Forums > General Industry > Model throwing a nasty look at another model ?


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I did a photo shoot with 3 models together. I had a female model friend walk in to the studio so I stopped taking photos (only for a few minutes)and introduced my friend to a head booker from the agency I worked at.

My friend after the shoot told me that one of the 3 models gave her a really nasty look to which I have no idea why.

Can another model or photographer explain this ?

Was she jealous that I took my attention off her and the other two models to speak and introduce my friend to another ?

And is this a typical female model thing ?

Feb 15 06 05:20 am Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Ok so did I just ask a stupid question ?

Feb 15 06 05:32 am Link


Fi Stevens

Posts: 12

Basingstoke, England, United Kingdom

I imagine they're annoyed that you stopped shooting them to talk to someone else...

Feb 15 06 05:38 am Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Yeh but the nasty look was only from one model fi.

Clearly the other two models didnt mind.

Feb 15 06 05:56 am Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

The answer to your question.. yes yes and yes.
many many many models can be very catty. especially if they find the intrusive model more attractive than they are.  of course thats all a self image thing.. but yes... jealousy about her looks and time taken away from her.  but then again the truth will never really be known unless you ask the frowning girl.

Feb 15 06 06:15 am Link


Louis Guidone

Posts: 87

Woodside, New York, US

It could have been that the momentum was interrupted.

Feb 15 06 06:17 am Link



Posts: 97

Elizabethtown, Kentucky, US

yes some women are like that and maybe it wasnt jealousy but annoyance with the girl being there could have messed up her vibe. did you ask the girls if they minded the chick staying around? from the post you made it seems like she sat/stood around and watched.

Feb 15 06 06:18 am Link



Posts: 97

Elizabethtown, Kentucky, US

oh and yes even if the other two didnt mind. she is her own person, obviously she did.

Feb 15 06 06:20 am Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I do my best work when I and the model(s) shut out the world and proceed as though we are all that matters.

Any interruption, and the interruptor, is resented to some degree. How much that degree is, is, very individual.

Feb 15 06 06:28 am Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

FabioTovar wrote:
The answer to your question.. yes yes and yes.
many many many models can be very catty. especially if they find the intrusive model more attractive than they are.  of course thats all a self image thing.. but yes... jealousy about her looks and time taken away from her.  but then again the truth will never really be known unless you ask the frowning girl.

Actually Fabio I had the opportunity to ask that girl who gave the nasty look about 2 or 3 years later when she modeled for me again but didnt bother as she probably wouldn't have even remembered.

Although all three models were between the ages of 16 to 18 and my friend who walked in was in her early 20's. Maybe that particular model who gave the nasty look felt insecure. Never thought of that until reading what you typed. Thanks

Must remember that 'Models can be catty' bit too.

LouisGuidone wrote:
It could have been that the momentum was interrupted.

Actually there was no momentum Louis they weren't very experienced and I had to guide them verbally every step of the way. Trying to get all three of them to interact with each other.

Capri Cherry wrote:
yes some women are like that and maybe it wasnt jealousy but annoyance with the girl being there could have messed up her vibe. did you ask the girls if they minded the chick staying around? from the post you made it seems like she sat/stood around and watched.

No I didnt speak to the girls Capri my female model friend just walked into the studio a few steps and I walked up to her to see what she wanted and I then introduced her to the head booker.

She didnt stay but.

Stephen Dawson wrote:
I do my best work when I and the model(s) shut out the world and proceed as though we are all that matters.

Any interruption, and the interruptor, is resented to some degree. How much that degree is, is, very individual.

Actually shutting out the world is what I definitely like to do but in this case the studio had about 8 or 9 people watching them all. The headbooker, her boyfriend and the models family members.

Feb 15 06 06:36 am Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

OH crap... you said they were ages 16 to 18?!!
Oh thats it right there!  come on!!!!  OMG becky... so we were like shooting.. and this GIRL barges in like she owns the place... i mean come on.. i though i was at a professional shoot or sumin......... haha.. yeah..... catty 16 yo... but.... sometimes that reaction has no age boundries lol. 
welcome to our world where models are perceived as high maintenance pains in the butts and photographers as scummy guys who want to sleep with them. hahaha.. fortunately from what I can tell there are few of those in either spectrum and the majority of everyone is pretty cool and professional.  OMG BECKY!

Feb 15 06 07:03 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

girls always give other girls nasty looks because girls are's just a fact of life...

Feb 15 06 07:13 am Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

FabioTovar wrote:
catty 16 yo... but.... sometimes that reaction has no age boundries lol.

Yeh that makes sense a catty 16 yold.

LOL ! "Sometimes that reaction has no boundaries".

Feb 15 06 07:21 am Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:
girls always give other girls nasty looks because girls are's just a fact of life...

Thanks for that bit of info Isabel. Not being a girl and all I don't experience any of that or live in a girls world so to speak.

Feb 15 06 07:24 am Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

not exactly the same, but i have seen models leave nasty comments like "EWWW SHE LOOKS LIKE A NASTY DOG GROSS" etc etc on pics before.
maybe it was a joke, i can't tell.
why the model with the picture didn't delete the comment, i'm not sure.
but either way, there's always the possibility of some backstory, some backstabbing, some reason why one person might have some complaint with another, even if only for invisible petty reasons.

Feb 15 06 07:54 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

I am sorry but what the hell are people thinking???

I would not give a flying toss what people think of me or how they look at me if i don't know them personally.
I am only 23 and know this wise bit of wisdom.

I am sorry maybe your friend should grow up a little.

***waits for the ear bashing***

xx shelly xx

Feb 15 06 10:38 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

I hope none of my models would act like that. Maintaining a friendly set is a top priority for me.

Feb 15 06 10:50 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Ched wrote:
I hope none of my models would act like that. Maintaining a friendly set is a top priority for me.

totally agree with you but then again you should be able to hold your own and not mince about it afterwards

Feb 15 06 10:51 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

... because she's an idiot....?

No pity for the attitudinally challenged... I say we club her like a baby seal...

I guess that would get rid of a major percentage of teenagers, wouldn't it?

Feb 15 06 11:49 am Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

Raven Photography wrote:
And is this a typical female model thing ?


or how about this...You are the biggest shoot of your life you have about 7 women in the room that half of them that gang up on one model...Not behind her back so much but kind of like right next to her...that really sucked...I didnt know what to do..I finished the shoot and haven't worked with the bitches again..

Feb 15 06 11:51 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

In my opinion it was rude of your model friend to walk in on a shoot in progress.  When you see a shoot going on you should come back later and not draw attention to yourself. Common etiquette ......    As the photographer I would have asked her to please come back when I was finished shooting because I would like to introduce her to so and so.

Feb 15 06 12:27 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Mary wrote:
In my opinion it was rude of your model friend to walk in on a shoot in progress.  When you see a shoot going on you should come back later and not draw attention to yourself. Common etiquette ......    As the photographer I would have asked her to please come back when I was finished shooting because I would like to introduce her to so and so.

Good call Mary.

Tact, people. It doesn't cost nuthin. Get some.

But then again, he was dealing with kids. Comes with the territory.

Feb 15 06 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

I went to a "casting call" of sorts this weekend.  Generally I am nice to everyone and make small talk a little.  Everyone was really nice except this one girl.  It literally took me about an hour to realize she was absolutely IGNORING the fact that I was there.  I asked her a question and she completely ignored me.  I thought she just didn't hear me!  The owner of the studio was showing me tearsheets from the magazine and this chick walks right up in between us and says "i need to talk to you".  He said "not right now, I'm explaining something to Suzi".  So she just stood there!  Right in between us!  It was incredible.

Feb 15 06 12:37 pm Link


Sogno Dolce

Posts: 33

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

girls are bitches. period.

Feb 15 06 12:42 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Sogno Dolce wrote:
girls are bitches. period.

And dudes are bastards.  Just wanted to even the playing field.

Feb 15 06 12:46 pm Link


Marion Frank

Posts: 80

Brooklyn, New York, US

I have been shooting models for over 10 years now and one thing that has remained consistent is that models are VERY catty around other models that they don't know. Shoot......women are catty around other women that they don't know period.  I would imagine your friend that stopped by is very attractive. The model that gave the dirty look probably felt the pressure and her outlet was to give the threat the stare down. I love that kind of competitive spirit.  I say break out the baby oil and let em' fight.   

Marion Frank
Star Quality Images

Feb 15 06 12:52 pm Link


Heidi Van Horne

Posts: 76

Los Angeles, California, US

16-18, you did answer your own Q!  wink
but seriously?  just because you didn't see the other 2 girls "mind", you don't really know- they coulda' been catty, too, and just not have gotten caught!  yeah, girls can be catty, and yet- you stopped a shoot to introduce another (walking in part way through) model to an agent while shooting other girls?  its tacky...  i wouldn't be rolling eyes at the girl, but i'd be questioning the photogs' tact in my own mind from then on...
just imo!  wink

Feb 15 06 12:56 pm Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

Just keep some saucers around to serve milk in and you'll be fine with most women when they see a potential rival for attention.  Nature of the beasties.  If they weren't so damn cute when they purr and stretch I would have given up photographing them years ago.

Feb 15 06 01:00 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

I even feel guilty taking a phone call when I'm in the middle of a shoot.

Feb 15 06 01:01 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

CrazyIsabelAurora wrote:
girls always give other girls nasty looks because girls are's just a fact of life...

If you are a female model...and working with a photographer in front of other females (models or not) can ALWAYS EXPECT THAT LOOK (or even some verbage "slightly aloud") as to how the model in question isn't really THAT pretty...)

And btw...those girls who give the "nasty" look often then go up to the photographer to ask for their card. wink

- Denoy


Guys watching other guys photograph beautiful girls on the other hand go, "That lucky son-of-a-b...." smile

Feb 15 06 02:18 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Mary wrote:
In my opinion it was rude of your model friend to walk in on a shoot in progress.  When you see a shoot going on you should come back later and not draw attention to yourself. Common etiquette ......    As the photographer I would have asked her to please come back when I was finished shooting because I would like to introduce her to so and so.

Ya.  This would have been the correct/polite thing to do.

It's like you are having sex with someone...and someone else walks in and you have a conversation with them in the middle of it...and don't mind the other party hanging around to watch.  smile

Feb 15 06 02:21 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

DeBoer Photography wrote:
Guys watching other guys photograph beautiful girls on the other hand go, "That lucky son-of-a-b...." smile

I get that alot when I show friends my pictures.

That and lawyers and doctors saying they made the wrong creer choice.

But, sticking to the topic, both are bad. Allowing unrelated guests into the studio in the middle of a shoot and giving them your full attention is bad, but throwing nasty looks at the person who came in rater than the photographer is also just juvenile.

It's hard enough giving fair attention to more than one model you're actually working with.

Feb 15 06 04:10 pm Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

jon mmmayhem wrote:
not exactly the same, but i have seen models leave nasty comments like "EWWW SHE LOOKS LIKE A NASTY DOG GROSS" etc etc on pics before.
maybe it was a joke, i can't tell.
why the model with the picture didn't delete the comment, i'm not sure.

WOW ! Talk about a hurtful comment. That is being bitchy.

Dee wrote:

Raven Photography wrote:
And is this a typical female model thing ?


or how about this...You are the biggest shoot of your life you have about 7 women in the room that half of them that gang up on one model...Not behind her back so much but kind of like right next to her...that really sucked...I didnt know what to do..I finished the shoot and haven't worked with the bitches again..

Damn ! Talk about a difficult situation to be in.

Mary wrote:
As the photographer I would have asked her to please come back when I was finished shooting because I would like to introduce her to so and so.

Actually Mary that was and still is the only photo shoot I've done where I have suddenly stopped taking photos and starting talking to someone else.

All my other shoots have been my attention fully on the model.

Suzi wrote:
I went to a "casting call" of sorts this weekend.  Generally I am nice to everyone and make small talk a little.  Everyone was really nice except this one girl.  It literally took me about an hour to realize she was absolutely IGNORING the fact that I was there.  I asked her a question and she completely ignored me.  I thought she just didn't hear me!  The owner of the studio was showing me tearsheets from the magazine and this chick walks right up in between us and says "i need to talk to you".  He said "not right now, I'm explaining something to Suzi".  So she just stood there!  Right in between us!  It was incredible.

Talk about a girl with an attitude problem !!

Sounds like she may have considered you more beautiful then herself or her competition.

Marion_Frank wrote:
I have been shooting models for over 10 years now and one thing that has remained consistent is that models are VERY catty around other models that they don't know. Shoot......women are catty around other women that they don't know period.  I would imagine your friend that stopped by is very attractive. The model that gave the dirty look probably felt the pressure and her outlet was to give the threat the stare down. I love that kind of competitive spirit.  I say break out the baby oil and let em' fight.   

Marion Frank
Star Quality Images

Yes Marion my friend that stopped by is very attractive, awesome figure, INCREDIBLE cheek bones and jaw structure and a lovely height and long blonde hair and blue eyes.

Also just to mention the girl that gave my friend the nasty look was also a blonde with blue eyes. Don't know if that comes into the equation or not.

LOL ! "break out the oil and let them fight', that would be fun.

Heidi Van Horne wrote:
16-18, you did answer your own Q!  wink
but seriously?  just because you didn't see the other 2 girls "mind", you don't really know- they coulda' been catty, too, and just not have gotten caught!  yeah, girls can be catty, and yet- you stopped a shoot to introduce another (walking in part way through) model to an agent while shooting other girls?  its tacky...  i wouldn't be rolling eyes at the girl, but i'd be questioning the photogs' tact in my own mind from then on...
just imo!  wink

Well as I said above its the only shoot I've suddenly stopped taking photos in to introduce one person to another. All my other shoots is FULL attention on the model and I don't plan on changing that. (except for this one error)

Dreams To Keep wrote:
Just keep some saucers around to serve milk in and you'll be fine with most women when they see a potential rival for attention.

'Potential rivals for attention' is something I'm going to permanently stamp on to my brain. Since this is my career. (dealing with models)

DeBoer Photography wrote:

If you are a female model...and working with a photographer in front of other females (models or not) can ALWAYS EXPECT THAT LOOK (or even some verbage "slightly aloud") as to how the model in question isn't really THAT pretty...)

And btw...those girls who give the "nasty" look often then go up to the photographer to ask for their card. wink

- Denoy

Talk about a cat eat cat world amongst female models.

Thanks to everyone who gave me their opinions and comments. They are appreciated.

Feb 15 06 08:38 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

Why are you asking about this years later?   You said that you had an opportunity to ask her a couple of years later.  Why are you bringing it up here and now?

Feb 15 06 08:41 pm Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

I was going to ask the same question.  I guess he just felt like posting a message. wink


Feb 15 06 08:51 pm Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Tracey Masterson wrote:
Why are you asking about this years later?   You said that you had an opportunity to ask her a couple of years later.  Why are you bringing it up here and now?

Because its been stuck on my mind ever since I did the shoot years ago. I've never had a model give another model a nasty look before.

With all the photographers and models on this site I knew I could get some kind of explanation. And as I said I did have the opportunity to ask that same girl in a shoot with her years later but "she probably wouldn't have remembered" so there was no point asking her.

Plus its very helpful to get other professional photographer and models opinions and comments. With the experience everyone else has had.

Feb 15 06 09:42 pm Link