
Selfish Boy

Posts: 9

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I find this site to be a fun time-waister (I mean that in a good way lol) while i'm home and got nothing else to do... One thing i've learned though is that only 1 or 2 people have given me TRUE FEEDBACKS out of the countless compliments I've recieved, which are good but not needed. I'm used to TRUE FEEDBACKS when i'm working at REAL jobs I never hear "you're hot, your gorgeous, etc", unless they've found a look that is very marketable for them... The better paying the job the less compliments I recieve but the feedbacks are great and help develop my image and personality. So the moral of the story is, "models shouldn't be fishing for compliments. Tell me if my eye is bigger than the other, or my pose is too stiff etc UNLESS truelly and honestly there is something really great about the images you see, and tell me what makes it so great"

Oh yeah and another thing... I do believe that beginner models or models who aren't really going anywhere in the mainstream industry of high end fashion/commercial modeling use this site thinking it will boost their career by giving them confidence or honest feedbacks... I've just recently started modeling with an Agency and more jobs are coming in everyweek. Now if I land a major campaign and make millions should I still be on here?

Feb 10 06 04:17 pm Link



Posts: 591

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

BCG wrote:
i want hot quantas cheerleaders!!!

Heck, the only Quantas chicks you'd see are the ugly ones we export as 'international' stewardesses.  The really hot ones we keep on the domestic flights.

The ones who do the Tassie route are the best...

(ok... at this point the Aussies in the crowd will either groan or laugh... explaining this one to a Seppo will take WAY toooo much time.....)

Feb 10 06 04:36 pm Link



Posts: 998

Hartford, Connecticut, US

BCG wrote:

dudes should NOT be divas...its okay if you are a chic.

You don't know my newphew then!

Feb 10 06 04:37 pm Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

BCG wrote:
"Myself and many other professionals agree that most members on this site lack team work skills and willingness to work WITH each other in professional standards."

Keyword here is "most".  With over 100,000 members, or profiles entered/pending/approved/etc  I'd have to agree.

could anyone explain what would inspire such drival???...

It's not drivel, it's his opinion, and he had the guts to say it.  Remember that whole thread about HONESTY.

After viewing hundreds of portfolios, and reading hundreds of profiles, I can say I've felt that way.  This is *NOT* a professional site over all.  I don't mean just getting paid, I mean in how people treat it, how it's set up and designed, and how people present themselves.  It's also not a professional site with how the moderators randomly censor threads, and that will eventually get them into trouble ala Prodigy.

They do that, to *prevent* people from actually discussing how bad most of the profiles and portfolios are here, in an effort to drive up their membership numbers either for advertising revenue or to try to sell out.

this site has become a melting pot of talent...both new and old...

There is talent everywhere. Give enough monkeys cameras, and you are going to get some really good shots eventually.  Forget trying to teach them to type, just teach them to point and shoot.  So, while there *is* talent here, I've seen it, and I'm hoping some of it develops, there is also a *lot* of other stuff.

I wouldn't necessarily call it no talent, but certainly, it needs work in areas from technical skill, basic composition or artistic vision, or sometimes just real attitude adjustment.

i am puzzled by the recent attack on the legitamacy and professionalism of MM members...

See above, and dozens of threads, thousands of portfolios, and if you can come back and still say that, unformly, about even 51% of the stuff here, ok.

i have seen new talent grow * Nemi *.

Boy, does she have a fan club.  Makes me start to wonder, actually.  Sometimes too much "HOOORAH" can work against you.  Just my feeling.  I've seen her portfolio, and I'm not sure what all the noise is about.  It's good, but not knock your socks off, or something to write home about, or to mortgage the home to set up a calendar or other shoot, well, you get the picture.

No offense, just I don't get it.

..and have shared the joy of others professional achievements * Dawn Elizabeth * for myself, my interactions with shooters whose skillz eclipse my own, have been more than happy to share tips and advice...lack of teamwork??? of ego...God Bless this great site.

Your opinion, and it's valid.  I have met some nice people.

I have been pissed off by the moderators for censorship, by many people for their profiles or arrogant, inconsiderate and ill-intentioned postings, and portfolios that are so poor as to wonder how they were approved (four blurry close up snap shots for example), that I have no doubt most *PROFESSIONALS* are actually doing their work elsewhere. 

Why *not* put up a free portfolio, then go tend to business where it's actually going to do some good.

Bottom Line:

This is *NOT* a professional site. 

There are *some* people treating their own portion of it as if they were professional, cooperative, and good natureed.

There are **SOME** people treating their own portion of it as if they were professional, with really big attitudes, real emotional or ego problems, or as a desperate cry for professional help of the reclining couch and bearded guy with a note pad kind.

There are *MANY* people doing iit for a lark, and will never take or get a job from there.

There are ***MANY*** people trying to scam something from it.

There are a whole bunch, of what is left, and even some of the above, who are totally clueless, have portfolios that are so bad as to make you think they are advertising how not to be a model or photographer, or which are so similar they don't say anything about what you can do, or what jobs you want, and my personal favorite -- ones filled with sexy, nude, and nearly or partially nude images, saying "I don't do nudes." 

Professional?? Are you *kidding* ????

The average age seems to be under 25 all around, so how *professional* can they be?  Age isn't everything, but it *does* count for something especially for life experience and wisdom.

So, while I don't agree with people posting negative stuff all the time, if criticisms are not allowed, and addressed, then the system will simply continue to deteriorate into a slime of mediocrity.  It's inevitable.  And if you criticise the criticisers, then how will it ever change.

Petition the moderators to allow posting of good and bad porfolios and profiles.  They *are* public and as such should be available for critique as any webpage is. Since they are *advertising* certain rights to privacy are abridged, and you have a right to editorialize and discuss them. 

But hey, that *would* start to add some professionalism, and self-moderation and policing to the quality of the site.  That seems to go against the grain of the operators.

aka Bodyartist

Feb 10 06 04:38 pm Link


J Haig

Posts: 359

Gananoque, Ontario, Canada

BCG wrote:
found this in a bio:

"Myself and many other professionals agree that most members on this site lack team work skills and willingness to work WITH each other in professional standards."

could anyone explain what would inspire such drival???...this site has become a melting pot of talent...both new and old...i am puzzled by the recent attack on the legitamacy and professionalism of MM members...i have seen new talent grow * Nemi *...and have shared the joy of others professional achievements * Dawn Elizabeth * for myself, my interactions with shooters whose skillz eclipse my own, have been more than happy to share tips and advice...lack of teamwork??? of ego...God Bless this great site.

*my first official rant*

I'm with you on all points on this one.

Feb 10 06 06:19 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Bodyartist wrote:

BCG wrote:
"Myself and many other professionals agree that most members on this site lack team work skills and willingness to work WITH each other in professional standards."

Keyword here is "most".  With over 100,000 members, or profiles entered/pending/approved/etc  I'd have to agree.

could anyone explain what would inspire such drival???...

It's not drivel, it's his opinion, and he had the guts to say it.  Remember that whole thread about HONESTY.

After viewing hundreds of portfolios, and reading hundreds of profiles, I can say I've felt that way.  This is *NOT* a professional site over all.  I don't mean just getting paid, I mean in how people treat it, how it's set up and designed, and how people present themselves.  It's also not a professional site with how the moderators randomly censor threads, and that will eventually get them into trouble ala Prodigy.

They do that, to *prevent* people from actually discussing how bad most of the profiles and portfolios are here, in an effort to drive up their membership numbers either for advertising revenue or to try to sell out.

This is a very compelling respose, I am sorry to cut it down as the entire post was insightful..

Let me respond to the comment on the mods first.

They are a team of individuals, and all teams at times do not comunicate all actions to each others. Which means one person can do something and it reflects on the team. NO team is perfect.

Of all the mods, there is only one I feel has acted unprofessionaly and I made that very clear. In a professional way mind you.

All in all this site is what any particular member makes of it. MM has hit the kind of numbers that will allow it to maintain a certain momentum. The questions is this..will it  be able to maintain a "Proffessional Look" as the numbers grow, or will it become a place where anyone with a camera or a few shots can join and "meet" people.

I think as the site grows, and this goes for any company..The owners and mods..(if they are not one in the same) will have to re-evaluate many many things. Including their approach to the site.

The moderators are in essence an integral part of the site. They too must maintain a certain pressence oin order to build and maintain confidence for the members.

I'm still here and actually fought to be here as I was once banned...Still a little hot about that..but life goes on..

the bottom line is this..

This site has great potential, they have the advertisers now, and the numbers will allow them the tools to grow and mature.

The possibilities are endless..It is a network that reaches around the globe.

Give it a chance...lets see where it goes...

Feb 10 06 06:19 pm Link


Sienna Hambleton

Posts: 10352

Toledo, Ohio, US

Regardless of folks background here, in the end this place (as do other on line portfolio web sites) represents Internet modeling. If I have a brick and mortar client I do not stop, pass go . . . I pick up the phone and call a brick and mortar agency. This is a great place to network and a great place for me to book "fun" shoots. If the negatives from certain folks here outweigh the positives, then it's not a big deal to simply try to ignore them and only deal with folks you know won't bring a lot of baggage to the table.Yep, people annoy me here all the time and it's hard not to react to them, but it is getting easier to ignore them.

Feb 10 06 06:52 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

If y'all went to a bar one night and were disappointed with the wide array of creeps, losers, schmucks, scam artists, posers, sociopaths, liars and ego maniacs with inferiority complexes.....
Would you ask to speak to the bar owner to complain about his clientele?
Or would you pick out the one or two people whose company you enjoy and get drunk with them?

Feb 10 06 06:57 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

I hate you all, except Eric.... because he has my hat(s)!

Feb 10 06 07:01 pm Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Eric S. wrote:
If y'all went to a bar one night and were disappointed with the wide array of creeps, losers, schmucks, scam artists, posers, sociopaths, liars and ego maniacs with inferiority complexes.....
Would you ask to speak to the bar owner to complain about his clientele?
Or would you pick out the one or two people whose company you enjoy and get drunk with them?

I'd go to a different bar.  Why pay, or endorse something I didn't like, or which made me uncomfortable.

No point talking to the owner, they usually don't listen, as long as someone is paying (or giving them what they want), even if it would be in their long term interest.

aka Bodyartist

Feb 10 06 09:39 pm Link


afterdarc studios

Posts: 1196

San Diego, California, US

I hated this place for awhile.  We'll just see how long it will last until I hate it once again.


Feb 14 06 10:36 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
I hate you all, except Eric.... because he has my hat(s)!

Don't worry Steven, we hate you too! Happy Valentines Day!

Feb 14 06 10:38 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

yes, I am a snarky person. I blame Melvin.

Feb 14 06 10:39 pm Link


Jack Curtis

Posts: 224

Westlake, Louisiana, US

C R Photography wrote:

What the hell do the Germans have to do with this? wink

I knew a German guy named Benny once.

Feb 14 06 10:47 pm Link