Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > How is life going?


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

It's OT but after todays events and Christmas coming up I'm wondering.

Is life treating you well? Life going according to plan?

Dec 11 05 07:41 pm Link


Fred Beeson

Posts: 272

Birmingham, Alabama, US

ADGibson wrote:
It's OT but after todays events and Christmas coming up I'm wondering.

Is life treating you well? Life going according to plan?

This is actually a touching and caring inquiry. Its greatly apperciated.

Life is hard at the moment  but I know it will get better

I hope all is well with you


Dec 11 05 07:47 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Life. Don't talk to me about life...


Dec 11 05 07:51 pm Link


Ms Kaylee

Posts: 686

Helena, Montana, US

You're not suppose to plan your life. It never goes the way you want it to, that's why you have to live life day by day.

Dec 11 05 08:03 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

I agree with above.... I'd love to plan the comings and goings of my life but I think that I enjoy the nature of the beast.  The continual not knowing what next.  I own one business and am starting to venture into a new one.... I'm excited for what I think my life has in store for me .  Happy Holidays all! B

Dec 11 05 08:06 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
Life. Don't talk to me about life...



Yeah but you got a great shot of Twig. She was great. How can life be bad with her around. I'm going to get my print of her autographed when she comes here next year.

Dec 11 05 08:07 pm Link


No name

Posts: 116

Chicago, Illinois, US

Wow, what a sweet topic of discussion. I suppose the holidays always give me a reason to reflect and I find myself feeling much gratitude for the things I "have"  rather than the things I don't have.  I'm also trying to see things through my children's eyes. They have a way of keeping things so simple and refreshing!  Last week when we experienced our first snowfall in Chicago my first instinct was to quietly bitch about how this was going to effect the morning commute and there were my little ones planted in front of the window simply mezmorized that white fluffies were falling from the sky. Made me take a step back, smile, dig out my old snow boots and enjoy some time in the white fluffy stuff with them.  Ok, somehow I've wandered off topic but.....yes, life I all I expected. Sure it's riddled with happiness as well as sorrow but it always has a way of balancing itself out. I'm just thrilled to be alive I guess! I'm thrilled I have a healthy family and friends whom I love dearly and 2 amazing preschooler who constantly remind me to appreciate life and all it's simplicity.

I hope the rest of you are experiencing happiness and fulfillment this holiday season.


Dec 11 05 08:18 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Elle wrote:
Wow, what a sweet topic of discussion. I suppose the holidays always give me a reason to reflect and I find myself feeling much gratitude for the things I "have"  rather than the things I don't have.  I'm also trying to see things through my children's eyes. They have a way of keeping things so simple and refreshing!  Last week when we experienced our first snowfall in Chicago my first instinct was to quietly bitch about how this was going to effect the morning commute and there were my little ones planted in front of the window simply mezmorized that white fluffies were falling from the sky. Made me take a step back, smile, dig out my old snow boots and enjoy some time in the white fluffy stuff with them.  Ok, somehow I've wandered off topic but.....yes, life I all I expected. Sure it's riddled with happiness as well as sorrow but it always has a way of balancing itself out. I'm just thrilled to be alive I guess! I'm thrilled I have a healthy family and friends whom I love dearly and 2 amazing preschooler who constantly remind me to appreciate life and all it's simplicity.

I hope the rest of you are experiencing happiness and fulfillment this holiday season.


I was actually there for a shoot during that snowfall.  The other models thought I was nuts because it was my FIRST snowfall and I was as giddy as a little schoolgirl! (to top it off, it was my first time in Chicago)

Dec 11 05 08:21 pm Link


No name

Posts: 116

Chicago, Illinois, US

Brandon, it really is amazing, isn't it?  So glad you were able to experience your first snow fall in such a magnificent city!

Dec 11 05 08:24 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Elle wrote:
Brandon, it really is amazing, isn't it?  So glad you were able to experience your first snow fall in such a magnificent city!

Unfortunately we don't get to experience much white here in SoCal so it was absolutely amazing.  I don't think I've ever experienced that true Christmas feeling like the evening there.  I can't wait to get the photos back as we've got some great ones near the various Christmas trees, on Lakeshore Dr, and Michigan Avenue.  I'm sure my giddiness reflected...hehe

Dec 11 05 08:27 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Brandon Smith wrote:

Unfortunately we don't get to experience much white here in SoCal so it was absolutely amazing.  I don't think I've ever experienced that true Christmas feeling like the evening there.  I can't wait to get the photos back as we've got some great ones near the various Christmas trees, on Lakeshore Dr, and Michigan Avenue.  I'm sure my giddiness reflected...hehe

I'm with you there. I do not see ANY snow in Phoenix.

Dec 11 05 08:30 pm Link


No name

Posts: 116

Chicago, Illinois, US

I'm looking forward to seeing those images too! Christmas is so huge here. Thanksgiving isn't over for 1 day and the Christmas lights are up on all of the streets downtown and the store front windows on Michigan Ave. It's really amazing to see how much beauty, money and effort is put into the decorations in the city! They make it look so magical!   Glad you felt the holiday spirit here!

Dec 11 05 08:32 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

We did have hail in San Diego a few years back that made all the roads white so it was kinda like snow!  But in reality to have snow here is ... well it would be like the end of the world considering that most Californian's go nuts when there is water of any kind on the road.

Dec 11 05 08:32 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Elle wrote:
I'm looking forward to seeing those images too! Christmas is so huge here. Thanksgiving isn't over for 1 day and the Christmas lights are up on all of the streets downtown and the store front windows on Michigan Ave. It's really amazing to see how much beauty, money and effort is put into the decorations in the city! They make it look so magical!   Glad you felt the holiday spirit here!

It really brings all those movies and songs and stories as a child come to life.  I was in Boston last December before their snowfall and I can't tell you how disappointed as the weather channel predicted snow.  But yes, kudos to your city for putting on such a brilliant show for the tourists!! :-)

Dec 11 05 08:34 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

My parents live in San Diego. It's certainly a nice place to be.


Dec 11 05 09:19 pm Link


Rick Edwards

Posts: 6185

Wilmington, Delaware, US

new son..ask me in a few

Dec 11 05 09:21 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

ADGibson wrote:
My parents live in San Diego. It's certainly a nice place to be.


Traffic though is starting to look alot like Los Angeles.  The one thing I really love about the big Cosmopolitain cities is that they have public transportation systems that function well.  SD, we're just stuck in cars all the time.

Dec 11 05 09:21 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

ADGibson wrote:


Yeah but you got a great shot of Twig. She was great. How can life be bad with her around. I'm going to get my print of her autographed when she comes here next year.

Not trying thread-jack; just responding. Go back to your regularily scheduled thread. Right.
  Yeah, Twig is amazing and I know she'll be very successfull on the RenFest circuit. I actually haven't seen her in quite some time, although I did talk with her a few weeks ago (she was in North Carolina for their RenFest). Also, if you didn't notice in my port, one of the photos Twig and I did is on the current cover of Faerie Magazine. So, if you know where to buy it where you live be sure and pick up a copy. I'm sure she'd be quite happy to sign that one for you as well ! Here in Saint Paul they're for sale at Borders Books.

  Have a good one!


Dec 11 05 10:35 pm Link


Alexei Fomin

Posts: 944

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

This has been a bad year for employment, and a good year for personal:

I am on my 6th day job this year, spent a total of about 7 months unemployed, plundered into debt and now coming out of it just to get in deeper.

However, this year I also met my current gf, best event of my life, and now i feel like my high school english teacher was right when she said "one day you'll find a girl who'll make you less cynical, you'll finally start to smile at something other than lude and raunchy joke, you'll get married and pop out a bunch of kids by your 10 year reunion" hope i am proven wrong in my attitude from junior year highschool

Dec 12 05 03:49 am Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

ADGibson wrote:
Is life treating you well? Life going according to plan?

Can't complain when I look beyond the daily routine. No, it's not going according to plan. Is it ever?

Dec 12 05 11:01 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Life is good. Thank you for asking. I hope yours is, too.

Dec 12 05 11:18 am Link


PJQ Photography

Posts: 1728

Los Angeles, California, US

ADGibson wrote:
It's OT but after todays events and Christmas coming up I'm wondering.

Is life treating you well? Life going according to plan?

Well, since you asked: No. And No.

Dec 12 05 11:28 am Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

ADGibson wrote:
It's OT but after todays events and Christmas coming up I'm wondering.

Is life treating you well? Life going according to plan?

Some things are not going as well, some things a little better than expected, and some are just.. sitting there. lol But overall, I'm doing aight. I expect to be in much better shape next year, as hard as I'm working right now to improve my lot in life.

Now.. what about you? smile

Dec 12 05 02:09 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

So what would you what about those New Years resolutions? What have you resolved to do?

For me it's buy a bigger home and kick this photography thing into high gear.

Dec 13 05 05:49 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

My resolution is to not have any resolutions. And besides, for me new years was on Oct. 31st.

  So there.


Dec 13 05 07:58 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

ADGibson wrote:
It's OT but after todays events and Christmas coming up I'm wondering.

Is life treating you well? Life going according to plan?

Fantastic.  I am truely blessed!

Dec 13 05 08:07 pm Link



Posts: 35054

Portland, Oregon, US

ADGibson wrote:
It's OT but after todays events and Christmas coming up I'm wondering.

Is life treating you well? Life going according to plan?

Great topic! smile

As 2005 draws to a close, I know I'll be looking back on it very fondly. Banner year, all told. And, if things continue as they have been so far, 2006 is going to utterly rock!

Dec 14 05 04:46 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

life is good a bit busy but good smile

Dec 14 05 07:59 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45292

San Juan Bautista, California, US

ADGibson wrote:
It's OT but after todays events and Christmas coming up I'm wondering.

Is life treating you well? Life going according to plan?

Well, I worked for the DNC and shortly after Clinton left office, I was out of a job.  That was back in early 2001, and I have not been gainfully employed since. The most economic prosperity I've had was while under the Clinton administration. It's hard to get work when you're a democrat ... with no government support!   However I have become happily "self-unemployed" and I do see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Some of what I say is tongue in cheek humor, but I really have started my own business!  I do not ask for help from the government, instead I am getting by ... barely!  My family accountant is a HUGH supporter of George W Bush, and has pictures of himself with the President all over his office!  What are his recommendations?  Set up a Swiss bank account, invest in offshore drilling, and hire employees outside the United States!

Personally?  Life has been good so far!  big_smile

Dec 14 05 08:23 pm Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

It sucked for a long time. Then it was good for awhile. But the suckage has returned. smile

Dec 14 05 08:31 pm Link



Posts: 168

New York, New York, US

Life is good to me no matter what. Atleast I know I'm living and doing something. Too bad this cold won't go away. Yet I have that sexy voice like Phoebe from Friends did. lol

Dec 14 05 08:35 pm Link



Posts: 377

Life is grand....

Dec 15 05 07:44 am Link



Posts: 29

Kirkcaldy, Scotland, United Kingdom

50/50 i suppose. life was fantastic around a month ago. always on the move, gig's, bands, new friends, new job, "industry standard" work at college, got the work placement i wanted ( being an intern), and even now got lots of great stuff going on and a lot of new people and new things in my life, hey and 2 shoots in one day. but feeling quite overwhelmed by all the things i have to do and don't even mention it, i hate it with a firey passion. and december is always the worst month for money, i dunno where it goes, all i ever seam to do is work and get nothing for's the curse of december!
hope you're all well and have a great christmas and new year.

Dec 15 05 07:48 am Link