Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > One step closer


Studio 608 North

Posts: 75

Toledo, Ohio, US

I know we had this thread a few days ago discussing South Dekota and their new abortion rights law.Today I just read where the state of Miss. has done the same thing.It is my opinion that now that the supreme court as Justice Roberts and Alito that what they are doing is not over turning Row v Wade but by placing it in the hands of the states they will let them do it for them thus taking it out of the federal goverment hands and they will let the states do what the want with out interferring with them thus seperating state and federal laws that is what the issue will be that the federal goverment has no right to overturn state laws thus ending Row v Wade.
    Some one said in the last thread,what is next our rights to vote,yes that is exactly what.Every 20 years certain parts of the voters right act comes up for renewal,why after all of this time this is still not a law but an act? young people of America it is time for you to take a stand in your future. and your rights as American citizens.

Mar 01 06 01:06 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Exotic Photography wrote:
I know we had this thread a few days ago discussing South Dekota and their new abortion rights law.Today I just read where the state of Miss. has done the same thing.It is my opinion that now that the supreme court as Justice Roberts and Alito that what they are doing is not over turning Row v Wade but by placing it in the hands of the states they will let them do it for them thus taking it out of the federal goverment hands and they will let the states do what the want with out interferring with them thus seperating state and federal laws that is what the issue will be that the federal goverment has no right to overturn state laws thus ending Row v Wade.
    Some one said in the last thread,what is next our rights to vote,yes that is exactly what.Every 20 years certain parts of the voters right act comes up for renewal,why after all of this time this is still not a law but an act? young people of America it is time for you to take a stand in your future. and your rights as American citizens.

LOL... it always cracks me up on the "right" to abortion. The pro-aborts sold that one real well. Placing the legality of killing another person on the same level as freedom of religion and speech and having the sheeple buy it... Genius, pure evil genius.

Mar 01 06 01:10 pm Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

Mike Cummings wrote:
LOL... it always cracks me up on the "right" to abortion. The pro-aborts sold that one real well. Placing the legality of killing another person on the same level as freedom of religion and speech and having the sheeple buy it... Genius, pure evil genius.

I understand your point, but understand a woman, a fetus needs me to survive.  If I choose not to let it use my body and terminate the pregnancy it IS my choice AND my right.  I am NOT pro-abortion, but I will decide what is right for MY body.

Mar 01 06 01:27 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

Suzi wrote:
I understand your point, but understand a woman, a fetus needs me to survive.  If I choose not to let it use my body and terminate the pregnancy it IS my choice AND my right.  I am NOT pro-abortion, but I will decide what is right for MY body.

Yep, I agree 100%.

Mar 01 06 01:33 pm Link

Body Painter

BodyPainter Rich

Posts: 18107

Sacramento, California, US

And I am not pro abortion, but SHE should decide what is right for HER body.

Mar 01 06 01:38 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Suzi wrote:

I understand your point, but understand a woman, a fetus needs me to survive.  If I choose not to let it use my body and terminate the pregnancy it IS my choice AND my right.  I am NOT pro-abortion, but I will decide what is right for MY body.

So what you are saying it is ok to kill someone because you choose to discontinue the relationship with them you started. A child uses your resources to survive, so is it ok to kill a child?

You can choose to do with your body what you want. The problem with abortion you are choosing what to do with someone elses body. Anything that has a seperate heartbeat and seperate brainwaves is a seperate entity.

Mar 01 06 01:44 pm Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

Mike Cummings wrote:
So what you are saying it is ok to kill someone because you choose to discontinue the relationship with them you started. A child uses your resources to survive, so is it ok to kill a child?

You can choose to do with your body what you want. The problem with abortion you are choosing what to do with someone elses body. Anything that has a seperate heartbeat and seperate brainwaves is a seperate entity.

Do your research on when the heart starts beating and when the brain starts functioning.  It isn't someone else's body, it's dividing cells.  It is not a SOMEONE until it is viable on it's own.  Your agruement is foolish.

Mar 01 06 01:49 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Suzi wrote:

Do your research on when the heart starts beating and when the brain starts functioning.  It isn't someone else's body, it's dividing cells.  It is not a SOMEONE until it is viable on it's own.  Your agruement is foolish.

22 days for the heart, about 6 weeks for the brain. Most woman don't suspect they are pregnant until after they miss a period. Mentrual cycle is normally 28 days correct. So most abortions will happen AFTER the heart beats.

Diary of an Unborn Baby

• Day 1 – fertilization: all human chromosomes are present; unique human life begins

• Day 6 – embryo begins implanting in the uterus

• Day 22 – heart begins to beat with the child’s own blood, often a different type than the mother’s

• Week 5 – eyes, legs, hands begin to develop

• Week 6 – brain waves detectable; mouth, lips present; fingernails forming

• Week 7 – eyelids, toes form; nose distinct, baby kicking and swimming

• Week 8 – every organ in place; bones begin to replace cartilage, fingerprints begin to form;

• Weeks 9 and 10 - teeth begin to form, fingernails develop; baby can turn head, frown

• Week 11 – baby can grasp objects placed in hand; all organ systems functioning; the baby has fingerprints, a skeletal structure, nerves, and circulation

• Week 12 – the baby has all of the part necessary to experience pain, including the nerves, spinal cord and thalamus; the baby is nearing the end of the first trimester

• Week 17 - baby can have dream (REM) sleep

Mar 01 06 02:07 pm Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

exactly, thank you for making my point for me.  Most abortions are done BEFORE that time.  Ugh!

edit:  I don't like to argue, but I would rather have see the option of a woman choosing abortion then many of the other alternatives that come later on.  There are TOO many stories of abuse and neglect even by foster and adoptive parents to make me believe that making abortion illegal is the right thing for our society.  I would support sterilization first.

Mar 01 06 02:26 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

It seems that people still don't understand what Roe v Wade actually did. It in no way is a law, act or anything else that allowed abortion. It WAS a judicial decision that struck down all states' law prohibiting abortions, thus abrogating states' rights for federal. All this had to do with the "right to privacy" which at most is only implied (not specified) anywhere in the Constitution.
A reversal of Roe v Wade will only reassert states' right again. It doesn't reactivate any of the old states' laws. Those would have to passed again, allowing for the possibility of public referendum.
S Dakota is simply proffering a test case which will require that the Supreme Court reconsider their earlier decision.

Mar 01 06 02:58 pm Link


Studio 608 North

Posts: 75

Toledo, Ohio, US

Lens you are right and what they are doing is putting it back in the hands of the states who are making it illlegal,thus the states are taking away a womans right to choose to have a abortion.And now the federal goverment will not touch it and when and if it gets back there they will kill it.

Mar 01 06 04:36 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

The point is, the people have much more control over state and local political decisions than they do over federal. If the time comes, in your state, that they consider such a law as was passed in SD, then by petitiion, you can force a public referendum on the subject. Then the people DO have the say in deciding whether that law shall pass.
I'm hearing constantly from folks like Nancy, Diane, and Hillary, that the "overwhelming majority" of Americans favor abortion. We just may find out if that's true!

Mar 01 06 04:44 pm Link


Studio 608 North

Posts: 75

Toledo, Ohio, US

That is absolutely true.

Mar 01 06 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Mike Cummings wrote:
LOL... it always cracks me up on the "right" to abortion...Genius, pure evil genius.

What cracks me up is how men feel they have authority on the transformation of a woman's body.  This is not an issue for men. 

Contrary to standing on high in determining the importance of life and being 50% of the equation, the male .02 should be equal in value to just that.  A mere pittance in the decision that has far greater effect on a woman.

This would solve itself if only women were allowed to engage the debate and vote on whether it is right or wrong.  Try as they might, men just don't have the ability to reason clearly on abortion and should stay out of the decision process.

Involvement by men is vanity at its most pure form.

Mar 01 06 08:33 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

You're pandering.
And it certainly does involve a man if he is the father of the baby (sorry, fetus)..

Mar 01 06 08:54 pm Link


Joe Paul Studios

Posts: 358

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Suzi wrote:
exactly, thank you for making my point for me.  Most abortions are done BEFORE that time.  Ugh!

Although I'm not going to comment one way or the other on the right to life or a woman's right to choose, statistically abortions appear to be closely split between less than 8 weeks and 9 weeks or more. In 1995, of a total of 625,301 abortions performed, 340,109 were perfromed at 8 weeks or less. and 285,192 were done at 9 or more weeks. Source: … cedure.asp

Mar 01 06 08:59 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Lens N Light wrote:
You're pandering.
And it certainly does involve a man if he is the father of the baby (sorry, fetus)..

Inform yourself.  View the national statistics on the percentage of men vs. women who don't care for their child after birth. There's a difference between pandering and reality.  If you understood the reality of abandonment, whether in fetus or full birth form, then you would hardly call it pandering.

Your stance goes to the vanity I speak of in the male view. No ability to fathom accountability and impact after birth equal to the woman on this issue.  I don't need to show proof of that, you already have through the inability to view this from any other perspective than your own.

Mar 01 06 09:22 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

I am intimately aware of the reality of abandonment; I choose not to discuss it.
As to the mens' issue (no pun intended), I am talking about the father who wants the baby and wants to raise it in a loving environment (yes, that's possible without the involvement of the mother), and especially, the husband whose wife has decided to destroy their baby. I'm saying only that they should be seriously heard.

Mar 01 06 10:49 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Suzi wrote:
exactly, thank you for making my point for me.  Most abortions are done BEFORE that time.  Ugh!

edit:  I don't like to argue, but I would rather have see the option of a woman choosing abortion then many of the other alternatives that come later on.  There are TOO many stories of abuse and neglect even by foster and adoptive parents to make me believe that making abortion illegal is the right thing for our society.  I would support sterilization first.

Before what time? 22 days??? I don't think so.

Mar 02 06 02:27 am Link



Posts: 890

Houston, Texas, US

Just a thought...

I believe that a Woman should decide what to do with her, if she does not want to have a kid then she should be responsible and not get pregnant, and there are many known ways to prevent this (including abstenence) if you can't stand the heat...stay out of the kitchen. In the same token once life is created no one should deprive that creature of continuing to live...from day one it is still a life, and EVERYONE should be responsible...and if the parents don't want that life...then give it for adoption, there are many couples wanting to have family and they can't...there are always options to not kill the inocents.

OK..I am out of here..good nite!

Mar 02 06 02:55 am Link