This thread was locked on 2009-03-11 09:44:16
Forums > Photography Talk > Imply nude... What exactly is this?



Posts: 61

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Feb 13 08 10:42 pm Link


Long Island Studios

Posts: 4162

Sayville, New York, US

StephenEastwood wrote:
Can we make this a sticky!   Someone email Ched!!!!

Stephen Eastwood

Some one find a Moderator....

Feb 13 08 10:43 pm Link


dklee studio photo

Posts: 2587

Richmond, Virginia, US

regardless of the state of undress for the model, the final picture is one showing, or "implying" that she was nude.  she can have pasties, a half bra, thong...etc...

Feb 13 08 10:45 pm Link


Schizophrenic Studio

Posts: 319

Dallas, Texas, US

StephenEastwood wrote:

Why do some people get so offended by that at times????  and than you wonder what made them get that offended   hmm

Amazes me.  sad

I think I am going to have a section to teach these tricks on my "how to be a sleaze but come across as an artist dvd "  wink

Stephen Eastwood

gets credit card ready smile

Feb 13 08 10:49 pm Link



Posts: 2417

Cleveland, Ohio, US

StephenEastwood wrote:
Its also a means for a "GWC" to say to a model who does not get naked for pictures, "I don't want to shoot nude photos of you, I just want to see you nude! but will take great care to not get it in the shot"  wink

Stephen Eastwood

OMG you make me laugh!

This has been one of the best threads I've ever read!  and it's not even 2 pages long! lol

Feb 13 08 10:51 pm Link


MC Photo

Posts: 4144

New York, New York, US

Realistically, the term is used to indicate what's visible in the photos.

What the phrase actually means is that there's no actually nudity, but the photo makes it appear (implies) that the model is nude.

Feb 13 08 10:52 pm Link


Unaltered Image

Posts: 162

Cleveland, Ohio, US

photographs can pigeonhole models and lose them credibility in the sector they wishe to pursue.  it doesn't matter whether nipple and bush are visible, only the context and quality in which the shot is made.  if a shot looks like the kind of work that the model wants to produce then it will contribute to their portfolio, regardless of how much clothing they're wearing.  models should constantly seek to push their boundaries and step outside their comfort zones, but should always be mindful of the value of their image and their end goals.  they should create a solid character and stick to their guns.  many celebrities have suffered for the embarrassing work they did early in their careers.

Feb 13 08 10:56 pm Link


El Pollo Photography

Posts: 35

Orlando, Florida, US

rkwphoto wrote:

I do, that's why I asked the question.

Now, could you give me your definition and stop the negative vibe everybody love to put on this forum everytime they see a chance? Thanks.

Feb 14 08 07:43 am Link


Keith A Williams

Posts: 1740

Vanceboro, North Carolina, US

As mentioned, I always thought that the difference between a tasteful nude, and an implied was (to use an example that I had):

The model had a sheet draped around her and was pretty much exposed and LOOKED nude, but in reality, she had on one of those stretchy things that goes under her armpits and over her breasts on, as well as some pretty slim panties.  Result:

I got the shot I wanted, and she got to look naked, without sacrificing her dignity.

Boy, I wish I could shoot with her again.  Was shy, but really posed with fluid motion.  All I had to do was compose the frame, and she moved and posed on her own...  Talented, even if she didn't know it.

Feb 14 08 09:15 am Link


Visions Photography

Posts: 352

Corona, California, US

StephenEastwood wrote:

Now who wants to come and get all naked for me?   I won't even use a camera so its not even an implied nude!!!  big_smile

I'd be down, but I'm on the West Coast... smile

- Rod

Feb 14 08 09:23 am Link


Creative Image

Posts: 1417

Avon, Connecticut, US

Webster (local home town boy who did that really big book):

Main Entry: im•ply

Inflected Form(s): im•plied; im•ply•ing

To involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement.

synonyms: see SUGGEST

What's the matter with that?  It means that the model can be either clothed or nude as long as the shot "suggests" she is nude rather than to show that explicitly.

Actually, I know that we use the term also to refer to a nude where the various "bits" don't show.

Feb 14 08 09:34 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

El Pollo Photography wrote:
Is this a general term or would this depend of each model?

Is just that I have some model that say: I don't do nude, but I'm ok with imply. Then I visit the model's port and I see what I consider nude.

So, how would you define it? How is onw different from the other?

PS: Please don't give me the ask the model cr...

Best thing I believe is to get people to change their terminology.

Most of these people should be saying they do covered nudes.

But let's be honest, if we have at least half a brain, we know what they mean and in general, they are willing to be naked but don't want to show pubes, genitals, anus, and/or nipples.  Everything else is good!

Feb 14 08 10:19 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

There is a simple way to test the definition of implied nudity.

Invite one model who doesn't shoot nude to come do implied with you.   Start with her fully dressed and then begin to shoot shots that make her appear nude.  With each set remove more clothing but continue to cover the naughty bits.

When the non-nude model slaps you, you will know you have gone from implied nudity to actual nudity.  Next time, stop before you get hit.

Feb 14 08 10:50 am Link



Posts: 1466


I am curious why do I have over 13 messages asking about this when there is a forum post that they all read in which they do not ask the question?  Not that I mind but I feel like its better to have the questions asked and answered in the forum so that many can read and benefit from it.  hmm

Stephen Eastwood

Feb 15 08 01:31 am Link