Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Do you respect the Pope in Rome ?



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

His churches are empty, they have no priests, and they're closing up churches right and left, selling off property to pay for You Know What.

Last week his main concern was naming a bunch of new Cardinals. Today, he of all people (considering the bloody bloody history of the Church) said that God will punish those who kill in his name.

Does anyone still look at him as a respected leader and Christ-like figure?

Feb 26 06 12:19 pm Link



Posts: 2008

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Lee-Bonaventure1 wrote:
His churches are empty, they have no priests, and they're closing up churches right and left, selling off property to pay for you know what.

Last week his main concern was naming a bunch of new Cardinals. Today he of all people (considering the bloody bloody history of the Church) said that God will punish people who kill in his name.

Do you look at him as a respectable leader and Christ-like figure?

You are comparing Christ to the Pope,  One Christ...

That's like comparing Gary Colemen To Emanuel Lewis....

Feb 26 06 12:22 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

the last one i respected...he knew humility...this one is a fucking nazi...*sorry to the catholics that this may offend*

Feb 26 06 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

BCG, are you sure you are not a bitter Texas baptist?

What is it about someonelse's religion that bugs people?
Cardinals run the business of the Church; to change the church you have to change the Cardinals.

Are you aware of Craigslist; I post my angry political rants there!

Feb 26 06 12:43 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

I respect anyone who has risen to the very pinacle of his/her profession.

Feb 26 06 04:21 pm Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

Lens N Light wrote:
I respect anyone who has risen to the very pinacle of his/her profession.

Does this include Pablo Escobar?

Feb 26 06 04:23 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

No, I respect the Pope in Albuquerque.

Feb 26 06 04:25 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

BCG wrote:
the last one i respected...he knew humility...this one is a fucking nazi...*sorry to the catholics that this may offend*

Im catholic and not offended lil green frog

I just consider the source in comment

Plus after reading some of your tags, it is easy to see whos problem Minded and who needs to blow smoke in distractions.

I have more sense and respect for most then to look at fault and run others down

I believe many of those lawsuits were fabricated for profit.

churches will never close or end.

Ron Blake

Feb 26 06 04:26 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

Ron B Blake wrote:

Im catholic and not offended lil green frog

I just consider the source in comment

Plus after reading some of your tags, it is easy to see whos problem Minded and who needs to blow smoke in distractions.

I have more sense and respect for most then to look at fault and run others down

I believe many of those lawsuits were fabricated for profit.

churches will never close or end.

Ron Blake

the church is SUPPOSE to be a hospital for the sinners, not a musuem for the "saints"...all the good the catholic church does, and it did bring and teach the masses to read the Word, are clouded by the actions and politics of is a fact that this pope WAS a make the dude a pope was wrong.

Feb 26 06 04:32 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

First of all, the current pope wasn't really a nazi. He was involved in the Hitler Youth, like every other kid growing up under that regime. This does not mean he shares the beliefs of the nazi party any more than little Timmy next door shares the beliefs of the president because he's a cubscout. This whole thing that the pope was a nazi is a bit tedious and ridiculous.

  Having said that, for some reason I'm just creeped out by this guy. I don't know why, but there's just something about him that I find somewhat disquieting... And I certainly don't trust the catholic church nor find it in any way a "spiritual" organization. It's long history of bloodshed has been a bit of a turn off, not to mention it's handling of pedophile priests (brushing this stuff under the rug was not a responsible or spiritual way to handle the situation to say the least).

  So, in my view, we have a creepy pope leading a creepy religion. I guess it's a good match.


Feb 26 06 04:57 pm Link



Posts: 5295

Pacifica, California, US wrote:
When Ratzinger turned 14 in 1941, as required by law he joined the Hitler Youth. According to his biographer John Allen he was not an enthusiastic member. He requested to be taken off the rolls and reportedly refused to attend a single meeting.

In 1943, at the age of 16, Ratzinger was, along with the rest of his class, drafted into the Flak or anti-aircraft corps, responsible for the guarding of a BMW plant outside Munich. He was then sent for basic infantry training and was posted to Hungary, where he worked setting up anti-tank defences until deserting in April 1944.

One might fairly criticize Pope Benedict/Catholic teaching on many grounds but what was going on in his country when he was a youth is not really one of them.

Feb 26 06 05:08 pm Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Heck, i grew up roman catholic and never knew many who considered the pope as much more than a nice fellow with a big hat that acts as a universal face for a concept that each individual has their own version of anyway.

Feb 26 06 05:32 pm Link


Ms Kaylee

Posts: 686

Helena, Montana, US

I always thought Pope Benedict XVI looked a bit like the devil. Not that I've seen the devil. He just looks a bit...devilish, like he's got something up his sleeves. I liked Pope John Paul. He shouldn't have died and leave this dude in charge.

It was so funny when this Pope was named the Pope. There was so many things wrong. Like how they can't tell if the smoke was white or grey. How about that for a foreshadow?

Feb 26 06 09:13 pm Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

Between the last two of the late night guys said...just think, right now there is no infallible person on earth. 

Hey, but infallible or not, it seems bizarre to see a pope visiting South America, praising the Catholics there for not using "artificial" birth control.

Feb 27 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US


What is it about someonelse's religion that bugs people?

There are Catholic, Baptists, Lutherans.......
If you are not Catholic the Pope should not bother you!

If you are not Buddhists, their beliefs should not bother you!

Tell me which is your belief so that I can find the faults in your creed; this is the cause of world conflicts.

Feb 27 06 12:28 am Link



Posts: 5295

Pacifica, California, US

Lee-Bonaventure1 wrote:
Hey, but infallible or not, it seems bizarre to see a pope visiting South America, praising the Catholics there for not using "artificial" birth control.

Why is it bizarre to see the Pope promoting Catholic teaching? Or is it just Catholism, rather than the Pope, that you don't like? Catholic teaching also seems to be gaining popularity in the US among non-Catholics with pharmacists refusing to dispense the pill on the grounds that its a form of abortion and the US government supporting abstinence-only education in schools.

Feb 27 06 12:37 am Link



Posts: 331

Los Angeles, California, US

BCG wrote:

the church is SUPPOSE to be a hospital for the sinners, not a musuem for the "saints"...all the good the catholic church does, and it did bring and teach the masses to read the Word, are clouded by the actions and politics of is a fact that this pope WAS a make the dude a pope was wrong.

Nooo, the pope was NOT a nazi he was growing up in WWII what he was taught and where he was sent was not in his control.
  And no I'm not Catholic im just a nice Jewish girls who knows her facts.

Feb 27 06 12:41 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

the popes time has long since past, as with the monarchy, but we cling to the familiar no matter how outdated it is.

Feb 27 06 12:44 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US


Next loaded question?

Feb 27 06 12:50 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Lens N Light wrote:
I respect anyone who has risen to the very pinacle of his/her profession.

Hmm... would that include are current president?

Feb 27 06 12:55 am Link



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

SarahSVET wrote:

Nooo, the pope was NOT a nazi he was growing up in WWII what he was taught and where he was sent was not in his control.
  And no I'm not Catholic im just a nice Jewish girls who knows her facts.

Sarah you are oh so correct!!!

Most here open there mouth and don't have a clue about the facts!

The are just looking for someone to play with, some attention.


Feb 27 06 11:54 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

SarahSVET wrote:

Nooo, the pope was NOT a nazi he was growing up in WWII what he was taught and where he was sent was not in his control.
  And no I'm not Catholic im just a nice Jewish girls who knows her facts.

he is a product of the era...i am offended by his failure to condem the terroristic bombings in isreal...he scares me...the last pope was one of the greatest minds of this century.

Feb 27 06 12:10 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

I respect him as much as the popes that are not in Rome!

Actually, I have no idea how to answer that question.  The pope is a religious leader to a religion that I don't belong to.  Obviously, I don't agree with a lot of his views, but he is an honorable man.

Feb 27 06 01:07 pm Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

What is it about someonelse's religion that bugs people?

There are Catholic, Baptists, Lutherans.......
If you are not Catholic the Pope should not bother you!

If you are not Buddhists, their beliefs should not bother you!

Tell me which is your belief so that I can find the faults in your creed; this is the cause of world conflicts.

Very well spoken and a very good question.

Let me think about the "why does it bug people" question. (In many cases, it certainly can't be based on logic.) 

To give you something to find fault with smile...last week the guest minister at my church wore a button on his overcoat that said, "If God is on your side, you are dangerous as hell!"

I think when a religion teaches "have as many children as you possibly can"  it does have an impact on everyone, even those of another persuasion. If you say "hey, the Church doesn't teach that"  just listen to Catholic radio, the Voice of Catholicism today.

That message will be believed most of all by those who are uneducated, unsophisticated, superstitious, and culturally macho.  That seems really cruel to me, and it does bother me.

But that is not as gruesome as religions that teach that we should kill infidels, Jews, witches, gay men, Muslims, Romani, and Hindus.

Those of us who are bugged by the bad fruits of false prophets  (Jesus said that's how we can tell the differenct)... fruits which lead to hatred, killing, wars...we are just voices in the wilderness.  The only chance we have is this forum on ModelMayhem.

Feb 27 06 02:33 pm Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

QuaeVide wrote:

Why is it bizarre to see the Pope promoting Catholic teaching? Or is it just Catholism, rather than the Pope, that you don't like? Catholic teaching also seems to be gaining popularity in the US among non-Catholics with pharmacists refusing to dispense the pill on the grounds that its a form of abortion and the US government supporting abstinence-only education in schools.

It is interesting to see a head of a huge corporation, or a government, or anyone who is heading up a aparat that is really in trouble.  Anyone from the outside can see that he is avoiding the big issues.  The city is burning, where is my fiddle ?   He could do something major and change lives for the better...instead he's screwing around making cardinals, getting people on the road to sainthood, and issuing proclamations.

My churches are empty, we have no priests...and the Pope is jumping the shark.  Whether it be a powerful church, or Exxon-Mobil Corporation, it's something to watch.

I think the current administration is deeply influenced and panders to the Christian fundamentalist block in the country.  Interestingly, they don't even consider Roman Catholics as Christians, because of the practice of the adoration of Mary and the saints.

Feb 27 06 02:45 pm Link



Posts: 5295

Pacifica, California, US

Lee-Bonaventure1 wrote:
It is interesting to see a head of a huge corporation, or a government, or anyone who is heading up a aparat that is really in trouble.  Anyone from the outside can see that he is avoiding the big issues.  The city is burning, where is my fiddle ?   He could do something major and change lives for the better...instead he's screwing around making cardinals, getting people on the road to sainthood, and issuing proclamations.

These may be major issues in the US church and perhaps in western Europe but the world is a bigger place than that. Just because he has different priorities from you doesn't mean he isn't deserving of respect. But to be more constructive, what would you do to improve the Catholic church in the US?

Feb 27 06 07:04 pm Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

QuaeVide wrote:
[ But to be more constructive, what would you do to improve the Catholic church in the US?

I suppose any major changes would result in more splintering of the Church.  I heard of Catholics who split when the Latin Mass was discontinued.

There surely have been unintended results to the male only, single man priest requirement.  Changing that would be an improvement. (Other than perhaps 1/3 of the believers bolting...)

The Catholic Mass is very static.  I hardly know any Catholics who attend, especially the way the faithful did in the 1950-60's. Maybe that needs to be addressed to deliver a message at Sunday Mass that engages those present more in their day to day life. The mystical and ritualistic goings on don't make it with those sitting at home, though they still think of themselves as Catholics.

I don't think naming new saints or aplogizing to Gallileo will improve the church in America.

Feb 28 06 12:04 am Link


David A

Posts: 373

Pleasant Grove, Utah, US

I'm not Catholic so no, I don't see the Pope as a religious leader.  I do give him the respect he deserves as the leader of the Catholic Church and hope that he leads in such a way to make his followers better tommorrow than they are today.

This is the same respect I would hope people of other faiths would offer my religious leader.


Feb 28 06 12:08 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

This is seriously one fucked up religion.  The high priests (those few who havent been convicted of alter boy molestation) in the Vatican waits until one of their own starts to mumble incoherantly with advanced stages of Parkinsons and Alzheimers, then they toss him in line to be the next Pope.  Infants have actually drowned (with most being traumatized) while being baptized, priests talk major shit about you behind your back once you've revealed your sins in the confession booth, and if you're an alter boy, I wouldnt recommend bending over to pickup that kneeling pillow... wink

Feb 28 06 12:52 pm Link



Posts: 5295

Pacifica, California, US

Select Models wrote:
This is seriously one fucked up religion.  The high priests (those few who havent been convicted of alter boy molestation)

The frequency of abusers among priests is probably not higher than among ministers of other religions, teachers, doctors or the male population at large. Hard to be definite though because the data are subject to many unknowns. Abuse by anyone is a position of authority is problematic though because of the possibility that it will continue unchecked.

in the Vatican waits until one of their own starts to mumble incoherantly with advanced stages of Parkinsons and Alzheimers, then they toss him in line to be the next Pope.

I'm in favour of euthanasia at 60. Should bring down house prices.

Infants have actually drowned (with most being traumatized) while being baptized,

I've never heard of a baby drowning during baptism, though I guess it is possible. I have heard of babies being killed in cars being driven by their mothers though. And what evidence do you have of trauma? That they sometimes cry?

priests talk major shit about you behind your back once you've revealed your sins in the confession booth

If they do, it's a major sin. I sincerely doubt it happens with any kind of significant frequency.

and if you're an alter boy, I wouldnt recommend bending over to pickup that kneeling pillow... wink

And if you're a female model, I wouldn't recommend disrobing in front of any guy over 50 - horny old gits, the lot of them.

Do you have anything to back up your defamation? To me, it just looks like rank prejudice.

Feb 28 06 10:02 pm Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

should I?

Mar 02 06 01:04 pm Link



Posts: 446

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

Speaking of young boys, sometime Google castrati, the choir boys that the Vatican had castrated so their voices wouldn't change.  Ancient history? No, I think the last survivor died about 1960.

Mar 02 06 01:17 pm Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

William Coleman wrote:
No, I respect the Pope in Albuquerque.

LOL Damn you! I was going say Nebraska.  But I think the Looney Tunes background makes Albuquerque more funny. 

Steal my line AND make it funnier?!  Damn you again man!

Mar 02 06 02:39 pm Link



Posts: 15650

New York, New York, US

Merlinpix wrote:

Hmm... would that include are current president?

sure. he's the undisputed capo di tutti capi.

Mar 02 06 05:45 pm Link


Subterranean Nashville

Posts: 47

Hendersonville, Tennessee, US

I respected Shane MacGowan and the Popes...

Mar 02 06 05:56 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

I may disagree w/ their methods but I have to respect anyone that is selfless enough to TRY & change the world for the better.

Mar 03 06 09:40 am Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

I respect everyone until they prove they don't deserve it. What has the new Pope done that is so bad, give him some time.

Mar 03 06 09:44 am Link