
Eye of Sicari

Posts: 37100

Toledo, Ohio, US

PanteraNoelle -Panties- wrote:
goin to e.r. for a shot. I should be back to normal in a few hours smile

I so miss read that. Thought you said shoot. Then I thought could be interestin! Hope you get better and are having a wonderfull time even tho you blew Toledo off. *sadness*

Feb 23 08 04:19 pm Link


Eye of Sicari

Posts: 37100

Toledo, Ohio, US

I would go back and make the pay for the E.R. visit. Thier screw up shouldn't cost you.

Feb 23 08 04:29 pm Link



Posts: 22436

Fenton, Michigan, US

LalaineNudes wrote:

Doesn't matter. If your allergy had been worse, it could have killed you. What's not to say someone with a worse allergy comes in and they do the same thing?

You have to tell them you have a severe allergy.  Its not their fault.  Especially since most of the things they use there interact with one another....the stirs etc... There is no way to say oh this is absolutely MILK FREE.  Same for nut allergies, there is nothing they can test to positively say..NO this has not come into contact with any nuts.  You take the responsibility. 

Panties, you didn't break out after our shoot when we ate the cake & whipped cream did you?

Feb 23 08 04:42 pm Link



Posts: 16292

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, US

Fergy wrote:

You have to tell them you have a severe allergy.  Its not their fault.  Especially since most of the things they use there interact with one another....the stirs etc... There is no way to say oh this is absolutely MILK FREE.  Same for nut allergies, there is nothing they can test to positively say..NO this has not come into contact with any nuts.  You take the responsibility. 

Panties, you didn't break out after our shoot when we ate the cake & whipped cream did you?

If you specifically ask them outright though, it's a little different. My step-dad had a burger at a restaurant, asked them what all was in the sauce, cuz he's allergic to a lot of foods. They told him, except forgot to tell him one ingredient-- one he was severely allergic to. His throat swelled up almost completely in a matter of minutes.

If someone asks you outright something like that, you better make damn sure.

Feb 23 08 04:52 pm Link


Jim Ewing

Posts: 4577

Riverside, California, US

PanteraNoelle -Panties- wrote:

me with hives is still more attractive than any girl you've fucked...


Feb 23 08 04:54 pm Link


Jim Ewing

Posts: 4577

Riverside, California, US

Kelli wrote:

I don't like country, but that cracked me up.

Feb 23 08 05:08 pm Link


Deacon Blues

Posts: 26638

Belmont, North Carolina, US

sue the fuckers!  you have grounds, and not just coffee grounds....

Feb 23 08 05:27 pm Link



Posts: 1135

Hartselle, Alabama, US

PanteraNoelle -Panties- wrote:

me with hives is still more attractive than any girl you've fucked...

You rock.
I have ALWAYS wanted to say that (or something similar) to someone.

Feb 23 08 05:31 pm Link