Forums > General Industry > Modeling in the real world (a list) (my 1st rant)


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

I rarely ever rant or even get aggravated, but lately I have read lots of posts about what folks will or won't do for their chosen profession (modeling specifically).  I made a list of things that models (and photographers/actors/ etc)  face everyday. You have to learn to suck it up and go on for crying out loud, if you ever hope to "make it" in this business. Forgive me if I sound bee-yotch-y.  I am in doing EVERYTHING in my power to make it and get tired of hearing people whine while expecting others to do it for them.
Feel free to add to the list or debate a point.

1.  You do NOT need a manager!
2.  You do NOT need a portfolio to begin.
3.  Agencies LOVE snapshots of you against a PLAIN background.
4.  You WILL eventually have to cut, color, braid, whatever your hair. Get used to it.
5.  You WILL be asked to lose/gain/tone your body weight. Get used to  that.
6.  You WILL be stressed to the max.
7.  You WILL get hit on…lots…by men and women! You will be groped, felt up, made to feel uncomfortable…I KNOW THIS.  Be Prepared.
8.  You WILL eat lots of ramen noodles. Develop a taste for it.
9.  Chances are you WILL NOT be an overnight sensation.  Get used to sleeping on thefloor of  your buddies/bff’s/moms best friends uncles girlfriends floor.  Suck it up.
10. You WILL wait tables, mop floors, say “would you like fries with that” for a while...maybe a long while.
11. If you are 5’3” and 145 lbs, you WILL NOT do runway/fashion for a major market. Doen matter whether you are a guy or a girl.  That is just the way it is.
12. Most likely you WILL NOT get discovered at the Starbucks.  Get off your duff and get out to open calls.
13. You WILL PAY for a shoot at some point.  Agencies will most likely require you to shoot with one of their preferred photographers. And you WILL.
14. Please DO NOT expect to get paid for your 1st, 2nd, or 15th shoot unless you are
       A) exceptional B) willing to show boobies (ladies) or C) LUCKY.
15. Know that the LITTLE THINGS will follow you.  Be polite. Answer emails. Be professional. Don’t gossip.
16. You are NOT a professional just because you have done 3 TFP’s. Don’t put it on your port that you are. Other professionals will expect things from you that you may not know how to do yet. There is no shame in being NEW.
17. Saying NO politely is always an option. Flaming is NOT.
18. Being an editorial/fashion model is NOT the be all/end all. There is lots of money to be made and lots of fame to be gleaned from doing commercial/print/alt/fetish/etc modeling. Pick what suits your body type and desires.
19. You WILL be asked to “sex up” your portfolio, do nudes, implied nudes, or other things that may offend your sensibilities. Get used to it and refer to # 17.
20. You DO NOT tell an agency what you will or will not do. They WILL tell you what they want & you can make a decision that is right for you.  The agency MAY or MAY NOT decide to represent you at that point.
21. You WILL hear “NO” many, many times. Toughen up for it.
22. This is NOT a glamorous life. It is hard. Long hours, walking miles, subways, little sleep, loneliness, rude comments, and lots of “No thank you’s”, will be the norm.
23. People WILL think it is their constitutional right to judge you, tell you that you are fat/skinny/ugly/don’t look like a model. Expect it and try to develop a tough skin.
24. Things WILL bother you. You WILL want to cry/quit/jump off a bridge. Just cry, it is ok and doesn’t make you weak, just human. DO NOT, however, jump off a bridge. It won't help.
25. You WILL have to work with people that you loathe, are not attracted to, or who you think smells awful. Suck it up. You are a professional, this IS your job!
26. You WILL have to work out/eat right/take care of your body. Just do it already.
27. Water IS your friend.
28. Drugs are NOT.  However, they are easy to come by. Refer to # 17.
29. Remember, if you DO “make it”, you were once new. Act accordingly.
30. There is more than enough hate in the world. . LOVE yourself, your family, your friends. They WILL be there for you when the world stops cheering!
31. If you ask for critiques from anyone, expect the truth and LISTEN. Take what others tell you, apply what is needed & discard the rest. This will help you grow in your profession and in life.
32. Have FUN for this too shall pass.
33. Just because you “want this more than anything in the world” DOES NOT mean that it will happen for you. Give it your best but have a back-up just in case.
34. Just because you get signed by the biggest/best/prettiest agencies in the world, you CAN NOT expect to sit back and get rich and/or famous! You MUST still work/network/bust your butt to get ahead. Agencies sign lots of people. Not all of them “make it”. TRUTH.
35. You WILL be lied to/led on.  It is the nature of the business. SMILE.

Sorry if I offend anyone. This is just the way that I see it in the world I am living in right now...and I miss my mommy sad (sorry, just my whine for the day, we all get one, right?)

Aug 23 07 05:23 pm Link


Megan Mariee

Posts: 7885

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

*Waves at peabo*
Feel better?

Aug 23 07 06:33 pm Link



Posts: 692

Reading, Kansas, US

Definately agree with Peabo big_smile
Nicely put, a real productive way to spend time, seriously!

Hope people can benefit from this proper advice

Aug 23 07 06:36 pm Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

36.  always view long lists of this and that as subjective at best.  no two paths are the same and no two walk a path the same, grasshopper.

--face reality

Aug 23 07 06:38 pm Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6024

Chico, California, US

And while we're at it, can we address plus modeling? I recently received this message:

You don't think I'm plus sized? Everyone I spoke to has been telling me that I am?

I don't care what everyone says. Being heavy does not make one a plus model.

Aug 23 07 06:40 pm Link



Posts: 7910

Boston, Massachusetts, US

The Peabo wrote:
25. You WILL have to work with people that you loathe, are not attracted to, or who you think smells awful. Suck it up. You are a professional, this IS your job!

I don't know. I got to pretend to kiss this hot guy for a photoshoot once.

Anyway, yes, Peabo. You are so fucking right. Every new model needs to read this.

Aug 23 07 06:40 pm Link



Posts: 1237

New York, New York, US

Alot of this is really good advice

Aug 23 07 06:46 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

The Peabo wrote:
I rarely ever rant or even get aggravated, but lately I have read lots of posts about what folks will or won't do for their chosen profession (modeling specifically).  I made a list of things that models (and photographers/actors/ etc)  face everyday. You have to learn to suck it up and go on for crying out loud, if you ever hope to "make it" in this business. Forgive me if I sound bee-yotch-y.  I am in doing EVERYTHING in my power to make it and get tired of hearing people whine while expecting others to do it for them.
Feel free to add to the list or debate a point.

Thanks a lot Peabo!

You should participate more and set some models straight.

Nice job, important rant!

Aug 23 07 07:06 pm Link



Posts: 9795

Bethpage, New York, US

awesome peabo.  best rant ever.

Aug 23 07 07:10 pm Link


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

FaceReality wrote:
36.  always view long lists of this and that as subjective at best.  no two paths are the same and no two walk a path the same, grasshopper.

--face reality

Agreed to a point.  We all walk very separate paths and often end up in different places BUT, at least in the fashion world, many of the same detours that I listed hit us all!

Aug 23 07 07:10 pm Link


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

Diana Miranda wrote:

I don't know. I got to pretend to kiss this hot guy for a photoshoot once.

Anyway, yes, Peabo. You are so fucking right. Every new model needs to read this.

umm...yep...maybe that should be reworded to say.."And occasionally you will get to pretend to kiss a really hot girl with long brown hair" wink

Aug 23 07 07:13 pm Link


CTD- NYC Model

Posts: 969

Fairfield, Connecticut, US

Viktoria wrote:
awesome peabo.  best rant ever.

beat me to it!

Aug 23 07 07:13 pm Link


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

Megan Mariee wrote:
*Waves at peabo*
Feel better?

A little bit...I still miss my mommy...NYC is a big place...wink

Aug 23 07 07:15 pm Link


Carlos Occidental

Posts: 10583

Los Angeles, California, US

Nicely put, and entertainingly written.

Aug 23 07 07:24 pm Link


Karl Philip Duarte

Posts: 133

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The Peabo.....Been in this Buisness for 20 odd years and you hit right on the money.....Read and absorb and learn.....

Only one thing to add.....
You will meet some really nice people who will help you.....just watch out for the once who pretend to be friends .....those you will see if your eyes are open...and rememebr your gut is never wrong so listen to it

Sorry if Hijacked......

Aug 23 07 07:25 pm Link


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

Denny West wrote:
Nicely put, and entertainingly written.

Thanks, I actually want to be a writer.  I have written one screenplay, co-wrote one that is being independantly produced next month and am working on a modeling book...kind of a true/sorta story about model life.

Aug 23 07 07:26 pm Link


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

Karl Philip Duarte  wrote:
The Peabo.....Been in this Buisness for 20 odd years and you hit right on the money.....Read and absorb and learn.....

Only one thing to add.....
You will meet some really nice people who will help you.....just watch out for the once who pretend to be friends .....those you will see if your eyes are open...and rememebr your gut is never wrong so listen to it

Sorry if Hijacked......

Nope you sure didn't, I asked for additions and are right.  I have met some great people in this business...but I have been hurt really badly too!

Aug 23 07 07:28 pm Link


R. Cervelli

Posts: 1355

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Damn Peabo.. you hit it 100% on the button.. Good job buddy!

We should all campaign to take the OP and get it locked down on both Newbies and Model Matters. Well maybe take out the miss my mommy thing smile

it has my vote!

Aug 23 07 07:29 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

hmmm ,  a Calgary Lad done good ,,,

Aug 23 07 07:32 pm Link


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

Bob Cervelli wrote:
Damn Peabo.. you hit it 100% on the button.. Good job buddy!

We should all campaign to take the OP and get it locked down on both Newbies and Model Matters. Well maybe take out the miss my mommy thing smile

it has my vote!

Thank you!

Aug 23 07 07:39 pm Link


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

Garry k wrote:
hmmm ,  a Calgary Lad done good ,,,

Small town GA boy here but my mother agency is in Calgary and my bro, sis-in-law and 3 neices live in I can claim Canada...right?

Aug 23 07 07:42 pm Link



Posts: 268


Can we put this on the home page here?

Aug 23 07 07:48 pm Link


Marisa P

Posts: 378

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Your "rant" was actually very good advice!  Good job  smile

Aug 23 07 07:53 pm Link


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

Thanks all...I appreciate it and I really do feel better

Aug 23 07 07:56 pm Link


CJ - Boston

Posts: 1497

Boston, Massachusetts, US

That was very informative, long but informative.

Tx. for that !!!

Aug 23 07 07:57 pm Link


Tom Linkens

Posts: 6450

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

I can relate to most of those things you listed Peabo.

Just not 4,5, and 11. My height, wieght, eating habits, and hair/facial hair have no bearing on how the models I photograph end up looking. tongue

In fact I could work a shoot in a chicken outfit and still deliver as usual. And I want to book a shoot on one Halloween or another so I have an excuse to wear a costume to work lol

Aug 23 07 08:01 pm Link


FlirtynFun Photography

Posts: 13926

Houston, Texas, US

a 17 year old model with the wisdom of many times his years...awesome rant!

Aug 23 07 08:05 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Dude, we don't like the truth here.

Aug 23 07 08:06 pm Link


Meagan Colf

Posts: 422

Seligman, Missouri, US

Good stuff here! Should be a must read along with for all who think they "have what it takes"!!

Aug 23 07 08:06 pm Link


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

Tom Linkens wrote:
I can relate to most of those things you listed Peabo.

Just not 4,5, and 11. My height, wieght, eating habits, and hair/facial hair have no bearing on how the models I photograph end up looking. tongue

In fact I could work a shoot in a chicken outfit and still deliver as usual. And I want to book a shoot on one Halloween or another so I have an excuse to wear a costume to work lol

I will take part in that shoot if I can wear a bunny costume big_smile

Aug 23 07 08:08 pm Link



Posts: 858

Montreal, Wisconsin, US

great post Peabo!

Aug 23 07 08:10 pm Link


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

Iris Swope wrote:
Dude, we don't like the truth here.


Aug 23 07 08:10 pm Link


Hipgnosis Dreams

Posts: 8943

Dallas, Texas, US

Can we get this stickied?

And while we are at it, can we get the "post that will end badly" thread stickied as well?

Both really are that good... just for different reasons (even though a few of them overlap).

Aug 23 07 08:11 pm Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6024

Chico, California, US

Meagan Colf wrote:
Good stuff here! Should be a must read along with for all who think they "have what it takes"!!

Sorry, I didn't read your post because I was looking at your port. Holy hell you're gorgeous!

Aug 23 07 08:13 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The Peabo wrote:

Small town GA boy here but my mother agency is in Calgary and my bro, sis-in-law and 3 neices live in I can claim Canada...right?

Ummm , I dunno

Aug 23 07 08:13 pm Link



Posts: 23614

Boston, Massachusetts, US

This should be permanently stuck at the top of the newbie forum!!!!!

Aug 23 07 08:16 pm Link


Tamara Cassanova

Posts: 123

Kenosha, Wisconsin, US

Nicely written luvie! Great advice for all to follow. Wish you the best with your career

Aug 23 07 08:17 pm Link


Tom Linkens

Posts: 6450

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

The Peabo wrote:

I will take part in that shoot if I can wear a bunny costume big_smile

Maybe Halloween 08. A certain model has dibs on this an Amazon.

Wait for it...

Aug 23 07 08:23 pm Link


The Peabo

Posts: 657

Los Angeles, California, US

Tom Linkens wrote:

Maybe Halloween 08. A certain model has dibs on this an Amazon.

Wait for it...

aaah OK...wink

Aug 23 07 08:37 pm Link


Meagan Colf

Posts: 422

Seligman, Missouri, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:

Sorry, I didn't read your post because I was looking at your port. Holy hell you're gorgeous!

Aww! Thanks! Appreciate that!

Sorry for the mini thread hijack!

Back to Peobo!!!

Aug 23 07 09:09 pm Link