Forums > General Industry > First Annual Chicago Auto Show Shoot



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Well, goobers, you missed a good time. That'll teach you to ignore our casting calls.

I met Diem ( at my studio and we ambled on down to the Chicago Auto Show via CTA, because we hate parking. In retrospect a taxicab might have been in order, at least for the last bit, but we made it. (We *did* take a taxi back downtown because it was raining like crazy when we left.)

There we met Michael Rothman ( and his friend Kevin, and later former model turned photographer Elena, who were both nice. We snuck Diem into the ladies room where she emerged in a drop-dead black dress, which we photographed in as many cool cars and on as many interesting things as we could. smile Here's one on a display in the Subaru area which I call "Blue Light Special."

Later, she challenged a soldier to a race up the rock climbing wall and gave him a scare before he pulled ahead. smile A good time was had by all, especially Diem, who got more attention than practically anybody else in the building. At one point she was signing autographs and she *didn't even work there.*


Feb 16 06 09:10 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

The Dodge people were doing free snapshots in front of their concept cars - here's the few, the proud, the attendees.


Feb 17 06 04:10 pm Link


Michael Rothman

Posts: 778

Oak Park, Illinois, US

Thanks Marc for posting this. My picture of that motley bunch seems to be held up by Dodge. 

I think your correct about what a great time we had.  Diem was such a dream to shoot with.  How many guys with cell phone cameras were following her around that day??  I think there might be MORE unofficial pictures of her that all three photographers combined.

And to the dear young women who said they were coming and DIDN'T show up or CALL.  Shame on you.  Not only did you miss a really fun shoot and a chance to be 'famous' but your actions were NOT professional. This will be remembered the next time we or any other photographer asks about a Model.


Feb 19 06 09:24 pm Link