
Ryan L Holbrook

Posts: 631

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

So this past summer I was tired of delivering pizzas for a living and finally decided that my photography was good enough for a very basic photography job.  I applied at this place in the mall that did very high end glamour shots.  Stuff I would love to do.  When I went there for the interview the guy looked at my portfolio and complemented me on my work.  More then just once, and he told me he thought I would be bored at that job.  Given I would be but its a foot in the door.  I follow up a week later.  At the time, I thought he was saying he didn't want me working there.  I spoke with the woman at the front and she said that she heard her boss (the guy who interviewed me) bragging about my work and said she saw one photo and loved it.  So I figured he wasn't b/sing me.  I never got a call, and they are still looking for a photog.

Its been 4 months and it is still bothering me.  I really don't think I'm that good.  I'm alright, and have a lot of luck, but not good.  Has anyone else had this problem?  And should this still be bothering me?

Nov 28 05 07:25 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Take it for what it is.  I'm surprised they looked at your portfolio at all.  He's worried that their formulaic methods and standardized lighting techniques will bore you to death in less than a week, and they would, so make a nice flyer out of some of your portfolio pieces, find an MUA who would work with you on a regular basis, and hire yourself out for portraits.

Nov 28 05 09:58 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Happens all too often and fustrating it is.

What is fustrating is that most people do not stay at any job in this field all that long.   So if they get a pion then that person will soon enough either progress or regress.

How many people just stay in the same place?

Nov 28 05 10:10 am Link


Ryan L Holbrook

Posts: 631

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

I got a job as a childrens photog.  Its better pay then the pizza stuff.  Much long hours though.  I'm hoping to get back in to weddings.  Hate dealing with the brides though, but for $3000, ill deal with it.

I will look up the mua thing.  There should be a few around me.  I have a bunch of people at my old job that are still in high school and wanna pay me to do their senior ports.  So I'm nabbing those too.

Nov 28 05 10:21 am Link


Ryan L Holbrook

Posts: 631

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

I got a job as a childrens photog.  Its better pay then the pizza stuff.  Much long hours though.  I'm hoping to get back in to weddings.  Hate dealing with the brides though, but for $3000, ill deal with it.

I will look up the mua thing.  There should be a few around me.  I have a bunch of people at my old job that are still in high school and wanna pay me to do their senior ports.  So I'm nabbing those too.

And the sad thing is I use natural lighting.  I just started using a lighting set up....its ok.  I like the sun better.

Nov 28 05 10:23 am Link