Forums > Critique > Lactation photos... I'd like your 2 cents.


DRP Photography

Posts: 246

Nevada City, California, US

I did a shoot w/ a model the other day and she was heavily lactating! I had not captured squirting milk before, so I gave it a shot! The photos turned out amazing and I want to share them in my portfolio....

My question is, does the general public think lactation photos are in bad taste? (no pun intended...)

I have one photo in my portfolio- as an example...

Dave Preston | DRP Photography

Aug 04 08 01:11 am Link


Sasha Vanessa

Posts: 382

Berkeley, California, US

I.... honestly don't know how I feel about this.  I'd have to know more about how the shots were executed to decide.

Aug 04 08 01:13 am Link


Cindy Stamps

Posts: 270

Portland, Oregon, US

Sounds neat.


I like the idea, but the expression just throws it too far for me.

Aug 04 08 01:15 am Link



Posts: 839

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Well it's a change from black tape on nipples.....

Aug 04 08 01:15 am Link



Posts: 1304

Vallejo, California, US

is that anything like location photos?

Aug 04 08 01:17 am Link



Posts: 2088

Los Angeles, California, US

I was curious so I took a look and although I think the photo is done well it's a bit "porn shot" for me. Others may greatly disgaree however and I must applaud you for trying. ^_^

Aug 04 08 01:21 am Link



Posts: 867

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

My feeling is that while initially interesting, in this context it's a little over the top.

If she's lactating; a shot of her nursing her baby would change the context and thus the reaction it provokes.

Aug 04 08 01:27 am Link


Nellie Green

Posts: 1166

San Jose, California, US

I'm leaning towards no.

Aug 04 08 01:30 am Link


DRP Photography

Posts: 246

Nevada City, California, US

Fembot... No because it's to over the top or does it touch boundries that should be left alone?

Aug 04 08 01:32 am Link



Posts: 529

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Definately different. Not sure how I feel just yet. Love her face though.

Aug 04 08 01:33 am Link


Miami Glamour

Posts: 1378

Miami Beach, Florida, US

got milk? wink

Aug 04 08 01:34 am Link


J Gagnon

Posts: 810

Manchester, New Hampshire, US

coming from a gay male...i love it. Its done really well...and it exudes sexiness without being raunchy. I had never seen such a thing, very interesting.... im also interested to see people's reactions to such a shot.


Aug 04 08 01:35 am Link


Plus Model La Viola

Posts: 644

Sacramento, California, US

I think I'd like it far better if she were laughing or something, but her expression seems a little..... fuck-me-ish. It's definitely interesting though.

Aug 04 08 01:36 am Link



Posts: 2978

Oxnard, California, US

It is an interesting shot, the model isn't just "lactating" she is applying pressure for it to spray. I would keep the shot up if the model is okay with it.

Aug 04 08 01:36 am Link



Posts: 8900

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

MMMM....not sure????
I don't like the image you posted much it seems comical, but i would like to see more, i want to see a softer genuine side of it????

Aug 04 08 01:39 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

DRP Photography wrote:
My question is, does the general public think lactation photos are in bad taste?

I dunno.

I can't remember what it tastes like.

Aug 04 08 01:42 am Link


Amy Green Photography

Posts: 2

Eagle River, Alaska, US

Hmmmm.....seems a little too much like "the money shot" in some kind of reverse strange way.  But it gets a reaction that's for sure. 

: )

Aug 04 08 01:43 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

DRP Photography wrote:
does the general public think lactation photos are in bad taste? (no pun intended...)

rhetorical: could you see a model putting that in her agency port? or as a photographer, would you show that to a client from whom you wish work?

~ fr

Aug 04 08 01:43 am Link


Andrew Thomas Evans

Posts: 24079

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I can just see someone, a new model, who is actually intrested in doing this and learning something, I can just see her with her parents saying "yes mom and dad, this site is fine and it's ok for me to be here even though I just turned 16..." and I can just see them look at the forums, see this thread, and then prevent her from coming on here.

Aug 04 08 01:45 am Link


ian pool

Posts: 223

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

good shot, not here tho. Spills over the top of the pan and into the porno fires.
just sayin' in case you get burned a little.

Aug 04 08 01:46 am Link



Posts: 741

Saginaw, Michigan, US

Rachael Jeanne wrote:
I was curious so I took a look and although I think the photo is done well it's a bit "porn shot" for me. Others may greatly disgaree however and I must applaud you for trying. ^_^

I agree with this. It all depends on how it's done as to if it's tasteful. It's a unique part of the human anatomy and a photograph to display that should be a beautiful thing, but for it to be taken in a more sexual kind of way is taking it too far and in very bad taste.

Aug 04 08 01:46 am Link



Posts: 8900

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Maybe if it were more in context?
A baby in her mothers arms, both fallen asleep exhausted and her lactacting..
That might be interesting

Aug 04 08 01:48 am Link



Posts: 867

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Click Hamilton wrote:

I dunno.

I can't remember what it tastes like.

Really, really, reallllllllllllly sweet.

Aug 04 08 01:53 am Link


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Francisco, California, US

Maybe its just me, but i didn't think any pornographic thoughts at all. actually, it reminded me of how amazing the human body is.

Aug 04 08 01:54 am Link


GCobb Photography

Posts: 15898

Southaven, Mississippi, US

Lactating is "amazing".  Whatever floats your boat I suppose.

Aug 04 08 01:56 am Link


Mike Stalnaker

Posts: 1881

Sarasota, Florida, US

Mark J. Sebastian wrote:
Maybe its just me, but i didn't think any pornographic thoughts at all. actually, it reminded me of how amazing the human body is.

I could not have said it better and if it causes turmoil for some, well the title of the site is model mayhem, maybe your on target :-)  I do agree, that I would have liked to seen a better expression on the models face.

Aug 04 08 02:00 am Link


Andrew Thomas Evans

Posts: 24079

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Mark J. Sebastian wrote:
Maybe its just me, but i didn't think any pornographic thoughts at all. actually, it reminded me of how amazing the human body is.

So this is art?

Aug 04 08 02:02 am Link


Mani - poplifePhoto

Posts: 323

Oakland, California, US

I agree the expression doesn't match what could be a beautiful image.
maybe if it were black and white with the image cropped at the lower lip?

Aug 04 08 02:02 am Link


DRP Photography

Posts: 246

Nevada City, California, US

So, this is touching a number of topics here and believe me, i've been going through this in my head since I saw she was lactating!
She was the the one to offer the idea and thought it would be an appriciation to her motherhood. Showing off what an amazing thing the female body is!
When i posed her, i did have here range the facial expressions. Not really knowing what was the right thing to do, I instructed her to give everything from big smiles, to sexy sensual expressions. I quickly realized that the sexy facial expressions took the images into a totally different world realm. I didn't think porn like, i just knew it wasn't an appropriate combination...
I decided on a bit of a smile and a bit of a innocent look. The image i posted seemed to be an appropriate expression. At least in my book...

Aug 04 08 02:15 am Link


Mani - poplifePhoto

Posts: 323

Oakland, California, US

It's not an inappropriate expression... i mean the image and expression don't make me think dirty things at all.
I just think the image might be more powerful without the eyes, or even with the eyes closed.  imho, it doesn't seem, currently, as peaceful as it could be.
Again, it's just my opinion/'s your image, and your vision.
It is a great shot; great depth of field, and capture of movement.

The long and short of it is, I don't think it's an inappropriate topic/subject, as long as you're prepared for mixed reactions from a broader audience. 
In the end, isn't that what art is about?  challenging norms?  Providing perspective?  making people think?

Aug 04 08 03:01 am Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

hmmm over the top...I don't know........

but..... lets just say that some guys and gals.. pay good jack-off money to see these types of videos and clips and pictures of women lactating..with that same expression that model is giving off and definately a higher amount of money if the lady is squirting........

Aug 04 08 04:07 am Link


Manring Photo

Posts: 670

Portland, Maine, US

DRP Photography wrote:
My question is, does the general public think lactation photos are in bad taste?

Click Hamilton wrote:
I dunno.

I can't remember what it tastes like.

Ha! Click, you are too much.

Aug 04 08 09:33 am Link


Manring Photo

Posts: 670

Portland, Maine, US

DRP Photography wrote:
I did a shoot w/ a model the other day and she was heavily lactating! I had not captured squirting milk before, so I gave it a shot! The photos turned out amazing and I want to share them in my portfolio....

My question is, does the general public think lactation photos are in bad taste? (no pun intended...)

I have one photo in my portfolio- as an example...

Dave Preston | DRP Photography

I actually have a shoot this week with a model who mentioned she is currently breast feeding, and hoped I wasn't one who was "grossed out" by lactation. I told her it doesn't bother me in the least, and that I'd seen some cool images that take advantage of it.

I might just show her this thread and suggest we try a few different types of images showing lactation.

The expression of the model in your image doesn't make me think porn, or over the top, at all. In fact it seems more genuine and appropriate than a lot of the eyes closed, head back, in-the-throes type looks you see in a lot of other images.

Cool image, man.

Aug 04 08 09:39 am Link



Posts: 1612

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I tasted my own milk when I could you not? 

It is very sweet stuff. 

Too sweet to be wasted for a picture.  To me, it's the juice of life and to see it just squirting out like that seems wasteful and abusive to what should really be happening with it. 

I don't care about her expression, the crop or the vibe, it just doesn't sit right with this former breastfeeding momma.

Aug 04 08 09:40 am Link


Jo Anna

Posts: 1177

i dont think lactation pics are in bad taste at all. whether they be wholesome nursing artsy pics or fetishy spraying pics. that said i also dont find porn or fetish art in bad taste either. know your audience/market and dont worry abt what reaction 'outsiders' will have. if they are taken back it prolly means you hit it right for your target viewer

Aug 04 08 09:45 am Link


Lynn Louise

Posts: 2215

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

It is too pornish...mostly because of her expression.  A beautiful rendition would be of her baby lying somewhere near her with her gazing down it him/her and her breasts dripping with breast your image, she is squirting it out which changes the whole vibe.

Aug 04 08 09:47 am Link


Vamp Boudoir

Posts: 11446

Florence, South Carolina, US

"Was it in bad taste?"
ans..Don't know..Haven't tasted" ba da bump!

couldn't resist big_smile

Aug 04 08 09:52 am Link



Posts: 728

Bellingham, Washington, US

I don't particularly like the photo in your port, but the concept is interesting.

Aug 04 08 10:18 am Link



Posts: 1278

Mint Hill, North Carolina, US


Aug 04 08 10:20 am Link



Posts: 25319

Bath, England, United Kingdom

Daveion 7101 wrote:

Beat me to it! Not for me I'm afraid.

Aug 04 08 12:03 pm Link