Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Unprofessional photographer on MM



Posts: 24

San Francisco, California, US

The original post was removed because I listed the person's info.  My apoligies to the mods for the earlier post.  I have censored this one so you only get the story without the other photographer's info.

So I got this out of the blue from a fellow photographer from MM.

D: 03/01/06 3:49 AM

Hey Tony,

Have you heard of David LaCappelle?


ME: 03/01/06 3:53 AM

Yes I have. I've been told my work reminds people of his. I didn't know of him until recently. The man is brillant.
D: 03/01/06 3:55 AM


You work doesn't come close. eons away...

I work with him.

Me: 03/01/06 3:57 AM

Yea, I'm a newbie. Still experimenting and all. Why did you ask anyways?
D: 03/01/06 4:07 AM

Look. Nothing personal. But, I've been on over a dozen shoots with DLC and you are no where close to him. No where! No one is! Period. There are many who I think try, but fail tragically.

I've been apart of his team building his sets and and assisted the shoots and so on and so forth, but not one has touch our team. David is one of a kind and David is a genius and seeing the likes of other's trying to do what he does is sad.

D: 03/01/06 4:21 AM

Again, Tony. Chu on this. You should tell those that think your work reminds others of DCL are a bunch of idiots. Your work is so far removed and child like/a tragic story that they are a whole lot of ignorance.

Apart from that, best wishes.

D: 03/01/06 4:29 AM

Hahaha! No responce from you???


Good night,
Me: 03/01/06 4:34 AM

Wow. I'm speechless right now. I'm thinking there's a misunderstanding somewhere. Not sure if you thought 'I' said my work resembled DLC or what. Because I didn't say it I said others have mentioned it. Please let me just say this first before I go on. I'm not trying to start anything here with you. I’m still trying to figure out why you unleashed those comment at me in the first place.

I have been doing photography for about a year now and I have been experimenting plenty since I first started. Like I stated, I am a newbie and have not heard of DLC until recently. Now that I know who he is and seen his work I respect the man greatly. “David is one of a kind and David is a geniusâ€?, and I agree with you 100% on that. I have not seen anyone come close to DLC’s work. I have not based my work off of his because I did not know of him during my experimental stages of photography. I already know that you can't copy someone's flavor and expect to succeed because it just doesn’t happen.
Since I am still developing my own style people will use well known figures like DLC to compare someone’s progress because that’s the only way people will understand. I will continue to experiment with photography like I have been and enjoy it for the love of it. Again, why did you ask me about DLC in the first place?

Thanks for the interesting conversation this early AM.


(has not replied yet)

Just wanted to inform my fellow MM members that there is someone like this on this site.


Mar 01 06 11:15 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Actually, your work reminds me of... well... your work. It's unforunate that there's people like that here on MM, or anywhere else for that matter. I'm not sure what he's trying to do, but he sure is succeeding in making a total ass out of himself. And I happen to really like your work; you have some amazing photographs and they are *especially* good for you having only been doing this a year or so. If I had half your skill when I started out I'd be a lot further along than I am.

  Wishing you the best!


Mar 01 06 11:37 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Do not worry about lying stupid people.   No such idiot who worked with him would have the brains to write such bullshit.

David is a head case in many ways but he does not tear down people for no reason.
He does make fun of tards who think that do not have to pay him now but that is another story.

The person must be drinkin.

Mar 01 06 11:44 pm Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

Ignore morons ... and idol worshipers who have no life of their own.

Maybe just from my own ignorance but I have to agree that your work reminds me of ... uh ... your work ... and in my opinion, its good work.

I guess I just didn't get the memo about how there's been a change in where the sun rises and sets.

Mar 02 06 12:01 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I think DLC has better sense then to use idiot assistants so no, I dont think this guy works with DLC....unless maybe he's the studio janitor....

They really shouldnt allow internet access in mental institutions.

Mar 02 06 12:06 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

so, to summarize:

d: hey, heard of DLC?
t: yeah. some people compare me, but i'm just starting out.

am i getting it right? what a head case.

Mar 02 06 12:06 am Link



Posts: 24

San Francisco, California, US

Thanks for the support you guys.  This was a reminder that there are some photographers out there with a terrible attitude. 


Mar 02 06 12:11 am Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Tony, I like your work. It is very bright and colorful, and don't let anyone get you down. Seems like that person was trying to get a rise out of you. Not worth the vexation.


Mar 02 06 12:14 am Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Congrats, you made it, people are picking on you.

Who cares. Block him. He'll do it more if he knows it bugs you.

I, on the other hand must suck. I never get harassing messages.

Mar 02 06 12:15 am Link



Posts: 1508

New York, New York, US

I was able to read the original message and the same man went to my page and randomly messaged me about how he didnt respect my work bc he saw i dont do nudity.
i thought about posting a rant in here to see what people thought about this jerk, but really, thats all he is...just an ass...hes young and arrogant. your work is your work. hes got his head so far up his own butt he doesnt see anyone else.
just brush it off, its all you really can do. thats what i did. hes the only complaint ive gotten thus far in my career as far as this nudity business.
i think your work is lovely, and he can shove it.

Mar 02 06 12:16 am Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

yeh, i got a guy a few months ago telling me that my work was absolutely horrible. ignore jerks like this and keep stepping

Mar 02 06 12:22 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

kateyourface wrote:
I was able to read the origianl message and the same man went to my page and randomly messaged me about how he didnt respect my work bc he saw i dont do nudity.
i thought about posting a rant in here to see what people thought about this jerk, but really, thats all he is...just an ass...hes young and arrogant. your work is your work. hes got his head so far up his own butt he doesnt see anyone else.
just brush it off, its all you really can do. thats what i did. hes the only complaint ive gotten thus far in my career as far as this nudity business.
i think your work is lovely, and he can shove it.

Bloody hell! He gave you crap because you don't do nudity? Isn't thatyour choice? And when does respect depend on whether or not you do nudity? Methinks you had an encounter with the all too common GWC, a species that will never go extinct. They're best swatted and then they go away... usually.


Mar 02 06 12:25 am Link



Posts: 67

i saw the original post and the photographer in question credits read " my respect goes to satan #666"  nuff said!

Mar 02 06 12:35 am Link



Posts: 24

San Francisco, California, US

I stumbled across one of his comments on another photog's page and he said he'll only do TFP if the model takes off her top.  sad 

(I'm referring to the guy that emailed me.)


Mar 02 06 12:35 am Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Tony Chu wrote:
I stumbled across one of his comments on another photog's page and he said he'll only do TFP if the model takes off her top.  sad 

(I'm referring to the guy that emailed me.)


Report the dude to the mods.   Not always successful.   The ones that bitch at my presense get slapped down but the service is useful.

Mar 02 06 12:38 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US


also saw your work & was impressed ...

... however, can't believe that you'd write [other photog's comments] here as well as put it on the front page of your profile; seems like a lot a negative energy that could well, in spite of the quality of your work, taint other's views of you.

just 2 cents,


Mar 02 06 12:40 am Link



Posts: 24

San Francisco, California, US

good point.  i guess i'm done venting.  i should take it down.  thanks for everything guys.

Mar 02 06 12:52 am Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

Dang, I'm jealous.   No one ever gave me shit.   I've seen a couple of tard replies to a question or two-you know the kind 'If you gotta ask the question you're not good enough for the answer' type.

bout the best I've gotten.

Your work is fine.   You like it?  your models like it?

So someone with a disposable P&S doesn't?

Who cares?

Mar 02 06 02:00 am Link



Posts: 24

San Francisco, California, US

It appears this photographer is leaving MM.


Dear MM member's. I will be leaving soon and I want to thank those who have been very kind to me and supportive and apologize to those I've let down. I'm burned out.

Thank you,

Extreme feminine beauty is always disturbing.

Mar 02 06 01:22 pm Link


Chris Photography

Posts: 1070

Valrico, Florida, US

Geez,  With friends like this,  who needs enemies.

Mar 02 06 01:28 pm Link



Posts: 54

Stafford, Virginia, US

Personally. I think that person is a moron. Internet dramma is something you do at the age of 15 and still in middle school. Not as a grown adult.

Mar 02 06 01:38 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Tony, I'm interested in knowing who this person is so I can put them on my ignore/have no respect for list.  Talk about childish and petty!!  Even more than that, I'd let DLC know of this exchange so that he knows what kind of children he has working for/with him.

Mar 02 06 01:43 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

David Moyle wrote:
Congrats, you made it, people are picking on you.

Who cares. Block him. He'll do it more if he knows it bugs you.

I, on the other hand must suck. I never get harassing messages.

Dang, me neither...well...not here anyhow...actually, no one has ever been mean to me...mean to the models...yes....bastards!!

Mar 02 06 01:48 pm Link



Posts: 40

San Francisco, California, US

Tony Chu wrote:
good point.  i guess i'm done venting.  i should take it down.  thanks for everything guys.

Who the heck is DLC? I am the best there is , the best there was and the best there will be , come on guys bash me for that :-)

Mar 02 06 01:55 pm Link


emiliano granado

Posts: 30

Brooklyn, New York, US

i think it was David, himself, sending those emails.  he's kinda a freak show.

Mar 02 06 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 24

San Francisco, California, US

Got a reply back from an associate that works for DLC.


Dear Tony

    Please except my apologies for the, miss leading exchange in
conversation that you had with "D____ _____ ______". He at not time has
worked for our studio. I checked with our data base and even our accounting,
no one that works for this company has any recollection of working with
anyone by that name.
    I am sorry again for the false information.

Our Best

       Matthew S. Currie

Mar 03 06 01:38 pm Link