Forums > General Industry > Half day rate for calendar shoot?


Amanda Fire

Posts: 28

Dayton, Alabama, US

Hi, I may have calendar shoot coming up and I need to know how much to charge for a half day calendar shoot? 

Feb 20 06 02:55 am Link



Posts: 450

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

you charge less than he is willing to pay and more than what a half a day of your time is worth to you. Theres no real standards to charging he has a max he is willing to pay below that its just your time.

Martin IV

Feb 20 06 03:11 am Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

[edited - my original reply was regarding photography, not modeling]

A couple of things to consider:
What is the usage/distribution of the calendar?
Is the job with a photographer with whom you really want to work on a regular basis?
Is the calendar for a group that you support?
Most importantly, what is the client's budget for the job?

FWIW, agency models here usually quote a day rate rather than a half day, so they would start at $1200. Usage rights would be additional. I have been able to negotiate much better rates myself, down to as low as $500 for certain projects. YMMV.

Good luck, and congrats on the calendar! Be sure to share it with us!

Feb 20 06 08:58 am Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

You charge what he/she is willing to pay.  Ask the client for the rate of pay and how long you are expected to work and what you are expected to do.

If the terms are acceptable to you, fine.  If not, politely say, "No thank-you." and move on.




One of the keys to success as a model is knowing what the fair market value is for your services as well as what you are willing to accept.

As you progress in experience and find yourself getting more requests for bookings than you can handle, your "acceptable" rate should be progressing upwards towards the "standard" rate.  And even can go up beyond the "standard" rate if you still find yourself getting booked at the higher rate.

Your "acceptable rate" is what people are willing to pay you at any given moment and it can be at, above or below the fair market rate.

Feb 20 06 09:25 am Link


Amanda Fire

Posts: 28

Dayton, Alabama, US

Thanks everyone.  I was mainly wondering for future reference because someone asked me over the weekend and I basically told him I would work for whatever he was willing to pay.  My main reasoning for this is because it's a calendar so it should be great exposure and I've been wanting to do a calendar for a while now.  Based on your responses that was close to what you were saying.  When the calendar gets done I'll be sure to put some pics up.

Feb 20 06 12:58 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Amanda Fire wrote:
Hi, I may have calendar shoot coming up and I need to know how much to charge for a half day calendar shoot? 

One comment -- I'm a big advocate of "networking".  Prices vary greatly, due to tons of factors:
   >>>  Appeal / "fit" of the model to the project.
   >>>  Potential for commercial success of the project.
   >>>  Whether the photographer is being paid by a client.
   >>>  Local fair market value.

For this last one, it's a good idea to be friendly with the other models & photographers in your area, and share ideas about rates for projects, which photographers you want to work with, which photographers you want to avoid, etc.  I certainly understand that some people may balk at sharing information with their competition, but I truly believe that in the long run, a strong community is worth the effort & risk.

Feb 20 06 01:09 pm Link


Angelo Lorenzo

Posts: 365

Simi Valley, California, US

A half day is usually 70% of what you charge for a full day shoot. That seems to be the average, and thats also what I charge as a photographer for half day.

Feb 20 06 01:33 pm Link