Forums > Photography Talk > This is serious!



Posts: 10321

Bellingham, Washington, US

Fuser Lvia wrote:
What if the "contract" stated that the photographers wouldnt post the images without her permission and the shoot was tfcd but the model was kind enough to buy the cd and give the photographer gas money?? what if the model was also only 17 and the photographer decided to wave the guardian "policy" they said they had and was also in the contract???? what can she do then?

This of course is the only thing where an out  may be available. A 17 year old cannot enter into a binding contract without a co signer. Your best bet is to tell the photographer that is the facts, end of story and that if they proceed to piss you off you will take appropriate measures.  A sensible person, in business should be able to figure it  out that its just not worth the hassle.

Oct 16 07 06:14 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Fuser Lvia wrote:

well, i dont think i am that ugly. ...i guess i could be wrong smile. but, the photographer did not take any of the pictures , she then told me that her husband was going to be shooting me, and that they were a "team". or some bull shit like that, anyway, he couldnt hold still, the shots were all blurry and just at bad perspectives. plus it started to rain and he wanted to continue, thought it would be "sexy' sucked

I looked at your port. I think you're a cutie.

Oct 16 07 06:18 pm Link


Andrew Thomas Evans

Posts: 24079

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Christopher Hartman wrote:
I looked at your port. I think you're a cutie.

I second this.

Oct 16 07 06:25 pm Link


Steve Mellor

Posts: 75

Gloucester, England, United Kingdom

AndrewThomasDesigns wrote:

I second this.


If it's the pics that I found before (in the other thread), I wouldn't worry about them. They're not great, no, but they're not as bad as they could be and you have better stuff in your portfolio. I don't think you will loose any work because of them.

Oct 16 07 06:45 pm Link



Posts: 1550

Los Angeles, California, US

you're 17.... TELL the "photographer" to take you to court.  first off, you cannot sign a contract (model release) without a parent/guardian, and secondly depending on you states child labor law, they could be in violation and ordered to pay a HUGE penalty for photographing a minor without parent supervision.

let the judge tell em the rules.  and how dare they threaten a minor like that... they are definitely not so business savvy.....

now, i am off to find the image in question......

Oct 16 07 06:59 pm Link


Fuser Lvia

Posts: 25

Dallas, Texas, US

i just want te photographer to either leave me alone or take the pics down. she is getting into my personal life and saying all of these untrue and cruel things about me and my boyfriend. its just immature and ridiculous.  oh well, if i go to court, then it will just be the funniest court case ever

Oct 16 07 07:35 pm Link



Posts: 10321

Bellingham, Washington, US

Fuser Lvia wrote:
i just want te photographer to either leave me alone or take the pics down. she is getting into my personal life and saying all of these untrue and cruel things about me and my boyfriend. its just immature and ridiculous.  oh well, if i go to court, then it will just be the funniest court case ever

Do a photographer search in Arkansas.  There is a female lawyer there looking for talent. Contact her and offer tfcd +legal advice.  She will probably have a ball with this one...........................

Oct 16 07 09:50 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Christopher Hartman wrote:
I looked at your port. I think you're a cutie.

Funny, that's exactly what I thought when I saw her profile.

Oct 16 07 09:56 pm Link


Matt Throop Photography

Posts: 238

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Well I don't have much to add to this, but I'm just curious who this photographer is?

Oct 16 07 10:01 pm Link


Lucas Chapman

Posts: 6129

Scottsdale, Arizona, US

AndrewThomasDesigns wrote:
I'm just going to think out loud here...

but so what?

She has some bad images online, so?

I don't see how that can prevent her from getting work, since she is going to show her best stuff, and anyone who knows anything IMO would know it's a bad shot anyway... It's not like she is going to put it into her portfolio to show the world.

as for him, again, so what?

unless these are really sexual images or anything naughty, but in that case they shouldn't have been taken at all if she is having second thoughts.

and it's too small of a thing to get worked up about. Just move on.

If the "model" in question is also in Arkansas, her ability to get work will be of little consequence anyway.  AR isn't a hotbed of activity in the industry...  I'm also guessing she is very inexperienced, so better photos will come anyway...

Oct 16 07 10:14 pm Link



Posts: 789

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Lets get a few things straight about a model release.   Its SOLE purpose is if the subject of the photo sues the photographer or any one the photographer has sold photos to, the photographer has this as evidence that the subject gave permission for the photos to be used for whatever purpose.   It doesn't prevent the subject from sueing the photographer, but when the matter goes to court, the release holds quite a bit of weight in the photographer and the photographer's assignee's side of things.    Its not a magic wand.

As a photographer you can shoot a model and sell the photos to whom ever you want with out a release.  But if the model one day decides that they don't like it, they can sue you and you will have a harder time proving you had permission to use them.  You have to decide what the risk is.  Most sane photographers who want to move their work commercially will make a practice of getting this very basic level of protection.

It is however a contract.  Each side has to receive something for it.    If you are unhappy with the photos, you probably could go to small claims court and get the payment back.  If you were under 18 at the time and a parent did not sign the release, then the release is invalid, meaning that if you choose to sue the photographer then the photographer's "safety net" isn't there and your odds in court are much better.

So since the release is invalid and if you want to spend the money on court fees and lawyers, you can sue the photographer.

But you probably don't want to go that far.  Why not write a letter and send it via certified mail (so you get proof they received it) that is a Cease and Desist letter.   State that the model release, as a contract is invalid since it was not signed by your parent, and that your parents forbid the usage of the photos.  Give the photographer a reasonable amount of time to take them down.  Let them know the next correspondence will be from your lawyer.  In fact, it will carry more weight coming from your parents.

In reality if you want to sue, you have to send a Cease and Desist letter first anyway.

While I'm not a lawyer, all of this is covered in the ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers) literature and just about every book on running a photography business ever printed.

Oct 16 07 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Miracle_Man wrote:
It is however a contract.  Each side has to receive something for it.  If you are unhappy with the photos, you probably could go to small claims court and get the payment back.

Please do not dispense incorrect legal advice. Thank you.

Oct 16 07 10:38 pm Link



Posts: 789

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

What is incorrect?

Oct 16 07 10:45 pm Link



Posts: 6196

Columbus, Ohio, US

Miracle_Man wrote:
What is incorrect?

I could be wrong, but my first guess would be that there is no law that says you have to be happy with what you get from the contract.  Unless the contract guarantees somekind of satisfaction a photo is a photo.  Just a guess.

Oct 16 07 10:53 pm Link


Eric Jackson

Posts: 1290

Dayton, Ohio, US

If that photographer had any decency, he'd comply with her wishes and take them down. He'll end up with a bad rap if he doesn't.

Oct 16 07 10:57 pm Link



Posts: 789

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Eric Paul Owens wrote:

I could be wrong, but my first guess would be that there is no law that says you have to be happy with what you get from the contract.  Unless the contract guarantees somekind of satisfaction a photo is a photo.  Just a guess.

Without knowing more it would be hard to speculate on this, but if the model saw a portfolio or advertisements for the photographer that showed a certain quality of work, its only reasonable to expect a similar quality.   There are consumer protection laws (civil, not criminal in most cases) that might come into play here. 

In the US, you can sue any one at any time for any reason.  The judge will throw out any frivolous suits so you won't get very far if your reason is bogus.   

In this case, you will spend more than $50 to try and get the $50 back, so in practicality, you wouldn't go to court over it.  Perhaps that's what the poster was saying was incorrect.

Oct 16 07 11:04 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

From which law school did you get your degree, and in which states are you admitted to practice?

Do you also offer medical diagnosis?

Oct 16 07 11:06 pm Link



Posts: 10321

Bellingham, Washington, US

Miracle_Man wrote:

Without knowing more it would be hard to speculate on this, but if the model saw a portfolio or advertisements for the photographer that showed a certain quality of work, its only reasonable to expect a similar quality.   There are consumer protection laws (civil, not criminal in most cases) that might come into play here. 

In the US, you can sue any one at any time for any reason.  The judge will throw out any frivolous suits so you won't get very far if your reason is bogus.   

In this case, you will spend more than $50 to try and get the $50 back, so in practicality, you wouldn't go to court over it.  Perhaps that's what the poster was saying was incorrect.

You have not read this whole thread. She was 17 years old.  At 17 her guardian had to sign too. IF that didn't happen comon sense tells you the photographer would be an idiot to not get out of this the fastest route they could find.

Oct 16 07 11:10 pm Link



Posts: 6196

Columbus, Ohio, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
From which law school did you get your degree, and in which states are you admitted to practice?

Do you also offer medical diagnosis?

My pancreas hurts when I sneeze.  Help me.

Oct 16 07 11:12 pm Link



Posts: 789

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Patrickth wrote:
You have not read this whole thread. She was 17 years old.  At 17 her guardian had to sign too. IF that didn't happen comon sense tells you the photographer would be an idiot to not get out of this the fastest route they could find.

I read the whole thread.  In my original post, I point out that since she was 17 at the time, the model release, being a contract is invalid.  She could not sign for herself.

As long as the photos don't break any criminal laws, the photographer can still do with them what they want.  If the photographer uses them in some way the subject doesn't like, the subject can sue and with out a valid release in hand, the photographer is much more likely to loose the suit.   A valid release isn't a guaranteed protection, but its pretty strong.

Oct 16 07 11:18 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

sad all around

this certainly reinforces that working with underage models & models with boyfriend escort/managers are usually both recipes for disaster.
To the OP, it sounds like this's a total trainwreck coming, my advice (especially if she was underage at the time of the shoot) is to take the pics down on your end, have your lawyer send her a cease & desist on her use of the images, then forget this ever happened.

Oct 16 07 11:22 pm Link


Fuser Lvia

Posts: 25

Dallas, Texas, US

Eric Jackson wrote:
If that photographer had any decency, he'd comply with her wishes and take them down. He'll end up with a bad rap if he doesn't.

i know!!!! the thing is i wouldnt even care if she had them up, but she told me i had to take all of mine down or she would sue i asked her to take them down to and she said that she didnt have to because i had nothing to do with the pictures, whichis funny to me because i could have sworn i was in them......
another thing about it that is just bad on her part is that she wasnt even the photographer so technically she doesnt have the rights to the is stated in her"contract" that only the photographer can use the images and only with the model's permission first, which she also violated by posting the images as soon as she got them on her computer.
its all kinds of silly and i honestly just wish it would all stop . im just a kid, i am in school pre-law and on my way to duke. i dont need her bull shit! i am not looking for a solution or any way for me to be able to prosecute her or her husband, i just want a bit of respect or my money back lol

Oct 17 07 04:27 pm Link


Fuser Lvia

Posts: 25

Dallas, Texas, US

Eric Jackson wrote:
If that photographer had any decency, he'd comply with her wishes and take them down. He'll end up with a bad rap if he doesn't.

i know!!!! the thing is i wouldnt even care if she had them up, but she told me i had to take all of mine down or she would sue i asked her to take them down to and she said that she didnt have to because i had nothing to do with the pictures, whichis funny to me because i could have sworn i was in them......
another thing about it that is just bad on her part is that she wasnt even the photographer so technically she doesnt have the rights to the is stated in her"contract" that only the photographer can use the images and only with the model's permission first, which she also violated by posting the images as soon as she got them on her computer.
its all kinds of silly and i honestly just wish it would all stop . im just a kid, i am in school pre-law and on my way to duke. i dont need her bull shit! i am not looking for a solution or any way for me to be able to prosecute her or her husband, i just want a bit of respect or my money back lol

Oct 17 07 04:28 pm Link


Fuser Lvia

Posts: 25

Dallas, Texas, US

Eric Jackson wrote:
If that photographer had any decency, he'd comply with her wishes and take them down. He'll end up with a bad rap if he doesn't.

i know!!!! the thing is i wouldnt even care if she had them up, but she told me i had to take all of mine down or she would sue i asked her to take them down to and she said that she didnt have to because i had nothing to do with the pictures, whichis funny to me because i could have sworn i was in them......
another thing about it that is just bad on her part is that she wasnt even the photographer so technically she doesnt have the rights to the is stated in her"contract" that only the photographer can use the images and only with the model's permission first, which she also violated by posting the images as soon as she got them on her computer.
its all kinds of silly and i honestly just wish it would all stop . im just a kid, i am in school pre-law and on my way to duke. i dont need her bull shit! i am not looking for a solution or any way for me to be able to prosecute her or her husband, i just want a bit of respect or my money back lol

Oct 17 07 04:28 pm Link


Fuser Lvia

Posts: 25

Dallas, Texas, US

Miracle_Man wrote:

I read the whole thread.  In my original post, I point out that since she was 17 at the time, the model release, being a contract is invalid.  She could not sign for herself.

As long as the photos don't break any criminal laws, the photographer can still do with them what they want.  If the photographer uses them in some way the subject doesn't like, the subject can sue and with out a valid release in hand, the photographer is much more likely to loose the suit.   A valid release isn't a guaranteed protection, but its pretty strong.

what if the "photographer" isnt the one using them? his wife is, there lies a loop hole in her contract. it says that the photographer can use my images with my permissioin (which was never given) and the photographer was the real photographer's husband and now the real photographer who owns the company is using them. dont get it at all.

Oct 17 07 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 67

Los Angeles, California, US

sounds like a cluster f*

Oct 17 07 04:31 pm Link


Fuser Lvia

Posts: 25

Dallas, Texas, US

Lucas Chapman wrote:

If the "model" in question is also in Arkansas, her ability to get work will be of little consequence anyway.  AR isn't a hotbed of activity in the industry...  I'm also guessing she is very inexperienced, so better photos will come anyway...

i have only modeled for a photographer once before that shoot. i had been acting and modeling for artists for about 4 years so i guess i am inexperienced, but what a great oppurtunity for them. take advantage of the poor dumb model and lie to her excessively. i was stupid for even shooting with them but, i still think that i have a right to at least some of the images i paid for. or i should at least get the ones i requested edited edited. even that would be better than nothing at all.

Oct 17 07 04:32 pm Link


Fuser Lvia

Posts: 25

Dallas, Texas, US

worm carnevale wrote:
sounds like a cluster f*

indeed. and the photographer is threatening to take me to court over it all, which to me is hilarious. my dadis a judge and an attorney. he was the DA and the PA and i kind of know what they can and cant do should be fun.

Oct 17 07 04:33 pm Link


Fuser Lvia

Posts: 25

Dallas, Texas, US

Patrickth wrote:

Do a photographer search in Arkansas.  There is a female lawyer there looking for talent. Contact her and offer tfcd +legal advice.  She will probably have a ball with this one...........................

anyway you can help me find her?? that would be grreat!

Oct 17 07 05:19 pm Link