing Photographers (&vcv)


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I've noticed In the last 3 weeks that Models Badmouth Photographers, & other models TO other models & photographers.

1st I would like to say, for the models who shall remain nameless who call randomly to bitch & gripe & complain about other photographers, how do you know I wasn't at that particular photographer studio @ time of call, & he heard the whole thing?
How do you know that Im not related to she/he?
You just never know who your talking to.

Professionalism starts as an attitude, & if you have a bad attitude & INSIST on Badmouthing people, in studio or even on the street, thats the fastest way to get black listed.
Models & photographers talk, we don't live in a box, ok.

Another thing I've noticed is for newbie models who are JUST STARTING OUT, its completely unrealistic, to test with a photographer & DEMAND every single image (300+) to be retouched in 2 days, & given to you immediately.
& YOU do not tell the photographers & MUA's how it works.
If you're just starting out, take a tip from me, nothing happens immediately.

Also If you're only 17, & you're lying about you're age to get artistic nudes done of yourself, not only can the photographer get in trouble but SO CAN YOU. I've seen this more often than not, if you're underaged, you should not be taking nudes without parents present, if at all.

photogs, has this ever happened to you?

Agree/Disagree. ++personal experiences ++1st hand acounts.

Personally, Im sick of this shit. I know its unavoidable, but seriously its getting really old.

May 10 05 12:19 pm Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Some people just don't get along, this is what happens when those people meet. Some people talk shit because they for some reason think it makes them look better.

I like to talk shit about everybody! I talk about models, photographers, plumbers, mechanics. You name it I talk shit about it, but my skin is not so thin that I can't take it when it's dished back out.

However; I never say anything that I won't stand up proudly and say, " Yeah, I said that"

May 10 05 12:32 pm Link


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Posted by EMG STUDIOS: 
However; I never say anything that I won't stand up proudly and say, " Yeah, I said that"

Exactly. Their willing to talk but not back anything up.
Its oh I hate this person but shh dont tell tham I said that. Fuck that noise.
That pisses me off. I wont say or do anything Im not 110% proud to put my name on.
Glad we're on the same page with that.

May 10 05 12:34 pm Link


*Mike D*

Posts: 141

Los Angeles, California, US

99 percent of the people love my work...On OMP i have over 900 acknowledgments...I am always booked up, I have a ton of friends, and live a really nice life out here in LA. But their is always now and then some cracker that likes to say something negative about me...Most of the time he/she has never even met me....So for those who do know me can tell you I could care less...Remember talk is cheap and my photos speak louder then your little words!

May 10 05 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Cestra Winslow: 
Also If you're only 17, & you're lying about you're age to get artistic nudes done of yourself, not only can the photographer get in trouble but SO CAN YOU. I've seen this more often than not, if you're underaged, you should not be taking nudes without parents present, if at all.

This shouldn't be too big an issue since photographers should make copies of two pieces of identification, one with photo/age (driver's license).  Of course there can be fakes, but unless it's VERY good - it can be detected.  As for shooting underage models nude just because the parents are there, I would hope there's nobody here shooting kids in the buff, mom's permission or not.  :-)

May 10 05 12:43 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 
As for shooting underage models nude just because the parents are there, I would hope there's nobody here shooting kids in the buff, mom's permission or not.  :-)

Because heaven forbid we should have the next Jock Sturges or David Hamilton.

Just because you do not approve of a legal activity does not mean others have to conform to your skewed views.

Censorship in any form, particularly from one claiming to be an artist (as in a producer of some kind of art) is the start of a totalitarian state.

May 10 05 01:26 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
Censorship in any form, particularly from one claiming to be an artist (as in a producer of some kind of art) is the start of a totalitarian state.

Assuming that men will wait until girls are over 18 before they take naked photos of them is not a form of censorship. 

May 10 05 01:33 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 
Assuming that men will wait until girls are over 18 before they take naked photos of them is not a form of censorship.   

Actually It is Sexism and Censorship.

It is like me saying that Photographers should not take nude pictures of women over 120 pounds, or over the age of 24 or under 5'9" tall.

Since when is a minor necessarily a female and a photographer necessarily a male?

May 10 05 01:42 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 
Assuming that men will wait until girls are over 18 before they take naked photos of them is not a form of censorship.   

Actually It is Sexism and Censorship.

It is like me saying that Photographers should not take nude pictures of women over 120 pounds, or over the age of 24 or under 5'9" tall.

Um, question...?

What is the LEGAL stand point?

Isnt there a law?

And if there we not abide by it?

Since when is a minor necessarily a female and a photographer necessarily a male?

May 10 05 03:12 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Sure, Vance, there are plenty of laws, but none of them forbid photographing nude minors in non-sexual situations.

However, since there are some very uptight puritanical nutcases running around trying to imprison parents for photographing their infants naked on a bear skin rug, a lot of people don't even want to open the nekkid minor can of worms.

And god damn it, Ty. You should know by now boys TAKE pictures and girls are IN them. And dogs are boys and cats are girls. It's just the way things are, right?

May 10 05 03:19 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by theda: 
And god damn it, Ty. You should know by now boys TAKE pictures and girls are IN them. And dogs are boys and cats are girls. It's just the way things are, right?

I tried to explain the dog and cat thing to my son, since I always call my dog Zoe "He" when it's a She.....

Finally understood how that happened though....

Feline - Female
Canine - Caveman

May 10 05 03:23 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Vance, to answer your question on Legal Stand point.

In almost every state it is not illegal to photograph a minor with or without parental consent.

You do need parental consent however to do anything with the pics (i.e. contract)

In a few states, It is illegal to photograph a minor if they do not know / do not give consent. (it is called "Illegal Surveillence" - forgive spelling errors)

The problem in those states is the legality of a minor giving consent though. That has yet to be tested. (and they busted a guy last night in NY (I believe) for photographing up a woman's skirt with his cell phone. - made the news because it is going to be the first test of the law - Felony too.)

The problem is as Theda says.

May 10 05 03:27 pm Link


Viva Van Story

Posts: 615

Long Branch, New Jersey, US

Thank you for posting that... that's exactly how I feel.  When I see a model going on and on about a unhappy shoot or other photographers.. I just blacklist them because I haven't the time for any drama.  Posting public rants is just plain unprofessional and you should learn to communicate rather then just vent.  Lots of things bother me put I chalk it up to a learning experience rather then tell everyone my problems with someone.  my 2 cents.

Posted by Cestra Winslow: 
I've noticed In the last 3 weeks that Models Badmouth Photographers, & other models TO other models & photographers.

1st I would like to say, for the models who shall remain nameless who call randomly to bitch & gripe & complain about other photographers, how do you know I wasn't at that particular photographer studio @ time of call, & he heard the whole thing?
How do you know that Im not related to she/he?
You just never know who your talking to.

Professionalism starts as an attitude, & if you have a bad attitude & INSIST on Badmouthing people, in studio or even on the street, thats the fastest way to get black listed.
Models & photographers talk, we don't live in a box, ok.

Another thing I've noticed is for newbie models who are JUST STARTING OUT, its completely unrealistic, to test with a photographer & DEMAND every single image (300+) to be retouched in 2 days, & given to you immediately.
& YOU do not tell the photographers & MUA's how it works.
If you're just starting out, take a tip from me, nothing happens immediately.

Also If you're only 17, & you're lying about you're age to get artistic nudes done of yourself, not only can the photographer get in trouble but SO CAN YOU. I've seen this more often than not, if you're underaged, you should not be taking nudes without parents present, if at all.

photogs, has this ever happened to you?

Agree/Disagree. ++personal experiences ++1st hand acounts.

Personally, Im sick of this shit. I know its unavoidable, but seriously its getting really old.

May 10 05 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US


That's why i do my venting in private.

Although I did once have a photographer try to pump me for information" about bad experiences I may have had with other photographers like I was a daytime talk show. It was the first time I ever worked with him, and the LAST.

May 10 05 03:30 pm Link



Posts: 594

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

Posted by theda: 

That's why i do my venting in private.

Or with one person you can trust that does not have a big mouth.  It's going to have to come out in the open one way or another.

Once I learned I was to shoot with a model that I never worked with BUT knew she was saying some unfavorable things about me...I just told my client, "sorry either you find someone else to shoot her or find another model for me to shoot.  BUT if you insist...I will do my best (to be professional about it) and do what I am paid for."  During the shoot I remained busy (basically no time to speak with her) and I spoke to her when needed and professionally.

All went well....the client was happy.  The following year I got to choose the models.  She was not one of them.  Don't bite the hand that feeds you. 

May 10 05 03:41 pm Link


Viva Van Story

Posts: 615

Long Branch, New Jersey, US

I use this line in my own life (pro and personal).. if I'm not ready to say it directly to the person's face.. it's not said at all.  Things always come back and no one ever keeps their mouth shut like you may think. 

I had a shoot once working with two models.. one model shows up ranting about another photographer to the other model... I get an email months later from the photographer pissed at me even though I never said a WORD negative about him/her.  NEW RULE..  no ranting at my studio by anyone from now on!

Posted by michaelGIORDANO: 

Posted by theda: 

That's why i do my venting in private.

Or with one person you can trust that does not have a big mouth.  It's going to have to come out in the open one way or another.

Once I learned I was to shoot with a model that I never worked with BUT knew she was saying some unfavorable things about me...I just told my client, "sorry either you find someone else to shoot her or find another model for me to shoot.  BUT if you insist...I will do my best (to be professional about it) and do what I am paid for."  During the shoot I remained b

usy (basically no time to speak with her) and I spoke to her when needed and professionally.

All went well....the client was happy.  The following your I got to choose the models.  She was not one of them.  Don't bite the hand that feeds you.   

May 10 05 03:53 pm Link


John Swoger

Posts: 192

Peoria, Arizona, US

   I personally don’t badmouth anyone, model or photographer. If I had a bad experience with that person there is nothing to say the next person that works with him/her will have a bad experience as well. We are all different, so we click with some folks and not others such is life.

May 10 05 04:10 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
Censorship in any form, particularly from one claiming to be an artist (as in a producer of some kind of art) is the start of a totalitarian state.

Ty, in general- I agree with ya- Id just warn that I think you and I can both appreciate that even though individual liberty is a prized asset in a free government- the state does and should have a vested interest in protecting children.  Im all about state regulations to protect kids.  Once someone is 18- the state needs to stay outta my morality.

May 10 05 04:40 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by theda: 
However, since there are some very uptight puritanical nutcases running around trying to imprison parents for photographing their infants naked on a bear skin rug, a lot of people don't even want to open the nekkid minor can of worms.

Your statements are true and when folks do that, it is tremendously overboard.  Hopefully it is understood that "don't shoot nude photos of kids" doesn't equate to "don't take pictures of your infant in the tub or on the bear skin rug."  I agree, that's insane - no harm in that (except when you grow up and mom embarrasses you infront of the relatives with those old shots!  LOL).  Lot's of over 18's ready to pose, let's leave the children dressed.  Regardless of all other freedom's, children should be protected.

May 10 05 05:16 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 

Posted by theda: 
However, since there are some very uptight puritanical nutcases running around trying to imprison parents for photographing their infants naked on a bear skin rug, a lot of people don't even want to open the nekkid minor can of worms.

Your statements are true and when folks do that, it is tremendously overboard.  Hopefully it is understood that "don't shoot nude photos of kids" doesn't equate to "don't take pictures of your infant in the tub or on the bear skin rug."  I agree, that's insane - no harm in that (except when you grow up and mom embarrasses you infront of the relatives with those old shots!  LOL).  Lot's of over 18's ready to pose, let's leave the children dressed.  Regardless of all other freedom's, children should be protected.

Absolutley- good clarification, Austin.  Did I mention my mom traumatizes me with a cute pic she has of me potty training.

May 10 05 05:20 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Jose- 

Posted by Ty Simone: 
Censorship in any form, particularly from one claiming to be an artist (as in a producer of some kind of art) is the start of a totalitarian state.

Ty, in general- I agree with ya- Id just warn that I think you and I can both appreciate that even though individual liberty is a prized asset in a free government- the state does and should have a vested interest in protecting children.  Im all about state regulations to protect kids.  Once someone is 18- the state needs to stay outta my morality.

Ok protection of kids is fine. I am all for it. However, if we as a society are going to draw a line in the sand, then let's draw it.

What is the age in every state right now where a female can make a legally binding decision that the courts will uphold and affirm?

At present that age is Puberty plus 1 month if she becomes pregnant.
That is correct folks, in every state thus far, a Girl can make a medical decision that is legally binding if she becomes pregnant.

At what age can a person see nudity in a theater without an adult (guardian)

Any age. The movie "A fish called Wanda." PG (not PG-13) contained nudity.

At what age can a person see sex and nudity together in a movie? 13 (PG-13 allows for sex acts and nudity in the same scene provided the nudity and overall act is brief)

At what age can a person get married?
14 in at least two states.

Get the point here?

The fact of the matter is that age is not the issue.
My personal preference aside, I am not going to be the one to stand up here and say Michaelangelo was a pervert for painting nude kids.

If you do, then you should be ashamed to be a photographer or an artist.

May 10 05 05:49 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Im goin back to the shout box for some peace and tranquility!! lol

May 10 05 05:59 pm Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

Posted by Cestra Winslow: 
I've noticed In the last 3 weeks that Models Badmouth Photographers, & other models TO other models & photographers.

1st I would like to say, for the models who shall remain nameless who call randomly to bitch & gripe & complain about other photographers, how do you know I wasn't at that particular photographer studio @ time of call, & he heard the whole thing?
How do you know that Im not related to she/he?
You just never know who your talking to.

Professionalism starts as an attitude, & if you have a bad attitude & INSIST on Badmouthing people, in studio or even on the street, thats the fastest way to get black listed.
Models & photographers talk, we don't live in a box, ok.

Another thing I've noticed is for newbie models who are JUST STARTING OUT, its completely unrealistic, to test with a photographer & DEMAND every single image (300+) to be retouched in 2 days, & given to you immediately.
& YOU do not tell the photographers & MUA's how it works.
If you're just starting out, take a tip from me, nothing happens immediately.

Also If you're only 17, & you're lying about you're age to get artistic nudes done of yourself, not only can the photographer get in trouble but SO CAN YOU. I've seen this more often than not, if you're underaged, you should not be taking nudes without parents present, if at all.

photogs, has this ever happened to you?

Agree/Disagree. ++personal experiences ++1st hand acounts.

Personally, Im sick of this shit. I know its unavoidable, but seriously its getting really old.

I cannot agree with you more on this! I have seen it happen on other sites and to be honest life is way to short for attitudes like this. Personally I model because I enjoy collaborating with the photographer when it comes making kick-ass images and those take time.

Recently I shot with a really cool lady by the name of Regent and we got along great. We had a shoot last night and we came up with some really cool images when we shot in the hallway of the office building where her studio is.

Although I have to admit it was quite funny seeing the reactions to the occupants of the building when they saw this strange redheaded woman in a black suit and sunglasses wearing an earpiece and carrying what looked like a very realistic Desert Eagle handgun. I had to tell them it wasn't real until they saw Regent with her camera.

I enjoy shooting with her and I realize that with her job that makes her money, that it comes first. So results are going to take time. So if you're only 17 and expecting results right now, I hate to break it to ya kids, but it ain't gonna happen. A true professional is patient.

Besides, if you want to learn more about the modeling industry, check out America's Next Top Model. They can show that being a model is not all glitz and glamour and yes, sometimes (gasp!) you have to do your own make-up when you do runway shows and go to events! See being a model does not mean that everyone has to cater to you hand and foot and have mommy and daddy hold your hand every step of the way. If they did you wouldn't make it.

So if you want this bad enough, stop lying about your age if you are minor to get artistic nudes done. It is very illegal! Two stop bad mouthing other models and photographers, because it reflects badly on you. And three, if you can't handle it, find another profession.

May 10 05 07:35 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted By Viva Van Story:
When I see a model going on and on about a unhappy shoot or other
photographers.. I just blacklist them because I haven't the time for any

Amen to that. When anyone ever shows the slightest hint of melodrama, I avoid them at all costs. It's petty, juvenile and pathetic. I graduated highschool a long time ago. I'm not interested in returning to the Internet-equivalent of the cafeteria.

Could you ever imagine Herb Ritts, Cindy Crawford, Helmut Newton, Linda Evangelista, or Elle MacPherson hanging out on websites spreading drama and crap? No. I don't think so.

Gee, I wonder why?

Maybe because real professionals are too busy with their actual careers to care about what people say in a blog or a message board? Yeah. That could be.

As a friend said to me once, "The great thing about the Internet is that you can start to learn and build a career and make all your mistakes in an arena where no one who matters is paying attention."

May 10 05 08:07 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

When I do business with anyone and they start badmouthing another person to me, I avoid both of them in the future.

Suppose a model starts trashing another photographer to me. OK, So maybe the photographer is a jerk. But I'd just learned that I am dealing with a model that is going to trash me if I don't make him/her happy. So it's just easier to avoid working with someone who is spreading bad Karma.

And, suppose a model is trashing another photographer to me, I figure "OK something went wrong there. I don't need it." so I just avoid the photographer, too.

I see a lot of threads on modelling sites in which photographers or models are dishing on eachother. If you go around publicly dishing on people, there is no way you can come out of it looking good. Period.

Like my grandma always said, "if you can't say something nice, best say nothing at all."


May 10 05 08:28 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

In this industry, there's so much drama in the LBC, it's hard being Snoop D oh Double G.

May 11 05 01:14 am Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

Posted by Marcus J. Ranum: 
When I do business with anyone and they start badmouthing another person to me, I avoid both of them in the future.

Suppose a model starts trashing another photographer to me. OK, So maybe the photographer is a jerk. But I'd just learned that I am dealing with a model that is going to trash me if I don't make him/her happy. So it's just easier to avoid working with someone who is spreading bad Karma.

And, suppose a model is trashing another photographer to me, I figure "OK something went wrong there. I don't need it." so I just avoid the photographer, too.

I see a lot of threads on modelling sites in which photographers or models are dishing on eachother. If you go around publicly dishing on people, there is no way you can come out of it looking good. Period.

Like my grandma always said, "if you can't say something nice, best say nothing at all."


Yeah I agree whole heartedly. It's not a good way to get gigs, paying or otherwise.

May 11 05 05:06 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Ok Everyone Back on your heads!! "Breaks Over"

May 11 05 05:45 am Link



Posts: 346

Portland, Oregon, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
In this industry, there's so much drama in the LBC, it's hard being Snoop D oh Double G.

ROFL! I wholeheartedly agree!

May 11 05 08:41 am Link


Jeff Bowlin

Posts: 162

Tucson, Arizona, US

May 11 05 11:21 am Link



Posts: 7840


Posted by John Swoger: 
   I personally don’t badmouth anyone, model or photographer. If I had a bad experience with that person there is nothing to say the next person that works with him/her will have a bad experience as well. We are all different, so we click with some folks and not others such is life. 

what if its bad - and the guy is dangerous.
And u know others afraid of  / upset by - or concerned about...

What can we do on here re: that guy that we had to go to the police about - no bad mouthing - just safety

coz theres always some who were ok with the guy to recommend him...and YES there one here NOW and his pics are GOOD...


ps I asked for references (and the gals mislead me ,by accident being too weak to say what he was like)That' s before i worked. After, I asked again - one gal was crying and the other one said she just  felt like it was all her fault...and her boyfriend was in the picture so...
She was a novice, no release, thought he  shouldn't have been touching her and calling her pet names and taking photos of here changing...but didn't say anything.


u gals need assertion training!!

May 11 05 11:25 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Interesting when this was one of my tips about being a professional model thing It got blasted by some of the people now defending it.

IF YOU HAD A BAD EXPERIENCE with a photographer,
Do not get into a pissing match with him.
Act nice, act professional, walk away.

Maybe even make a section called Photographers I have worked with. References about them available on request.

then when Becky Model asks you about Pervy Photog, you simply say, "It would be unprofessional of my to state my opinions of him."

This way, You ahve said nothing bad, The model is warned, and the Jerk is avoided and damaged much more than by you simply coming in here and saying - Merv the Perv touched me and shot our pictures with a disposable!!

May 11 05 11:36 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Take complaints with a grain of salt...
and consider the source...

May 12 05 08:32 am Link