Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > On BLAST...Why do Black models check "other"?


Chelsea Gilgore

Posts: 106

Seattle, Washington, US

maybe they put "other" because they are mixed (half-irish, half-african american, etc.) and do not feel like picking one particular race.

Mar 10 06 01:40 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

xJenellex wrote:
I know this post is old but I just have to put my two cents in = )

ethnicity and race are two different categories. therefore black and african american are not equivalent. African American, ethnicity wise is a sub-category that falls under Black, race wise.

ethnically I am Trinidadian/Syrian
race wise I am black. African american does not include me, anyone in the caribbean sea or south america.
Therefore I am "other" according to MM because it asks for one's ethnic background
I am no less black, nor am I ashamed of my blackness because I place "other". If MM would put an option for race, black would be what I choose. Since there will never be an ethnic box with an option "Trinidadian/Syrian" I will continue to put "other" over and over again as I am very proud of my ethnic ancestry. If I lose jobs because of that, then it wasnt meant to be.

...ahhh, whooo that is all

I guess when the Trinidadian/Syrian Models Association has its annual meeting, you don't have to rent that big a hall.  :-)

Mar 10 06 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

ohh and I am so mad at myself for picking to be african american when black people or african americans dont even think i am black or accept me as such...****thinking bout changing it to ther***

Mar 10 06 03:41 pm Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Kitapanda wrote:
I feel like this point can't be stressed enough.

The original poster of the other thread is not simply "caucasian". She is mixed, black and russian.

She stated this in the original post.

She also stated that her original comment was geared not to those who actually are biracial, but to those who try to pass themselves off as being half puerto rican or native american or eskimo or whatever when more than likely if they ARE part of that race it's from several generations down the line.

Life and racial issues do not function as a "whites vs. minorities" operation.

If we're not gonna let the topic die we can at least keep it in that one thread. we go...the implication is that "Black" people are minorities and globally they are not...minority is a word meant to "castrate..." white vs People of color might be a better phrase to use...then again, it depends upon one's political consciousness.......

Mar 10 06 05:38 pm Link



Posts: 166

Panglao, Central Visayas, Philippines


Since I am in the land of mixtures, I would like to say something here that most people don't understand") At least I "believe" this to be true from what I have learned")

I will say this plainly for you folks........................

First of all, all of the "colored" races came from one family, the family is called the Sangik family. There were 19 children in this family and they were 6 colors (their skin tended towards this color in the sun) as follows. Red,Yellow,Blue,Green,Orange,Indigo (3 primary colors, 3 secondary colors)......... this took place in India (not Africa) 500,000 years ago! The original "natives" of Earth were and are the Eskimos (no color) their descendants (ours also) evolved from "apes" 1,000,000 years ago in Afghanistan (not Africa) here is the fun part that I am sure will start some trouble") 

Adam and Eve...........well they came here from Jerusem, our System (of inhabited planets) Capitol..........38,000 years ago, they are the Violet race......blond hair, blue eyes..........8 ft tall..............yeah I know") (on a side note, the Garden was on the  Eastern Mediterranean)

So, most races have mixed with the Adamic (Adam and Eve) blood, however not all!!!
Some Black(Indigo) folks from Africa and most pure race (Red) Native "Americans" do NOT have any of Adam's blood...........................................that is a fact")

I know you have been taught Adam and Eve were the first people and I know some of you think we came from many of you thought both were true to a point")...........didn't think so!

At the risk of pissing off everyone on MM, I will just say.........this is MY OPINION, I do believe it is true though........

Now how would everyone feel about being "White" Black" Indian" Native" Hispanic" Pacific Islander" Asian" ETC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if they knew we ALL came from the same damn family 500,000 years

I have an idea, from today on, lets refer to God as DAD and each other as brother and sister.......what a concept?


Mar 10 06 08:45 pm Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

runswithwind wrote:

Since I am in the land of mixtures, I would like to say something here that most people don't understand") At least I "believe" this to be true from what I have learned")

I will say this plainly for you folks........................

First of all, all of the "colored" races came from one family, the family is called the Sangik family. There were 19 children in this family and they were 6 colors (their skin tended towards this color in the sun) as follows. Red,Yellow,Blue,Green,Orange,Indigo (3 primary colors, 3 secondary colors)......... this took place in India (not Africa) 500,000 years ago! The original "natives" of Earth were and are the Eskimos (no color) their descendants (ours also) evolved from "apes" 1,000,000 years ago in Afghanistan (not Africa) here is the fun part that I am sure will start some trouble") 

Adam and Eve...........well they came here from Jerusem, our System (of inhabited planets) Capitol..........38,000 years ago, they are the Violet race......blond hair, blue eyes..........8 ft tall..............yeah I know") (on a side note, the Garden was on the  Eastern Mediterranean)

So, most races have mixed with the Adamic (Adam and Eve) blood, however not all!!!
Some Black(Indigo) folks from Africa and most pure race (Red) Native "Americans" do NOT have any of Adam's blood...........................................that is a fact")

I know you have been taught Adam and Eve were the first people and I know some of you think we came from many of you thought both were true to a point")...........didn't think so!

At the risk of pissing off everyone on MM, I will just say.........this is MY OPINION, I do believe it is true though........

Now how would everyone feel about being "White" Black" Indian" Native" Hispanic" Pacific Islander" Asian" ETC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if they knew we ALL came from the same damn family 500,000 years

I have an idea, from today on, lets refer to God as DAD and each other as brother and sister.......what a concept?


hmmm sounds like Urantha (sp?)

Mar 10 06 08:49 pm Link



Posts: 166

Panglao, Central Visayas, Philippines

We have a")

Mar 10 06 08:53 pm Link


The House of Lethal

Posts: 472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

William Coleman wrote:

The Cherokees, Seminoles, and some other originally Eastern tribes generously accepted escaped slaves into their tribes, and hid them from the bounty hunters.  Many such escaped slaves intermarried with Native Americans.  As a result, many African Americans today have some Cherokee or other Native American biological heritage.  Often, there is just an oral tradition in families about this, no way to prove it or disprove it in particular families.

Mar 10 06 11:24 pm Link


The House of Lethal

Posts: 472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

William Coleman wrote:

The Cherokees, Seminoles, and some other originally Eastern tribes generously accepted escaped slaves into their tribes, and hid them from the bounty hunters.  Many such escaped slaves intermarried with Native Americans.  As a result, many African Americans today have some Cherokee or other Native American biological heritage.  Often, there is just an oral tradition in families about this, no way to prove it or disprove it in particular families.

yes and the shawnee indians were very skilled catchers of escaped slaves. the cherokee were slave owners and the black buffalo soldiers were the best indian fighters. all relations between blacks and indians were not always good.

Mar 10 06 11:31 pm Link


Marcello H Photography

Posts: 86

Temple, Texas, US

Mar 10 06 11:39 pm Link


Marcello H Photography

Posts: 86

Temple, Texas, US

Mar 10 06 11:41 pm Link


Marcello H Photography

Posts: 86

Temple, Texas, US

CristinaLex wrote:
ohh and I am so mad at myself for picking to be african american when black people or african americans dont even think i am black or accept me as such...****thinking bout changing it to ther***

When I see you, I just think beautiful. Race is the last thing on my mind.

Seems the melting pot has boiled over. All we have to do is simply turn down the heat. This is art folks. Our ethnic backgrounds our irrelevant to the work we're trying to produce. We're all mutts plain and simple. Shut up, setup, show up, and shoot.

Mar 11 06 12:15 am Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

hasan wrote:

yes and the shawnee indians were very skilled catchers of escaped slaves. the cherokee were slave owners and the black buffalo soldiers were the best indian fighters. all relations between blacks and indians were not always good.

Good point, Hasan.  What I should have said was there was considerable intermingling between African-Americans and eastern Native Americans - Cherokees and others - some of it friendly, but not all.

Mar 11 06 11:00 am Link