Forums > General Industry > Boobs, Bootay and Beauty....Three B'z that I like.



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

Mandie wrote:

Definitely true.  To me, Prince (or the artist formerly known as, or whatever) is by NO means a physically attractive man.  And even if he was, the way that he dresses would make it that much worse (my opinion...)...  But I saw him in concert, and he had such a stage presence that made me want to do him.  Explain that!

because women don't fall in love with their eyes, thankfully.  gives uggos like me a shot...

Feb 12 06 07:45 am Link


Scott Meyer

Posts: 87

Cincinnati, Iowa, US

Angel Tara wrote:

While I appreciate your comments, I am not sure I agree with your statement about the industry.

yes it is ran by the very same consumers out there in the market, but their PURPOSE is different when in front of and behind the counter.

As the person behind the counter, it is to SELL, by whatever means necessary, hopefully within the confines of the law.

In front of the counter, it is to fulfil a need as a human being, whether it be shelter, clothing, food, wipe ya ass, etc. smile

A person is going to behave differently based on which side of the counter they stand.

So the industry, based on us individuals, is going to have different behavioral characteristics than those who are acting as the consumers in the industry.The industry is going to behave in such a way to SELL a product and the consumer is going to behave in such a way to fulfill a need. These will not always be the same. When people don't understand the other side of the coin, products, business, and advertising ad fail.

So, once again...yes the INDUSTRY is shallow, yes sex sells.

It sells because it is easy to draw us in in the 3 seconds or whatever that marketers have to do this.

But, after that 3 seconds is up, there better be more behind the ad to KEEP the consumer's attention.

As an Udo has said, the commercial market is alot bigger than some people seem to think! There is much more to sell to America, or the world for that matter, than sex!

Yea for sex, I love sex, you love sex, we all love sex...but it's not the end all in marketing and advertising.

Btw....most men I talk to don't find a damn thing sexy about a 5'11, 110 lb coat hanger. Appealing, yes. But ass and tits...none there! smile Gotta have some fat tissue, or muscle when it comes to the booty, for those things. Designers want coat hangers and they don't want boobs and ass interfering with the way the fabric lays. (So I've read)

No knock against you fashion models out there. I'd love to be yah! smile

I think Tara won this one.

Wow! Smart and beautiful what a combo.

Feb 12 06 08:10 am Link


afterdarc studios

Posts: 1196

San Diego, California, US

Now a model with boobs, bootay and beauty without the 4 B... which is bitchyness, then we have a winner.

Feb 14 06 10:20 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:
Whats the matter with focusing on what everybody really wants to see in your pictures, videos or any entertainment genre? Truth is Truth, the external is the first thing noticed on any individual, not their heart.

Another generalized statement that includes me without my vote.

I do not agree with your statement in that all I want to see is “Boobs, Bootay and Beautyâ€?

I’m attracted to photographic images for a wide range of reasons, starting with composure and emotional expressions of the model if there is even a mode included in the photo. There are images of homeless families that make me cry, shedding tears because my emotions have been touched, tears because the image took me to the place where I could feel the cold and taste the hunger the people were exhibiting in their expressions. No boobs, No Bootay, No outer beauty.

Please don’t tell me what I find attractive and what I think is art and we’ll get along just fine. This is my choice to decide, no one else’s.

Next time you conduct a poll asking what I like, you may include me in the posted results, until then, I am not part of “your everybodyâ€?

Feb 14 06 11:11 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
....There are images of homeless families that make me cry, shedding tears because my emotions have been touched, tears because the image took me to the place where I could feel the cold and taste the hunger the people were exhibiting in their expressions. No boobs, No Bootay, No outer beauty.

Please don’t tell me what I find attractive and what I think is art and we’ll get along just fine. This is my choice to decide, no one else’s.

Next time you conduct a poll asking what I like, you may include me in the posted results, until then, I am not part of “your everybodyâ€?

You just explained the "outer beauty" of a homeless family and now you say," ...No outer beauty." Hypocritical?!
So you are saying that you are the all in all. Your opinion is yours, period. I nor anyone else has to consider you or your feelings on anything we post. In fact if you do not agree thats fine. Does the govt. ask your opinion when it decides our laws...HELL NO! Does the grocery store consider your financial ability when it prices its items...HELL NO! Do you ask everyone on Earth for their opinion/feelings before you present an image or statement? HELL NO! Look at yourself first before criticizing others. It is called "Projection" in psychology.

Feb 15 06 12:58 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:

You just explained the "outer beauty" of a homeless family and now you say," ...No outer beauty." Hypocritical?!
So you are saying that you are the all in all. Your opinion is yours, period. I nor anyone else has to consider you or your feelings on anything we post. In fact if you do not agree thats fine. Does the govt. ask your opinion when it decides our laws...HELL NO! Does the grocery store consider your financial ability when it prices its items...HELL NO! Do you ask everyone on Earth for their opinion/feelings before you present an image or statement? HELL NO! Look at yourself first before criticizing others. It is called "Projection" in psychology.

Where did I say an image of a homeless family was "outer beauty"? Because I said can be touched by the dramatic image of a destitute person or persons?

Stop reading between the lines and accept that not everyone likes seeing breast and bottom in a portfolio or as you so eloquently said "boobs, bootay".

Feb 15 06 02:02 am Link