Forums > General Industry > Are we getting calleous???



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

Has the plethera of Modeling and Photographic sites saturated our minds with millions of images that we are getting calleous to great work?

Today, I looked at a long time professional photographers portfolio. This is a photographer who has been published in many high-end, high volume magazines, has a few published books, and is always somewhere in the world opening a Gallery.

I thought his vast body of work was good, compelling, and emotive. But, I didn't feel too overly excited.

Then I started to think about the websites I belong to, submit images to and leave critiques to. Am I getting so overloaded with image after image, some fantastic, some copies of others, cliche images, overdone images on and on. But have I saturated my sences to the point where I don't appreciate great work any more? Have I raised the bar too high?

There are some great Models and Photographers here, some of the images are great. But what I think bothers me is that there is nothing 'Fresh' here, nothing compelling, or riviting.


Feb 24 06 08:16 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

we are over takes more to please nowdays...we are a society that has become addicted to image and it takes more to feel the buzz.

Feb 24 06 08:19 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Like the good doctor says in Silence of the Lambs, "We covet what we see everyday..."

Feb 24 06 08:20 am Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

markEdwardPhoto wrote:
Has the plethera of Modeling and Photographic sites saturated our minds with millions of images that we are getting calleous to great work?

Today, I looked at a long time professional photographers portfolio. This is a photographer who has been published in many high-end, high volume magazines, has a few published books, and is always somewhere in the world opening a Gallery.

I thought his vast body of work was good, compelling, and emotive. But, I didn't feel too overly excited.

Then I started to think about the websites I belong to, submit images to and leave critiques to. Am I getting so overloaded with image after image, some fantastic, some copies of others, cliche images, overdone images on and on. But have I saturated my sences to the point where I don't appreciate great work any more? Have I raised the bar too high?

There are some great Models and Photographers here, some of the images are great. But what I think bothers me is that there is nothing 'Fresh' here, nothing compelling, or riviting.


WOW - these threads are finally having something to say lately - This is actually something to really really consider.

You may have a real good point --- hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, let me consider this

Feb 24 06 08:21 am Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

I still get excited when planning a shoot with a new hot babe.  And when a new model with a killer bod comes out of the bathroom in her undies.  I know, it's all about art, not hot bods. I've tried to explain that to my gonads.  But my gonads have their own agenda.  Maybe in 20 or 30 more years, I'll get jaded, and this won't be fun any more.  But not yet.

Feb 24 06 08:28 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Eric S. wrote:
Like the good doctor says in Silence of the Lambs, "We covet what we see everyday..."

i think this is kind of the opposite of covet.  he's talking about indifference, not desire.

Feb 24 06 08:32 am Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

Not to be crude but I was just talking about this kind of thing to my husband about porn...Like porn is an every day thing now and it isnt so exciting to watch anymore because you see so much sex it is just boring and typical...Wow where is my mind..LOL anyway..

me and my husband have a philosophy about the brain and technology

We think there is no such thing as ADD or just not as many cases as prescriptions. We think that children are over stimulated from infancy with tv and games and the computer..Its like their brains get bored when they have to read something that isnt lit up on a monitor or text in the video games. Children are bored because of technology.

My 2 cents...


Feb 24 06 08:35 am Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Well remember seeing girls ankles back in the day was a no-no out side of marraige. Imagine the excitment on the wedding night after never seeing anything from your girl. Im talking, you might want to sleep, but the fella is full on party party. Id imagine the media industry as a whole has brainwashed us to be attracted to more then what we are instictually attracted to or designed to want in a mate but now we have a surge of visual comparisons to compare ourselves and our mates with the greener grass all around us. After a while seening another hot naked women might still get you ghoing, but nothing like the first experience.

The media industry has caused men and women to have crazy expectations of themselves and others while at the same time promoting people to stop eating at mcdonalds because they want to look like that. But now consider how much money is put into plastic surgey a year. We have to be more attractive because thats what its all about being the most beautiful. Thats why its so hard to find a deep down to earth person to marry these days. The push is so strong we dont see how caulused weve become to reality. Plus all the make up girls wear now on tv, then you see them in real life....

So all that said, I would imagine that seeing all this wonderful work done by models and photographers gets less impactive. Systematic Desesnitization (spl*). You see, you like, you comapare, your standards raise. So in one token, we see better and better work and become more critical of others who dont meet par, and then the other, we foget to appriciate the subtle beauty we orignally did. Good and bad to both, but how often do we just go outside and gap in awe of created nature?

Now thats something we forget. so yeah its a bad and good thing.

Feb 24 06 08:40 am Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Dee wrote:
Not to be crude but I was just talking about this kind of thing to my husband about porn...Like porn is an every day thing now and it isnt so exciting to watch anymore because you see so much sex it is just boring and typical...Wow where is my mind..LOL anyway..

me and my husband have a philosophy about the brain and technology

We think there is no such thing as ADD or just not as many cases as prescriptions. We think that children are over stimulated from infancy with tv and games and the computer..Its like their brains get bored when they have to read something that isnt lit up on a monitor or text in the video games. Children are bored because of technology.

My 2 cents...


And thats one of the problems of porn used for sexual stimulation between couples. You get fixed on it, and start to need it to get turned on. Eventually you want to see more erotic or "risk'ey", taboo things, and the slide keeps going till you want to actually experiment. We get to the point where we need more then  that to be excited. Its an addiction.

Probably why marraige has remained the way it was for so long. BEcause its the most healthy and functional institution just as so. Bring in over stimulation and your spouse inst enbough anymore.

Oh innocence, somthing we have left somewhere and decided to not go back for. But if you rememebr innocence is waht makes children so excited about seeing animals for the first time, or going to disney land, or seeing the ocean. Appreciation of beauty at its best, at its basics.

Disclaimer, these are my opinionos and i am not trying to offend anyone. :-)

Feb 24 06 08:45 am Link



Posts: 207

Johnson City, Tennessee, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:

And thats one of the problems of porn used for sexual stimulation between couples. You get fixed on it, and start to need it to get turned on. Eventually you want to see more erotic or "risk'ey", taboo things, and the slide keeps going till you want to actually experiment. We get to the point where we need more then  that to be excited. Its an addiction.

Probably why marraige has remained the way it was for so long. BEcause its the most healthy and functional institution just as so. Bring in over stimulation and your spouse inst enbough anymore.

Oh innocence, somthing we have left somewhere and decided to not go back for. But if you rememebr innocence is waht makes children so excited about seeing animals for the first time, or going to disney land, or seeing the ocean. Appreciation of beauty at its best, at its basics.

Disclaimer, these are my opinionos and i am not trying to offend anyone. :-)

I like the way you talk. smile You have an interesting perspective on things.

Feb 24 06 08:55 am Link


giovanni gruttola

Posts: 1279

Middle Island, New York, US

Great work is great work... you know it when you see it. I have on my 'favorites list' here (not to be confused with the 'friends list'), less than a dozen photographers from here that warrant that list. There are probably more although I haven't come across them yet. From being inundated with mass media I believe when a phenomenal photographer comes along you are more likely to be aware of their talent. That's my opinion

Feb 24 06 09:08 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

markEdwardPhoto wrote:
Have I raised the bar too high?

Thank God the bar is always being raised higher and higher.

Look at some of great photography pioneers (Adams, Lange, Hine and Cameron).

I love their work, but don't get a single bite or inspiration from looking at it only because the bar is higher.

Without the bar being raised higher our senses would become immune and accept yesterdays work.

What inspires me is the new work, the image taken 5 minutes ago or the latest tear sheet.

Feb 24 06 09:11 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:

And thats one of the problems of porn used for sexual stimulation between couples. You get fixed on it, and start to need it to get turned on. Eventually you want to see more erotic or "risk'ey", taboo things, and the slide keeps going till you want to actually experiment. We get to the point where we need more then  that to be excited. Its an addiction.

Probably why marraige has remained the way it was for so long. BEcause its the most healthy and functional institution just as so. Bring in over stimulation and your spouse inst enbough anymore.

Oh innocence, somthing we have left somewhere and decided to not go back for. But if you rememebr innocence is waht makes children so excited about seeing animals for the first time, or going to disney land, or seeing the ocean. Appreciation of beauty at its best, at its basics.

Disclaimer, these are my opinionos and i am not trying to offend anyone. :-)

I disagree about marriage.  something like 60% of married people have been unfaithful to their spouses......... and it has ALWAYS been that way.  If anything it is less acceptable to have affairs than ever.  Read literature, theatre especially, as a reflection of the cultures throughout history... Multiple partners have always been commonplace, and accepted as normal.  It is a recent development (relatively speaking) that a.  marriages were regarded for partnership and love rather than financial or social mobility reasons and b.  that monogamy was expected and regarded as a virtuous thing.

Monogamy is NOT human nature, it is something that one commits to as a result of feelings they have for another person.

Feb 24 06 09:16 am Link


Heather Cole

Posts: 126

Fort Thomas, Kentucky, US

markEdwardPhoto wrote:
Has the plethera of Modeling and Photographic sites saturated our minds with millions of images that we are getting calleous to great work?


Thankfully, I'm still really new to the whole scene so I've not been inundated with as many images as the pros on here yet but I can certainly see where you're coming from. However, I don't think it should be looked at as becoming calleous. This person you mentioned seems to have a fairly large piece of the photo pie so you've seen his work a dozen times plus the work that he has inspired. So it's like yesterday's paper- you're not calleous for only wanting to read it once. As mentioned earlier, the bar had been raised because of this level of satuation and reaching for that bar- and expecting others to do likewise-  can only be seen as a positive thing. What's the point in doing something if you aren't going to grow in it, right?


Feb 24 06 09:21 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:

And thats one of the problems of porn used for sexual stimulation between couples. You get fixed on it, and start to need it to get turned on. Eventually you want to see more erotic or "risk'ey", taboo things, and the slide keeps going till you want to actually experiment. We get to the point where we need more then  that to be excited. Its an addiction.

Probably why marraige has remained the way it was for so long. BEcause its the most healthy and functional institution just as so. Bring in over stimulation and your spouse inst enbough anymore.

Oh innocence, somthing we have left somewhere and decided to not go back for. But if you rememebr innocence is waht makes children so excited about seeing animals for the first time, or going to disney land, or seeing the ocean. Appreciation of beauty at its best, at its basics.

Disclaimer, these are my opinionos and i am not trying to offend anyone. :-)

wow, that was a great post....I think you're analysis is right on.

Feb 24 06 10:04 am Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

I don't know. On one hand, I do feel a little jaded- so much of it is "been there, seen it, no desire to try it myself unless the approach is really fresh". But on the other hand, it makes me more aware. When I see a really great photo in a magazine, I study it. I stil get excited about it and I love finding new photographers on here whose work is really great.

Feb 24 06 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

Yes, I guess it does make me want to see the next level of stimulation.

But, unfortunately I find that I discount good, clean, classical work for 'same old, same old' and not appreciating it for what it is.

Sure, I scan different mags and find cool stuff, and that does inspire me from time-to-time.

I guess I don't want to lose appreciation for good work, even if has been done before.


Feb 24 06 01:10 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I don't feel jaded or callous.  I feel wide eyed and wondrous and in awe of the creativity and skill and talent out there.  I am continually exclaiming over images that make me think, or freak me out, or are just plain old purty.  They inspire me to be a better and more creative model and photographer, and they help me look at the world with an eye to seeing the good and beautiful and positive.  My whole life is infused with art.  I love it, I talk about it, I think about it, I spend hours looking at it, I participate in creating it.  There are so damn many creative and talented people in the world, and nowadays we have access to them like never before on sites like these and deviantART.  I think that's nothing but good.

There's an ad campaign in San Francisco right now for one of the art colleges here, and the slogan is "Unite against ugly."  It makes me laugh, and I think it's clever, not to mention true.  Aren't we all in this because we want to create things that are good and beautiful and lasting and true?  Because we want to create something that matters?  I know I am.

Feb 24 06 02:07 pm Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:

And thats one of the problems of porn used for sexual stimulation between couples. You get fixed on it, and start to need it to get turned on. Eventually you want to see more erotic or "risk'ey", taboo things, and the slide keeps going till you want to actually experiment. We get to the point where we need more then  that to be excited. Its an addiction.

Probably why marraige has remained the way it was for so long. BEcause its the most healthy and functional institution just as so. Bring in over stimulation and your spouse inst enbough anymore.

Oh innocence, somthing we have left somewhere and decided to not go back for. But if you rememebr innocence is waht makes children so excited about seeing animals for the first time, or going to disney land, or seeing the ocean. Appreciation of beauty at its best, at its basics.

Disclaimer, these are my opinionos and i am not trying to offend anyone. :-)

You got it all wrong about me hun.....I was saying that there is so much porn everywhere that it isnt shocking or naughty anymore...My marrige is great and I would NEVER cheat on my husband and I know he would never cheat on me..We have been together for 13 years and we are happier than when we first met...My spouse will always be enough..but when we were younger we would watch it together and it would be fun..Now with it plastered everywhere it is just typical anymore...Maybe it is me getting older i dunno..

Feb 24 06 02:11 pm Link



Posts: 2271

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

i went to a miami heat game last year and was amazed at how in every frickin corner of the American Airlines arena i was being bombarded by a message of some sort or another, From the GEICO gecko to something for Bank of America, and then every few minutes they would all rotate and it was truly mind boggling, i hardly watched the game ...
When you think from the time you wake up to the time you sleep, you are hit with messages and images, on TV, the radio, the internet, your cell phone in your car, on the road, on the bus, train.etc etc.

But still every once in a while an image will stop me in my tracks or a message on TV, beauty is beauty, art is art and there will always be a place for it in the world for it. I seek it out everyday from the clutter that is thrown at me, perhaps all you need is a different perspective of the world???.

Feb 24 06 02:26 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

markEdwardPhoto wrote:
Has the plethera of Modeling and Photographic sites saturated our minds with millions of images that we are getting calleous to great work?

Gee I hope not!!

markEdwardPhoto wrote:
Have I raised the bar too high?

Gee I hope so!!!

Feb 25 06 02:40 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:
The media industry has caused men and women to have crazy expectations of themselves and others while at the same time promoting people to stop eating at mcdonalds because they want to look like that. But now consider how much money is put into plastic surgey a year. We have to be more attractive because thats what its all about being the most beautiful. Thats why its so hard to find a deep down to earth person to marry these days. The push is so strong we dont see how caulused weve become to reality. Plus all the make up girls wear now on tv, then you see them in real life....

I've founf my new forum study buddy!

Feb 25 06 02:43 am Link