Forums > Photography Talk > Any lense recommendations? (Minolta users)



Posts: 13

Bellevue, Washington, US

Sorry if this is a newb Question, but its free to ask anyway:P I currently have a Minolta A1, was wanting to get a new lense for it and was'nt sure what would suit me best, for modelling shots primarily and in natural/low lighting conditions.

Any help is appreciated thanks

Dec 08 05 12:37 pm Link


David Velez

Posts: 626

New York, New York, US

Hi Perry
I am a Minolta user and have been for over 10 years. I do not own any of the digital cameras but I use a 7xi along with a 70 which I use as a point and shoot :-)
Anyway I am used to shooting with the Leica M system and when I shoot bands I have grown accustomed to shooting with 3 lenses.
After my Minolta 28-105 zoom broke for no reason (then magically repaired itself after it was no longer needed) I will be using the 3 lens system again.
Luckily I was shooting a band and I had just picked up a 50mm 1.7 since my photography is usually extremely low light. I love the lens and would recommend it for such work. It is tack sharp and fast. I normally shoot at f2 so the 1.4 was not worth it to me.
I will post a band shot - the description will say I used the 1.7.
I do hope this helps and it's nice to see another Minolta user out there.
Cheers- David

Dec 08 05 12:42 pm Link



Posts: 13

Bellevue, Washington, US

Thats fantastic, I'll look around for something similar to the specs you posted. I dont have any other lighting kit (yet) but I do like natural lighting and working with people (models) and its challenging to get good low light shots! The A1 tends to be a bit noisy even at Iso 100 so Im trying to get more options, but I like working with this camera.

I see the shot on your gallery very nice work!


Dec 08 05 12:51 pm Link