Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Closing Ceremonies - what the hell was that?


J Haig

Posts: 359

Gananoque, Ontario, Canada

Anyone else watch? I got roped into it.  First I'd seen of any of the Olympics.  Thank god they're only every 2 years.

Feb 27 06 02:36 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Vita Brevis wrote:
Anyone else watch? I got roped into it.  First I'd seen of any of the Olympics.  Thank god they're only every 2 years.

I didn't know they were on this week.

Feb 27 06 02:50 am Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

A fitting ending to the most embarrassing Olympics ever. Well except for Japan's Shizuka Arakawa for winning the countries first Gold in the Womens figure skating.

Feb 27 06 02:53 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

R. Olson (RO) wrote:
A fitting ending to the most embarrassing Olympics ever. Well except for Japan's Shizuka Arakawa for winning the countries first Gold in the Womens figure skating.

Actually, you would think the Olympics have become the interplanetary (bigger than world) figure skating competition with a few other events thrown in.

It has actually become amazing how the figure skaters have become reverred and so much of what takes place revolves around what they do.  But ... the olympics are not the same.  It is far more commercial than when I was young.  It is less about the sports and more about the event and the recognition from hosting it.

I did like hte flames shooting out of the back of the helmets.  I thought they should become standard issue for the speed skating.  That would make the passes even more interesting yet.

Feb 27 06 06:54 am Link



Posts: 796

R. Olson (RO) wrote:
A fitting ending to the most embarrassing Olympics ever. Well except for Japan's Shizuka Arakawa for winning the countries first Gold in the Womens figure skating.

As well as to the US figure skating couple who took home "Silver".
The first medal winner in this category in 30 years, the last
US winning figure skating couple took home bronze 30 years ago.

Feb 27 06 06:56 am Link


J Haig

Posts: 359

Gananoque, Ontario, Canada

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
I did like hte flames shooting out of the back of the helmets.  I thought they should become standard issue for the speed skating.  That would make the passes even more interesting yet.

Agreed on all points, but esp. this one.  I thought it might make for yet another Olympic sport, eventually...a combination of speed skating and Rollerball.  Or better yet, on a luge run with a jump at the bottom.

Feb 27 06 09:39 am Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

The Olympics have been bullshit ever since ABC dropped`s all a commercial mess now and it has nothing to do about sports anymore, the best days were back when it was USA vs USSR now that was real competition

The Words "The Thrill Of Victory And The Agony of Defeat"  really meant something........

PS; Grenoble 1968 was a GREAT one.....when "our" Peggy Fleming brought home the Gold (the ONLY one) for the USA, it was also the FIRST time it was "live" in colour and one of the LAST great winter games;_ylu=X3oDMTBwanIybjRqBHBndANhdHdfaW1nX3Jlc3VsdARzZWMDc3I-/SIG=13es350h7/EXP=1141142805/**http%3a//

Feb 27 06 09:46 am Link


Miss Leah

Posts: 24

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I don't really remember a time before commercialized olympics.

I wish they just had unedited, live coverage of the games.

Maybe ill head up to Canadia in 2010 to see what they are REALLY like.

Feb 27 06 09:48 am Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

Vita Brevis wrote:
Anyone else watch? I got roped into it.  First I'd seen of any of the Olympics.  Thank god they're only every 2 years.

They're actually every 4 years.  2010 is the next olympics.  Thank G-d it's not every 2!

Feb 27 06 09:50 am Link


Miss Leah

Posts: 24

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Suzi wrote:

They're actually every 4 years.  2010 is the next olympics.  Thank G-d it's not every 2!

The summer olympics are in 2008, the next winter ones are 2010. They used to be every four, then they staggered them... i dunno why.

Feb 27 06 09:51 am Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:
The Olympics have been bullshit ever since ABC dropped`s all a commercial mess now and it has nothing to do about sports anymore, the best days were back when it was USA vs USSR now that was real competition

The Words "The Thrill Of Victory And The Agony of Defeat"  really meant something........

PS; Grenoble 1968 was a GREAT one.....when "our" Peggy Fleming brought home the Gold (the ONLY one) for the USA, it was also the FIRST time it was "live" in colour and one of the LAST great winter games

Actually, it's been BS ever since Munich, when politics started to outweigh any other aspect.  Possibly longer, if you account for the whole issue of "professional" vs "amateur" and how the socialist countries "bent" that description. 

The only *good* think about the olympics is I think I won 60 bottles of Coke.

aka Bodyartist

Feb 27 06 10:00 am Link


Mike Mancuso

Posts: 94

Harleysville, Pennsylvania, US

The only part I liked about the Olympics was Shaun White winning Gold, a Mancuso winning Gold, and seeing Michael Shumacker doing donuts in and F1 Ferrari at the opening ceremony.

Shaun White really is the BEST snowboarder in the world, he has been for the last 3 years and his win was very much deserving. He is also a very mellow and humble kid. He is also the best skateboarder in the world right now too.

Feb 27 06 10:35 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

The Olympics was fine. You are just complaining because some of our whiners got no medals.

The games were good for Canada, Russia, Austria  etc.
Bode,whine whine whine
Shani did not help me win a medal whiine whine whine

Skateboarding is NOT an Olympic event!

I dont watch the little cuties go round and round.
I watch the speed races- down hill, short track, all the speed events.

Feb 27 06 11:42 am Link



Posts: 2008

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

It was a "Simpsons & Family Guy" Parody In Real Life.....

Feb 27 06 11:44 am Link


J Haig

Posts: 359

Gananoque, Ontario, Canada

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
Skateboarding is NOT an Olympic event!

Dude! Righteous.

Feb 27 06 12:43 pm Link