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Forums > General Industry > Marksora's Quantum W. Mechanics Hung modeling theory


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Disclaimer:  Marksora has a hard time forming coherent english sentences that Humans can understand.

The names have changed to protect the innocent and I has become a piece of fiction through creative writing. 

I speak mumble,  and I am the leader of the Land of Make No-sense.
(one more that I cannot recall)

But since I have heard complaint from the Gotham City Citizens,  I have come to the rescue.

(Gotham City was orginially named in an English novel and not Batman.
  It was named for a mythic city where the people were both Wise and foolish at the same time.  I think the name fits sites like this one.
Or until I can come up with one special for MM.)


So this is a work in progress.  And Marksora reserves the right to edit all of his posts and to say "what's you talkin bout Willis" and then deny that he ever wrote something.

This will be long and bore the stuffing out of many. 


This was originally written concerning the chances of a model becoming a big agency model when quite simply she was 5'1",  not thin, and pretty but not all that.  Nor did her father own Bennie Hanna's,  though I do love Devon even though I knew her baby sister.

" I just got started on this site, and have decided that I would be more comfortable if I was represented and watched out for by an agency. How do models go about getting a Manager? Do I have to participate in a shoot? I need guidance and feel I should have TRUSTED backup behind me and helping me through modeling and whatnot. Can you please let me know what I should do? Do I email and ask a photog/company if they like my work and will represent me? "

And add what the model said about herself, given that this could be anyone not in a major market.

I did a little bit of modeling when I was younger than I am today, but found that because I didn't grow to be any taller than 5'1" I had some trouble getting work. If there is any use for someone like this, then you can have me!


So without further ado.

Marksora's Quantum William Mechanics Hung theory of modeling with the Wob and Ambaa factor.

Originally written on March 9th,  2005.

May 25 05 11:52 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

At what I am trying you will have to decide for yourself.

Let me explain it in two ways or with two theories.

The theory of quantum machanics and the theory of William Hung of American Idol fame.

The theory of quantum machanics and the theory of William Hung state that all things are possible. That you could leap a building in a single bound or truly walk on water or through a wall. Or for that matter become a celebrity with no talent and a pain in the ars of a mother working as your agent.

  But to walk through a wall untouched, you might have to try every 2 seconds for the next million or billion years to be able to walk through a wall, given that there are 60 seconds in a minute, 3600 seconds in an hour, 86,400 seconds in a day, 31,536,000 seconds in year, and 31,536,000,000,000 seconds in a million years.

So to quote Bill Murray from Meatballs.

"It just doesn't matter, It just doesn't matter, It just doesn't matter, It just doesn't matter,

For even if even God from up in heaven above comes down and makes are players swim faster, run faster, and throw longer. It just doesn't matter because even if, even if, even if we win, it just doesn't matter for all the rich kids will get all the women." ( this refers to even if they take a woman 5'1", I am sorry to say she will most likely give up. I know, I know, so prove me wrong.)

Now take into effect the quotiant of how long it has been since Mark got some action besides with his teddy bears(don't be sick). Well that is 56,645,735, ------Oh, sorry, wrong topic,

Okay back again, so you take the Quantum W. Machanics Hung factor. And you add the factor of Rob and Amba on the Amazing Race and you see it just doesn't matter for Rob and Amba will go far because of rating. Ratings squared, with a piece of apple pie equals what the client wants and do the clothes fit. Take the thread in Body, beauty, and health on body size and you square that with the number taken from the previous equation and there you go.

Good ideas and theories is what we are essentially talking about. Not even advice but to come up with a theory that will unit the universe of modeling , pappazzi, sitcoms, and reality shows.

Yes, if she tries 15,768,000 times to become a supermodel, it could happen. but you must understand that there are no absolutes in this universe. This Quantum W. Mechanics Hung theory/ with the addition of the Rob/Ambaa factor states that it is only a maybe that she even would get a modeling contract and break even in the end, let alone become a supermodel like me.

And if we take a billion years which what I think it would take well then she would have to try 15,768,000,003 times to become a supermodel or even make a profit, given that her time is worth money and if she takes it as a hobby and becomes a doctor, cures cancer and becomes Queen of the world well then is that not better even then being a supermodel. I think the odds are better to cure cancer.

Shall I give you those numbers?

May 26 05 12:05 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

About 51.235% of the time my jokes have a point. It is just the other 51.235% that will drive you crazy.

That does not include the jokes from My dogs and crew of teddy bears.


but to the point yes there is a Kate Moss but most are Giselle look alikes.

Except for the asian hotties of course---heee, hee, heee, heeaaa, haaa, heeehh,

there is work to make a profit even working modeling at the local college for classes or even small jobs for small clients off the radar
but please do understand that this is different than the agency thing. I shoot off the radar a bit right now and I am in the big city.

You have to decide yourself if this difference is Okay for you but it is not the same as getting well paying commercial Magazine jobs.

That does not make it less than but just different than.

Now how does that factor into my Quatum theory of the world of Modeling?

Be honest in your replies.
You can be honest, I do not know about the rest but I will not mind.

Ahhh, the wannabes, I saw a special on them on PBS's Nature show. They have become well intergrated into society and have become confused as the hostess tribe found on the plains of trendy resturants.

The wannabes can be found wandering the plains of Chelsea, Noho, and Soho. They even have started to come into my area of the Lower East side. But a guy and a woman down the street shoot at them from the roof.

But we all come from the wannabe tribe at some point, some just never make it out of the village. Not to be confused with the more successful wannabe a doctor, or wannabe an astronaut tribes.

May 26 05 12:11 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

I stated that the model in question was beautiful. Her original question was in referrence to being represented. Possible by the Quatum W. Mechanics Hung theory but not likely and I was trying to help her and find a greater truth.

Did you not read this on the models page?
I did a little bit of modeling when I was younger, but found that because I didn't grow to be any taller than 5'1" I had some trouble getting work. If there is any use for someone like this, then you have me!

I never said she was not gorgeous but I say that it is unlikely that she would be able to make much of a profit with modeling. Fun yes, but profit?, well check the QWMHxR+A theory again.

Please do not put lies and made up facts into my mouth. I can do that myself.

As the philosopher Steve Martin stated.
"They printed lies and made up facts. I am shocked. Maybe next time I should not tell them lies and made up facts"


You are welcome to join the Class action suit, that I am starting against Barbie and Ken. Not the company for I have stock, but the dolls themselves. If Barbie can have that many jobs then she must have some of her own cash. And I want the cloning secret also.

And if Ken the manager took all her money, well I will sue him. And I do not care about the rumors that Ken blew all Barbie's cash at a strip club in Florida. I will sue the strippers or I will do Sue the stripper.

Of course after the law suit is settled and I take my 50% for my lawyer fee and then add in my consultantion fee with the accounting fee. You should get about 25 cents out of the millions. Nothing personel, it is what it is.

                                 Join now.

Of course, I do not know the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

And may you and the model find someday that what you
want and what you need and what you have or can have are the same things. I am still looking but close to finding the Holy Grail.


But let us take this statement and not link it to anyone anymore and answer the question based on the average woman or man that asks questions like it.

It is a good question and also I think my additional direction of the additional question were a good starting point.

" I just got started on this site, and have decided that I would be more comfortable if I was represented and watched out for by an agency. How do models go about getting a Manager? Do I have to participate in a shoot?  I need guidance and feel I should have TRUSTED backup behind me and helping me through modeling and whatnot. Can you please let me know what I should do? Do I email and ask a photog/company if they like my work and will represent me? "

                                 And add what the model said about herself, given that this could be anyone not in a major market.

                                 I did a little bit of modeling when I was younger, but found that because I didn't grow to be any taller than 5'1" I had some trouble
                                 getting work. If there is any use for someone like this, then you have me!

                                 To a certain degree it was answered already very well, by a photo agency. He said it might be possible but just be wise not to get ripped
                                 off. Possible but not likely. Is that such bad advice? I do not get it.

                                 A guy also discussed the option for the expanding nature of web photographer and the tribe of Guys with cameras. Yes, there
                                 is work of different sorts but the original question was looking for representation.
                                 We discussed that the odds are against her and procede with caution. Are we so bad for saying that? Well then Me Bad, sorry, or as the
                                 japanese say "summimasen" which literally sorry but it is more Excuuuuuussssssseeeee meeee, But I may do it again.

                                 See what happens when Mark takes time off? The theory of gravity is altered and the earth's rotation is altered.

Well I cannot name names of the named and those who name them but there is Miss mai dtem baht--The poster with an agenda, who can come in many forms to try to make the super heros fight amoung themselves, very clever that one.

This is not a Mai dtem baht.  A question that I know all the aswers to.  I am not just trying to start a cage match but to make a few of you laugh,  learn, and to have something to discuss not fight over.

I posted this separately for obvious reasons but the issues are ones we are talking about daily here.

A Mai dtem baht is a thailand term which literally means two 1/2 cent coins or maybe 2 cents.  Someone who logic is flawed or whom has bad intentions. 

I believe it is similiar to King Lear who was killed by his daughters for telling the truth.

May 26 05 12:24 am Link