Forums > General Industry > he showed up at my house!


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Sara Green wrote:
Sorry that this happened to you. Try to get a PO Box and not give out your home address.

Please do not try to spread the "tip"to other models. ACTUAL addresses are required for model releases. Also, with the new 2257 law changes, if you do work where the 2257 laws effect the model and photographer involved because of the types of photos/videos they did, if the model does not provide all the actual information required(one requirement being an actual home address), both the model AND photographer can be charged with felonies.

Feb 16 06 04:09 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US


Feb 16 06 04:09 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

pamela mars wrote:
a little while ago-i was having a photographer sending me threats via email-that he was gona charge me with slander/defamation of character.
he sent me an extremely rude message-so i found his number and called and left a message right after reading it.  i said that i would show people the message to warn them about him-and he responded with threatening a lawsuit.
anyway-after recieving rude message after rude message-and hanging up on him and unplugging the answering machine so he couldn't contact me. i filtered his messages-and informed him that any future attempts at contacting me would result in a restraining order against him.
well-earlier today-the idiot shows up at my house! i was sick in bed-so i didn't answer the door. about 20mins ago-i checked and found an envelope-no address-opened-in between my front doors.  he even wrote a letter with the disc.
i don't know about you guys-but it looks like he's totally violated my wishes. i think i do need to file that restraining order if he's gona do things like this.
i also took a look at the pictures and half of them were blurry and out of focus-and he claims to be a professional?
he's papperazzi. goes around to night clubs and takes pix of the people.
why do i have to deal with these psychotic losers all the time?

I can empathize, but you and the photographer are so far removed from my day to day operations that it costs me less in terms of emotional involvement to just isolate certain parts of your post and laugh a little at it. Not at you. wink

Good luck with things. Consider that there is a good to come out of this experience. Guys like him actually force you to search out better venues for clubbing.

Feb 16 06 04:13 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Please do not try to spread the "tip"to other models. ACTUAL addresses are required for model releases. Also, with the new 2257 law changes, if you do work where the 2257 laws effect the model and photographer involved because of the types of photos/videos they did, if the model does not provide all the actual information required(one requirement being an actual home address), both the model AND photographer can be charged with felonies.

that is a bit too extreme in this instance.

Feb 16 06 04:25 pm Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Should have hired me.  I am psycho free!  And I do not stalk models as I'm too lazy to put in the required effort.


Feb 16 06 04:25 pm Link


Peggy Weidner

Posts: 124

Denton, Georgia, US

Call the police!

Feb 16 06 04:29 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

if you see mista limp lens again, a very qwick assertive palm thrust to the throat will calm him down...and while he is doubled over, a knee thrust to the sternum should shut him up...BUT...if he is still standing, which i doubt, a swift side kick to the knee will show him who is boss.

Feb 16 06 04:29 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

BCG wrote:

fabricated drama like your accusations against ME for sexual harrassment???

once again DUDE  You make NO sense in your mindless conversations in attempt to upset people

Yawns,,, Need a life dude

Feb 16 06 04:35 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

Ron B Blake wrote:

once again DUDE  You make NO sense in your mindless conversations in attempt to upset people

Yawns,,, Need a life dude

you still owe me a beer.

Feb 16 06 04:39 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
ACTUAL addresses are required for model releases. Also, with the new 2257 law changes, if you do work where the 2257 laws effect the model and photographer involved because of the types of photos/videos they did, if the model does not provide all the actual information required(one requirement being an actual home address), both the model AND photographer can be charged with felonies.

A PO Box is an ACTUAL address. You can't get a USPS PO Box without showing an ID and the name on the ID is what goes on the box. No mail is delivered unless it has that name on it. If you're trying to make sure something reaches a person (and their real name) a USPS PO Box is the best address to use.

Do you mean this 2257? … -000-.html

I don't speak legal (yet big_smile ) maybe we're reading different 2257...for example could you point out where this applies to all non-porn models? And also where it says a home address of the model is required? I see address stated only once and it is preceded by the word business not home

"(a) Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, or other matter which—
(1) contains one or more visual depictions made after November 1, 1990 of actual sexually explicit conduct; and
(2) is produced in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, or is shipped or transported or is intended for shipment or transportation in interstate or foreign commerce;"

"(2) If the person to whom subsection (a) of this section applies is an organization the statement required by this subsection shall include the name, title, and business address of the individual employed by such organization responsible for maintaining the records required by this section."

Feb 16 06 04:42 pm Link



Posts: 1618

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Josie Nutter wrote:
And definitely share your experiences here:

I signed up but never got sent a password/log on. Oh well.

Feb 16 06 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

pamela mars wrote:

i'm itching to just come out and tell everyone the complete details of everything incl the fact that he's a ____ ____.

"incl the fact he's a..."  __Millitant_  _ Hermaphrodite__?

Feb 16 06 04:55 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Sara Green wrote:
A PO Box is an ACTUAL address. You can't get a USPS PO Box without showing an ID and the name on the ID is what goes on the box. No mail is delivered unless it has that name on it. If you're trying to make sure something reaches a person (and their real name) a USPS PO Box is the best address to use.

I don't believe this to be true.  One of my models uses an alias and that is used with her PO Box.

Feb 16 06 05:47 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

pamela mars wrote:

i'm itching to just come out and tell everyone the complete details of everything incl the fact that he's a ____ ____.

I only have one question, and I am not passing any judgement.

Does he have any images of you that you would not want the general public, or friends to see? 

If he does it might be a can of worms better left closed, and just go in with your life.

Feb 16 06 05:55 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

JM Dean wrote:
But hold it in cause it would just be your side of the story wink All Rise smile

I’m not taking his side just looking at things in a different way.

A fair and impartial trial will commence at 10 o'clock; the hanging will be held promptly at Noon.

There is nothing lost in a TRO - it will keep both of them apart. Case closed.


Feb 16 06 05:55 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
I don't believe this to be true.  One of my models uses an alias and that is used with her PO Box.

Not according to the USPS (calling or going in person to the one here) This is the application for it

If you mean non-USPS boxes, then yes you can do whatever you want with those - they don't care - you can even claim it as a street address

Feb 16 06 05:58 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

pamela mars wrote:

i'm itching to just come out and tell everyone the complete details of everything incl the fact that he's a ____ ____.

Sounds to me like you are itching to do a lot of things. Maybe with a "b." It sounds like you want to escalate a cat fight for attention and to make someone miserable because it feels good to be mean and vindictive.

Professionalism goes both ways. There is nothing about this thread that is professional. It's whiney, juvenile and overdramatic.

Life sucks and you got blurry pictures. So sue the bastard and get a court order to make him focus better.

Hope you feel better.

Life is as sweet as we let it.

Feb 16 06 06:17 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Marvin Dockery wrote:

I only have one question, and I am not passing any judgement.

Does he have any images of you that you would not want the general public, or friends to see? 

If he does it might be a can of worms better left closed, and just go in with your life.


no he doesn't-but he tried to get them.
he's a crreeep and has been removed from my profile entirely.

Feb 16 06 06:19 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US I understand it...models complain when they don't receive their prints/CD from a the point where harsh words are exchanged and the phone is not picked up, disconnected or whatever...

But when a photographer does take the time to personally deliver the goods, the photographer is considered a stalker?

Hmm....something doesn't add up.  I am sure there is more to this story than meets the eye...especially since it is very one-sided at this point.

Feb 16 06 06:24 pm Link



Posts: 41

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

wow...scary stuff...yup better file that order

Feb 16 06 06:26 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

here in the Great State of Texas...we can carry guns legally...that deters most stalkers.

Feb 16 06 07:02 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

I have several thoughts about this post.

First, why did you post it in the first place? It should have been pretty obvious that, even if he is what you say he is, putting the issue up on a public forum would only serve to escalate the situation.

Also, how are we to know that any of what you say about him is true? Frankly, there is something about your OP and subsequent replies that makes me wonder. I have also read your profile - it is pretty much a list of your demands and information about yourself that seems a bit overboard. I have to say that I doubt I would have booked a shoot with you on the basis of your profile alone. It speaks of a person who is completely absorbed with her own life and her own needs. Maybe I am wrong but you might do well to at least consider that many people will reach the same conclusion that I did.

I would not report him by name on the site given here, or anywhere else, unless you can post something that is 100% factual and supportable. Remember also that just because you believe something to be factual does not mean that it will be deemed to have been proven factual in a court of law. Add to this, that lawsuits for things like defamation occur in civil court, not in criminal court. This is an extremely important distinction because he doesn't have to "prove" that you are wrong - he just has to get a jury to believe that you are wrong. If he does, this will become a very expensive rant for you.

If he is all that you say he is, my advice would be to focus on reporting him to the police, asking your friends to watch out for you and, most importantly, moving. Restraining orders really aren't worth the paper that they are printed on. If these nuts want to kill someone, a TRO isn't going to stop them. Move. It's that simple. Get away from him and be sure that he will never find you again. Don't shop in the same places, don't go to the same restaurants and change alot of your personal habits. Just make it as close to impossible as you can for him to find you in another way.

What ever the reality of this situation, I wish you well and strongly believe that you should be able to live your life without harrassment from any source, photographers or otherwise.

Feb 16 06 07:10 pm Link


Jennifer Black

Posts: 108

Covina, California, US

I was in a similar situation to this not too long ago.

I had shot a few times with a self proclaimed "professional fashion photographer" (who I later found out made his living through shooting porn stars). After he made it abundantly clear that he was sexually attracted to me (and I made it abundantly clear that I was in a committed relationship and not looking for anything else), I decided that I no longer wanted to shoot with him.

I did my best to blow off the situation. However, after recieving sexually provocative emails and phone calls non stop, I told my significant other about it. Naturally, my partner got upset, and called the photographer up. No harsh words or threats were made towards the photographer, but he took it upon himself to record the coversation, and forward it to his lawyer.

Naturally nothing resulted from this, but it is frustrating beyond belief. These are the kind of psychopaths you here about on daytime TV, as a warning to girls to stay away from the modeling industry. And I didn't get any pictures out of the deal either!

My advice: Get a restraining order now!

Feb 16 06 07:20 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

He's just another PWC, psycho with a camera ...
Tell him that you hired Cheney as your bodyguard smile

Feb 16 06 08:30 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Louis Braga wrote:
He's just another PWC, psycho with a camera ...
Tell him that you hired Cheney as your bodyguard smile

LMAO! Better not hire Cheney - he's liable to shoot YOU!

Feb 16 06 09:58 pm Link



Posts: 998

Hartford, Connecticut, US

Sara Green wrote:

Not according to the USPS (calling or going in person to the one here) This is the application for it

If you mean non-USPS boxes, then yes you can do whatever you want with those - they don't care - you can even claim it as a street address

According to the USPS Domestic Mail Manual, you cannot claim it as a street address. Boxes such as those at Mail Boxes Etc. or similar places are only supposed to be labeled as:

PMB ###
Street Address
City, State, ZIP

Stating the address otherwise is a federal offense - just ask Calvn.


Feb 16 06 10:25 pm Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

HOLY CRAP!  THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME!  sorta.  a Photographer came to my house to do a photo shoot.  he was lucky to catch me on one of the two days i have off every week.  he was also lucky enough to catch me when i wanted to go to ikea... sad

Feb 16 06 10:29 pm Link



Posts: 998

Hartford, Connecticut, US

pamela mars wrote:
a little while ago-i was having a photographer sending me threats via email-that he was gona charge me with slander/defamation of character.
he's papperazzi. goes around to night clubs and takes pix of the people.
why do i have to deal with these psychotic losers all the time?

Lots of people have already commented, and some have added "legal" advice. Please remember that we are not lawyers - we're models, photographers, stylists and others.

My suggestion - go to the police and file a report and let them know you are doing this because you MAY have to swear out a TRO. While we only hear your side, it sounds like it might be over at this point.

Best of luck with this,

Marc Stevenson

Feb 16 06 10:30 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I am floored that you models are giving out your address!!!!  WHAT ARE YOU ALL THINKING????!!!   STOP!!!!   Agency models NEVER NEVER give out their addresses, it is not required on model releases. 

If you have some kind of release that requires an address give your parents or boyfriend or grandmother or whatever....NOT YOUR OWN!!!   If you have to show a license for some reason block out the address.   I'm not working in the nudity industry so I'm not up on the laws here but if you are required to make your home address known find another way to make money.  The world is full of creeps and this industry attracts more then it's fair share...making it hard on the legit photographers and thats a shame but safetly should come first and home address, home numbers, where you work....all of that should be kept private.

I am sitting here in stunned disbelief that models are letting this info out.

Feb 16 06 10:44 pm Link


SMK Images

Posts: 743

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

McKenzie Bros Photo wrote:
Thats what give photgraphers a bad name, please don't let one rotten apple spoil the rest.  Take this issue to the authorities.  Do not delay.

I can't agree stong enough!
While I know that there is stuff you are not saying, and I understand that. But like it was said, something has to be done.

Feb 16 06 10:52 pm Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

Mary wrote:
I am floored that you models are giving out your address!!!!  WHAT ARE YOU ALL THINKING????!!!   STOP!!!!   Agency models NEVER NEVER give out their addresses, it is not required on model releases. 

If you have some kind of release that requires an address give your parents or boyfriend or grandmother or whatever....NOT YOUR OWN!!!   If you have to show a license for some reason block out the address.   I'm not working in the nudity industry so I'm not up on the laws here but if you are required to make your home address known find another way to make money.  The world is full of creeps and this industry attracts more then it's fair share...making it hard on the legit photographers and thats a shame but safetly should come first and home address, home numbers, where you work....all of that should be kept private.

I am sitting here in stunned disbelief that models are letting this info out.

If it is a nude shoot i hope most photographers require an ID. Best way to protect yourself is to take a photograph of the model holding her ID. Especially if she looks young. I’ve lost several nude shoots due to this. Things go alone fine until I tell them they need to bring an ID. Then no word from them again.  My guess is they are underage.

Sorry this is a little off topic just trying to explain why we need ID’s sometimes.

Feb 16 06 11:05 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Don't even waste your time with a restraining order. They serve no purpose in protecting you. Unless the police actually CATCH the person in the act of violating the order they do NOTHING. And 9 out of 10 times when they do cops simply tell the person to go away.

Don't you have a boyfriend, big brother etc that could well have a little man to man chat with this individual. THAT is about the ONLY language some of these people will ever understand.

Next step is to out this individual. So long as what you have to say is the TRUTH. The WHOLE truth and nothing BUT.

Feb 16 06 11:11 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

JM Dean wrote:

If it is a nude shoot i hope most photographers require an ID. Best way to protect yourself is to take a photograph of the model holding her ID. Especially if she looks young. I’ve lost several nude shoots due to this. Things go alone fine until I tell them they need to bring an ID. Then no word from them again.  My guess is they are underage.

Sorry this is a little off topic just trying to explain why we need ID’s sometimes.

well if its a requirement to show your address and you can not cover it up....I would just not do this type of shoot.  It's honestly not worth the money.

Feb 16 06 11:14 pm Link


Lari C

Posts: 1

Joshua Tree, California, US

Well, I definitely wish you luck in this situation...he sounds like a jerk to me!  Sorry you have to go through that.


Feb 16 06 11:14 pm Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

Mary wrote:

well if its a requirement to show your address and you can not cover it up....I would just not do this type of shoot.  It's honestly not worth the money.

I don’t request them if I know you have done nudes with another photographer I can trust. Also I don’t request them for fashion or anything else. Unfortunately you have that 1% of new underage models that try to sneak in nudes (their idea). Its just protection for myself when the sheriff comes a knocking smile

Feb 17 06 12:19 am Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Mary wrote:
I am floored that you models are giving out your address!!!!  WHAT ARE YOU ALL THINKING????!!!   STOP!!!!   Agency models NEVER NEVER give out their addresses, it is not required on model releases. 

If you have some kind of release that requires an address give your parents or boyfriend or grandmother or whatever....NOT YOUR OWN!!!   If you have to show a license for some reason block out the address.   I'm not working in the nudity industry so I'm not up on the laws here but if you are required to make your home address known find another way to make money.  The world is full of creeps and this industry attracts more then it's fair share...making it hard on the legit photographers and thats a shame but safetly should come first and home address, home numbers, where you work....all of that should be kept private.

I am sitting here in stunned disbelief that models are letting this info out.


All someone really needs is your name and phone number...or even your license plate.  Cell phones may help a bit...but even that can lead to tracking.

It really ISN'T that hard to track someone down.  We live in an information age...and almost any information you wish to find on ANYONE can be found in minutes (or sometimes hours) via the internet or other sources.

I think the real key is to carefully pick whom you work with and avoid psycho crazy types. smile

- Denoy

Feb 17 06 02:15 am Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Mary wrote:
well if its a requirement to show your address and you can not cover it up....I would just not do this type of shoot.  It's honestly not worth the money.


I didn't know you modeled? wink

Feb 17 06 02:18 am Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

Louis Braga wrote:
He's just another PWC, psycho with a camera ...
Tell him that you hired Cheney as your bodyguard smile

LMAO!!!  Good one Louis! :-D

Feb 17 06 02:25 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

you should definitely get a restraining order.  since he has violated your warnings they'll probably give you one against him.  especially since he's been on your property.  of course the police could be total douches and treat you how they treated me when an xbf of mine actually trespassed on my property not once but twice! and the 2nd time breaking into my home.  make it apparent to them that this man is a threat to you.  for me they didn't treat it the way i had asked until he had broken into my home while i was still there.  now that is some crazy and scary stuff. i definitely felt my life was in serious danger.  so be careful and do what you need to feel safe and secure.  make them listen.

Feb 17 06 02:26 am Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

DeBoer Photography wrote:
I didn't know you modeled? wink

She did! Including an AT&T ad, if memory serves. How could anyone not love that face? Here's my shot of my favorite makeup artist:

Feb 17 06 02:30 am Link